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Facultad de Derecho

Divisin Universidad Abierta


Nombre de la asignatura Ingls
Ciclo Licenciatura
rea Obligatoria
Crditos S/C
Asignatura precedente Ninguna
Asignatura subsecuente Ninguna
Instituciones Educativas Responsables de la Asignatura
Universidad Nacional Autnoma de !"ico
#acultad de $erec%o
$ivisin Universidad Abierta

Elabor la gu&a
Lic. Carmen Valencia Anaya.
Asesores en la Divisin de la Universidad Abierta de la Facultad de
Idioma Ingls
Antecedentes y Justiicacin de la Asignatura
Actualmente' los estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional Autnoma de !"ico
deben cubrir el re(uisito de aprobar la asignatura de Idioma para egresar de
cual(uier licenciatura) debido a la situacin socio econmica * cultural del
mundo en (ue vivimos' es necesario (ue todos tengan el conocimiento
elemental del Idioma Ingls+
Los estudiantes universitarios en general' cuentan con conocimientos b,sicos)
a e"cepcin de algunos (ue carecen de conocimiento alguno+
La gran ma*or&a comprende la importancia del Idioma Ingls como
%erramienta de traba-o ) es decir' advierte la aplicacin pr,ctica en su ,rea de
traba-o * as& la motivacin para aprender tiene un signi.icado * un valor
especial aun(ue no sea intr&nsecamente interesante /!ars%all' 0+' 1234' p+
1567689+ $e igual manera'
los alumnos consideran el aprendi:a-e de la lengua como una parte importante
en su desarrollo personal+ ;En este <ltimo punto se puede mencionar la
importancia (ue tiene el %ec%o de (ue el alumno compare su propio entorno
cultural con el de otro pa&s * as& sea consciente de la
diversidad (ue e"iste en el mundo' enri(ue:ca su idioma' * cono:ca cmo se
percibe su cultura
en otros pa&ses+= /!arco Com<n Europeo de Re.erencia para las Lenguas' p+
?or otra parte' %a* (ue reconocer (ue aun(ue el presente traba-o no busca
basar su estudio
en un planteamiento negativo) esto es' a.irmar (ue e"iste .alta de motivacin o
deseos de
estudiar en los alumnos universitarios' debemos admitir (ue un gran n<mero
slo busca cumplir
con el re(uisito m&nimo de acreditacin de la lengua e"tran-era@ > niveles' para
dedicarse a
En este conte"to' la comprensin de te"tos en ingls' proporcionar, a los %o*
estudiantes * en un .uturo abogados' la %erramienta necesaria para poder
resolver las problem,ticas (ue se les puedan presentar en su tra*ectoria como

$uracin en 0oras A>
Caracter!sticas de los Destinatarios
Alumnos (ue cursen octavo semestre o subsecuentes+
Criterios de acreditacin
1+ ?articipaciones oral * escrita en clase
B+ E",menes parciales
/1era' Bda+ * 5era+ Unidad9
/>ta+'6ta+ * Ata+unidad9
5+ E"posicin oral en el idioma Ingls de un tema -ur&dico / individual o
>+ Cu&a resuelta+
6+ E"amen .inal

Ob-etivos Cenerales
Al concluir el curso el alumno comprender textos en Ingls, mediante el uso
de tcnicas de comprensin de la lectura; distinguir las partes que
componen una oracin, as como las funciones que tienen cada una de ellas.
De igual forma, podr reconocer y utilizar cognados en diferentes textos, a
efecto de que pueda conocer de una manera ms rpida y eficaz la idea
principal y la organizacin general de pasaes escritos en Ingls.

Unidad %.& 'artes de la (racin
(b)etivo *articular+ Al terminar la unidad el alumno+
Conocer, * distinguir, las di.erentes partes de una oracin' a e.ecto de tener
una me-or comprensin en la lectura de te"tos en Ingls' asimismo conocer, la
.uncin espec&.ica de cada una de ellas+
Unidad ,.& 'resente sim*le y *resente *rogresivo.
(b)etivo *articular+ Al terminar la unidad el alumno+
Conocer, * comprender, el uso de oraciones en Ingls en los tiempos@
presente simple * presente progresivo+ $e igual .orma entender, su estructura
* caracter&sticas esenciales' con la .inalidad de .ormular oraciones a.irmativas'
negativas e interrogativas+
Unidad -.& 'asado sim*le y *asado *rogresivo.
(b)etivo *articular+ Al terminar la unidad el alumno+
$ominar, el uso de oraciones en Ingls en los tiempos gramaticales@ pasado
simple * pasado progresivo+ Asimismo' anali:ar, su estructura *
caracter&sticas' reali:ar, oraciones a.irmativas' negativas e interrogativas+ ?or
otra parte distinguir, los verbos regulares e irregulares en presente' pasado *
pasado participio+
Unidad ..& Futuro /0ill1 y Futuro /2oing to1.
(b)etivo *articular+ Al terminar la unidad el alumno+
Comprender, el uso de oraciones en Ingls en los tiempos@ #uturo ;Dill= *
#uturo ;going to= $e igual .orma conocer, su estructura * caracter&sticas
esenciales' a e.ecto de reali:ar oraciones a.irmativas' negativas e
interrogativas+ ?or otra parte el alumno distinguir, los tres tipos de
condicionales (ue utili:an al modal ver ;Dill= * ;Dould=+

Unidad 3.& 4cnicas de com*rensin de la lectura.
(b)etivo *articular+ Al terminar la unidad el alumno+
Identi.icar, * dominar, las diversas tcnicas de comprensin de la lectura en
Ingls' a e.ecto de (ue pueda obtener r,pidamente la idea general o en su
caso la idea principal de un te"to */o in.ormacin espec&.ica+
Unidad 5.& 4e6tos Jur!dicos en Ingls.
(b)etivo *articular+ Al terminar la unidad el alumno+
Conocer, e Identi.icar, trminos -ur&dicos en Ingls' a travs de te"tos
relativos al Sistema Legal Norteamericano e Ingls' Corte ?enal Internacional
* $erec%os 0umanos+

?resentacin Ceneral del la Asignatura
Actualmente' es de suma importancia el conocimiento de una lengua
e"tran-era' * m,s a<n el dominio del idioma Ingls' toda ve: (ue es una
%erramienta necesaria e indispensable en un mundo globali:ado' el cual nos
permitir, en primer trmino' romper con la barrera del idioma' como e-emplo
claro tenemos la permanente migracin de nuestros paisanos %acia Estados
Unidos de Norteamrica * Canad,' (uienes en la ma*or&a de los casos no
saben %ablar el idioma o idiomas re(ueridos' por lo (ue se di.iculta (ue
puedan emplearse de una manera m,s r,pida * sencilla+
?or otra parte' el conocimiento del idioma Ingls va de la mano con cuestiones
relativas al comercio e"terior' en el caso especi.ico' el Eratado de Libre
Comercio (ue .irm nuestro pa&s con los gobiernos de Estados Unidos de
Norteamrica * Canad,' circunstancia (ue representa una gran
responsabilidad' no slo por la posicin geogr,.ica (ue tiene !"ico' sino por
la cercan&a (ue tiene con dic%os pa&ses' aunado al %ec%o de (ue el pr"imo
aFo B883' ser, sometido a revisin el citado tratado) situacin (ue implica una
me-or preparacin para los estudiantes de derec%o * .uturos abogados'
(uienes van a en.rentar un alto nivel de competencia con los pro.esionistas de
estos pa&ses+

En este conte"to debemos en.ati:ar (ue para poder alcan:ar los ob-etivos
deseados en el presente curso' se re(uiere de pr,ctica constante' as& como
reali:ar todas las actividades * diversos e-ercicios (ue se contemplan para los
estudiantes del sistema abierto * educacin a distancia por lo (ue seguiremos
el modelo del plan de estudios (ue contiene seis unidades' la cuales se %an
estudiado * anali:ado previamente' conclu*endo (ue re<nen los elementos
necesarios para desarrollar %abilidades de aprendi:a-e m,s e.icientes+
Es por ello (ue %abremos de comprender cuales son las partes (ue componen
una oracin /unidad 1' (ue es pilar en la comprensin del idioma Ingls9' as&
como las .unciones (ue desempeFan en la misma) el estudio de los di.erentes
tiempos gramaticales /unidades B+5 * >9) el mane-o de tcnicas de
comprensin de lectura /unidad 69 * el conocimiento de trminos -ur&dicos en
Ingls' a travs de te"tos relativos a temas de inters como@ Eratado de libre
Comercio /ELC9 Sistema Legal Norteamericano) Corte ?enal Internacional *
$erec%os 0umanos+
Al iniciar el estudio de la materia' se propone (ue usted inicie con anterioridad
una revisin de la presente gu&a' a e.ecto de comprender los temas contenidos
en la asignatura' algunas pr,cticas de estudio (ue ser,n importantes' *
algunas .ormas de evaluacin (ue le a*udaran a veri.icar los avances en el
conocimiento ad(uirido+
La intencin del presente curso es (ue usted reciba conocimientos
contundentes * logre el ob-etivo planeado+ Asimismo se sugiere (ue consulte
la bibliogra.&a (ue se encontrar, en la #acultad de $erec%o * en el Centro de
EnseFan:a de Lenguas E"tran-eras /CELE9+ Eenemos plena con.ian:a (ue la
presente asignatura le ser, de utilidad+

!ateriales $id,cticos
Esta gu&a de estudios es el instrumento .undamental para llevar a cabo las
actividades de aprendi:a-e' en donde se indican cuales son las lecturas
b,sicas para su resolucin+ En general' los materiales (ue sean consultables
en sitios Geb ser,n indicados' de lo contrario' ser,n consultables en la
biblioteca de la .acultad+

?ara comprender de .orma e.ica: * contundente te"tos en Ingls' le
recomendamos (ue tome nota de las siguientes actividades (ue con.orman
tcnicas * procedimientos espec&.icos' a e.ecto de obtener resultados ptimos
en el presente curso' consistente en la comprensin de lectura de la lengua
$eber, reali:ar constantemente e-ercicios gramaticales' a e.ecto de
conocer e identi.icar las partes (ue componen una oracin+
E.ectuar, las actividades de aprendi:a-e indicadas en cada unidad'
como .orma de incrementar su conocimiento+
Estudiar, los diversos tiempos gramaticales' a e.ecto de distinguir las
circunstancias * %ec%os (ue se veri.ican en te"tos en ingles+
Anali:ar, * practicar, las tcnicas de comprensin de lectura' en te"tos
de libros peridicos revistas e internet+
Incrementar, su vocabulario' reali:ando oraciones (ue contengan
sinnimos * antnimos' en .ic%as tamaFo media carta' conocidas como

I+7 Ans7er the ne6t 8uestions. 9ead the 8uestions careully.
1+7 D%ere are *ou .romK
B+7 D%at is *our native languageK
5+7 D%ere did *ou go elementar* sc%oolK
>+7 D%ere do *ou liveK
6+7 D%at do *ou do on Saturda* on Sunda*K
II. 0rite do or does in the blan: s*ace in each sentence.
1+JJJJJJJJJJJt%e students stud* to %ard ever* da*K
B+JJJJJJJJJJJ!r+ LroGn go to %is ever* da*K
III. 0rite don;t or doesn;t in the blan: s*ace in each sentence.
1+ DeJJJJJJJJJJ listen to t%e radio ever* nig%t+
B+ !r+ Mo%nson JJJJJJJJJJ %ave a private
IV. Use the *ast tense rom o the verb in *arentheses in each sentence.
1+ De /.inis%9 t%e GorN *esterda*
B+ !r+ 0arris /e"plain9 t%e lesson to us ver* care.ull*+
V. Use the uture tense o the verb in *arentheses in each sentence. Use
only the uture tense 7ith 7ill.
1+ 0e leave /earl*9 tomorroG
B+ De /see9 %im ne"t GeeN
VI. Fill in the blan: s*ace <this or these=.
Use this or these in each sentence.
1+ JJJJJJJJJJ (uestions are %ard+
B+ JJJJJJJJJJ seems ver* eas*+
VII. >uch and >any
Find the errors.
1+ E%e students %ad man* di..icult* Git% t%e last lesson+
B+ I Grote eac% neG Gord in t%e lesson muc% times+
5+ De made muc% sandGic%es+
>+ E%e guests dranN man*
6+ E%ere Gas man* milN and in t%e Nitc%en+
VIII. 4his? 4hat? 4hese? and 4hose.
Find the errors.
1+ E%ese is *our
B+ E%is are *our booNs+
5+ E%ese goes on t%is lines+
>+ E%ese go on t%is line+
6+ $o t%at men speaN Englis%K

