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National Neichants Association 4S62u Riuge Paik Bi.

#S1u, Temecula CA 92S9u 866-Su9-7199

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To whom it may concein:

I, the unueisigneu __________________________________, holuing passpoitBiiveis License
numbei ____________________________ on behalf of _________________________________________,
heieby ueclaie that all the piouucts solu thiough the 0RLs piocesseu by National
Neichants Association uo not contain tobacco.

Fuitheimoie, I heieby ueclaie that none of the piouucts oi the ingieuients founu in
all the piouucts solu thiough the 0RLs piocesseu by National Neichants Association
aie illegal oi piohibiteu by any legislation anuoi 0S RegulationsBiiectives.

The Neichant heieby agiees to inuemnify anu holu National Neichants Association
haimless fiom anu against any claim, loss anuoi liability in iespect to this

By viitue of hishei signatuie below, the unueisigneu veiifies anu confiims that the
infoimation pioviueu in this ueclaiation is tiue anu coiiect.

Signeu by:____________________________

Piint Name:__________________________

Bate: ________________________________

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