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Pride Leader

Chapter 48
Author: Mark J. Silva Jr
First Editor: Elvin Gan Kuan Leng
Second Editor: Josh Harris
Third Editor: Andrea Moen-Reinhatdt
Special Thanks to William Rice for the rewrite.

Freyja walks through the mists and steps into small woodland realm. Sitting down on a rock, she chews
on a piece of grass as she think. Yes, I know who to ask! Closing her green eyes, she reaches out with
her senses and whispers. Star, if youre not busy, could I speak with you?
Star is sitting in Roses garden, playing with a small earth cat called a Siamese; its claws hold her fingers
while it chews on the tips of them, when she hears her friends request. I am sorry little one, I must go.
You go play with your friends. Pushing the kitten towards its littermates, she fades out and appears
sitting cross-legged in front of her friend. Freya, its so good to see you. How have you been? What on
your mind?
Freyja opens her eyes, looks at her friend, and whistles. :
I like your dress, it almost makes you not wearing anything and I am fine, but I have a problem back on
Earth, A girl has been discovered with the ability to use magic.
Star blushes at the complement. How is that a problem?
Well magic hasnt been on Earth in thousands of years. True there are minor tricksters but no full born
mages. They are not going to accept something that they believe does not exists. She been turned in to
an outcast and forced from her home. Her family, and friends have abandoned her to a fate of
wandering the streets of their world and she is just a child of seventeen years.
That happens all the time. Just leave her be...she will either survive or die like any other mage.
Freyja shakes her head, and quickly snaps out. Its not that easy anymore, shes close to touching the
divine, and she is so scared and desperate to find acceptances and love. I found her by accident, she was
chased into the forest and she stumbled across one of my old groves, she was sending out such raw
power I had to help, least one of the assholes felt her power and took her and abused her power.
Star's eyes flash open in surprise. Divine? Are you sure? biting her lip she thinks for a second and can
only think of one person to ask. Ill talk to Mother. Maybe she knows a way to prevent this.
Freyja leaps up in joy, pulling Star into a hug. Thank you sister, I knew you would know what to do.


Krellels sits at his desk going over the reports and one catches his eye, several of the security cells need
to be repaired and then he remembers the tigers in there. Colonel Xuuil, what is the status of the
Bengals in the security cells.
Colonel Xuuil looks through his data pad, Here it is sir, and it seems all have gone completely Feral, we
have had several guards critically injured while trying to feed them. In fact, the guards refuse to enter
the cells. Their captain has to be kept sedated; he has ripped the door off his cell, and tore a hole
through the wall. I am afraid that they will have to be p...
Krellels sighs, he hates doing this. I know Xuuil, send me your reports, as the pad beeps as more data
is dumped into its memory as he stands up. I really didnt need this, but at least I wont have to sign
their order, I will take it to his Sire to sign. They are just too dangerous and the whole species should be


So Mother, what do you think? asks Star as she looks at mother petting one of her pets.
Mother Nature stops petting the deer and looks up at her daughter, Star, there is only one way to deal
with this, the girl needs to be pulled from Earth and taken to someone who will take care of her.
feeling her hand bumped she looks down into the fawns eyes and a sugar cube appears in her palm.
Star looks at her mother in confusion because she knows her brothers and sisters. But who Mother? I
dont know of a single goddess or god who would take the time needed for a mere mortal.
Mother Nature looks back up at Star and smiles, Yes you do daughter, there is only one God who can
help her. Only one who would truly love her as she is.
Star's eyes get big as she realizes whom Mother means, Do you think he would? I mean he been cut off
from Earth. He is not even allowed to return for any reason. I dread the day when he feels his mother
and father pass away. Because you know he will on that day.
Mother Nature stands up. Thats all for now my children. Turning she starts to walk. Come Star, lets
take a walks, and talk about the problem.
Star jumps to her feet and walks beside her Mother. OK Mother.
Now you know Mark, there is no way Mark would allow her to be with anyone else if he found out
later. Especially with her being an innocent, besides she needs a loving, caring home, and Mark can offer
that to her.
Star beams with joy as her mother talks. OK, I will send Freyja to Mark to let her expl...
Mother Nature shakes her head no, No, you will talk to them; you need to prepare her for meeting
Mark. It is going to take some time for this child to get used to what is going on, and for her mind to
comprehend what has happened to her.