Unidad %
'arts o the s*eech
1+ Sustantivos /Nouns9+
B+ Herbos /Herbs9+ #uncin especi.ica en una oracin+
B+ 1+ Regular Herbs+
B+ B+ Irregular Herbs+
5+ Ad-etivos /Ad-ectives9+
>+ Adverbios /Adverbs9+
6+ ?reposiciones /?repositions9+
A+ #ormulacin de oraciones

Introduccin a esta Unidad de Aprendi:a-e
En esta unidad se presentan las diversas partes (ue compone una oracin+
A partir de la .uncin (ue desempeFan en una oracin' se obtendr, una me-or
comprensin de te"tos en ingles * se podr, reconocer sus caracter&sticas
Ob-eto Especi.ico
Al .inali:ar la unidad' el alumno ser, capa: de conocer * distinguir las
di.erentes partes de la oracin' a e.ecto de tener una me-or comprensin en la
lectura de te"tos en ingls+

Actividades de Aprendi:a-e
?ara los puntos 176 recomendamos el uso del diccionario ;NeG O".ord
Advanced LearnerOs $ictionar*=
A partir de la lectura ;Custom=' del Libro ;Englis% .or LaG=' identi.i(ue
los art&culos' sustantivos' verbos' ad-etivos' adverbios * preposiciones
de una oracin' subra*ando cada una de estos+ A e.ecto de pueda
distinguirlos se recomienda el uso de distintos colores+
A partir de la lectura ;Convention on t%e Elimination o. all #orms o.
$iscriminations Against Domen=' del !anual de Comprensin de
lectura de te"tos Mur&dicos en Ingles 1+ Insertar en los espacios en
blanco ' seg<n corresponda' sustantivos' verbos' ad-etivos * adverbios+

NeG O".ord Advanced LearnerOs $ictionar*
;Englis% .or laG=
Ana Imelda Campu:ano Re*es+ !anual de Comprensin de Lectura de Ee"tos
Mur&dicos en Ingls 1+ Editado por la $ivisin de Universidad Abierta de
9evisar lecturas Unidad %

La habilidad de la comprensin de la lectura de diferentes textos
A travs de:

Iconos Tipografa Cognados Conceptos
del te$to
Su funcin
Ta(a1o 2
tipo de
3ignos de
4ala!ras 0"e
se repiten 2
referencia a
dentro del
Clasicacin de textos
Infor(ativo 7arrativo
/la!orado por8 9ic+ Car(en
:alencia 6na2a+
Parts of Speech
A noun is a Gord t%at names a person' a place or a t%ing+
!ar*' lad*' cat' #rance' !e"ico' room' sc%ool' .ootball' reading+
#6am*le sentences+
'eo*le liNe to go to t%e beach+
9osy passed t%e e6am+
!* *arents Gill travel to @a7aii ne"t August.
A pronoun is a Gord t%at is used instead o. a noun+ #or e"ample@
PCarol is a nice girl+P
E%en *ou could replace t%e noun PCarolP Git% t%e Gord A$heA and get t%e
.olloGing sentence@ A$he is a nice girl+P
A$heA is a pronoun+
I? he? it? 7e? them? us? mine? itsel.
E"ample sentences@
$he doesnQt Gant go Git% us.
Dould you %elp usK
@er %ouse is bigger t%an ours+
D%o is sheK
'ersonal 'ronouns
?ersonal pronouns represent people or t%ings+ E%e personal pronouns are@
I? you? he? she? it? 7e? they.
Demonstrative 'ronouns
$emonstrative pronouns point to t%ings+ E%e demonstrative pronouns
are@ this? that? these? those.
"#A9 $I"2ULA9 'LU9AL
E%is is E%ese are
FA9 E%at is E%ose are
4his is m* .avorite Griter+
4hat Gas ama:ingR
0e Ganted those? but decided .or these.
Interrogative 'ronouns
PInterrogativeP means Pused in (uestions+P
Interrogative pronouns are used to asN (uestions+ E%e interrogative pronouns
are@ 7ho? 7hom? 7hich? 7hat? 7hoever? 7hatever? 7henever? 7herever
Use A7hoA and A7homA to talN about people+
Use A7hichA and A7hatA to talN about animals and t%ings+
0ho is *our Englis% teac%erK
0hom did *ou Gait .orK
0hich car did *ou bu*K
0hat are *our c%oicesK
'ossessive 'ronouns
?ossessive pronouns indicate t%at somet%ing belongs to
somebod*/somet%ing+ E%e possessive pronouns are@ mine? yours? his?
hers? ours? theirs.
IQve lost m* Ip%one+ It Gas mine.
0e married Ana+ 0e loves her
E%is place is ours+
Is t%at last car yoursK
!* car is sloG+ Bours is .aster t%an mine+
9elative 'ronouns
Relative pronouns are pronouns t%at linN di..erent parts o. a sentence+
E%e relative pronouns are@ 7ho? 7hom? 7hich? that? 7hoever? etc.
E%e girl 7ho called *esterda*' came to see *ou+
E%e teac%er 7hom *ou Grote %as ansGered *our (uestions+
0e lives in Mapan' 7hich is t%e capital cit* o. EoN*o+
I reall* liNed t%e booN that *ou gave me+
9ele6ive 'ronouns
Re.le"ive pronouns s%oG t%at t%e action a..ects t%e person G%o per.orms t%e
action+ Re.le"ive pronouns end in P7sel.P /singular9 or P7selvesP /plural9+
E%e re.le"ive pronouns are@ mysel? yoursel? himsel? hersel? itsel?
ourselves? themselves.
!aria cut hersel G%ile s%e Gas seGing+
0e could %urt himselR
De must %elp ourselves+
An ad-ective is a Gord t%at describes a person or t%ing+
long' prett*' e"pensive' blue' round' #renc%' loud' (uicN' .at+
!* mot%er %as big green e*es+
E%e ne7 car Gas stolen+
E%e young Goman Gas resting at %ome+
Dierent 4y*es o ad)ectives
Ad-ectives can be divided into several t*pes@
nice' prett*' original' e"pensive+
big' small' large' tin*' little' %uge+
*oung' old' neG' ancient' anti(ue+
round' s(uare' .lat' straig%t+
blue' red' G%ite' blacN' darN' brig%t' *elloGis%+
Italian' Lritis%' !e"ican' Gestern' sout%ern+
metal' Gooden' plastic' golden+
A determiner is a Gord t%at comes be.ore a noun to s%oG G%ic% person or
t%ing *ou are talNing about+
a' an' t%e' m*' *our' some' an*' several' enoug%' an*+
I %ave a blue sGeater+
?lease give me my coat+
$ome people decided to speaN CreeN+
S%e doesnQt Gant any sugar+
E%e* Gatc%ed several musical programs+
4he order o ad)ectives
E%ere are certain rules on t%e correct order o. t%ose ad-ectives+
4his is the order you should generally ollo7+
Determiner -> opinion -> size -> age -> shape ->
-> origin -> material &D a 7ord describing *ur*oseEunction
A nice little s%op
/$eterminer 7S opinion 7S si:e 7S purpose/.unction Gord9
!* %uge neG car+
/$eterminer 7S si:e 7S age 7S purpose/.unction Gord9
Several C%inese plastic cups
/$eterminer 7S origin 7S material9
E%e round *elloG ball
/$eterminer 7S s%ape 7S color9
Ad)ectives rom the same ty*e+
D%en *ou %ave several ad-ectives .rom t%e same t*pe' *ou s%ould separate
t%em Git% commas or a con-unction /and' but9+
A c%eap' good meal+
A %app*' Gise man+
E%e beauti.ul' original painting+
!* nice and sGeet pet+
An e"pensive but important trip+
Com*arative ad)ectives
Comparative ad-ective s%oG us G%ic% t%ing is better' Gorse' stronger'
GeaNer' and so .ort%+
better' Gorse' bigger' smaller' nicer' .atter' t%inner' more dangerous+
S%e is a better student t%an %er brot%ers+
!* test Gas 7orse t%an *ours+
Tou are stronger t%an me+
0e seems healthier+
Tou are more beautiul t%an %er+

$u*erlative ad)ectives
Superlative ad-ectives s%oG us G%ic% t%ing is t%e best' t%e strongest' and so
best' Gorst' strongest' smallest' c%eapest' most e"pensive+
Tou are m* best .riend+
E%is is t%e 7orst da* o. m* li.e+
E%is is t%e most e6*ensive restaurant IQve ever %eard+
A verb is a Gord or group o. Gords t%at e"press an action or a state+
speaN' love' drive' eat' teac%' dream' sign' read
Tou had a nice part*+
!* little son thin:s t%at %e is t%e best student in %is class+
0e drove .or tGelve %ours+
Au6iliary Verbs <also called Ahel*ing verbsA=
Au"iliar* verbs are used toget%er Git% t%e main verb o. t%e sentence to e"press
t%e action or state+
au"iliar* verbU main verb V complete idea
4he main au6iliary verbs are+
be' am' is' are' Gas' Gere' do' did' %ave' %as' %ad+
E"ample sentences <the au6iliary verb is bold? and the main verb is
E%e* are -ogging+
S%e 7as reading+
De 7ere Gaiting .or %ours+
Is s%e sleepingK
0e didnGt NnoG t%e ansGer+
De have gone to Russia recentl*+
@as s%e received m* lettersK
I 7ill go to Europe soon+
'@9A$AL V#9F$
A p%rasal verb is a verb t%at is combined Git% an adverb or a preposition+ E%e
combination creates a neG meaning+
Run V to move ver* (uicNl* Git% *our legs+ /PS%e could run .ast a long time
Into V in t%e direction o. somet%ing+ /P0e looNed into m* e*es+P9
Run into V to meet someone b* accident+ /I ran into Carmen *esterda*+P9
!aNe V to create or do somet%ing+ /!* bab* made a lot o. noise+9
Up V to a %ig%er point+ /PLooN upRP9
!aNe up V invent /a stor*' an e"cuse9+ /PIt %as never %appened+ 0e made t%e
G%ole t%ing upRP9
?ut V to place somet%ing someG%ere+ /PCould *ou put t%is upstairsKP9
Up V to a %ig%er point+ /PLooN upRP9
Dit% V concerning /PS%e is %app* Git% %er GorNplace+P9
An adverb is a Gord t%at describes or gives more in.ormation about a verb' an
ad-ective' anot%er adverb' or even t%e entire sentence+
Adverbs usually ans7er the ollo7ing 8uestions+
D%ereK @ome+ /PTou Gent %ome+P9
D%enK Besterday+ /P De met *esterda*+P9
0oGK $lo7ly+ /PE%e turtle moves sloGl*+P9
0oG o.tenK $ometimes+ /PSometimes it stops responding+P9
0oG longK 4em*orally+ /!ario sta*s Git% us temporall*+P9
0oG liNel*K $urely+ /Our team Gill surel* GinRP9
Eo G%at degreeK Very+ /P!* sister Gas ver* pleased+P9
An adverb can describe a verb+
!* pet runs 8uic:ly+
An adverb can describe an ad)ective+
!* mot%er is so beauti.ul+
An adverb can describe another adverb+
0e smoNes very rarel*+
An adverb can describe an entire sentence+
"aturally' *ou donQt %ave to come+
In man* cases /but not alGa*sR9 adverbs %ave t%e .olloGing .orm@
Ad)ective H A&lyA
WuicN U l* V 8uic:ly
Strange U l* V strangely
$ead U l* V deadly
Sudden U l* V suddenly
Clever U l* V cleverly
Lrave U l* V bravely
Real U l* V really
0hen an ad)ective ends 7ith AyA re*lace the AyA 7ith an AiA+
0eav* U l* V %eavi U l* V %eavil*
0app* U l* V %appi U l* V %appil*
0hen the ad)ective ends 7ith an AeA dro* the AeA+
Erue U l* V tru U l* V trul*

