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Isabella Romo

Field Journal 4
September 7, 2014
1. Condensation and Culture: Much like the process of condensation, humans are
water vapor in the air that formed into liquid. We come into this world with no
beliefs or expectations, and our culture and our norms helps us to form ourselves
into that person we want to be. We are forming into liquid.
2. Location and Lake Mead: When we are in an environment we learn to adapt to
our surroundings and the situations that we go through. In a way we are like Lake
Mead because we learn to adapt through all the hardships that we have to go
through because of the location that we are in.
3. Education and Nutrient Cycle: in the nutrient cycle, nutrients are transferred from
a physical environment in living organisms and later recycled back into the
physical environment. When we obtain new information we obtain it, then later on
we transfer it into something or someone else. Our education is like the nutrient
cycle in which everything is recycled.
4. Pathogen and Beliefs: when we choose to believe in something and really put
our faith in it, it consumes us. It takes a hold of us much like a pathogen would.
5. Family and Water Security: Our families make sure that we have anything that
we need and that we are not suffering in any way. Our Parents are like our Water
Security because they protect us from the harm in society.

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