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Tomorrow Ill turn 18

In front of the people who watched me grow into a wreck

They who have always mistaken my cigarette burns for mosquito bites,
They who have always mistaken my mosquito bites for cigarette burns
They who have always cared a little too much,
Loved a little too less

Tomorrow Ill turn 18
Why does this inevitable coming stir such a fuss
They think i have time for a dress, a pair of shoes or for guests
I cant even find time to fix my sad exhausted self
A part of me has lived enough to say
It shouldnt have lived at all

Tomorrow Ill turn 18
The plan is to hold a feast while faking a smile
The entire evening long, this is what they ask of me to do
I am tired and i wanna skip this age, perhaps skip this life
But then again, tomorrow is the much awaited day
Jesus fuck, what really is there to celebrate?

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