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Science Fiction and Fantasy Novels - Term 1

The Hobbit J.R.R. Tolkien

The Golden Compass - Philip Pullman
Enders Game Orson Scott Card
Airborn - Kenneth Oppel

When you have read one chapter:

1. Record the title, author, and publication date.

2. Research the author. Where does/did he live? How many books has he written?
What genres? List any other interesting facts that you can find about your author.

3. How did the author begin the novel? Did he use one (or more) of the
recommended strategies for creating entertaining beginnings that we discussed
in class? (Use a sticky note to keep track.)

4. How effective is the authors beginning in your opinion? How might have you
improved it? (If possible!)

As you read your novel use sticky notes to help you to keep track the
(You will be given time to discuss these and other questions with your novel
study group.)

Find at least ten words of which you are not sure of the exact meaning.

1. Write down the sentence and underline the word.
2. Write what you think the word means.
3. Look up the exact meaning.
4. Write what you think the word means in the context found.
5. Write your own sentence using this word.

(You may choose some words that are "made-up words.")

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