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Name _________________________________ Grade________/ 20

Ms. Heenan Redo______ Grade________/20

Lab #_______

Title: The Gobstopper Lab- PART 2!!!

Objective: In the last activity we saw what occurs when gobstoppers are left to
dissolve in water. Today we will take it one step further and determine if the
type of liquid affects how a gobstopper dissolves.

Hypothesis (Prediction): If we dissolve 4 different gobstoppers in different types of liquids, then


Materials: Gobstoppers (4 different colors), Petri Dish, Vinegar, Club Soda, Graduated Cylinder

1. Obtain 4 different colors of Gobstoppers (3 sets for a total of 8 gobstoppers) and 2 petri dishes.
2. Using a graduated cylinder measure out 30 ml of vinegar and pour into the petri dish. Do the same
for the club soda in the other petri dish.
3. Carefully place the candies at the four points of each petri dish as shown in the diagram below.
Make sure you have once of each color in each dish. Once the candies are positioned, DO NOT TOUCH
the dish or the candies until the lab is over.
4. Color the positions of the candies in the data section.
5. Record all observations in the data chart and on the circles (in color) every 2 minutes.

Vinegar Club Soda
2 minutes
4 minutes
6 minutes
8 minutes
10 minutes

Analysis Questions:

1. What was the purpose of this lab?

2. Was your hypothesis (prediction) right or wrong? How do you know?

3. Did you notice a difference between the results you obtained with the water and the results
you obtained today? Please describe.

4. List 3 things that you think we could have done to make this experiment more accurate.

5. What is another question that you think we can further investigate after completing this lab

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