@o7ever? there are many adverbs that do not end in A&lyA+
.ast' ver*' %ard' %ome' -ust' too' Gell' never' sometimes' and so .ort%+
4here are several categories o adverbs+
Adverbs o. degree' adverbs o. manner' adverbs o. place'
adverbs o. time' adverbs o. .re(uenc*' adverbs o. duration'
adverbs o. probabilit*' comparative adverbs and superlative adverbs+
ADV#9F$ (F D#29##
Adverbs o. degree s%oG us t%e strengt% or degree o. t%e action or state+
E%e* ansGer t%e .olloGing (uestions@
0oG muc%K Eo G%at degreeK
ver*' %ig%l*' totall*' per.ectl*' partiall*' almost+
#6am*le sentences+
0e is very concerned Git% *ou+
Tou are totally rig%t+
De almost made it to t%e train+
ADV#9F$ (F >A""#9
Adverbs o. manner s%oG us t%e Ga* t%e action is done+ E%e* ansGer t%e
.olloGing (uestion@
Dell' badl*' nicel*' sloGl*' loudl*' (uietl*' %appil*' sadl*' secretl*' GeaNl*+
#6am*le sentences+
0e %andled t%e situation 7ell+
S%e listened secretly to t%eir conversation+
E%e c%ildren ran ha**ily to t%eir .at%er+
ADV#9F$ (F 'LAC#
Adverbs o. place s%oG us t%e location o. t%e action or state+ E%e* ansGer t%e
.olloGing (uestion@
0ome' %ere' t%ere' outside' inside' aGa*' around' an*G%ere' abroad' up' doGn'
#6am*le sentences+
De are here+
0e Gent home+
De .ound %im outside+
ADV#9F$ (F 4I>#
Adverbs o. time s%oG us t%e time o. t%e action or state+ E%e* ansGer t%e
.olloGing (uestion@D%enK
NoG' soon' later' *esterda*' tomorroG' earl*' be.ore' latel*' recentl*+
#6am*le sentence+
LetQs talN no7+
I Gill do it later+
0e promised to Grite bacN soon+
D%at are *ou doing tomorro7K
De %avenQt met beore+
ADV#9F$ (F F9#IU#"CB
Adverbs o. .re(uenc* s%oG us t%e .re(uenc* o. t%e action or state+ E%e* ansGer
t%e .olloGing (uestion@ 0oG o.tenK
AlGa*s' never' sometimes' o.ten' rarel*' usuall*' occasionall*+
#6am*le sentences+
I al7ays brus% m* teet% +
De oten meet and c%at+
0e is usually %ere on time+
ADV#9F$ (F DU9A4I("
Adverbs o. duration s%oG us t%e lengt% o. t%e action or state+
E%e* ansGer t%e .olloGing (uestion@
#or %oG longK
#orever' constantl*' temporaril*' brie.l*+
#6am*le sentence+
0e GorNs t%ere tem*orarily+
Tou spoNe briely+
I Gill be orever grate.ul+
Adverbs o. probabilit* s%oG us t%e c%ances .or t%e action or state to %appen+
E%e* ansGer t%e .olloGing (uestion@
0oG liNel*K
Certainl*' ma*be' probabl*' possibl*' surel*+
#6am*le sentences+
S%e Gill certainly .orget about it+
>aybe GeQll come a.ter all+
It Gill *robably not GorN+
$urely *ou are not seriousR
A preposition is a Gord t%at is used be.ore a noun or a *ronoun to connect
it to anot%er Gord in t%e sentence+ It is usuall* used to s%oG location'
direction' time' and so .ort%+
on? in? at? by? under? above? beside? to? out? rom? or.
E"ample sentences@
I sat on t%e .loor+
LetQs go into t%e %ouse+
De Gill meet at .our oQclocN+
0ave a looN under t%e couc%+
0e Gent to sc%ool+
E%is letter is or *ou+
A con-unction is a Gord t%at -oins parts o. a sentence toget%er+
And' but' or' because' so+
#6am*le sentences+
I Gant to come' but I canQt+
!* sister is smart and beauti.ul+
Dould *ou liNe a tea or a cup o. co..eeK
0e didnQt pass t%e e"am because %e didnQt stud* enoug%+
De Gere %ungr*' so Ge ordered pi::a+
An inter-ection is a s%ort sound' Gord or p%rase used to e"press t%e speaNerQs
O%R LooN outR OGR 0e*R DoGR A%R Um+++
#6am*le sentences+
0o7' t%atQs ama:ingR
Ah' t%at Gas a good meal+
Um+++ IQm not sure G%at to sa*+
(h dearR D%at %appenedK
@elloR 0oG are *ou doingK
'art o
#6*lanation #6am*les
A Gord t%at names a person' a place or
a t%ing
girl' Sam'
dog' Rome
'ronouns A Gord t%at is used instead o. a noun
I' *our'
*oursel.' ours
Ad)ectives A Gord t%at describes a person or t%ing
Slim' .at'
A Gord or group o. Gords t%at e"press
an action or a state
Le' go'sGim'
A Gord t%at describes or gives more
in.ormation about a verb' an ad-ective'
anot%er adverb' or even t%e entire
A Gord t%at is used be.ore a noun or a
pronoun to connect it to anot%er Gord in
t%e sentence+ It is usuall* used to s%oG
location' direction' time' and so .ort%+
on' in' to'
.rom' o.
A Gord t%at -oins parts o. a sentence
and' or' but
A s%ort sound' Gord or p%rase used to
e"press t%e speaNerQs emotion+
DoG' %mm'
a%' o%' dear
U"IV#9$IDAD "ACI("AL AU4("(>A D# >#JIC(
E%e li.e o. a primitive people is totall* regulated b* customs+ E%ere are
customar* norms .or t%e procedure o. %urting' .is%ing and maNing Gar' .or t%e
s%aring o. boot*' se"ual relations' social intercourse' good manners' t%e
per.ormance o. magical and religious ceremonies+ Custom is a Ga* o. be%avior
t%at is generall* .olloGed and G%ic% is e"perienced as ;binding=) an*
contravention provoNes a reaction o. disapproval b* t%e tribe+ E%ese reactions
originall* proceed .rom t%e group as a G%ole' and can assume a great variet* o.
.orms7.rom putting to deat%' corporal punis%ment' e"pulsion .rom t%e tribe' to
t%e e"pression o. public scorn and ridicule+
Even among ver* primitive people t%ere is generall* .ound a c%ie.tain' a
group o. elders' a council o. priests or a tribunal o. some Nind' G%o in cases o.
doubt decide G%et%er sanctions s%all be applied+ E%is mig%t be considered t%e
.irst germ o. a ;public aut%orit*=+ Out o. t%is an organi:ed and establis%ed
-udiciar* poGer graduall* develops' .olloGed b* especial bodies G%ose .unction
is to legislate and to e"ecute -udgments b* .orce+ In t%is Ga* is graduall*
created and mac%iner* o. t%e laG and a s*stem o. public aut%orities G%o claim a
monopol* o. t%e e"ercise o. .orce+ E%us' graduall*' laG and custom are
di..erentiated' t%at is' t%e norms G%ic% are maintained b* t%e organi:ed e"ercise
o. .orce' and t%ose maintained onl* b* spontaneous non7violent reactions
/contempt' ridicule' etc+9
Mudiciar* poGer evidentl* preceded legislative poGer+ E%e -udge
originall* .ormed %is -udgment according to t%e traditional rules o. custom+
Craduall*' as .res% situations arose' t%e -udge gave %is verdict on G%at Gas
rig%t' t%at is' t%e traditional rules Gere adapted and developed in t%e traditional
spirit to meet t%e pressure o. .res% needs+ E%roug% t%e practice o. t%e courts an
in%eritance o. operative legal ideas became .ormulated and establis%ed in t%e
course o. time .louris%ing in t%e consciousness o. t%e people or at least in t%e
consciousness o. legal e"perts+
A"$0#9 4@# IU#$4I("$+
1+ ;G%ic%= in t%e line 6' re.ers to@
B+ ;G%o= in t%e line 11' re.ers to@
5+ ;t%is= in t%e line 1B' re.ers to@
>+ ;t%is= in t%e line 15 re.ers to@
6+ ;t%is Ga*= in t%e line 16 re.ers to@
A+ ;t%ose= in t%e line 13 re.ers to@
Lea las siguientes oraciones. Indi8ue si? de acuerdo al te6to son alsas <F=
o verdaderas <V=. Indi8ue usted? la *arte del te6to en 8ue se undamenta
usted? su *osicin.
1+ Las costumbres tienen una
ligera in.luencia
en la vida de los pueblos

B+ Cuando surge alguna
contravencin a las
normas establecidas las
personas importantes
del grupo son las (ue
reaccionan inicialmente+
5+ Seg<n el te"to el escarnio * el
rid&culo son
peores castigos (ue la
e"pulsin de la tribu+
>+ El romper con una costumbre
puede llegar a ocasionar la
muerte del
6+ En los pueblos primitivos se
puede encontrar
un tribunal (ue en caso de
duda decide si se
deben aplicar o no'
A+ El poder legislativo precedi al poder Mudicial+

4+ Las reglas tradicionales se adaptaron *
modi.icaron con.orme surgieron necesidades
3+ Seg<n el autor %a* tres etapas en el desarrollo
del sistema legal+
Convention on t%e elimination o. all #orms o. $iscrimination against Domen
E%e States ?arties to t%e presents conventions convinced t%at t%e .ull and
complete development o. a countr*' t%e Gel.are o. t%e Gorld and t%e cause o.

peace re(uire t%e ma"imum participation o. Gomen on e(ual terms Git% men in
all .ields+
Learing in mind t%e great contribution o. Gomen to t%e Gel.are o. t%e .amil* and
t%e development o. societ*' so .ar not .ull* recogni:ed' t%e social signi.icance o.
maternit* and t%e role o. bot% parents in t%e .amil* and in t%e upbringing o.
c%ildren and aGare t%at role o. Gomen in procreation s%ould not be t%e basis .or
discrimination but t%at t%e upbringing o. c%ildren re(uires a s%aring o.
responsibilit* betGeen men an Gomen and societ* as a G%ole+
AGare t%at a c%ange in t%e traditional role o. men as Gell as t%e role o. Gomen
in societ* and in t%e .amil* is needed to ac%ieve .ull e(ualit* betGeen men and
Gomen %ave agreed on t%e .olloGing@
'art %
Article %
e(ualit* cultural convention se"
marital ?olitical distinction
#or t%e purposes o. t%e present JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ t%e term ;discrimination=
against Gomen= s%all mean an* JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ' e"clusion or restriction made
on t%e basis o. JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ G%ic% %as t%e e..ect or purpose o. impairing
or nulli.*ing t%e recognition' en-o*ment or e"ercise b* Gomen' irrespective o.
t%eir JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ status on a basis o. JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ o. men and
Gomen' o. %uman rig%ts and .undamental .reedoms In t%e JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ'
economic' socialJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 'civil or an* ot%er .ield+
Article ,
eliminating condemn orms
State ?arties JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ discrimination against Gomen in all its
JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ agree to pursue b* all appropriate means and Git%out dela* a
polic* o. JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ discrimination against Gomen and to t%is' end+

constitutions 8uality legislation *rinci*le
a9 Eo embod* t%e JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ o. t%eJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ o. men and
Gomen in t%eir national JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ or ot%er appropriate
JJJJJJJJJJJJJJi. not *et incorporated t%ere in and to ensure' t%roug% laG and
ot%er appropriate means' t%e practical reali:ation o. t%is principle)
sanctions ado*t *rohibiting
b9 EoJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ appropriate legislative and ot%er measures'
JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ G%ere appropriate JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ all discrimination against
*rotection institutions establish tribunals com*etent
c9 Eo JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ legal protection o. t%e rig%ts o. Gomen on an e(ual
basis Git% men and to ensure t%roug%JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ
nationalJJJJJJJJJJJJJ and ot%er public JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJt%e e..ective
JJJJJJJJJJJJJJo. Gomen against an* act o. discrimination+
obligation rerain authorities
d9 Eo JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ .rom engaging in an* act or practice o. discrimination
against Gomen and to ensure t%at public JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ and institutions s%all
act in con.ormit* Git% t%isJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ+
*erson organiCation eliminate
d9 Eo taNe all appropriate measures to JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ discrimination
abolish *ractices modiy regulations
e9 Eo taNe all appropriate measures' including legislation to
customs andJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ G%ic% constitute discrimination against
re*eat constitute *enal
.9 EoJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ all nationalJJJJJJJJJJJJJ provisions G%ic%
JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ discrimination against Gomen)
Article -
guaranteeing economic e6ercise
States ?arties s%all taNe in all .ields' in particular in t%e political' social'
JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ and cultural .ields' all appropriate measures' including
legislation' to ensure t%e .ull development and advancement o. Gomen' .or t%e
purpose o. JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ t%em t%eJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ and en-o*ment o.
%uman rig%ts and .undamental .reedoms on a basis o. e(ualit* Git% men+
'resente $im*le y 'resente Continuo
B+ Simple present tense
B+ 1 E%ird singular person+
B+ B Wuestions and negatives+
B+ 5 $o and does in (uestions+

