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A Laymans Approach

Where to begin in the present maze of concepts?

Possibly, the best way to start is by using our present information to sort through
and correlate, without adding any of our own frills of confusion.
As students of the School of Hard Knocks, we have come to grips with the
principle of Cause and Efect.
Starting with this Principle in mind, and with due deliberation, one must arrive at
the conclusion that there must have been a time in the distant past when nothing, even
time, did not exist- Total and absolute nothing- before any cause took place. And then
came the Cause.
At this point in this discussion, if we will but contain ourselves, we start mingling
science, religion, philosophy, and you name it, but Let us continue with-out as it is said-
First the natural Sciences are based upon the principle of cause and efect.
However, the medical feld, Psychology, Philosophy, and especially various
religions, Government, and Civil Law, are all amalgamated with much less than pure
reasoning for the cause factor.
Never-the Less, the natural Sciences and A Book used by one group of the
religions, does indeed address the cause factor, with The Book emphasizing It.
If one would but read The Book, disregarding much of the religionists views,
and let The Book speak for itself, it is found early on that The Author Yahweh is
indeed by the very defnition of His Name The Cause of all that is, in that quoting He,
Shall become all that He so wills. The Book also shows an equivalency in concept
between what we call spirit and activating force, or forces.
At this point all of our gods of our own making vanish and this by their very
own defnitions.
This leaves but Yahweh alone, together with our discovered natural Sciences
based upon time, space, and force, all manifestations of Yahweh.
Now, although as yet we do not understand the workings there of, science can
show the manifestations (in theory) of the Creation of all that is from a total
nothingness- thereby an infnite source of supply.
The Book shows that all that is is based upon seven principles Yahweh called
forth as Lights and named Days as opposed to darkness (Lack of Light or manifest
principle) - which was named as night.
The Book shows that the frst six principles together with a Judicial Approval
of all or partial fulfllment has occurred, leaving the Seventh Light - principle still in the
process of completion, so to say, although still associated with the other Six.
Interestingly, it is at the time announcing the Seventh Light called Day that the
Causer reveals His Name as Yahweh having by then become what He so Willed.
Now, thus Leaves us with the Seventh Principle still in the process of completion-
does it not? Also, He has said HE will Create a New Heaven and a New Earth,- this in
the future as of now. Also one might do well to consider the very concept of prophecy in
this context. So to where does all of this Lead?
To begin with, it is most obvious that Yahweh has established a moratorium on
His Creative Actions, and has established an era for the to date manifests to become
fully developed, or evolve to their completion. This, it would appear, might well apply to
the as yet un-approved Judicial portions of the frst six Principles, namely the Second
involving Heaven, and the Sixth involving earth-man in Gods Image. However, The
Book shows that the Sixth Principle involving earth-man in Gods Image has indeed
been approved in one man, namely Jesus the Second Adham, Leaving both the
Second Principle involving Heaven and the remainder of earth-mankind in Gods Image
as yet un-approved.
Again, it might do well for those that are still with us to consider the question of
the connection between the two yet to be approved portions of The Six Principles,
Heaven and Earthmankind in Gods Image. Starting with Heaven, it is most obvious
that the Natural Laws have indeed been approved and are up and running. This leaves
the Spiritual Laws of Heaven yet to be manifest in totality, together with Earthmankind in
Gods Image a rather interesting connection, is it not?
When one consults the Causers Book in these maters, one fnds that during
this Moratorium, we have been given a wealth of information in many felds.
Considering Prophecy, one fnds that the bulk applies to the various
Governments that mankind has devised based upon his natural born human nature.--all
doomed to failure, and for pre-reveled reasons.-this showing a foreknowledge on
Yahwehs part.
Prophecy also talks of another Government, which Jesus, the only totally
approved Human, spoke very profuscial of- The Kingdom of Heaven,or The Kingdom
of God, which is soon to be established here on Earth, replacing all failed human
The Kingdom is primarily based upon Ten Spiritual Laws, which all citizens
must not only follow, but freely choose to do so. It could even be called a self control
Government based upon tried and True Principles that cause things to work properly.
First of the List shows that we are not to observe any false Concepts as of any
authority nor even of existence.
The Second shows that we are not to even consider any material manifestation,
including mankind, as having positive directing powers of creation, but rather generation
after generation of negative results upon our selves. (As we have seen in our devised
governments). (This also includes anything devised of men or organizations, including
