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Audience Profile

Name- Rayan
Hobbies- football, swimming, boxing, gym
Studing- media, Pe, Maths, English & mix marshal arts
Job- working Saturday at a gym
Favourite bands/singers- lil wayne, Drake, Eminem, Dr
dre, linkin Park .
Other info- lives in braunstone , drinks pink lemonade a
Regualar reads- 442 & match of the day


Name-imogen Green
Hobbies- cooking, singing, writing,
Job-Saturday job in a bakery
Favourite singers/bands-Eminem,
wiz kalifa, nicki minaj, lil wayne
Other info- lives in braunstone & all
she eats are space raiders crisps/.
From both of my audience profiles I can now know
what to include in my magazine and what I should
change its obvious that rapping is a big thing and
teenagers are liking it a lot. my magazine BASE will
appeal to both audiences male and female as it shows
from both profiles rap is a success.

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