Mark continues reading the reports and reaches for his sandwich. Sliding his paw over the plate, he finds
it missing. Hey! Who stole my snack? Mark looks around and sees movement in a pile of stuffed
animal toys.
Karl sits in the pile of toys and giggles as he munches on the food, as he listens to papa Mark work.
Marks eyes narrow as he looks at the movement. Snapping his fingers, his son Karl appears as all the
tows fly up in the air. There you are, now that not nice, if you wanted some, all you had to do was just
Karl cries out in surprise and stuffs the food into his mouth. It yummy papa, I sooorry.
Mark laughs at Karls apology; walking over to him, he scoops him up and kisses him on his head. I
know it taste good, now since you ate my sandwich what say you and I get some more. Besides I bet
Sarah is looking for you.
Karl shakes his head. I hide good, Sun not find me.
Mark chuckles at Karl's statement. Ahhh, so youre hiding from Sun.


Mark walks down the hallway to the kitchen, carrying Karl in his arms they step into the small room he
sits down at the table and startling Reese in the process.
OH Sire, I am sorry I did not see you there! stammers Reese as she recovers her balance with the
It's OK Reese; I surprise myself at times, being as large as I am and how quite I am when I move. Could
Karl and I get something to eat?
Of course Sire, give me a minute and I will have a plate for both of you. Reese puts the plates up in the
cabinet, turns to the replicator, and makes the first plate of food. Carrying it and a mug of ale to the
table she sets it down as Commander Krellels walks into the room. Tweaking Karls nose, she goes back
to the replicator.
Commander Krellels follows Lunas directions and finds his Majesty eating a late lunch. Sire, I am sorry
to intrude but may I have a moment of your time, I have something to go over with you.
Mark stabs a piece of meat and replies, Yes you may Commander Krellels, I was just enjoying a snack.
Would you like to join me so we can talk?
Krellels looks at the plate of food and realizes he has not eaten lunch. Sitting down he sets the datapad
down. Thank you Sire, I would be honored to share with you.
Reese slides a second plate to the commander and walks back picking up a third plate and fills it for the
kit. Turning back, she walks over and hears the commander explaining his problem to his majesty.
Sire, I have is critical problem, down in security. I have fifty feral Bengals locked up and they are getting
dangerous. Their commanding officer is under full sedative to try to get him calm. But nothing is
Mark chews his food and asks, What has cause them to be feral? as he plops another chunk if tender
meat into his mouth.
Krellels sets his fork down and replies Sire, it's in there blood line, something is wrong with the Bengal
society. When in combat they loose control and enter a blood lust that endangers just not their lives but
the lives of their companions. Every adult Bengal has taken an oath of non-violence. Right now I need
you to authorize there execution for breaking their oath of non-violence. This is a royal decree over a
thousand years old, and must be carried out.
Suddenly the quietness of the room is shatter when a plate hits the armored deck and shatters. Mark,
who was chewing his dinner gasp and stats to cough and then he hacks and a piece of meat flies across
the room and hits the wall.
Grabbing his ale, Mark drains it and looks at Commander Krellels in shock. You want me to do what?
Reese, are you OK dear?
Reese drops to her knees, and picks up the shattered pieces of the plate. Her thoughts wander back to
the day of the battle, and how a large white cat promised to protect her. Yes Sire, I...It...
Krellels eyes focuses on the young cat and then the name rings a bell. Youre her, Looking back at the
king he continues, Sire, she was found in the arms of their captain. I think he was trying to protect her.
Reese picks up the last large chunk of debris, and looks at the two adult cats. Yes sire, during the attack
he found me and pick me up. I was so scarred, he carried me and during the whole time he kept saying
to me that I was safe.
Mark shakes his head, and stands up. Commander Krellels, I want you to take me to these cats. I cannot
just have them executed for something while not knowing all the facts.


