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Name _________________________________________

Ms. Heenan

Grade /20

Grade /20

LAB # _____
TITLE: Paper Towel Strength
PURPOSE: Does the brand of paper towel affect how strong it is when wet?
HYPOTHESIS: ______________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________ MATERIALS: Paper towels, marbles/ pennies, water
Independent Variable= ____________________________________

Dependent Variable=

Controls/ Constants=


HYPOTHESIS- ________________________________________________________________________
PROCEDURE: list 5 steps needed to test this hypothesis:

1. Obtain a brand of paper towel. Submerge the towel in water for 3 seconds. Ring
out the paper towel to rid it of excess water.
2. Have two students hold the paper towel horizontally over a large bowl.
3. Slowly place marbles/pennies onto the paper towel one at a time. Count how many
you add until the paper towel breaks.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for all paper towel brands
DATA: Create a data table in the space provided

Conclusion Paragraph
Restate the Purpose.
Restate the Hypothesis.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct? How do you know?
How can we improve this experiment?

What other questions can we ask?


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