B+ > $onOt and doesnOt in negatives +
B+ 6 Continuous present tense+
B+ A Herb to be /am' are ' is9+
B+ 4 Wuestion and negatives+
B+ 3 ?resent tense (uestions and negative .orms+
B+ 2 Simple ?resent vs Continuous ?resent+

Introduccin a esta Unidad de Aprendi:a-e
En esta unidad se observan los tiempos gramaticales) presente simple *
presente continuo@ en la pr,ctica podremos distinguir (ue el primero se re.iere
a la actividades (ue reali:amos de manera cotidiana * en cuanto al segundo
se utili:a para re.erirnos a acciones (ue estamos reali:ando en este momento+

Ob-etivo Espec&.ico
Al .inali:ar la unidad' el alumno podr, .ormular oraciones a.irmativas'
negativas e interrogativas * distinguir, el uso de los verbos au"iliares en la
tercera persona del singular' a e.ecto de tener una me-or comprensin en la
lectura de te"tos en Ingls+

Actividades de Aprendi:a-e
?ara los puntos B * B+> deber, apo*arse en la lectura ;Ever* $a*=' del
libro !astering American Englis%' en los cuales deber, insertar en los
espacios en blanco el verbo correspondiente) asimismo cambiar, el
pronombre ;I= por ;%e= o ;s%e=+ ?or otra parte' al responder las
preguntas re.erentes a la lectura utili:ara ;donOt= o ;doesnOt=+
En el punto B+6 a B+3 se remitir, a la lectura ;Rig%t NoG= e insertar,
seg<n corresponda el verbo ;to be=+ Entender, la estructura *
caracter&sticas esenciales del presente continuo+
En el punto B+2 observar, el uso * las di.erencias entre el presente
simple * presente continuo+

Crant Ea*lor+ !astering American Englis%
Revisar lecturas unidad B

Find the nous? ad)ectives and verbs in the te6t.
Mames Mo%nson is m* name+ I GorN in t%e main o. a big compan*+
EGent* people GorN in t%at ever* da*+ !r+ Dilson is m* boss+ 0e GorNs
ver* %ard+ Almost ever*one GorNs %ard+ O. course' a .eG people donOt %ard+
!r+ Dilson %as a private 0e also %as a secretar*+ !iss SteGart is %is
secretar*+ S%e %elps !r+ Dilson+ S%e doesnOt %elp me+ I donOt %ave a private Lut I %ave m* oGn secretar*+ !* secretar* is !ar* ?eters+ !r+ Dilson
meets all o. t%e important visitors+ I donOt meet visitor+ !iss SteGart
doesnOt meet visitors eit%er+ !r+ Dilson talNs to visitors+ I occasionall* talN to
visitors too+ Lut I donOt usuall* talN to visitors+ !r+ Dilson Grites man* letters
ever* da*+ 0e sends man* letters to customers+ I Grite letters too+ I send letters
to ot%er companies+ Lut I donOt send letters to customers+ I o.ten stud* statistics+
E%en I Grite reports .or !r+ Dilson+ 0e studies t%e reports care.ull*+ I get t%e
statistics .rom m* assistants+ I %ave tGo assistants' Smit% and Creen+ E%e* %elp
me ver* muc%+ E%e* donOt Grite letters+ E%e* collect in.ormation .rom ot%er
people+ E%en t%e* give t%e in.ormation to m* secretar*+ S%e collects in.ormation
.rom ot%er people too+ E%en s%e gives t%e in.ormation to me+ !* secretar*
doesnOt Grite reports+ Lut s%e Grites man* letters .or me+ S%e also opens m*
mail+ S%e reads t%e mail care.ull*+ S%e gives me t%e important letters+ S%e
doesnOt give me t%e ot%er letters+ I read t%e important letters too+ E%en I ansGer
t%e letters+ !* secretar* ansGers t%e ot%er letters+
$I>'L# '9#$#"4 4#"$#
AFI9>A4IV# F(9>
Tou go
De *lay
E%e* to sc%ool .rom !onda* to #rida*+
0e goes In t%e parN ever*da*
S%e *lays
"#2A4IV# F(9>
Tou go
don;t *lay
E%e* to sc%ool .rom !onda* to #rida*+
doesn;t go
In t%e parN ever*da*
S%e *lay
I"4#99(2A4IV# F(9>
*ou go
Ge *lay
t%e* to sc%ool .rom !onda*
to #rida*+
%e go In t%e parN ever*da*
s%e *lay
U$# (F F9#IU#"CB 0(9D$ I" $I>'L# '9#$#"4 4#"$#
I usually go I to t%e movies Git%
m* .amil*+
?aul and S*lvia never speaN Spanis% in t%eir
Englis% classes+
E%e students oten cop* during t%e e"ams
De sometimes drinN a cup o. Gine
6dd s! es! ies onl" the
third person#
U$# (F F9#IU#"CB 0(9D$ I" $I>'L# '9#$#"4 4#"$# 7ith the verb
/4( F#1.
I am usually
?aul and S*lvia are never on time in class.
Son* is sometimes
F9#IU#"CB 0(9D$
Use the sim*le *resent tense o each verb. 0rite the verb in the blan:
%. <7or:= I 7or: in the main oice.
,. <7or:= >r. 0ilson 7or:s very hard.
5+ /GorN9 Almost ever*one JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJver* %ard+
>+ /GorN9 De JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.rom 2+88 a+m+ to 6@88 p+m+
6+ /%ave9 !r+ Dilson JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJa private
A+ /%ave9 I JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ m* oGn secretar*+
4+ /Grite9 !iss ?eters JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJletters .or me+
3+ /Grite9 I JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJreports .or !r+ Dilson+
2+ /stud*9 !r+ Dilson JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ t%e reports+
18+ /read9 !* secretar* JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJall o. t%e mail+
IU#$4I(" A"D "#2A4IV#$
Ans7er these 8uestions about the story /#very Day1 Ans7er the
8uestions 7ith a ull sentence.
1+ $oes !r+ Mo%nson %ave a private o..iceK
B+ $o t%e tGo men %ave secretariesK
5+ $oes !iss SteGart %elp !r+ Mo%nsonK
>+ $oes s%e %elp !r+ Dilson or !r+ Mo%nsonK
6+ $o !r+ Dilson and !r+ Mo%nson GorN %ardK
A+ $oes !r+ Dilson meet important visitorsK
4+ $oes !r+ Mo%nson talN to t%e visitors tooK
3+ $o !r+ Dilson and !r+ Mo%nson Grite man* lettersK
2+ $o t%e tGo secretaries Grite letters tooK
18+ $oes !r+ Mo%nson send letters to customersK
11+ $o !r+ Dilson and !r+ Mo%nson Grite reportsK
1B+ $oes !r+ Mo%nson stud* t%e reports care.ull*K
15+ $oes !r+ Mo%nson stud* t%e statistics care.ull*K
'9#$#"4 C("4I"U(U$
AFFI9>A4IV# F(9>
I am
De are driving a car in this moment
E%e* Griting poems no7
0e sGimming in t%e pool right no7
S%e is
"#2A4IV# F(9>
I am not
De are not driving a car in this moment
E%e* Griting poems no7
0e sGimming in t%e pool right no7
S%e is not
I"4#99(2A4IV# F(9>
Am I
Are De driving a car in this moment
E%e* Griting poems no7
0e sGimming in t%e pool right no7
Is S%e