Freyja looks down on the human girl sleeping in the mists. Child, wake up.
Heather opens her eyes, she had heard someone talking and she turns her head and looks at her new
friend. Sitting up she runs her fingers through her hair. She was dreaming she was safe, and she was
here in Freya's hands. Morning Freyja, thank you for letting me get some sleep, and not kicking me out
of your grov looking around she realizes this is not the grove she fell a sleep in and asks, Where am I
Freyja smiles warmly and sits beside her. Heather you are safe here, no one can harm you in my home.
I am sorry I have been a poor host, but I was away looking for a permanent home for you, and I think I
may have found you one. Now Heather, lets talk about where you are going to live and what you are
going to be doing.
Heather starts to cry, flashes of her memory slash through her mind, her mother and father snapping at
her and finally kicking her out when things happen on their own, like the roof of the garage coming
down on the car. She was blamed for it, even thou she did not do anything. She was sleeping in her
bedroom at the time it happened. Some of her friends just stopped coming around, when her ex-
boyfriends car crashed after he dumped her and she wished a tree would fall on it. Her parents went so
far as to disown her in an interview where she was accused of being a witch and for causing a seven-car
pileup, her remaining friends stopped coming around after that interview.
Finally, the end had come one Sunday night; she awoke in her bed hearing car doors. Looking out the
window, she was terrified when she saw her parents and their church coming up the walkway. Grabbing
her clothes and a pack she had ready, she listened as they talked of burning her at the stake. As they
reached the front door, she was going out the back. Crying as she was chased from the only home she
had ever known, she headed north to Georgia. After running away with her life savings of five hundred
dollars, her laptop, some clothes and a little food, she wandered up into Georgia and that is where this
being, Freyja a goddess came to her a few days ago, and offer to help her. Hi Freyja.
Smiling at Heather, Freyja sits beside her. Now Heather, I have some good news for you. My mother
has said she may know of a home for you. This will be a loving home, but there are a few things you
have to understand first.
Heather shivers in fear, Ok, what does this person what of me? What do I have to do?
Freyja sees the shiver and listens to the words carefully. Oh Heather, you misunderstand me. This is a
home for you finish growing up in, not a job in a home. This home is the home of a new God. He is very
powerful, but above that, he is very loving and caring. However what you need to know is he is not fully
Heather shivers some more and asks tentatively, If not human what is he?
Let me rephrase that he is not fully human. He was once, but he has changed. See they are no humans
outside of earth. He is part beast, but a very loving creature that has a terrible temper when someone
he loves is injured or harmed.
Heather trembles at her words, He not going to hurt me if he gets mad.
Star stands there in the mist listing to the frightened child and she steps out of the mists. No child, he
would never hurt you on purpose. In fact, he has never hurt anyone unintentionally. With a small laugh,
she remembers the fight between War and Mark, and she continues, He has beaten the crap out of
several gods who have pissed him off.
Freyja looks up at Star as she approaches, Hello sister, Is all ready?
Star walks over and stands there, Of course not, we have to let Heather here know as much as she can
comprehend so she is fully ready. She is going to have to change her appearance so she will fit in with
Heather listens to the two sisters talk, and interrupts them. Change? How?
Freyja reaches over and takes Heathers hand into hers. Child, you will stick out as a human. You will
need a more fitting body to go where we think you will be happy.
Heather looks at Freyja and whispers, Im not sure I want a different body. I have had this one for
sixteen years. Seeing the determination in their eyes she asks, Will it hurt?
Star busts into laughter, No child, Mark thats his name by the way, can easily make the changes, But
you may want to think what you may want to be.
Heather asks in confusion, Be? What choices do I have?
Star thinks for a second and finally says, Well, there are Vixens, Felines, Wolfs, and he does like his
Freyja giggles and examines Heather picturing her as a bunny. You would make a cute bunny. Plus if
you dont like what you are transformed into, I am sure you can ask Mark to change you to a different


