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arise Arose arisen Elevarse, surgir, originarse.
*awake Awoke awoken Despertar, mover, excitar.
bear Bore born Soportar, sostener, tolerar.
beat Beat beaten Batir, revolver, golpear, vencer.
*become Became become Hacerse, tornarse, convertirse en.
*begin Began begun Empezar, iniciar.
bend Bent bent Doblar, inclinar, torcer.
bet Bet bet Apostar
bind Bound bound Atar, unir, enlazar.
*bite Bit bitten Morder.
blow Blew blown Soplar
*break Broke broken Quebrar, partir, romper.
bring Brought brought Traer, llevar, conducir.
build Built built Construir, edificar.
burn Burnt burnt Quemar, incendiar.
burst Bursa burst Romper, reventar.
*buy Bought bought Comprar
catch Caught caught Coger, asir, atrapar.
*choose Chose chosen Escoger, elegir.
cling Clung clung Asirse, adherirse, pegarse.
*come CAME come Venir
*cost Cost cost Costar
creep Crept crept Arrastrarse, deslizarse, pegarse.
*cut Cut cut Cortar, dividir.
deal Dealt dealt Tratar, tener que referirse.
dig Dug dug Cavar, ahondar.
*do Did done Hacer, ejecutar.
*draw Drew drawn Tirar, arrastrarse, atraer, dibujar.
*drink Drank drunk Beber
*drive Drove driven Impulsar, conducir, llevar, inducir.
*fall Fell fallen Caer, disminuir.
feed Fed fed Alimentar, nutrir.
*feel Felt felt Sentir, percibir, tocar.
fight Fought fought Pelear, combatir.
find Found found Encontrar, descubrir.
find out found out found out Averiguar, investigar.
flee Fled fled Escapar, hur, evitar.
*fly Flew flown Volar
forbid Forbade forbidden Prohibir.
foresee Foresaw foreseen Prever, prevenir
*forget Forgot forgotten Olvidar (se)
*forgive Forgave forgiven Perdonar
freeze Froze frozen Congelar
*get Got got (ten) Lograr, obtener, conseguir.
*give Gave given Dar, conceder.
*go Went gone Ir (se), funcionar, resultar.
grind Ground ground Moler, triturar.
grow Grez grown Crecer, cultivar.
hang Hung hung Colgar, Suspender.
have Had had Tener, haber.
hear Heard heard Or, escuchar.
hide Hid hid (den) Ocultar, encubrir.
hit Hit hit Pegar, golpear, acertar.
hold Held held Sostener,mantener,contener.
hurt Hurt hurt Herir, daar, lastimar.
keep Kept kept Mantener,guardar,conservar.
know Know known Conocer, saber.
lay Laid laid Poner, colocar.
lead Led led Guiar, llevar, conducir.
lean Leant leant Inclinar(se), apoyarse.
learn Learnt learnt Aprender, saber.
leave Left left Partir, irse, abandonar.
lend Lent lent Prestar
let Let let Permitir, conceder.
lie Lay lain Tenderse, descansar, estar, situado.
light Lit lit Alumbrar, iluminar, encender (se).
lose Lost lost Perder, malgastar.
make Made made Hacer, confeccionar, producir.
mean Meant meant Significar, querer decir pretender.
meet Met met Encontrarse, satisfacer.
melt Melted molten (old) Derretir(se), fundir(se).
mistake Mistook mistaken Equivocarse, comprender mal, errar
misunderstand Misunderstood misunderstood Entender mal.
overcome Overcame overcome Vencer, superar, sobreponerse.
pay Paid paid Pagar, recompensar.
put Put put Poner, colocar, exponer.
read Read read Leer, descifrar, marcar.
rebuild Rebuilt rebuilt Reconstruir
rid Rid rid Librarse, zafarse.
ride Rode ridden Rodar, tener juego, funcionar.
ring Rang rung Tocar, sonar.
rise Rose risen Ascender,elevarse,levantarse, surgir.
run Ran run Correr, funcionar.
saw Sabed sawn Cortar con sierra, aserrar.
say Said said Decir, afirmar.
see Saw seen Ver, observar.
seek Sought sought Buscar, solicitar.
sell Sold sold Vender
send Sent sent Enviar
set Set set Instalar, establecer, colocar, fijar.
shake Shook shaken Sacudir, lanzar, agitar.
shed Shed shed Derramar, esparcir, dejar caer.
shine Shone shone Brillar, relumbrar, sobresalir.
shoot Shot shot Disparar, emitir, lanzar.
show Showed shown Mostrar, excibir, probar, demostar.
shrink Shrank shrunk Encogerse, disminuir, desaparecer.
shut Shut shut Cerrar, impedir, exclur.
sing Sang sung Cantar
sink Sank sunk Hundir, sumergir
sit Sat sat Sentarse, reunirse.
sleep Slept slept Dormir
slide Slid slid(den) Resbalar, deslizarse, escabullirse.
smell Smelt smelt Oler, percibir.
speak Spoke spoken Hablar, decir.
speed Sped sped Acelerar, apresurarse.
spend Spent spent Gastar, consumir, emplear (tiempo).
spill Spilt spilt Derramar, verter, divulgar.
spin Spun spun Tornear, hilar, hacer girar.
split Split split Partir, dividir, separar, reventar.
spoil Spoilt spoilt Deteriorar, daar, inutilizar.
spread Spread spread Extender, esparcir, propagar.
spring Sprang sprung Saltar, soltar, brotar, surgir.
stand Stood stood Pararse, tolerar, estar (de pi).
steal Store stolen Robar, escabullirse.
stick Stuck stuck Pegar, adherirse, prender, fijar.
stink Stank stunk Oler mal, apestar.
strike Struck struck Golpear, pegar, estallar.
swell Swelled swollen Hinchar, inflamar, engrosar.
swim Swam swum Nadar, flotar.
swing Swing swung Balancera(se), hacer girar.
take Took taken Tomar, llevar.
teach Taught taught Ensear
tear Tore torn Romper, despedazar, rasgar.
tell Told told Decir, contar, narrar.
think Thought thought Pensar, creer.
throw Threw thrown Lanzar, tirar, impeler, arrojar.
thrust Thrust thrust Introducir con violencia, empujar, impeler
undergo Underwent undergone Sufrir, experimentar, pasar por.
understand Understood understood Comprender.
undertake Undertook undertaken Emprender, comenzar algo.
undo Undid undone Desarmar, deshacer.
wake Woke woke (n) Despertar, excitar.
wear Wore worn Gastar(se), consumirse, usar.
win Won won Ganar, conquistar.
wind Wound wound Enroscar(se), serpentear, girar.
withdraw Withdrew withdrawn Retirar, retractarse, quitar.
withstand Withstood withstood Resistir, oponerse, soportar.
write Wrote written Escribir.

