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gasoline is very low in comparison with other countries and this is because of good transportation

system, which meets the needs of people in that area.

Rising Sea Level:
b) See attached tracing

c) From the attached tracing it is demonstrated that about 90% of the urban areas such as
industries, infrastructures, educational institutions, communities, residential, parks, main high
ways, railways would be disappeared due to raising sea level up to 100ft.

d) the coastal and low lying areas of North America which will be mostly impacted includes
coasts of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, parts of Beaufort sea coast,
Quebec, Newfoundland, Labrador and British Columbia. One of the main factors behind this
event would be melting of ice-caps.


e) The following regions would mostly be affected by sea level rise:

The Caribbean: in Bahamas one meter rise of sea level would cause 11% of total land to
be wiped out, and this land loss will increase up to 60% with 5 meter rise in sea level.
Major areas of Suriname and Guyana will be mostly impacted by this disaster.
Middle East: in this area, approximately 10% of the total population will be impacted
due to one meter rise in sea level. In Nile Delta, 20% of Egyptian will be affected due to
5 meter increase in sea level. In UAE and Tunisia, one meter rise in sea level would affect
5% of the population and 12% for a rise of 5 meter increase in sea level. and just under
10% of Qatar population will be impacted by the same magnitude.
In addition, about 13% of the urban areas in UAE will be impacted due to 5 meter
Rise in sea level and 12% Egyptian will be affected by the same magnitude.
Africa: Mauritania is another major region, which about 8% of its population will be
affected by one meter rise in sea level. And a 5 meter rise can affect about 21% of its
population and 22% of Gambias population will be affected by the same magnitude.
Asia: In Vietnam, approximately 16% of the land will be wiped out by 5 meter rise in sea
level. Major affected areas would include Mekong and Red River Deltas, some major
areas of southwest of Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) would be badly impacted. In addition, over

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