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90030 English 0


Csar Augusto Sanz Vanegas

C.C. 18.615.538

Group 30

Alexander Fernndez

August 27/2014

1. Perfil actualizado del aula

2. Respuesta a preguntas.

a. Whats your name?
My name is Csar Augusto Sanz Vanegas.

b. How old are you?
I am 35 years old.

c. Where do you live? (City and neighborhood)
I live in the town of Santa Rosa de Cabal, department of Risaralda

d. What are you studying?
I am studying business Administration.

e. What do you do in your free time?
My free time I like to go for a walk and watch tv.

f. Who do you live with?
I live with my mother.

Lets talk about

Your tutors name is Alexander Fernandez
Your course director is Martha Bulla
Your group number is 30

a) What can you find in News Forum?
In this space you will find information and instructions that will support your
learning process in the English 0 course.

Informacin inicial
Entorno de conocimiento
Aprendizaje colaborativo
Aprendizaje prctico
Evaluacin y seguimiento.

b) What can you find in General Forum?
In this space I can contact my tutor and participate in the subject, this is a place to
communicate with my virtual tutor and group mates to solve technical problems
and general academic concerns.
c) What is the link "Duties and Rights" about?

3. Respuesta a las siguientes preguntas:

Is English important in your life? Why?
Because apart from providing information on language and offer a better
education, is also a key opportunity when finding work, job opportunities will
multiply as having language proficiency.

Is English important in your career? Why?
Because being the language of international communication will allow me to know
cultures, lifestyles and customs of other countries, in addition to perform me in
business if I want to do business internationally, English is the language used to

Lets talk about
the course.

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