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Neuchatel King Tv Media Period 5

Fish out of water

- handicap kid mad to get down the steps during a fre drill
- elevator is broken
- fre in school
There is a car crash, and child becomes handicapped. Tells the story from his
point of view
a handicapped student, trying to adjust to a school made for the non-handicapped and feeling
like a fsh out of water. He was just an average kid. B-C grades, he did have some friends, however
people began treating him diferent after his accident. Track was the only thing going for him, yet
since he was paralyzed from the waist down he had nothing. At frst he had no clue what would happen
with collages hed applied to and what not. Second instinct he decided to be a writer, and write about is
experiences. During one incident there was a fre drill, but the elevator was broken. He had to rely on his
classmates for help, but who would be the one to give him a hand.
movie script
Riverbank High School- mid morning
Riverbank high, is your average school. Three foors, elevators, no uniform. Dozens of children
scatter about the halls trying to make it on time, as the late bell to frst period rings.
Brett (voiceover over black)
(slight snife) Hi my name is Brett and earlier this summer I was in a car crash, and paralyzed from the waist down.
I use to be just like you. Breeze through the halls, go out on friday nights with my friends play a sport, that is until
my accident. I will now tell you a story about what its like to go to school and be an outcast.
Hallways scatter, not many kids left. Brett rolls down the hallway in his wheelchair and hears chatter.
Sara isnt that the kid that got in a car crash over the summer
Yeah Tori I heard about that, must suck to be such an outcast
*both girls laugh*

*girl near by over hears their conversation and rolls her eyes*
(inside her head) I guess it would suck to be such an outcast,
but that doesnt mean I cant talk to him does it?
*shuts her locker just as Brett is rolling by*

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