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Science 8- Intro to Science




Lab # _________
Title- Ball and Ramp Lab
Purpose- The purpose of this lab is to design an experiment and
formulate a hypothesis relating to a ball rolling down a ramp and
moving a plastic cup.
Materials: Golf ball, cup, placemat with measuring strip, block,
Hypothesis- _____________________________________________________________

Procedure1. Create a data table to record your results. Be sure to include labels and units for
your variables.
2. Set up your ball and ramp with the 1cm. end of your ruler on the block and the 30 cm
end on the placemat end that is labeled End of Ruler.
3. Be sure the cup is on the Starting Circle with the opening of the cup facing the end
of the ruler before your begin your trials.
4. Place the ball on the ramp (ruler) so that the middle of the ball is at the 15.0 cm mark
on the ruler.
5. Without pushing the ball, carefully release it so the ball rolls into the cup. Record the
distance the cup moves in the data chart to the nearest 0.1cm.
6. Return the cup to the Starting Circle and release the golf ball from the 20.0cm mark
on your ruler.
7. Record the distance the cup moves in the data chart to the nearest 0.1 cm.
8. Return the cup to the Starting Circle and release the golf ball from the 25.0cm mark
on the ruler.
9. Record the distance the cup moves in the data chart to the nearest 0.1 cm.
10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 two more times.


Conclusion Questions1. Graph your results. Decide which type of graph your will use (line or bar).
Explain your choice.

2. You probably found that the ball traveled slightly different distances when you
repeated the 25 cm drop three different times. Give 2 reasons WHY the cup
did not stop at the same EXACT spot each time.

3. Think about designing a new experiment with these same materials. In the
new experiment you want to study how changing the mass of the cup will
affect the distance the cup is moved by the golf ball. Assume in your new
experiment that the set-up of your lab is the same as your station now (except
the mass of the cup changes). Identify the following:

Independent Variable- ______________________________________

Dependent Variable- _______________________________________

3. Using the experiment in questions 2, design a data table (include headings

and units) to record the following changes in the mass of the cup: 20.0g,
40.0g, 60.0g, 80.0g)

4. According to your NEW experiment in questions 2 & 3, what would your

recommend about the release point of the ball each time a new cup is tested?

5. Write a hypothesis about the distance the cup of different masses will be
moved by the golf ball in your NEW experiment.

6. Include a Conclusion Paragraph:


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