act Acted Actuar id
add Added Sumar, aadir id
aid Arded Ayudar id
arrest Arrested Arrestar id
assist Assisted Ayudar id
attend Attended Asistir, ir id
address Addressed Dirigirse t
advertise Advertised Anunciar t
amuse Amused Entretener t
approach Approached Acercarse t
ask Asked Preguntar, pedir t
accompany Accompanied Acompaar d
accustom accustomed Acostumbrar d
agree Agreed Concordar d
annoy Annoyed Molestar d
answer answered Responder d
appeal applealed Atraer d
appear appeared Aparecer d
arrange Arranged Arreglar, ordenar d
arrive Arrived Arribar d
accompany accompanied Acompaar d
accustom accustomed Acostumbrar d
agree Agreed Concordar d
annoy Annoyed Molestar d
answer answered Responder d
appeal applealed Atraer d
appear appeared Aparecer d
arrange Arranged Arreglar, ordenar d
board Boarded Abordar id
balance Balanced Equilibrar t
banish Banished Desterrar t
bark Barked Ladrar t
bless Blessed Bendecir t
brush Brushed Cepillar t
behave Behaved Comportarse d
belong belonged Pertenecer d
beg Begged suplicar, mendigar d
believe Believed Creer d
boil Boiled Hervir d
breathe Breathed Respirar id
complete completed Completar id
consist consisted Consistir id
count Counted Contar id
close Closed Cerrar t
cook Cooked Cocinar t
crash Crashed Chocar t
cross crosssed cruzar t
call Called Llamar d
care Cared Cuidar d
carry Carried Llevar d
change Changed Cambiar d
check Checked Chequear t
charge Charged cargar, cobrar d
clean Cleaned Limpiar d
climb Climbed escalar, subir d
comb Combed Peinar d
cover Covered Cubrir d
cry Cried Llorar d
crawl Crawled gatear, arrastrarse d
dance Danced Bailar t
dress Dressed Vestir t
dropp Dropped dejar caer t
dial Dialed sintonizar, marcar d
die Died Morir d
declare Declared Declarar d
delay Delayed Demorar d
deliver delivered Entregar d
deny Denied Negar d
dine Dined Cenar d
dry Dried Secar d
enclose Enclosed incluir, encerrar t
enjoy Enjoyed Disfrutar d
engage Engaged Comprometer d
envy Envied Envidiar d
express expressed Expresar t
exclaim exclaimed Exclamar d
explain explained Explicar d
fail Failed fracasar, fallar d
fasten fastended Abrochar d
file Filed Archivar d
fill Filled Llenar d
fire Fired echar del trabajo, disparar d
follow Followed Seguir d
frighten frightened Espantar d
fry Fried Freir d
finish Finished Terminar t
fish Fished Pescar t
fix Fixed Fixed t
gain Gained Ganar d
guess Guessed Adivinar t
help Helped Ayudar t
hope Hoped esperar, desear t
happen happened Suceder d
hurry Hurried apurar (se) d
imagine imagined Imaginar d
iron Ironed Planchar d
judge Judged Juzgar d
kiss Kissed Besar t
kill Killed Matar d
laugh laughged Reir t
leak Leaked Gotear t
like Liked Gustar t
lock Locked cerrar con llave t
look Looked Mirar t
mark Marked marcar, sealar t
milk Milked ordear un animal t
miss Missed Extraar t
manage managed Manejar d
marry Married casar (se) d
massage massaged Masajear d
measure measured Medir d
move Moved Mover d
observe observed Observar d
offer Offered Ofrecer d
open Opened Abrir d
order Ordered Ordenar d
peform performed Ejecutar d
phone Phoned Telefonear d
plan Planned Planear d
play Played jugar, tocar d
plough ploughed Arar d
pour Poured derramar, verter d
pray Prayed Orar d
prefer Prefered Preferir d
prepare Prepared Preparar d
pull Pulled Tirar d
park Parked Estacionar t
pass Passed Pasar t
pick Picked Recoger t
please Pleased Complacer d
polish Polished Pulir t
practise practised Practicar t
promise promised Prometer t
pronounce pronounced Pronunciar t
punish Punished Castigar t
push Pushed Empujar t
repeat Repeated Repetir id
report Reported reportar, informar id
request requested solicitar, pedir id
rest Rested Descansar id
reach Reached Alcanzar t
refuse Refused Rehusar t
raise Raised Levantar t
rain Rained Llover d
realice Realized darse cuenta d
register registered matricularse, registrar d
receive Received Recibir d
Remain remained quedar, sobrar d
Remenber remenbered Recordar d
Repair Pepaired Reparar d
Require Required Requerir d
Reserve Reserved reservar, guardar d
Row Rowed Remar d
Resolve Resolved Resolver d
Return Returned retornar, volver d
Search searched buscar, registrar t
Save Saved Salvar d
0serve Served Servir d
settle Settled arreglar, establecer d
sign Signed Firmar d
smile Smiled Sonreir d
snow Snowed Nevar d
spill Spilled Derramar d
stay Stayed permanecer, quedarse d
study Studied Estudiar d
suffer Suffered Sufrir d
swallow swallowed Tragar d
slip Slipped Resbalar t
smoke Smoked Fumar t
stop Stopped detener, parar t
switch Switched conectar, accionar t
stretch stretched Estirar t
talk Talked Conversar t
thank Thanked Agradecer t
touch Touched tocar, palpar t
trap Trapped Atrapar t
tire Tired cansar, fatigar d
train Trained Entrenar d
travel Traveled Viajar d
trouble Troubled Molestar d
try Tried tratar, intentar d
turn Turned girar, voltear d
unpack unpacked Desempacar t
use Used Usar t
visit Visited Visitar id
wait Waited Esperar id
want Wanted querer, requerir id
walk Walked Caminar t
wash Washed Lavar t
watch Watched observar, mirar t
wish Wished desear, anhelar t
work Worked Trabajar t
wrap up wrapped up Envolver t
wreck Wrecked Naufragar t
warm Warmed Calentar d
warn Warned Advertir d
water Watered Regar d
weigh Weighed Pesar d
whistle Whistled Silbar d

