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The Supreme Court Summer Institute

A scholar in constitutional and national security law, Timothy Batchelor

recently collaborated with Charles Shanor on the 2013 update to
Counterterrorism Law. The casebook was originally published by
Foundation Press in 2011. Timothy Batchelor is also a Chairman of the
Redot Center for National Security. In addition, Tim Batchelor is a member
of the Supreme Court Historical Society.

In pursuit of its mission to collect and preserve the Supreme Courts
history, the Supreme Court Historical Society (SCHS) supports a number of
public programs. One of these programs is the Supreme Court Summer
Institute. The institute is focused on improving secondary school level
instruction on the subject of the judicial system.

Supported by SCHS and Street Law, Inc., the institute brings secondary
school educators to Washington, DC. The educators participate in six days
of educational activities connected to instruction on the Supreme Court of
the United States.

During their week at the institute, the teachers have the opportunity to
observe the Supreme Court in session and to review recent cases or those
under the consideration of the court. They also attend lectures by experts.
Subsequently, the teachers are in a position to use the knowledge they
have acquired to create lesson plans for use in classroom instruction and to
train their colleagues to integrate the Supreme Court into the curriculum for
social studies.

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