/9ight "o71
Read t%is stor*+ Stud* t%e verbs care.ull*+
!* name is Mames Mo%nson+ I am in t%e manager o. t%e A-a" Compan*+
I am in t%e o. t%e compan* noG+ I am sitting at m* desN rig%t noG+
I am GorNing on a report .or !r+ Dilson+ 0e is m* boos+ !iss ?eters is %elping
me Git% t%e report+ S%e is m* secretar*+ S%e is sitting beside m* desN+
Lut s%e isnOt Griting in %er notebooN+ I am not dictating to %er t%is moment+
De are not GorNing+ De are resting .or a .eG minutes+ I am looNing around t%e rig%t noG+
!r+ Dilson isnOt GorNing in t%is I see .our people at t%e end o. t%e room+
!r+ Dilson is Git% t%e people+ 0e is taNing t%e people t%roug% our
0e is telling t%e people about our met%ods+ E%e* are listening to !r+ Dilson
!iss SteGart is Gearing a blue dress toda*+ S%e is sitting at %er desN+ S%e is
talNing over t%e telep%one+ S%e is Griting in %er notebooN at t%e same time+
Someone is giving important in.ormation to %er over t%e telep%one rig%t noG+
E%ere are tGent* people in t%e room+ Ever*one is GorNing %ard rig%t noG+
E%ree or .our people are Griting letters+ Some people are stud*ing important
papers+ Smit% and Creen are not %ere rig%t noG+ E%e* are not Griting reports+
E%e* are collecting in.ormation .or me+
I %ear some noise in t%e %all+ E%ere are t%ree GorNers t%ere+ E%e t%ree men are
.i"ing t%e .loor in t%e %all+ E%e* are talNing and laug%ing+ E%e* are also %itting
t%e .loor Git% %ammers+
IU#$4I("$ A"D "#2A4IV#$
1+ Is !iss ?eters %elping !r+ Mo%nson rig%t noGK
B+ Is !iss ?eters sitting at %er oGn desN noGK
5+ Is !r+ Mo%nson dictating to !iss ?eters noGK
>+ Is !iss ?eters Griting in %er notebooN rig%t noGK
6+ Are !r+ Mo%nson and !iss ?eters GorNing on a reportK
A+ Are t%e* GorNing on t%e report rig%t at t%is momentK
4+ Are t%e* resting .or a .eG minutesK
3+ Is !r+ Mo%nson looNing around t%e noGK
2+ Is !r+ Dilson in %is private rig%t noGK
18+ $oes !r+ Mo%nson see man* people in t%e o..iceK
11+ Are t%e .our customers Git% !r+ Dilson noGK
1B+ Is !r+ Dilson Git% t%e .our visitors noGK
15+ Is !r+ Dilson talNing to t%e .our people rig%t noGK
1>+ Are t%e people listening to !r+ Dilson care.ull*K
16+ Is !iss SteGart sitting beside !r+ Mo%nson rig%t noGK
1A+ Is !iss SteGart talNing to someone at t%is momentK
14+ Are t%ere ver* man* people in t%e noGK
13+ Are Smit% and Creen in t%e main noGK
12+ Are Smit% and Creen %elping !r+ Mo%nson noGK
B8+ $oes !r+ Mo%nson %ear noise in t%e %allK
B1+ Are t%e t%ree GorNers talNing and laug%ingK
BB+ Are E%e* also %itting t%e .loor Git% %ammersK
V#9F$ A>? A9#? I$.
0rite am? are or is in the blan: s*ace in each sentence.
1+ !r+ Dilson JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ talNing to visitors rig%t noG+
B+ I JJJJJJJJJJJJ sitting at m* desN rig%t at t%is moment+
5+ !iss ?eters JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ %elping me Git% a report noG+
>+ De JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ GorNing on t%e report rig%t noG+
6+ I JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ looNing around t%e at t%is moment+
A+ E%e people JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ listening to !r+ Dilson care.ull*+
4+ 0e JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ telling t%e people about our met%ods+
3+ Ever*one JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ GorNing ver* %ard rig%t noG+
2+ Some people JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ stud*ing important papers noG+
18+ Smit% and CreenJJJJJJJJJJJJJ collecting in.ormation noG+
11+ E%e men JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ .i"ing t%e .loor in t%e %all rig%t noG+
1B+ E%e* JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ also maNing muc% noise at t%is moment+
'9#$#"4 C("4I"U(U$ 4#"$#
Use the continuous *resent tense o each verb. 0rite in the blan: s*ace.
1+ /GorN9 0e JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ on a report rig%t noG+
B+ /stud*9 De JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ some important papers+
5+ /%elp9 S%e JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ me Git% t%e report noG+
>+ /sit9 E%e men JJJJJJJJJJJJJJat t%eir desNs noG+
6+ /Grite9 E%e tGo girls JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ letters+
A+ /GorN9 Ever*one JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ ver* %ard rig%t noG+
4+ /Gatc%9 I JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ m* boss and t%e visitors+
3+ /listen9 E%e* JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ to !r+ Dilson care.ull*
2+ /talN9 Someone JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJto !iss SteGart noG+
18+ /dictate9 !r+ Adams JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ letters rig%t noG+
11+ /collect9 Smit% and CreenJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ in.ormation+
$I>'L# '9#$#"4 V$ C("4I"U(U$ '9#$#"4
Use the correct tense o the verb in each sentence. Choose bet7een
sim*le *resent tense and *resent continuous tense.
1+ 0e /GorN9 %ard ever* da*+
B+ 0e /talN9 to Eom noG+
5+ !iss SteGart /looN9 at t%e neGspaper noG+
>+ E%e c%ildren /sleep9 .or tGo %ours ever* a.ternoon+
6+ E%ose tGo .elloGs /.i"9 t%e car rig%t noG+
A+ E%at #renc% girl /speaN9 Englis% ver* Gell+
4+ Uncle Dalter /eat9 dinner Git% us ever* Sunda*+
3+ !* .riends /en-o*9 %amburgers ver* muc%+
2+ Mo%n and #ranN /Grite9 letters at t%is moment+
18+ !r+ Mo%nson /GorN9 t%irt*7.ive %ours a GeeN+
11+ !* sister /need9 some mone* .or %er booNs+
1B+ It /rain9 ver* muc% in t%e United States+
15+ !r+ LroGn /pa*9 %is bills once a mont%+
1>+ E%e students /looN up9 t%at neG Gord rig%t noG+
16+ !r+ !oore /teac%9 Englis% .rom B@88 to >@88 p+m+
1A+ !r+ !oore /begin9 t%e neG lesson rig%t noG+
14+ I /oGe9 m* .riend tGo dollars and .i.t* cents+
13+ Smit% /Gatc%9 a baseball game ever* Saturda*+
12+ !iss ?eters /talN9 to !r+ Mo%nson rig%t noG+
B8+ ?ierre /NnoG9 all o. t%e neG Gords ver* Gell+
B1+ De alGa*s /do9 our Englis% lesson care.ull*+
BB+ De /do9 e"ercise t%irteen at t%e moment+
'9#$#"4 4#"$# "#2A4IV# F(9>$
0rite don;t? doesn;t? isn;t? aren;t in the blan: s*ace in each sentence.
%. @e isn;t listening to the radio right no7.
,. @e doesn;t listen to the radio every evening.
5+ De JJJJJJJJJJJJJ Gatc%ing a tv program noG+
>+ DeJJJJJJJJJJJJJ Gatc% television ever* da*+
6+ E%e*JJJJJJJJJJJJ stud* t%eir lesson a.ter class+
A+ E%e*JJJJJJJJJJJJ stud*ing t%eir lesson rig%t noG+
4+ ItJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ raining ver* %ard rig%t at t%e moment+
3+ ItJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ rain ver* muc% during t%e summer+
2+ !r+ Mo%nson JJJJJJJJJJJJJ eating %is lunc% noG+
18+ !r+ Mo%nson JJJJJJJJJJJJJ alGa*s eat at t%at place+
11+ I JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ see an* students in t%at room+
1B+ E%e*JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ liNe milN Git% t%eir meals+
'9#$#"4 4#"$# IU#$4I(" F(9>$
0rite do? does? is? are in the blan: s*ace in each sentence.
%. Do the men come to 7or: at K.LL every morningM
,. Are the men coming into the room right no7M
5+ JJJJJJJJJJJ *ou learn t%e neG Gords in eac% lessonK
>+ JJJJJJJJJJJ *ou learning t%e neG Gords rig%t noGK
6+ JJJJJJJJJJJ !r+ Mo%nson GorN .or t%e A-a" Compan*K
A+ JJJJJJJJJJJ !r+ Mo%nson GorNing on a report rig%t noGK
4+ JJJJJJJJJJJ s%e usuall* sit in t%e t%ird roGK
3+ JJJJJJJJJJJ s%e sitting in t%e .ourt% roG noGK
2+ JJJJJJJJJJJ *ou read man* booNs ever* *earK
18+ JJJJJJJJJJJ*ou reading an interesting booN noGK
11+ JJJJJJJJJJJ t%e students need %elp Git% t%eir lessonK
1B+ JJJJJJJJJJJ t%is lesson seem ver* di..icult to *ouK
15+ JJJJJJJJJJJ *ou remember t%e name o. t%at booNK
1>+ JJJJJJJJJJJ *ou understand all o. t%e Gords ver* GellK
Unidad -
'asado $im*le y 'asado Continuo
5+ E%e past tense+
5+ 1 E%e past tense o. be+
5+ B E%e past tense /regular verbs9+
5+ 5 E%e past tense /irregular verbs9+
5+ > RevieG o. t%e past tense+
5+ 6 Wuestions in past tense+
5+ A Negatives in past tense+
5+ 4 Irregular verb (ui:+
5+ 3 Reading compre%ension
5+ 2 Reading compre%ension
5+18 E%e continuous past tense+
5+11 E%e verbs Gas and Gere+
5+1B Wuestions and negatives+

Introduccin a esta unidad de a*rendiCa)e
En esta unidad se observan los tiempos gramaticales) pasado simple * pasado
continuo) en el primero es usado para re.erirnos a eventos (ue ocurren en un
tiempo especi.ico en el pasado' en este tiempo utili:amos el au"iliar ;did= tanto
en los verbos regulares como en verbos irregulares' * el segundo se re.iere a
una actividad singular en el pasado (ue estaba en progreso cuando otra
accin %ec%o ocurri+

(b)eto es*eciico
Al .inali:ar la unidad' el alumno podr, .ormular oraciones a.irmativas'
negativas e interrogativas * atender, el uso del verbo au"iliar' a e.ecto de
tener una me-or comprensin en la lectura de te"tos en ingls+

Actividades de A*rendiCa)e
?ara los puntos 5+1 * 5+2 deber, apo*arse en los e-ercicios del libro
!astering American Englis%' en los cuales deber, cambiar el presente
del verbo ;to be= al pasado del verbo ;to be=) cambiara a pasado los
verbos regulares e irregulares (ue se le indican en cada oracin+ $e
igual .orma cambiar,' con el uso del au"iliar ;did=' las oraciones a
preguntas * a negaciones+ Insertar, en los espacios en blanco verbos
irregulares' de acuerdo al conte"to de cada oracin+ A partir de las
lecturas ;Dilliam 0oGard 0olt= * ;C%aning ?laces= contestar, las
preguntas (ue se le indi(uen+
En lo re.erente a los puntos 5+18 a 5+1B se remitir, a la lectura ;!aNing
C%anges= del libro #ile Intermediate e identi.icar, oraciones en
pasado continuo+ Entender, la estructura * caracter&sticas
esenciales del pasado continuo+
Crant Ea*lor+ !astering American Englis%+
!adeline !c%ug%+ #ile Intermediate+
Revisar lecturas unidad 5
'A$4 4#"$# (F 9#2ULA9 and I99#2ULA9 V#9F$
drive drove
go 7ent
run ran
teach taught
7rite 7rote
%E&'LA% VE%(S
)%%E&'LA% VE%(S
Bou 7rote love letters last 7ee:
4hey studied my #nglish lessons yesterday
$he 7or:ed in a good com*any a long time ago.
"#2A4IV# F(9>
I"4#99(2A4IV# F(9>
Tou 7rote love letters last GeeN+
E%e* study m* Englis% lessons *esterda*+
S%e 7or: in a good compan* a long time ago+
Tou Grite love letters last GeeN+ love letters last GeeN+ love letters last GeeN+
Did E%e* stud* m* Englis% lessons *esterda*+
S%e GorN in a good compan* a long time ago+
'A$4 C("4I"U(U$
AFFI9>A4IV# F(9> $entence in *ast tense
I 0as
7hile the *hone rang
De 0ere driving a car
E%e* Griting poems
0e sGimming in t%e pool
S%e 7as
"#2A4IV# F(9>
I 7as not
7hile the *hone rang
De 7ere
driving a car
E%e* Griting poems
0e sGimming in t%e pool
S%e 7as not
I"4#99(2A4IV# F(9>
0as I
0ere De driving a car
7hile the *hone rang
E%e* Griting poems
0e sGimming in t%e pool
0as S%e
Use the *ast tense orm o the verb in *arentheses in each sentence.
%. 0e <inish= the 7or: yesterday. We finished the work yesterday.
B+7 #ranN /borroG9 some mone* .rom %is .riend last nig%t+
5+7 I /liNe9 t%at movie about ?resident DilsonOs li.e+
>+7 E%at compan* /%ire9 tGent* neG GorNers last *ears+
6+7!r+ 0arris /e"plain9 t%e lesson to us ver* care.ull*+
A+7 E%e students /stud*9 t%ose tGo lessons *esterda*+
4+7 Ever*one /en-o*9 t%e part* ver* muc% last nig%t+
3+7 E%e driver /stop9 t%e bus ver* (uicNl*+
2+7 E%e clerN /count9 t%e mone* tGo or t%ree times+
18+ !* .riends /%elp9 me Git% m* %omeGorN t%is a.ternoon+
11+7 !r+ Lerg /describe9 %is trip to us a.ter class *esterda*+
1B+7 !* sister /sta*9 in Europe .or tGo and %al. mont%s+
15+7 All o. t%e students /cop*9 t%e assignment care.ull*+
1>+7 E%e secretar* /omit9 tGo or t%ree names .rom t%e list+
I99#2ULA9 V#9F IUIN <%=
$elect the correct verbs or each sentence. Use each verb only once. Use
only the *ast tense rom the verb.
choose 1+7 E%e bo*s went %ome an %our ago+
eel B+7 E%at tree JJJJJJJJJJJJ t%ree .eet last *ear+
ta:e 5+7 Lill JJJJJJJJJJJJ a prett* tie .rom t%e racN+
send >+7 I JJJJJJJJJJJJ a course in American %istor*+
go 6+7 E%e little bo* JJJJJJJJJJJJ t%e glass GindoG+
meet A+7 Alice JJJJJJJJJJJJ %er pen at sc%ool *esterda*+
lose 4+7 !ot%er JJJJJJJJJJJJ ver* sicN t%is morning+
stand 3+7 E%e* JJJJJJJJJJJJ a letter to Dalter *esterda*+
all 2+7 De JJJJJJJJJJJJ %is speec% on t%e radio+
blo7 18+7 E%e Gind JJJJJJJJJJJJ ver* %ard last nig%t+
gro7 11+7 I JJJJJJJJJJJJ on t%e corner .or %al. an %our+
brea: 1B+7 De JJJJJJJJJJJJ our .riends t%ere at 6@88 p+m+
hurt 15+7 0e JJJJJJJJJJJJ on t%e ice and JJJJJJJJJJJJ %is arm+
I99#2ULA9 V#9F IUIN <,=
$elect the correct verb or each sentence. Use each verb only once. Use
only the *ast tense rom the verb.
build 1+7 Last *ear' t%is class began at 3@58 p+m+
*ut B+7 !ar* JJJJJJJJJJJJ on t%e slipper* steps toda*+
all 5+7 E%e LroGns JJJJJJJJJJJJ a neG %ouse last *ear+
eel >+7 E%e t%ie. JJJJJJJJJJJJ -eGelr* .rom t%at store+
ly 6+7 !iss $avis JJJJJJJJJJJJ to Cuba Git% %er sister+
bite A+7 #ranN JJJJJJJJJJJJ us a long letter last GeeN+
steal 4+7 0e JJJJJJJJJJJJ %is %and Git% a s%arp Nni.e+
tear 3+7 !ar*JJJJJJJJJJJJ %er neG dress to t%e part*+
cut 2+7 LillJJJJJJJJJJJJ me .i.teen dollars *esterda*+
begin 18+7 E%e man JJJJJJJJJJJJ t%e door ver* (uietl*+
7rite 11+7 !r+ Dilson JJJJJJJJJJJJ t%e car care.ull*+
drive 1B+7 S%e JJJJJJJJJJJJ t%e dictionar* beside t%e t*peGriter+
lend 15+7 De JJJJJJJJJJJJ %app* because o. t%e neGs+
shut 1>+7 E%e dog JJJJJJJJJJJJ me and JJJJJJJJJJJJ m* clot%es+
I99#2ULA9 V#9F IUIN <-=
$elect the correct verb or each sentence. Use each verb only once. Use
only the *ast tense rom the verb.
teach 1+7 E%e men JJJJJJJJJJJJ .or C%icago last Euesda*+
7in B+7 #ranN JJJJJJJJJJJJ on t%e slipper* steps toda*+
all 5+7 E%e LroGns JJJJJJJJJJJJ a neG %ouse last *ear+
eel >+7 E%e t%ie. JJJJJJJJJJJJ -eGelr* .rom t%at store+
ly 6+7 !iss $avisJJJJJJJJJJJJ to Cuba Git% %er sister+
bite A+7 #ranN JJJJJJJJJJJJ us a long letter last GeeN+
steal 4+7 0e JJJJJJJJJJJJ %is %and Git% a s%arp Nni.e+
tear 3+7 !ar* JJJJJJJJJJJJ %er neGs dress to %e part*+
cut 2+7 Lill JJJJJJJJJJJJ me .i.teen dollars *esterda*+
18+7 E%e man JJJJJJJJJJJJ t%e door ver* (uietl*+
7rite 11+7 !r+ Dilson JJJJJJJJJJJJ t%e car care.ull*+
drive 1B+7 S%e JJJJJJJJJJJJ t%e dictionar* beside t%e beside t*peGriter+
lend 15+7 De %app* JJJJJJJJJJJJ because o. t%e neGs+
shut 1>+7 E%e dogJJJJJJJJJJJJ me and m* JJJJJJJJJJJJ clot%es+

