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American Revolution Jigsaw Class Project

Each of your groups will work to complete an entire class newscast over the American Revolution. Each
group will have specific items to cover, and then we will edit the newscast as one newscast.

Group 1
The Albany Congress of 1754
Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty
Lexington & Concord
Valley Forge
Treaty of Paris, 1783

Join or Die
Repeal of the Stamp Act & The Declaratory Act
Treaty of Paris of 1763
The Second Continental Congress
Declaration of Rights

Group 3
7 Years War- Conquest of Canada
Proclamation of 1763
The Intolerable Acts
Common Sense and Thomas Paine
Articles of Confederation

Group 4
7 Years War- Struggle for the West
The Townshend Acts
The Boston Tea Party
The Patriot Forces
Negotiating Independence (Chapter 7)

Group 5
Emergence of American Nationalism- (idea
talk show?)
Early Boycotts
Boston Massacre
Declaration of Independence
The Loyalists

Group 6
The Sugar & Stamp Act
First Continental Congress
The Olive Branch Petition
The Campaign for New York and New Jersey
The French Alliance

You and your group members will research each of the items youve been given. You have creative
freedom to create a regular newscast, an on-the-scene news report, talk show snippet, or any other
media product that will explain the piece of history youve been given. This is not for you to recite
events, but the projects final product should be present-day, as if you are living through this time
period. You may write your pieces from the British or the American view, but they must be accurate and
full of specific factual information.
As always, I am here to help with any ideas or resources you may need.

You will film the pieces and title the file with your group number and the historical title, for example:
Group 6 First Continental Congress. Please keep your files on a thumb drive. I can upload them to my
Google Drive for you, or you can create a Google Drive for your group.

Technology: My ipad, as well as your own devices, web cams, and laptops are available for you to record
yourselves. I will be delighted to help you film. I can also help edit the clips once everyone is done.

Creativity: I really encourage you to be creative with your project. You can brings wigs, costumes, work
on your best British voice, or create backdrops. Imagine what this will all look like when its complete!

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