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Programa Intel Educar

Curso Esencial
Plantilla del plan de unidad
Plantilla del plan de unidad
Haga clic sobre la descripcin del texto, luego digite su propio texto.
Autor de la unidad
Nombre y apellido Dina de la Paz Valds
Nombre de la institucin educativa C..!.". #lto "uayabal
$bicacin de la institucin educativa Comarca Nogbe !ugle
%tros datos de la institucin educativa $bicada en distrito de &iron, Corregimiento de 'alto Dup(.
Descripcin de la unidad
Ttulo de la unidad: Nutricional Habits : Health eating
!esumen de la unidad:
To develop the idea of how to eat and live healthy using food groups and categorizing those through an exploratory
chart, a brochure and oral presentation in power point. To that, it is necessary to implement some strategies,
techniques and technological tools which are going to help student to understand better the topic such as:
Student is able to apply the use of TI
Students is able to identify , suggest, create and resolve tas!s
"bility to process, to analyze and to summarize any information.
"bility to wor! along or in group.
apacity to be creative and innovator.
Students apply the four s!ills #listening, spea!ing , reading and writing$ in the activities and also are going to
apply some tools such as# %ord, &ublisher, and power point &rogram$
Espacio"s curricular"es o asignatura"s: English
A#o ni$el: %&
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Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Tiempo necesario apro'imado
3our 4ee5s
(undamentos de la unidad
6.17Nutritional Habits
3ood groups
Causes and
conse8uences o9 a
bad nutrition
";#&&#; -N C%N.<.=
7&odals = >'/ould ?
7'/ort ans4ers => Bes, -
s/ould C No, - s/ould not.A
7;e9lexive pronouns=
>mysel9, yoursel9DA
73uture= "oing to
7Connectors= >and, butDA
3%%D= grains, vegetables,
9ruits, meals, 9acts, and oils,
dairy products.
H#E.HB H#!-.'= Fogging,
5arate, aerobics, soccer,
4al5ing, s4imming,
bas5etball, baseball.
N$.;-.-%N#E C%NCP.'=
/ealt/y 9ood, Fun5 9ood, 9at
9ood, 9ast 9ood, and dietary
6.17'urveying in t/e
neig/bor/ood or among
classmates about 9ood
/abits using grammar
Classi9ying /ealt/y
9ood and Fun5 9ood using connectors
in a
4ritten c/art.
$sing t/e modals=
s/ould and s/ouldn@t in
sentences 4it/ nutritional /abits
a9ter 4atc/ing a video.
;esearc/ing about
/ealt/y and un/ealt/y
Comparing /ealt/y and
un/ealt/y 9ood using
connectors and
pyramid 9ood.
"at/ering ideas in
order to create a
dialogue about at t/e
grocery store
integrating concepts
and language s5ills
>listening, spea5ing,
reading and 4ritingA.
6.17'/o4ing interest
9or practicing /ealt/y
nutritional /abits.
Valuing practicing
/ealt/y nutritional
!eing conscious about
causes and
conse8uences o9 a bad nutrition.
.b0eti$os del aprendi1a0e
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Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
"note una lista priorizada de los ob'etivos que se eval(an y que se espera que alcancen los estudiantes al final de la
Identify and summarize nutritional habits using a wide range of print and non)print texts by:
*alue and diffuse the importance of healthy habits to achieve personal wellbeing.
Integrate the four s!ills in +nglish ,anguage.
Indicadores Logros
The student:
-..)ategorizes nutritional habits of the students or neighborhoods according the pyramid food in written or oral
reates a collage about healthy food and 'un! food using realia or picture
%rites sentences using modals: should and shouldn/t about nutritional habits.
+laborates healthy recipe applying grammar learned.
ompletes practices about causes and effects of unhealthy nutritional habits using reflexive pronouns,
conditionals, going to, and connectors #written and oral.$
%rites a dialogue integrating the concepts and language s!ills contents at the grocery store.
Preguntas orientadoras del plan de unidad /*CproFect7
Pregunta esencial 01ow do you !eep a healthy body2
Preguntas de unidad
G/at do t/e people do to /ave a good nutritionH
Preguntas de contenido
%hat are the food groups do you !now2
1ow can people integrate food groups in daily meals2
3o you thin! that pyramid food teaches individuals how to eat
Plan de e$aluacin
Cronograma de e$aluaciones
Antes de empe1ar el traba0o
del proecto
Durante el desarrollo del
-na $e1 completado el
) *++, Corporacin -ntel. .odos los derec/os reservados. P0gina 6 de 2
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
stimate 'cale stimate 'cale +stimate scale
!esumen de e$aluaciones
In the &re) "ctivity students are going to be evaluated through an exploratory chart. In the %hile) "ctivity
Students create a brochure and at the end of the class, in the &ost) "ctivity students use a power point to
ma!e an oral presentation. These activities should be evaluated through an estimative scale.
Detalles de la unidad
Habilidades pre$ias
./e students s/ould 5no4 a little about t/e use o9 internet, Gord, Po4er point, Publis/er program.
./e students s/ould 5no4 /o4 to be collaborative in groups@ assignments.
./e students 5no4 enoug/ vocabulary about t/e topic.