IU#$4I(" I" 4@# 'A$4 4#"$#
Change the ollo7ing statements to 8uestions. $tudy the irst t7o
e6am*les careully.
%. 4hey inished the 7or:. Did they inish the 7or:M
,.&4hey 7ere in their oice. 0ere they in their oiceM
5+7 !r+ and !rs+ Dilson visited t%eir .riends in $etroit+
>+ E%e teac%er told t%e students t%e ansGer to t%e (uestion+
6+ E%at movie about DilsonOs li.e Gas interesting+
A+ !r+ 0arris e"plained t%e meaning o. t%e Gord to %er+
4+ E%ose men .rom Sout% America Gere at t%e meeting+
3+ E%e student studied care.ull* .or t%e e"amination+
2+ E%e Dilsons sold t%eir %ouse at a loG price+
18+ E%e last lesson Gas ver* di..icult .or t%e students+
11+ E%eir .riends Gatc%ed t%at television program last nig%t+
1B+ E%e man read t%e instructions in t%e booN ver* care.ull*+
15+ E%ere Gere man* people at t%e part* last #rida* nig%t+
"#2A4IV#$ I" 4@# 'A$4 4#"$#
Change the ollo7ing statements to negatives.
1+ E%e* GorNed ver* %ard+
B+ 0e Gas at t%e meeting+
5+ E%e secretar* copied t%e names .rom t%e list care.ull*+
>+ Alice ate lunc% at t%e ca.eteria Git% %er .riends+
6+ E%e students Gere read* .or t%e e"amination+
A+ !r+ 0arris taug%t at NeG TorN Universit* last summer+
4+ E%e teac%er noticed t%e mistaNe in t%at sentence+
3+ E%e last tGo lesson Gere ver* di..icult .or me+
2+ E%e students broug%t t%eir dictionaries to class *esterda*
18+ E%e director agreed Git% %is assistants to t%at matter+
11+ E%ere Gere man* people in t%e audience last nig%t+
1B+ !r+ Mo%nson prepared t%at report .or !r+ Dilson+
15+ Our .riends Gent to t%e movies Git% us o. Saturda* nig%t+

Unidad .
Futuro /7ill1 y Futuro /going to1
>+ E%e .uture tense Gill+

>+ 1 Using .uture tense+
>+ B Wuestion .uture Gill+
>+ 5 Negatives .uture Gill+
>+ > E%e .uture tense ;going to=+
>+ 6 Wuestion .uture ;going to=+
>+ A Negatives .uture ;going to=
>+ 4 Reading ;A tip to NeG TorN=+
Introduccin a esta Unidad de Aprendi:a-e
En esta unidad se observan los tiempos gramaticales) .uturo con el modal
verbal ;Gill= * .uturo con ;going to= tiene dos usos principales consistentes en@
1+7 Se usa en prediccin acerca de eventos (ue puedan ocurrir+
B+7 En promesas o desiciones+
5+7 XEl Gill se utili:a adem,s con ;i.=' en los 5 condicionales+

Ob-eto Especi.ico
Al .inali:ar la unidad' el alumno podr, .ormular oraciones a.irmativas'
negativas e interrogativas * entender, el uso del modal verb ;Gill= asimismo
conocer, la estructura del .uturo con ;going to= a e.ecto de tener una me-or
comprensin en la lectura de te"tos en Ingls+

Actividades de Aprendi:a-e
En relacin a los puntos >+ 1 a >+4 deber, apo*arse en los e-ercicios del libro
!astering American Englis%' en los cuales deber, usar el modal verb ;Gill= *
cambiara oraciones en pasado a .uturo' utili:ando el modal verb ;Gill=
asimismo cambiara oraciones en .uturo a preguntas * a negaciones+ A partir de
la lectura ;A trip to NeG TorN= contestar, las preguntas (ue se le indi(uen+

Crant Ea*lor+ !astering American Englis%
Revisar lecturas unidad >

Lecturas Unidad
FU4U9# 4#"$# 0I4@ 0ILL
AFFI9>A4IV# F(9>
Bou go to the dentist tomorro7.
0e *lay in the *layground in t7enty minutes.
4hey be on time.
@e travel around the 7orld ne6t year.
$he have a ne7 house 7hen she gets marry
"#2A4IV# F(9>
7ill not
Bou go to the dentist tomorro7.
0e *lay in the *layground in t7enty minutes.
4hey be on time.
@e travel around the 7orld ne6t year.
$he have a ne7 house 7hen she gets marry
I"4#99(2A4IV# F(9>
Bou go to the dentist tomorro7.
0e *lay in the *layground in t7enty minutes.
4hey be on time.
@e travel around the 7orld ne6t year.
$he have a ne7 house 7hen she gets marry
FU4U9# 4#"$# 0I4@ /going to1
AFFI9>A4IV# F(9>
study or ne6t e6ams.
going to
4hey get good grades
get marry soon.
"#2A4IV# F(9>
not going to
study or ne6t e6ams.
4hey get good grades
get marry soon.
I"499(2A4IV# F(9>
Am I
going to
study or ne6t e6ams.
Are 0e
4hey get good grades
Is $he get marry soon.
4I># #J'9#$$I("$ 4( U$# I" FU4U9# 4#"$#
)n+#ten minutes
)n ,-,- .ext


)n+#ten minutes
)n ,-,- .ext


FU4U9# 4#"$# 0I4@ 0ILL
Use the uture tense o the verb in *arentheses in each sentence.
Use only the uture tense 7ith 7ill.
1+ 0e /leave9 earl* tomorroG+
B+ De /see9 %im ne"t GeeN+
5+ E%e* /be9 %ere in ten minutes+
>+ E%e* meeting /begin9 at nine oOclocN tonig%t+
6+ I /give9 !r+ LroGn *our message tomorroG nig%t+
A+ !r+ !oore /read9 t%at stor* to t%e students ne"t !onda*+
4+ E%e Manitor /locN9 t%e door t%e at A)58 p+m+
3+ De /%ave9 and important %olida* tGo mont%s .rom noG+
2+ E%e men /be9 %ere at one7t%irt* t%is a.ternoon+
18+ I /remind9 !r+ Dilson o. %is appointment Git% *ou tonig%t+
11+ !r+ Mo%nsonOs Gi.e /bu*9 re.res%ments .or t%e part*+
1B+ All o. t%e people /be9 read* at ten oOclocN tomorroG morning+
15+ !r+ ?enn* Deig%t /return9 to England tomorroG+
1>+ Our .riends /meet9 us at t%e subGa* station at .ive oOclocN+
U$I"2 4@# FU4U9# 4#"$#
Change the verb in each sentence to the uture tense 7ith 7ill.
I it is necessary ? change the e6*ressions or time <change yesterday to
tomorro7= and so orth.
1+7 De ate lunc% Git% -o%n+
B+7 I returned and asNed %im+
5+7 Mo%n spoNe to t%e directorOs secretar* about t%at matter+
>+7 C%arles Gent to t%e movies Git% %is .riends last nig%t+
6+7 E%e Dilsons .leG to Lra:il and Argentina last *ear+
A+7 E%e clerN Grapped t%e pacNage and gave %er t%e c%ange+
4+7 Our guests saG almost all o. t%e cit* during t%eir vacation+
3+7 E%e student Grote a description o. t%is cit* .or t%e teac%er+
2+7 !* .riend Eduard lent me t%e mone* a GeeN ago+
18+7 Lill sold %is camera to #red and boug%t a neG one+
11+7 E%e* read t%at %istorical novel t%ree GeeNs ago+
1B+7 !r+ Mo%nson Gore %is neG Ginter overcoat to GorN+
15+7 !* secretar* got to t%e on time t%is morning+
1>+7 De got up earl* and %ad our breaN.ast at 4@58+
4@# FU4U9# 4#"$# /2(I"2 4(1
Use the uture tense o the verb in *arentheses in each sentence. Use only
the uture tense 7ith going.
1+7 I /.inis%9 it ne"t GeeN+
B+7 0e /go9 t%ere tomorroG+
5+7 De /be9 at t%e meeting+
>+7 I /return9 and /asN9 %im+
6+7 E%e teac%er /e"plain9 t%e ne"t lesson to us tomorroG+
A+7 De /attend9 t%at con.erence in St+ Louis ne"t mont%+
4+7 I /stud*9 m* Englis% lessons Git% m* .riends tonig%t+
3+7 !r+ Dilson and !r+ Mo%nson /be9 in t%e all a.ternoon+
2+7 De /go9 to t%e movies Git% our m* .riends tomorroG nig%t+
18+7 !iss Anderson /invite9 all o. %er .riends to %er part*+
11+7 !r+ 0arris /teac%9 a di..erent Englis% class ne"t GeeN+
1B+7 !* brot%er /go9 to Laltimore Git% me ne"t GeeN+
15+7 E%e men /repair9 t%e roo. o. t%e %ouse t%e da* a.ter tomorroG+
1>+7 E%ere /be9 and important meeting %ere ne"t E%ursda* evening+
U$I"2 4@# FU4U9# 4#"$#
Change the verb in each sentence to the uture tense 7ith go.
I it is necessary . change the e6*ressions or time <change yesterday to
1+7 De Gent t%ere last nig%t+
B+7 I saG %im tGo da*s ago+
5+7 E%e students read t%e assignment care.ull* *esterda*+
>+7 Mo%n spoNe to ?ro.essor Ea*lor about t%at last E%ursda*+
6+7 !r+ and !rs+ LroGn boug%t a neG %ouse last *ear+
A+7 !r+ #oster (uit %is -ob Git% t%e A-a" Compan*+
4+7 I sent m* .riends a letter and told %im about ever*t%ing+
3+7 !r+ !oore Gas t%e teac%er o. t%is class last *ear+
2+7S%e picNet up t%e paper and t%reG it into t%e GastebasNet+
18+7 Eom and Lill %ad dinner Git% !r+ !oore and !r+ 0arris+
11+7 !rs+ Mo%nson Gore %er neG spring coat to t%e part* *esterda*+
1B+7 E%e president made an important announcement over t%e radio+
15+7 !* Gi.e boug%t a neG Ginter overcoat t%is GeeN+
1>+7 E%e LroGns sold t%eir old %ouse last *ear and boug%t aneG one+
IU#$4I(" 4@# FU4U9# 0I4@ 2(I"2 4(.
Change the ollo7ing statements to 8uestions. "otice the e6am*les.
%. @e is going to leave early. Is he going to leave earlyM
,. 4hey are going to be there. Are they going to be hereM
5+ Lill LroGn is going to eat lunc% Git% us toda*+
>+7 !r+ #oster is going to (uit %is -ob Git% t%e A-a" Compan*+
6+ All o. t%e students are going to t%e lecture tonig%t+
A+7 Tou are going to accept %is .or a -ob Git% t%at compan*+
4+ E%ere is going to be a part* %ere ne"t #rida* nig%t+
3+ 0is .riends are going to leave %ere t%e da* a.ter tomorroG+
2+ ?ro.essor !oore is going to e"plain t%at lesson to t%em+
18+ De are going to Gatc% t%at television program tonig%t+
11+ Lot% #red and Eom are going to be at t%e meeting tomorroG+
1B+ !rs+ Mo%nson is going to Gear %er neG dress t%is evening+
15+ !r+ LroGn is going to taNe %is vacation in August+
1>+ #ranNOs .riends are going to go to t%e movies Git% us tonig%t+
9#AL C("DI4I("$+ FU4U9#
'resent sim*le 'resent sim*le
9eal *ossible
'resent sim*le 7ill E can H ininitive
%. 4he teacher 7ill e6*lain that *art i you as: him.
B+ I. 0arr* /invite9 me' I Gill probabl* go to t%e part*+
5+ Tou Gill %ave enoug% time to eat lunc% i. *ou /get9 %ere earl*+
>+ I. Eom /see9 !iss IrGin' %eOll give %er *our message+
6+ I. /decide9 to -oin t%e club' I Gill .ill out t%is applications blanN+
A+ De Gill get t%ere be.ore midnig%t i. t%e rain /arrive9 on time+
4+ I. !r+ Lurton /need9 an* assistance' I Gill tell *ou rig%t aGa*+
3+ #at%er Gill surel* get Get toda* i. %e /taNe' not9 %is umbrella+
2+ I. *ou /be' not9 more care.ul in t%e .uture' *ouOll %ave an accident+
18+ I. Lett* /liNe' not9 t%is sGeater' can s%e e"c%ange it at t%e storeK
U"9#AL C("DI4I("+ '9#$#"4 A"D FU4U9#

