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Interview Puzzles

'A' has a set of lock and its key.'B' has a set of lock and its key.A needs to send a
letter to B in a Box .How do they do it if they dont part with their keys?
!oln" 'A' puts the letter in the #ox sends it to 'B'.'B' locks it a$ain and returns it to 'A'.'A'
then unlocks his lock and sends the #ox to 'B' and 'B' uses his key to retrieve the letter.

%. A 1%&1% feet carpet is to #e used for a 1'&( feet floor with )ust 1
!oln" *ivide the carpet in the for+ of steps as shown,

- #oxes are la#elled %B.%/.1/ 1B.0hey contain % #lue.% red and 1 red and i #lue #all.all
- #oxes are la#elled wron$ly.1ith )ust one pick fro+ any 1 #ox la#el the - #oxes
clue" pick 1 #all fro+ the one la#elled 1/ 1B .If it is /ed.............that shold #e enou$h,
0here is a pond of irre$ular shape and size .!u$$est a +ethod to find the volu+e of water
in the pond.

0here are - #ul#s in a roo+ and - swithches outside the roo+ .How do you find out
switch and its correspondin$ #ul# on the condition that you are allowed to enter the roo+
only once.

4onstruct 2 con$ruent trian$les usin$ only ' +atchsticks.
soln"4onstruct a tetrahedron,
A little #all was dropped fro+ a hei$ht of 6 +etres.It #ounces #ack each ti+e to a hei$ht
which is one7half of the hei$ht of the last #ounce.How far will the #all approxi+ately
travel #efore co+in$ to rest?
!oln" %2 +etres,

1 %6 days
%. Half the )ourney
2. 38 k$
'. 0he 4ou$ars
5. I9:;0!
6. 4ass is the widow
(. 18.888,
18 -1 e$$s,
1% 2' steps
1- sisters <-.#rothers72

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