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VEI Refection #1

1: I believe that this style will work for our type of class. VEI is a diferent
environent fro other classes in hi!h school. I think that it is a !ood idea
for "r. #ook to present what we will be doin! at the be!innin! of class and
aybe !ivin! a few of successful e$aples so the class knows what to strive
for. I feel that I a supported in this class by not only the teacher but also
y classates. Everyone is new in this class and it%s a tea workin!
&: 'ith the three !roups that I have been in so far in this class I have
learned a lot. I have learned that not everyone is as easy to work with as I
would like the to be. It%s frustratin! to work with people that basically (ust
sit there and do nothin!. I love to be the leader in the !roup however I would
like to hear other people%s idea rather than the not carin! and (ust !oin!
alon! with whatever I say. I%ve learned to slowly break people out of their
shells and be patient with the.
): I was hesitant coin! into this class however I have found yself
en(oyin! this class. I like the fact that we all work to!ether and no one is in a
hi!her power than another. I personally feel like I% a natural leader but I
also feel like there are a lot of natural leaders to!ether which akes e
think that this class will !o far. I% a hard worker and believe that I a easy
to !et alon!. "y ain rule is that as lon! as you respect e* I will respect

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