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World War One Notes

Main killer of troops in previous wars was disease however on the Western
front, their was a medical revolution during the war preventing it being a major
Abdominal wounds and head wounds, not treated well in WW1
War of position your position is constantly being shell fired
Artillery pieces become progressively larger
Impact of shellfire on human body huge
Picking up an intact corpse rare
Picking up pieces of human body
Truces in the Western Front are incredibly rare
Very difficult to bring in troops from no-mans land who are wounded
Hard to pick soldiers quickly to aid facility
Removing dead flesh in order to prevent gangrene and other diseases
Impact of heavy weaponry - very complex wounds
Triage system light walking wounded
-wonds to limbs, etc, medium
-abdominal/headwounds major wounds (given morpheine) {complex wounds}
large high explosive shells
War of fixed position
German Howitzer (One of the best guns of the war)
German had better guns to British up until 1917
9.2 Howitzer (British gun that was effective [1917])
Germans are a mass industrial base for weaponry
Germans nor British nor French werent prepared for casualties
Huge expansion or nursing core, medicine
German best of prepared, French worst
1 million gas casualties in WW1 (only fatal immediately in 10% of gas cases)
Totally and permanently incapacitated military term for pension
Many armies dont recognise shellshock as a condition
Veterans of the WW1 had higher rate of suicide (probably due to the poor
mental health treatment)
traumatic scenes
can be portrayed by war artists
War is portrayed as a traumatic event when portrayed in poetry and art

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