abierto - open
abundante - abundant
aburrido - boring
activo - active
afligido - afflicted
agradable - agreeable
agradecido - grateful
alegre - happy
alto - tall, high
amable - friendly
anciano - elderly
anglico - angelic
anterior - previous
antiguo - old
antiptico - mean, not nice
aparte - apart
apenas - barely
aplicable - applicable
apropiado - appropriate
apto - apt
aterrador - apalling
atltico - athletic
atrevido - bold
ausente - absent
autntico - authentic
azulado - bluish
bajo - short (height)
barato - cheap
bendito - blessed
bienvenido - welcome
bilinge - bilingual
bonito - pretty
bruto - brute
bueno - good
caliente - hot
cansado - tired
caprichoso - quirky
caro - expensive
central - central
cerrado - closed
cclico - cyclical
cvico - civic
civilizado - civilized
claro - clear
clsico - classic
cmico - comical
cmodo - comfortable
confundido - confused
conocido - known
contento - content
corto - short (length)
correcto - correct
cuidadoso - careful
chico - small
chocante - shocking
dbil - weak
decente - decent
delgado - thin
delicioso - delicious
desconocido - unknown
descubierto - uncovered
despreciable - despicable
destructible - destructible
difcil - difficult
digestible - digestible
digital - digital
digno - dignified
divertido - entertaining
divino - divine
dcil - docile
dogmtico - dogmatic
dominante - dominant
dulce - sweet
duro - hard, difficult
econmico - cheap
educado - polite
eficaz - effective
egosta - selfish
elegante - elegant
elemental - elementary
elevado - elevated
elocuente - eloquent
elusivo - elusive
embarazada - pregnant
emocionante - exciting
encantado - enchanted
encerado - waxed
encerrado - locked up
enrgico - energetic
enfermo - sick
enorme - enormous
envidiable - enviable
envidioso - envious
escaso - scarce
escrito - written
espantoso - scary
especial - special
espeso - thick
estupendo - wonderful
eventual - eventual
evidente - evident
excelente - excellent
exquisito - exquisite
extra - extra
extranjero - foreign
extremo - extreme
fabuloso - fabulous
falso - false
famoso - famous
familiar - familiar
fantstico - fantastic
fatal - fatal
favorito - favorite
federal - federal
femenino - feminine
feliz - happy
feo - ugly
frtil - fertile
fiel - loyal
financiero - financial
flagrante - flagrant
flexible - flexible
flojo - loose
fnico - phonic
formidable - formidable
franco - frank
fro - cold
frito - fried
frvolo - frivolous
fuerte - strong
fundido melted

