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I found that the way black people were treated in America were appalling.

They were given litle

rights and barely valued as human beings. This frst picture shows the shocking nature of white
American culture. Blacks were not allowed to use the same wash basins along with the same
swimming pools, bus and trains, hotels and even restaurants. This picture shows how actually racism
was not directed to just blacks, but anyone who was not white American Spaniards and Mexicans
were also targeted. I found that lynching was also very prominent especially in Southern States. I
found it was not safe in certain towns for blacks and coloureds to be out at night there was almost
certainly a chance of a very close call. This picture shows the afermath of a lynching namely
hanging. One of the most disturbing discoveries I made was that of the Klu Klux Klan. They took part
in a lot of lynching and were the most racists of any of the American people. They wanted to kill
blacks on sight, with no mercy, and performed rituals which involved burning blacks at the stake. This
is a picture of the outside of a KKK community. Clearly black people were not tolerated in any
manner. Lastly this I fnd one of the worst pictures. Black people are described as pets, animals. It
shows how Americans did not even believe blacks were good enough to be classed as human beings.

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