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Smith 1

John Smith
Mrs. Witt
Advanced English
15 September 2014
Introduction paragraphs start with the attention getter. Then you move to the necessary
information before you can write the thesis. The thesis is the last sentence of your intro
paragraph. Make sure that your typing is double spaced.
Your body paragraphs should each start with a topic sentence. Then move to your power
two sentences which begin with transition words. Dont forget to include examples, details, and
explanation in your power three sentences. A paragraph should be six or more sentences long.
Dont forget to conclude your paragraph with a power four sentence that summarizes your main
points and gets the reader ready to move on to your next paragraph.
Insert Page number top of page type
your last name in front of the page number
Click the left align icon. Type your name,
teachers name, class name, and date. Make
sure to double space!
Make sure you center your title. Capitalize all
important words in the title. Do not skip extra
lines before or after your title.
space and
indent for a
Times New
Roman size
12 only!!

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