gastado - spent, worn out
general - general
genrico - generic
generoso - generous
gentico - genetic
genio - genius
geritrico - geriatric
glorioso - glorious
gordo - fat
gran - grand
grande - big
gratis - free
grave - grave, serious
grosero - boorish
guapo - handsome
hbil - able
hablado - spoken
hambriento - hungry
hecho a mano - handmade
helado - frozen
hermtico - airtight
hermoso - beautiful,
histrico - historical
honesto - honest
horrible - horrible
humano - human
hmedo - humid
ignorante - ignorant
ilegal - illegal
ilegible - illegible
ilgico - illogical
iluminado - illuminated
imaginario - imaginary
impaciente - impatient
impar - uneven, odd
impenetrable -
imperdonable - inexcusable
imparcial - impartial
importante - important
imprudente - imprudent
inalmbrico - wireless
incalculable - incalculable
incoherente - incoherent
incmodo - uncomfortable
incomparable -
incompatible -
incompetente - incompetent
incompleto - incomplete
incorrecto - incorrect
incrasto - incremous
incrdulo - incredulous
indebido - improper
indefinido - undefined
indecente - indecent
indgena - native
indivisible - indivisible
indito - unpublished
infantil - childish
infeccioso - infectious
infiel - unfaithful
injusto - unjust
inteligente - intelligent
interesante - interesting
inquieto - active(hyper)
invisible - invisible
irritable - irritable
joven - young
judicial - judicial
juguetn - playful
juicioso - wise
juntos - together
jurado - sworn
justo - just
juvenil - youthful
lamentable - lamentable
largo - long
lavable - washable
lejano - far away
lento - slow
libre - free
limpio - clean
liso - smooth
listo - smart, ready
loco - crazy
lgico - logical
luminoso - luminous
luntico - lunatic
llamativo - showy
llano - flat ground
lleno - full
lluvioso - rainy
maduro - ripe
magntico - magnetic
magnfico - magnificent
majestuoso - majestic
maligno - evil
malo - bad
malvado - wicked
mandn - bossy
manejable - manageable
manuscrito - hand written
mareado - seasick
marino - marine
mayor - older
mejor - better
menor - younger
mnimo - minimal
mismo - same
mojado - wet
moreno - dark-haired
mucho - many
muerto - dead
musical - musical
necesario - necessary
novato - newbie
nublado - cloudy
nuevo - new
ocupado - busy
optimista optimistic