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Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Pre- Activity:
Product: +xploratory chart
Cass O!"ective: Identify the different food groups through an exploratory chart.
Ti#e: 4our sessions
$uide%s &uestion: %hy is important to explain in details food group concepts, examples and
Previous 'no(edge: Students !now vocabulary about the topic 54ood group6
)ar# U*+ Song: ,ood grou*s are Roc-in%s tonight
5e6ore to start the cass the cass the students sing the song using the lyrics of it.
.) In group of two, The students read a reading related to 5ommon 4ood 7roups6
:) "fter they have read the reading discuss the reading in group to underline words related to 4ood
-) ;se )ORD program to create an exploratory chart. To !now more about %ord &rogram students
have to watch the tutorial of how to use word program2 emphasizing the way to create a chart<=>+=hx?)f,@<ABC4q-3>=ec
@) The chart has to have an attractive title #4ood 7roups$, four columns and seven files. In the first
column the food group elements, in the second the concept, in the third the examples and at the
fourth the illustration.
D) Then, in each file students write the seven elements and enumerate each one of those such as
#3airy, 4ruits, 7rains, >eat, Sweets, *egetables and %ater$ in letter "rial .:, double space.
A) "fter, to finish this activity student has to color the text, column and file using pastel colors.
E) "fterward, they have to save it in the computer.
?) To end this activity students have to print<C&*z:wE-s3?
F) "nd paste it on the +nglish noteboo!.
:)99999999999999999 Leve:99999 Date9999999999 Tota Points:@G O!tained Points
Teacher :3ina *aldes
Criterias o6 evauation e1ceent:;
good:=< reguar:>< Need to
Poor:@< TOTAL
.. 4ollowed instructions
given by the teacher.
:. &aid attention while
they are watching a video.
-. reated an exploratory
chart, according to the
teacher instructions.
@.lassified the
information from the
reading in the right
) *++, Corporacin -ntel. .odos los derec/os reservados. P0gina J de 2
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Estudiante con
The teacher has to implement curricular ad'ustment to students with educative
specials needs. The activities for them must be simple and have a prolonged time to
develop its. The teacher will assign groups Hactivities where the children with
educative specials needs will be integrating to the rest of the students to support
them. The homewor! will be modified in function of each students needs
No hispano*
=o application
./e students 4it/ more s5ills and abilities 4ill /elp ot/ers 4it/ educative specialKs
needs at t/e moment to do t/e investigation, group 4or5s/op and so on.
2ateriales recursos necesarios para la unidad
Tecnologa 3 Hard4are >e8uipo necesarioA
C0mara digital
;eproductor de DVD
Conexin a -nternet
Disco l0ser
'istema de proyeccin
C0mara de v(deo
8uipo de v(deo con9erencia
Tecnologa 3 5o6t4are >necesarioA
!ase de datosCHoFa de c0lculo
Diagramador de publicaciones
Programa de correo electrnico
nciclopedia en CD7;%&
ditor de im0genes
!uscador Geb
Desarrollo de p0ginas 4eb
Procesador de texto
2ateriales impresos
Brochure, copies
omputer, &rinter and internet.
) *++, Corporacin -ntel. .odos los derec/os reservados. P0gina L de 2
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
!ecursos de Internet
'ong= 3ood groups are ;oc5inKs tonig/t. recuperado el 11deagosto
de *+1I de=
EB;-C #!%$. 3%%D ";%$P'. ;ecuperado el 11de #gosto de *+1I de=
#;.-CE 3%%D ";%$P'. ;ecuperado el 11 de #gosto de *+1I de=
&anual .utorial &icroso9t Gord .;ecuperado el 1* de #gosto de
*+1I de=
Video Ocmo /acer una tabla usando 4ordH ;ecuperado el 1* de
agosto *+1I.
OCmo /acer un broc/ureH ;ecuperado el 1* de #gosto *+1I
-n9ormacin de los "rupos #limenticios. ;ecuperado el 1* de #gosto
-n9ormacin de los "rupos #limenticios. ;ecuperado el 1* de #gosto
-n9ormacin de los "rupos #limenticios. ;ecuperado el 1* de #gosto
Pir0mide #limenticia. ;ecuperado el 16 de #gosto *+1I.
-n9ormacin para tener una alimentacin apropiada. ;ecuperado
el 16 de #gosto *+1I.
-n9ormacion OCmo tener una dieta balanceadaH. ;ecuperado el 16
de #gosto *+1I.
Video .utorial OCmo crear diapositivas usando Po4er Point.
;ecuperado el 16 de #gosto de *+1I.
Video .utorial OCmo /acer una buena presentacin oral usando
Po4er Point. ;ecuperado el 16 de #gosto *+1I.
.tros !ecursos
Eos programas de -ntelS ducacin son 9inanciados por la 3undacin -ntel y la Corporacin -ntel.
Derec/os reservados )*++,, Corporacin -ntel. .odos los derec/os reservados. -ntel, el logo de -ntel, la iniciativa de -ntel ducacin y el
Programa -ntel ducar son marcas registradas de -ntel Corporation o de sus subsidiarias en los stados $nidos y otros pa(ses. :%tros nombres
y marcas pueden ser reclamadas como la propiedad de terceras partes.
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