0ould E can H ininitive 0ould E can H ininitive
1+ I. I /%ave9 t%e da* o.. tomorroG' I JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ go to beac%+
B+ I. I /%ave9 a million dollars rig%t noG' I JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ around t%e
5+ I. I /be9 t%e president o. t%is countr*' I JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ c%ange
certain t%ings+
>+ I. t%at man /GorN9 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ %arder' %e could earn more
6+ I. I /be9 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ in *ou place' I Gould accept !r+
A+ E%e Gorld Gould be a better place i. JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ
4+ I. ever*bod* dressed t%e same Ga*' JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ
2+ I. I %ad more .ree time' JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ
18+ I. I spoNe Mapanese .luentl*' JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ

Unidad 3
4cnicas de com*rensin de lectura
6+ SNills o. Reading+
6+ 1 SNimming+
6+ B Scanning+

6+ 5 In.erring meaning+
6+ > Identi.*ing t%e topic+
6+ 6 Identi.*ing te"t organi:ation+
6+ A Understanding t%e main idea+
6+ 4 Separating .act and opinin+

Introduccin a esta unidad de Aprendi:a-e
En esta unidad se presentan las diversas tcnicas de comprensin de lectura'
tales como@ ;sNimming=' la cual consiste en leer r,pidamente el te"to * de esta
manera obtener una idea general del mismo) sta tcnica de lectura la
utili:amos para encontrar el tema' las ideas principales * la organi:acin
general del te"to+
En relacin a la tcnica de lectura ;scanning=' consiste en saber (ue clase
in.ormacin necesitamos encontrar antes de comen:ar a leer el te"to' toda ve:
(ue debemos mover r,pidamente nuestros o-os para encontrar in.ormacin
particular' como por e-emplo un %ec%o' alg<n detalle o palabra dentro del

Ob-etivo Especi.ico
Al finalizar la unidad, el alumno podr utilizar las di!ersas tcnicas de
comprensin de lectura, para que pueda o"tener de una manera mas eficaz la
idea general o principal de un texto y#o informacin especifica.

Actividades de Aprendi:a-e
En relacin a los puntos 6+1 a 6+4 deber, apo*arse en los e-ercicios del
libro Reading Ye*s /$eveloping9 en los cuales anali:ara * entender, las
diversas tcnicas de ls comprensin de la lectura+

!iles Craven +Reading Ye*s /$eveloping9
Revisar Unidad 6

Bou Judge
9ead the biogra*hies o these t7o *eo*le and the crimes each one has
committed. In grou*s? discuss the crimes and decide on the sentence
you 7ould give i you 7ere the )udge.
Case %
Fiogra*hy+ Yaren !ic%el a 12 *ear7old7Goman+ S%e is not ver* Gell7educated
and %as a bo*.riends G%o seems to %ave a lot o. mone* and travels abroad lot+
S%e is ver* impressed Git% %er bo*.riend' but s%e NnoGs %e %as been to prison
tGice be.ore+ YarenOs bo*.riends asNs %er to go to EurNe* to bring bacN a
suitcase %e le.t t%ere on t%is last visit+ 0e tells %er it contains important papers
.or %is business and s%e can earn Z 6'888 .or collecting t%e suitcase+
Yaren t%inNs it is a little strange t%at %er bo*.riends asNs %er to go' but s%e goes
Git%out asNing (uestions+ S%e does not Gant to asN too man* (uestions
because s%e Gants t%e mone*+
Crime+ $rug smuggling [S%e smuggled Z \ million Gort% o. %eroine .rom
EurNe* in a suitcase+ S%e Gas caug%t at 0eat%roG Airport' London' as s%e
returned but s%e said s%e did not NnoG G%at Gas in t%e suitcase+
$entences+ no sentence' but a Garning not to do it again a .ine o.

Case ,
Fiogra*hy+ !rs+ E%eresa Arlott %as .ive c%ildren+ S%e is unemplo*ed and %er
%usband le.t %er t%ree *ears ago+ 0e is muc% better [o.. t%an s%e is' but %e
does not give muc% mone* to %er .or t%e upbringing o. %er c%ildren+
!rs+ Arlott Gould liNe to go on %olida* Git% %er c%ildren but s%e %as no mone*+
S%e spends all %er mone* on .ood and clot%es .or t%e .amil*+
Last GeeN s%e committed a crime+
Crime+ S%opli.ting [s%e stole Z 188 Gort% o. .ood and clot%es .rom a
Unidad 5
4e6tos Jur!dicos en Ingls
A+ Ee"tos Muridicos en Ingls

A+ 1 Introduccin al Sistema Legal Norteamericano+
A+ B Introduccin al Sistema Legal en Ingls+
A+ 5 Corte ?enal Internacional+
A+ > Corte Interamericana de $erec%os 0umanos+
A+ 6 Eratado de Libre Comercio+
Introduccin a esta Unidad de Aprendi:a-e
En esta unidad abordaremos te"tos -ur&dicos en Ingls' a partir de lecturas
relacionadas con el .uncionamiento del sistema legal norteamericano *
sistema legal en Ingls' La Corte ?enal Internacional * la Corte
Interamericana de $erec%os 0umanos as& como el Eratado de Libre Comercio
entre Estados Unidos+ Canad, * !"ico+

Ob-etivo Especi.ico
Al finalizar la unidad el alumno conocer e identificar trminos urdicos en
ingls; as como comprender textos relacionados con el sistema legal
norteamericano, sistema legal ingls, $orte %enal Internacional, $orte
Interamericana de Derec&os 'umanos y tratado de (i"re $omercio.

Actividades de Aprendi:a-e
En los puntos A+1 a A+6 el alumno contestar, los cuestionarios relativos
a cada lectura' as& como contestara verdadero o .also * responder, las
preguntas de opcin m<ltiple) de igual .orma identi.icara la idea
principal del te"to e in.ormacin especi.ica+

?,ginas Geb (ue se sugerir,n para la consulta+
Revisar lecturas unidad A
Lecturas Unidad
Legal 4erms

% District Attorney < = a 'ublic (icer 7ith authority to
decide cases in a la7court
, la7 < = b Decision reached by a )ury on a
8uestion o act in a la7 case
- sentence < = c 'erson 7ho disobeys the la7O
. la7&brea:er < = d 4he *ublic *rosecutor
3 veredict < = e 9ule established by authority or custom
regulating the behavior o members o a
community? country.
5 la7court < = #6*ert in la7

P )urist < = g >ember o a )ury
Q la7ma:er < = h 2rou* o *eo*le in a la7court 7ho have
been chosen to listen to the acts in a
case and decide 7hether the accused
*erson is guilty or not guilty

K la7yer < = i Legislator
%L )ury < = ) 'erson 0ho is trained and 8ualiied in
legal matters.
%% )uror < = : 9oom or building in 7hich legal cases
are heard and )udge

%, )udge < = l 'unishment given by a la7court
4he International Criminal Court <ICC=
4he International Criminal Court <ICC= is an inde*endent? *ermanent court
that tries *ersons accused o the most serious crimes o international
concern? namely genocide? crimes against humanity and 7ar crimes.
4he ICC is based on a treaty? )oined by %LL countries.
E%e ICC is a court o. last' resort+ It Gill not act i. a case is investigated or
persecuted b* a national -udicial s*stems unless t%e national proceedings are
not genuine' .or e"ample i. .ormal proceedings Gere undertaNen solel* to s%ield
a person .rom criminal responsibilit*+ In addition' t%e ICC onl* tries t%ose
accused o. t%e gravest crimes+
In all o. its activities t%e ICC observes t%e %ig%est standards o. .airness and due
process+ E%e -urisdiction and .unctioning o. t%e ICC are governed b* t%e Rome
Establis%ment o. t%e Court
E%e International Criminal Court Gas establis%ed b* t%e Rome Statute o. t%e
International Criminal Court' so called because it Gas adopted in Rome' Ital* on
14 Mul* 1223 b* t%e
United Nations $iplomatic Con.erence o. ?lenipotentiaries on t%e Establis%ment
o. an International Criminal Court+
E%e Rome Statute is an International treat*' binding onl* on t%ose States G%ic%
.ormall* e"press t%eir consent to be bound b* its provisions + E%ese States t%en
become ;?arties ; to t%e Statute+ In accordance Git% its terms' t%e Statute
entered into .orce on 1 Mul* B88B' once A8 States %ad become ?arties+ Eoda*
188 States %ave become ?arties to t%e Statute+ E%e States ?arties meet in t%e
Assembl* o. States ?arties G%ic% is t%e management oversig%t and legislative
bod* o. t%e court+
#olloGing t%e adoption o. t%e Rome Statute' t%e United Nation convened t%e
?reparator* Commission .or t%e international Criminal Court+ As Dit% t%e Rome
Con.erence' all States Gere invited to participate in t%e ?reparator*
Commission+ Among its ac%ievements' t%e ?reparator* Commission reac%ed
consensus on t%e Rules o. ?rocedure and Evidence and t%e elements o. t%e
E%ese tGo te"ts Gere subse(uentl* adopted b* t%e Assembl* o. States ?arties+
Eoget%er Git% t%e Rome Statute and t%e Regulations o. t%e Court adopted b*
t%e -udges t%e* comprise t%e CourtOs basic legal te"ts' setting out its structure'
-urisdiction and .unctions+