paciente - patient
pagado - paid
paralelo - parallel
parecido - alike
particular - particular
pasado - passed, gone
pasajero - fleeting
pastoral - pastoral
pastoso - pasty
paternal - paternal
patolgico - pathological
patritico - patriotic
pegajoso - sticky
pelado - peeled
peligroso - dangerous
pelirrojo - red-haired
peludo - hairy
penoso - shameful
pensativo - pensive
pequeo - small
perezoso - lazy
perfecto - perfect
perjudicial - harmful
permanente - permanent
persuasivo - persuasive
pesado - heavy
piadoso - pious
picante - spicy
pintoresco - picturesque
plcido - placid
plano - flat
pobre - poor
pocos - few
podrido - rotten
potico - poetic
policiaco - police related
popular - popular
precavido - cautious
preferido - preferred
preocupado - worried
preparado - prepared
presente - present
primero - first
privado - private
privilegiado - privileged
puro - pure
quebrado - broken
quemado - burnt
querido - dear
quieto - quiet, still
rabioso - rabid
radial - radial
rancio - rancid
rpido - rapid
razonable - reasonable
rebelde - rebellious
rebosante - overflowing
recargable - rechargeable
receloso - distrustful
receptivo - receptive
reciclable - recyclable
reciente - recent
recomendable -
reconocido - recognized
redundante - redundant
reemplazable - replaceable
refinado - refined
regional - regional
repugnante - repugnant
resonante - resonant
reverente - reverent
rico - rich
ridculo - ridiculous
robusto - robust
romntico - romantic
ronco - hoarse
rubio - blond
sabroso - tasty
sangriento - bloody
santo - holy
seco - dry
seguro - safe
selecto - select
serio - serious
simptico - nice
slido - solid
solo - alone
suave - soft
sucio - dirty
tacao - stingy
todo - all
tonto - foolish
torcido - twisted
transparente - transparent
triste - sad
unnime - unanimous
nico - unique, only
verdadero - true
valiente - valiant
vaco - empty
varios - variety, varied
viejo - old
vivo - alive

Personal Pronouns Subject
de Objeto
I me my mine myself
you you your yours yourself
he him his his himself
she her her hers herself
It it its -- itself
we us our ours ourselves
you you your yours yourselves
they them their theirs themselves
Pronombres Indefinidos
everybody nobody somebody Anybody
everyone no one someone Anyone
everything nothing something Anything
Pronombres Relativos
who which that whom Whose
Pronombres Recprocos
each other / one another
Replace the words in brackets by the correct personal pronouns. Note that Sue is the person speaking. The
(*) means that you are asked a question.
1. My name is Sue. (Sue)
am English. And this is my family.
2. My mum's name is Angie. (Angie) is from Germany.
3. Bob is my dad. (My dad) is a waiter.
4. On the left you can see Simon. (Simon) is my brother.
5. (Sue and Simon) are twins.
6. Our dog is a girl, Judy. (Judy) is two years old.
7. (Sue, Simon, Angie and Bob) live in Canterbury.
8. (Canterbury) is not far from London.
9. My grandparents live in London. (My grandparents) often come and see us.
10. What can (*) tell me about your family?
Personal Pronouns Object
Aaron was on a business trip to California. He shows you the souvenirs he got for his family.
Fill in the correct pronouns.
1. My sister Jane loves books. This novel is for (she)
2. My children like Disney films. The video is for (they) .
3. My brother Matt collects picture postcards. These postcards are for (he) .
4. My parents like Latin music. The CD is for (they) .
5. I like watches. This nice watch is for (I) .
6. My wife and I love sweets. These sweets are for (we) .
7. My nephew likes cars. The toy truck is for (he) .
8. My neighbour wants to go to California next year. The guide book is for (she) .
9. Here is another souvenir. I don't know what to do with (it) .
10. You know what? - It's for (you)
Possessive Adjectives
Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives.
1. Where are (you)
friends now?
2. Here is a postcard from (I) friend Peggy.
3. She lives in Australia now with (she) family.
4. (She) husband works in Newcastle.
5. (He) company builds ships.
6. (They) children go to school in Newcastle.
7. (I) husband and I want to go to Australia, too.
8. We want to see Peggy and (she) family next winter.
9. (We) winter!
10. Because it is (they) summer.