religions). But to those who follow Yahwehs 10 Truths as a guide to a result of True
success to the Thousandth Generation.
The Third shows that we should never call upon the Truth to deny Itself.- a most
obvious act of absurdity.
The Fourth shows that we are to do our work in the frst six days of our week,
but we are to refrain from our work on our seventh day. In doing this on a consistent
basis, we are able to refect back-Judge- our previous doings, including thoughts
decisions, allowing us to see the mistakes we have made, together with the whys, and
correct our course during the next week, using only the True Principles-Yahwehs- to
govern our way-week by week-in small steps, but positive, toward success. Thus,
allowing us to evolve, as it were, from the state of a demanding wild beast into that of a
well functioning instrument in the overall scheme of things, one might say. As a wild
beast we have learned to accept-and obey- without hesitation,-Yahwehs physical
Laws. What a blessing if only all mankind would learn to do the same with His Spiritual
These First Four Principles relate to mankinds direct individual relationship with
Yahweh. The following six relate to the individuals relationship with mankind.
The Fifth shows that the wise child will learn from their parents so that they many
gain their wisdom and proceed even further, and thereby help mankind further, rather
than become a deterrent.
One is not to allow ones self to commit murder. When one considers the
principle here involved, murder is the deliberate killing of someone as opposed to an
accidental killing, and it is the result of an individual forcing his own will rather than
allowing for the proper remedy for a given condition, and is invariably based upon greed.
Execution, properly carried out by the true Authorities, of a proven unworthy individual is
another matter, and is employed as a means of ridding society of incorrigble members.
One is not to allow ones self to engage in adultery. When one but considers that
survival of any given species is based upon a mating process and this natural drive
should be controlled so as to assure ones ofspring is given the best environment to
evolve in the true concepts, and not to be hindered by false views, based only upon
ones physical attraction toward another individual.
One is not to allow ones self to engage in an act that constitutes stealing. This
does not apply only to the direct obvious act itself, but includes twisting of mans so
called Laws which allow for court suits based upon an unlimited number of so-called
ofenses of human rights violations, to the outrageous number of government taxes-
other than 10% income tax, based upon ones income. Here-by property remains in
ones family.
One is to speak only the Truth and use no falsehood in regard to witnessing on a
matter. If one but just considers the truth is what is, and false is what is not. As one has
said Buy the Truth and sell it not and again The Truth will set you free. The principle
of this Law is quite plain. The conditions in the world today most certainly refect the
results of ignoring this principle (as well as the others).
One is not to allow ones self to Lust for that which belongs to another, no matter
whatever it may be. This principle is probably best proven by the false views upon which
all socialistic conditions plaguing the world today, brought on by our Leaders in human
government exploiting this natural coveting tendency of human reasoning,- possibly a
left over necessity of our collective evolving for us to survive as a species. However we
must now come to grips and control this characteristic in our selves, and learn to work
together in the Truth in order to evolve into the forthcoming Kingdom of Heaven.
As Jesus has said, Love Yahweh above all else and your neighbor as yourself.
On these two rest all the others. - (This when questioned on the Kingdom)
The Book does say that the time is cut short, lest no fesh be left alive
One might also consider with our selfsh Wild Beast nature and our increasingly
rapid advances in technology it is not only ourselves - the Earth and envines, but also
outer-space, are being destroyed and/or polluted.
It does appear that intervention is most certainly required, and very soon to
prevent our system from overfowing into Heaven itself. Yahweh is not going to allow
this- Most Certainly! Consider the Tree of Life.
He has said and he will fulfll His soon coming Take over. This when all has
been fulflled.
Although the above discussion concerning the Ten Laws of this Kingdom is but
a very short summary, for those willing to pursue the principles they cover will fnd them
to be comprehensive to an all consuming depth,- indeed cover all aspects of ones
Before closing this Laymans Approach, there remains an important concept
that few, if any have attempted to address.
The Book show that all exists as a result, if not part, of His Spirit by the very
defnition of His Name Yahweh.
This would require that even evil forces so prevalent are of His Spirit, would it
But now, hold on for a bit. Would not this allow Yahweh to know the end from the
beginning. -Knowing the results of a mans misuse of the very forces which he
graciously supplied, and thus allowing us to see for ourselves The Truth of His Very
Any Gods beside Yahweh? -Hardly-
Check for yourself!
-Please Do-

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