$tructure o the Court
E%e Court is and independent institution+ E%e Court is not part o. t%e United
Nations' but it maintains a cooperative relations%ip Git% t%e U+ N+ E%e Court is
based in t%e 0ague' t%e Net%erlands' alt%oug% it ma* also sit elseG%ere+
E%e Court is composed o. .our organs+ E%ese are t%e ?residenc*' t%e -udicial
$ivisions' t%e o. t%e ?rosecutor and t%e Registr*+
E%e ?residenc* is responsible .or t%e overall administration o. t%e Court' Git%
t%e e"ception o. t%e o. t%e ?rosecutor' and .or speci.ic .unctions assigned
to t%e ?residenc* in accordance Git% t%e Statute+ E%e ?residenc* is composed
o. t%ree -udges o. t%e Court' elected to t%e ?residenc* b* t%eir .elloG -udges' .or
a term o. t%ree *ears+ E%e ?resident o. t%e Court is Mudge ?%ilippe Yirsc%
/Canada9+ Mudge ANua Yuen*e%ia /Cana9 is .irst Hice7?resident' and Mudge
Ren Llattmann /Lolivia9 is Second Hice7?resident+
!"dicia# $i%isions
E%e Mudicial $ivisions consist o. eig%teen -udges organi:ed into t%e ?re7Erial
$ivision' t%e Erial $ivision and t%e Appeals $ivision+ E%e Mudges o. eac%
$ivision sit in C%ambers G%ic% are responsible .or conducting t%e proceedings
o. t%e Court at di..erent stages+ Assignment o. -udges to $ivisions is made on
t%e basis o. t%e nature o. t%e .unctions eac% $ivision per.orms and t%e
(uali.ications and e"perience o. t%e -udge+ E%is is done in a manner ensuring
t%at eac% $ivision bene.its .rom an appropriate combination o. e"pertise in
criminal laG and procedure and international laG+ E%e -udges o. t%e Court are@
?%ilippe Yirsc% /Canada9' ANua Yuen*e%ia /Cana9' Mudge Ren Llattmann
/Lolivia9' Yarl E+ 0udson7?illips /Erinidad and Eobago9' Claude Morda /#rance9'
Ceorg%ios !+ ?iNis /C*prus9' Eli:abet% Odio Lenito /Costa Rica9' Navanet%em
?illa* /Sout% A.rica9' Sang70*un Song /Republic o. Yorea9' 0ans7?eter Yaul
/Cerman*9' !auro ?oliti /Ital*9' !aureen 0arding ClarN /Ireland9' ErNNi Yourula
/#inland9' #atoumata $embele $iarra /!ali9' Anita UscNa /Latvia9' Adrian
#ul.ord /United Yingdom9' S*via Steiner /Lra:il9 and ENaterina Erenda.ilova
&ffice of the Prosec"tor
E%e o. t%e ?rosecutor is responsible .or receiving re.errals and an*
substantiated in.ormation on crimes Git%in t%e -urisdiction o. t%e Court' .or
e"amining t%em and .or conducting investigations and prosecutions be.ore t%e
Court+ E%ese is %eaded b* t%e ?rosecutor' Luis !oreno Ocampo
/Argentina9' G%o Gas elected b* t%e states ?arties .or a term o. nine *ears+ E%e
?rosecutor is assisted b* tGo $eput* ?rosecutors' Serge Lrammert: /Lelgium9'
Dit% responsibilit* .or investigations and #atou Lensouda /E%e Cambia9 Git%
responsibilit* .or prosecutions+
E%e Registr* is responsible .or t%e non7-udicial aspects o. t%e administration
and servicing o. t%e Court+ E%e Registr* is %eaded b* t%e Registrar G%o is t%e
principal administrative o..icer o. t%e Court+ E%e Registrar e"ercises %is or %er
.unctions under t%e aut%orit* o. t%e ?resident o. t%e Court+ E%e current
Registrar' elected b* t%e -udges .or a term o. .ive *ears ' is Lruno Cat%ala
&ther offices
E%e Court also includes a number o. semi7autonomous o..ices suc% as t%e o. ?ublic Counsel .or victims and t%e o. ?ublic Counsel .or
$e.ense+ E%ese O..ices .all under t%e Registr* .or administrative purposes but
ot%erGise .unction as G%oll* independent o..ices+ E%e Assembl* o. States
?arties %as also establis%ed a Erust #und .or t%e o. victims o. crimes
Git%in t%e -urisdiction o. t%e Court and t%e .amilies o. t%ese victims+
Ans7er the Iuestions
1+7 0oG man* organs does t%e Court %aveK
B+7 D%ic% are t%eseK
5+7 0oG muc% time do t%e -udges sta* in t%e ?residenc*K
>+7 D%o is t%e #irst Hice7?residentK
6+7 D%at is t%e structure o. t%e Mudicial $ivisionsK
A+E%e Gord ;G%ic%= in line t%ree' on t%e paragrap% o. -udicial $ivisions' re.ers to@
4+7 D%at is t%e .unction o. t%e o. t%e ?rosecutorK
3+7 D%at are t%e .unctions o. t%e tGo $eput* ?rosecutorsK
2+7 E%e Gord ;D%o= in line tGo' on t%e paragrap% o. Registr*' re.ers tGoK
18+7E%e Gord ;t%ese= in line tGo' on t%e paragrap% o. ;ot%er O..ices= re.ers to@
"orth American Free 4rade Agreement
E%e nort% American #ree Erade Agreement /NA#EA9 Gas implemented on
Manuar* 1' 122>+ It is designed to remove tari.. barriers betGeen t%e U+S+
Canada and !e"ico over t%e ne"t .i.teen *ears NA#EA includes tGo important
side agreements on environmental an labor issues t%at e"tend into cooperative
e..orts to reconcile policies' and procedures .or dispute resolution betGeen t%e
member states+
NA#EA Gas preceded b* an agreement betGeen Canada and t%e Unites States
called t%e U+S7Canada #ree7Erade Agreement /#EA9 G%ic% Gas e..ective on
Manuar* 1' 1232' and is suspended due to NA#EA+
E%e Nort% American #ree Erade Agreement /NA#EA9 eliminated t%e ma-orit* o.
tari..s betGeen products traded among t%e United States' Canada and !e"ico'
and graduall* p%ases out ot%er tari..s over a 187*ears period+ Restrictions Gere
to be removed .rom man* categories' including motor ve%icles' computers'
te"tiles and agriculture+ E%e treat* also protects intellectual propert* rig%ts
/patents' cop*rig%ts and trademarNs9' and outlines t%e removal o. investment
restrictions among t%e t%ree countries+ E%e agreements is trilateral in nature
/t%at is' t%e terms appl* e(uall* to all countries9 in all areas e"cept agriculture'
in G%ic% stipulations' tari.. reduction p%ase7out periods and protection o. select
industries' Gere negotiated on a bilateral basis+ ?rovisions regarding GorNer
and environmental protection Gere added later as a result o. supplemental
agreements signed in 1225+
Under NA#EA all non7tari.. barriers to agricultural trade betGeen t%e United
States and !e"ico Gere eliminated+ In addition' man* tari.. Gere eliminated
immediatel*' Git% ot%ers being p%ased out over 6 to 16 *ears+ All agricultural
provisions Gill be implemented b* t%e *ear B883+ #or import7sensitive
industries' long transition periods and special sa.eguards alloGed .or and
orderl* ad-ustment to .ree trade Git% !e"ico+
E%e agricultural provisions o. t%e U+S+ [Canada #ree Erade Agreement /C#EA9'
in e..ect since 1232' Gere incorporated into NA#EA+ Under t%ese provisions' all
tari..s a..ecting agricultural trade betGeen t%e United States and Canada Git% a
.eG e"ception .or items covered b* tari..7rate (uotas /ERWOs9' Gere removed
be.ore Man+ 1' 1223+
!e"ico and Canada reac%ed a separate bilateral NA#EA agreement on marNet
access .or agricultural products+ E%e !e"ican7Canadian agreement eliminated
most tari.. eit%er immediatel* or over 6' 18' 16' *ears+ Eari.. betGeen t%e tGo
countries a..ecting trade in dair*' poultr*' eggs' and sugar are maintained+
Ans7er the ne6t 8uestions.
1+7 E%e Gord ;it= in line B re.ers to@JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ
5+7 D%at agreements dos NA#EA includeK JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ
>+7 E%e Gord ;G%ic%= in line 3 re.ers to@ JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ
According to the ne6t ans7er true or alseM
4+7E%e agreement is bilateral in all areas+ JJJJJJJJJ JJJJJJJJJ
3+7All non7tari.. barriers to agricultural trade sta* in NA#EA+ JJJJJJJJJ
2+7Some tari..s Gere eliminated sloGl*+ JJJJJJJJJ JJJJJJJJJ
18+7 !e"ico and Canada Neep a separate bilateral NA#EA agreement on marNet
.or agricultural products+ JJJJJJJJJ JJJJJJJJJ

#V#9B 2#$4U9# 4#LL$ A $4(9B
D%en Ge t%inN about language and communication Ge usuall* t%inN o.
speaNing+ Lut our gestures and movements' in ot%er Gords our bod* language'
sa*s muc% more about us t%an our Gords+ Lod* language tells us G%at ot%ers
are reall* t%inNing or .elling too+
?s*c%ologist' Susan Wuilliam' sa*s t%at Gords maNe up onl* seven per cent o.
t%e communicating Ge do' G%ile 25 per cent comes .rom silent signals+ C%ildren
understand it naturall*' but as Ge groG up t%e emp%asis s%i.ts toGards Gords
and Ge lose t%e NnacN o. picNing up t%ese silent signals+ Adults become ver*
good at sa*ing t%ings t%e* donOt necessaril* mean+ Lod* language GorNs
toget%er Git% verbal language' but sometimes t%e tGo can be contradictor*+ #or
e"ample' people ma* sa* t%e* agree Git% *ou' at t%e same time tilting t%eir
c%air bacN and learning aGa* .rom *ou+ L* p%*sicall* distancing t%emselves
.rom *ou' t%e* are actuall* e"pressing disagreement+
;Some people are e"tremel* good bod* language liars'= sa*s Susan Wuillam+
#or e"ample politicians learn to use certain gestures to create t%e rig%t
impression+ Lut ma*be t%e* are not as success.ul as t%e %ope+ Le.ore believing
G%at *ou see in a personOs .ace *ou s%ould move .urt%er bacN to see t%eir
G%ole bod*+ E%e .urt%er *ou get .rom t%eir .ace t%e more trut%.ul people
become+ #eet are a reall* good indicator+ Eapping .eet s%oG restlessness and a
desire to escape+
Some .acial gestures' %oGever' Ge do instinctivel*+ #or instance ' t%e pupils in
our e*es dilate G%en Ge are attracted to someone+ So muc% bod* language
%appens unconsciousl*+ I. Ge Gant to use and understand gestures success.ull*
Ge need to be aGare o. t%em and t%eir di..erent meaning+ Datc%ing out .or bod*
language in ourselves and ot%ers %elps us communicate better+ I. *ou learn to
decip%er and use bod* language Gell' *ou Gill become as .luent Git% it as *ou
are Git% verbal language+
I. 7hat is meaning o the ne6t 7ordsM. Don;t use a dictionary.
II. Find in the te6t the 7ords that have similar meaning 7ith the list belo7.
1A+7 also /line >9
14+7 moves /line 49
13+7 t%e abilit* to /line 39
12+7 leaning /line 119
B8+7 people G%o tell lies /line 1>9
B1+7 a .eeling o. not Ganting to sta* still /line 129
BB+7 o. t%e .ace /line B89
B5+7 .or e"ample /line B89
B>+7 become larger /line B19
B6+7 Git%out us NnoGing it /line BB9
BA+7 be conscious o. /line B59
III. Ans7er the ne6t 8uestions.
B4+7 D%at is t%e main idea o. t%e te"tK
B3+7 D%en can bod* language and verbal language be contradictor*K
B2+7 E%e Gord ;t%e*= in line 1A re.ers to@
58+7 D%at part o. t%e bod* is a good indicatorK
51+7 D%at do Ge need to use and understand gesturesK
IH+ According to t%e te"t' ansGer true or .alse+
5B+7 Our gestures and movements to verbal language JJJJ JJJJ
55+7 Dords maNe up sevent* per cent o. t%e communicating+ JJJJ JJJJ
5>+7 C%ildren understand verbal language naturall*+ JJJJ JJJJ
56+7 ?oliticians are not good liars+ JJJJ JJJJ
5A+7 Herbal language %appens unconsciousl* JJJJ JJJJ
Libliogra.ia Ceneral
1+7 Crant Ea*lor+ !astering American Englis%+
B+7 Ana Imelda Campu:ano Re*es + Comprensin de Lectura de Ee"tos
Muridicos en Ingls 1+ /!anual9
5+7 !adeline !c%ug%+ #ile Intermediate

>+7!iles Craven+ Reading Ye*s /$eveloping9+
6+7 NeG O".ord Advanced LearnerO s $ictionar*+
A+7?,ginas Geb (ue se sugerir,n para consulta+

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