Possessive Pronouns
Replace the personal pronouns by possessive pronouns.
1. This book is (you)
2. The ball is (I) .
3. The blue car is (we) .
4. The ring is (she) .
5. We met Paul and Jane last night. This house is (they) .
6. The luggage is (he) .
7. The pictures are (she) .
8. In our garden is a bird. The nest is (it) .
9. This cat is (we) .
10. This was not my fault. It was (you) .
Reflexive Pronouns Fill in the correct reflexive pronouns.
1. I did not want to believe it and then I saw the UFO
2. The girl looked at in the mirror.
3. Freddy, you'll have to do your homework .
4. You don't need to help them. They can do it .
5. I introduced to my new neighbour.
6. Boys, can you make your beds ?
7. She made a pullover.
8. What happens when a fighting fish sees in the mirror?
9. The father decided to repair the car .
10. We can move the table .

3 Doors Down - Here Without You lyrics

A hundred days had made 1_____ older
since the last time that I've saw your pretty face

A thousand lights had made me colder and
2___ dont think 3_____ can look at this the

But all the miles had separate
4_____ disappear now when Im dreaming of
your face

Im here without 5_____ baby
but 6_____ still on 7_____ lonely mind
I think about you baby
and 8_____ dream about 9_____ all the time
Im here without you baby
but 10_____ still with 11______ in 12_____
And tonight its only you and me

The miles just keep rollin
as the people either way to say hello
I've heard this life is overrated
but 13___ hope that 14___ gets better as
15____ go

Im here without you baby
but your still on my lonely mind
16____ think about 17_____ baby
and I dream about you all the time

Im here without 18_____ baby
but your still with me in my dreams
And tonight girl 19______s only 20_____ and

Everything 21______ know,
and anywhere22 _____ go
23____ gets hard but it wont take away
24____ love
And when the last one falls,
when its all said and done
25_____ gets hard but it wont take away
26____ love

Im here without 27_____ baby
but your still on 28_____ lonely mind
29_____ think about you baby
and I dream about 30______ all the time

Im here without you baby
but your still with me in my dreams
And tonight girl its only you and me

Artist: Goo Goo Dolls Lyrics
Song: Iris

____Cause I know that you feel me somehow
____And I don't want to go home right now
____You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever
____And I'd give up forever to touch you

____I just don't want to miss you tonight
____And all I can breathe is your life
____Cause sooner or later it's over
____And all I can taste is this moment

____When everything's made to be broken
____And I don't want the world to see me
____I just want you to know who I am
____Cause I don't think that they'd understand

____When everything seems like the movies
____Or the moment of truth in your lies
____Yeah you bleed just to know your alive
____And you can't fight the tears that ain't

____And I don't want the world to see me
____When everything's made to be broken
____I just want you to know who I am
____Cause I don't think that they'd understand

____Cause I don't think that they'd understand
____I just want you to know who I am
____When everything's made to be broken
____I don't want the world to see me

I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am

Tiny Dancer
Elton John
_____Pretty eyed, pirate smile, you'll marry a music man
_____And now she's in me, always with me, tiny dancer in my hand
_____Ballerina, you must have seen her dancing in the sand
_____Blue jean baby, L.A. lady, seamstress for the band

_____The Boulevard is not that bad
_____Handing tickets out for God
_____Jesus freaks out in the street
_____Turning back she just laughs

_____In the auditorium
_____Looking on she sings the songs
_____Piano man he makes his stand
_____The words she knows, the tune she hums

_____Only you and you can't hear me
_____Lying here with no one near
_____But oh how it feels so real
_____When I say softly, slowly

_____Count the headlights on the highway
_____You had a busy day today
_____Hold me closer tiny dancer
_____Lay me down in sheets of linen

_____And now she's in me, always with me, tiny dancer in my hand
_____Blue jean baby, L.A. lady, seamstress for the band
_____Ballerina, you must have seen her dancing in the sand
_____Pretty eyed, pirate smile, you'll marry a music man

"My Happy Ending"

So much for my happy ending
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

Let's talk this over
It's not like we're dead
Was _____ something ____ did?
Was it something ______ said?
Don't leave ______ hanging
In a city so dead
Held up so high
On such a breakable thread

_____ were all the things _____ thought _____ knew
And I thought we could be

_____ were everything, everything that _____ wanted
______ were meant to be, supposed to be, but _______ lost it
And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away
All this time ______ were pretending
So much for ________ happy ending
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

You've got ______ dumb friends
_____ know what _______ say
______ tell _______, _____'m difficult
But so are _______
But ______ don't know _____
Do _______ even know _______?
All the things ______ hide from ________
All the shit that _______ do

You were all the things ______ thought I knew
And I thought ____ could be

It's nice to know that ______ were there
Thanks for acting like ______ cared
And making ______ feel like _____ was the only one
It's nice to know ______ had _____ all
Thanks for watching as _____ fall
And letting ______ know _______ were done
[Chorus x2]
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...
So much for my happy ending
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...


Noun: A noun is a person, place, thing, quality, or act.
Examples: pencil, girl, supermarket, happiness
Verb: Verbs are action or existence words that tell what nouns do.
Examples: to fly, to run, to be, jump, lived
Adjective: An adjective describes a noun.
Examples: hairy, crazy, wonderful
Adverb: An adverb describes a verb, adjective, or adverb. It often ends in "ly".
Examples: carefully, easily, barely, etc.
Interjection: An outcry or sudden utterance. Usually starts a sentence.
Examples: Wow, Gosh, Darn
Preposition: A preposition describes the relationship between a noun and another noun (or verb or adverb).
Examples: to, under, for, at, by, from
Conjunction: A conjunction joins together words, phrases, or clauses.
Examples: and, or, but
Pronoun: A pronoun replaces a noun or noun phrase that is understood from context.
Examples: he, it, they

Complete the following sentences with the correct preposition: at, in, or on.

1. Will you wait for me _____ the bus stop?
2. Jane is _____ her bedroom.
3. Daria's books are lying _____ the floor.
4. The girls didn't want to spend a long time _____ the carnival.
5. I let the cat sit _____ my lap, but then suddenly it jumped _____ my face!
6. Do you live _____ the city or _____ the country?
7. Trent arrived _____ the school building just in time.
8. The rancher built a fence to keep his cows _____ the pasture.
9. Kevin and Mack are out practicing _____ the football field.
10. From afar, Heathcliff could see a light _____ the window.
11. The old house had so much grime _____ the windows that Bradley could hardly see inside.
12. The shepherd boy grazed his flock _____ the grassy hillside.
13. The audience threw tomatoes _____ the terrible comedian.
14. Wrestling isn't real; those guys _____ the ring are just pretending.
15. David works _____ the field of network administration, while Marty works _____ web design.
16. The car stalled and got stuck _____ the street.
17. Audrey lives _____ Third Street.
18. If William doesn't make any money on his book, he'll be out _____ the street.
19. I'll use my cellular phone when I'm _____ the bus, but never while I'm _____ the car.
20. Passengers are not allowed to use electronic devices _____ airplanes during takeoff and landing.

Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbers
0 oh, zero, nil, love, nought * ---
1 One 1st first
2 Two 2nd second
3 Three 3rd third
4 Four 4th fourth
5 Five 5th fifth
6 Six 6th sixth
7 Seven 7th seventh
8 Eight 8th eighth
9 Nine 9th ninth
10 Ten 10th tenth
11 Eleven 11th eleventh
12 Twelve 12th twelfth
13 Thirteen 13th thirteenth
14 Fourteen 14th fourteenth
15 Fifteen 15th fifteenth
16 Sixteen 16th sixteenth
17 Seventeen 17th seventeenth
18 Eighteen 18th eighteenth
19 Nineteen 19th nineteenth
20 Twenty 20th twentieth
21 twenty-one 21st twenty-first
30 Thirty 30th thirtieth
40 Forty
50 Fifty
60 Sixty
70 Seventy
80 Eighty
90 Ninety
100 a/one hundred
1,000 a/one thousand
10,000 ten thousand
100,000 a/one hundred thousand
1,000,000 a/one million
1,000,000,000 a/one billion

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