Mark and Commander Krellels enter the security center. To Marks, surprise and shock he sees the many
cells filled with feral Bengals trying to rip open the doors. As he watches, two Bengals attack each other,
while others fling the bed frames across the cells. OK, I am going inside the first cell. Open the doors
when I get to them.
One of the cell guards stands there in shock. Sire, thats just plain suicide. They will rip you apart!
Mark looks at the guard and smiles. Just do as I say. They will not harm me.
Krellels looks at the guard, his eyes narrow, His Sire, gave you an order, just do as he says.


Freyja and Star leads Heather down the path and they step into a small clearing where the sees a young
woman kneeling among some roses. As Heather watches, the woman reaches out and touches a rose
bush and it burst into bloom.
Star pulls heathers hand and they cross the small clearing. Heather, this is a close friend of mine, and a
friend of Marks. Her name is Rose. Star says as they come to a stop.
Rose flows to her feet and smiles at her sister and the human child.
Heather bows to the woman Its nice to meet you Goddess Rose.
Rose walks across the grass to the girl, reaching her hand out she touches the childs face, And nice to
meet you as well, and you have no need to bow to me or anyone here. I understand you are to meet
Mark here?
I thought it was a good place for her to meet him, replies Star.
Heather looks around nervously, I hope he accepts me, I dont know what I will do if he doesnt.
Rose pats the girls cheek, Now you dont worry about that, he will. Now we have decided you are going
to meet some other first, starting with his life mate. So youre not overwhelmed by it all.
Freyja looks around and asks, Joy is coming to meet her first? I thought Mark would meet Heather
Rose shakes her head no, No, It was decided she should meet Joy, Violet, and Fala first. This way she
can get comfortable with them as they are.
As they are? Heather asks Rose in confusion.
Yes, replies Star, as she squeezes Heathers hand and then she continues what she was going to say,
To your race they would be beasts, but to them and us they are people, Fala is a Red fox, while Violet
and Joy are bunnies.
Rose waves her hand and a large blanket with several picnic baskets on it appears. We planed it this
way so you will not be too shocked when you meet Mark. We As rose is explaining what is going on,
Joys voice floats to them.
Joy works her way through the trees, her tail twitches as she thinks of Mark. Coming into the clearing,
she sees her friend and a stranger. Hello everyone, is this the lady I am supposed to meet?
Heather turns to see who is talking and finds herself looking at a four-foot tall bunny rabbit who is
smiling at her. What? Who? Uhh Heather hits the ground in a dead faint.
Rose watches the human girl pass out and says as she makes Heather comfortable. Well I guessed that
would happen and now all of you just picture what would have happened if she had meet Mark first
Joy raises her paw to her mouth in surprise, Oh My! Is she going to be OK? Then Roses words hit her
and she whispers, The poor thing, she would have gone mad and starting running away.


Mark walks up to the first cell door as the guards release the electronic bolts, as reaching out he pulls it
out he steps into the room. The four cats stand there, three are brown with black stripes, the fourth is a
light golden color with a silver paw deciding if he is a threat and in a blink of an eye, they move. Three of
the cats charge while the forth leaps from the top bunk its razor sharp claws extend out as daggers for
Marks throat. Mark freezes the first three cats and the fourth one he ducks its lunge. As it goes by Mark
notices, the eyes are glowing red. Turning he faces the cat as it lands and whirls on him. That is when he
freezes it. Walking over Mark kneels and looks the creature in its eyes and sees the magic there.
Standing up he looks at the four cats, You poor cats, Im here to see what I can do for you. Waving his
paw at the four cats, he watches his magic fight the foreign spell they are under and suddenly it is gone
and the cats visibly relax as the red glow fades from their eyes. Good now, thats a start. With a snap
of his paw, he releases them. You, tell me what cause this?
Silverpaw straightens and shakes his head. Looking up at the voice, the blood drains from his face, as he
knows whom he has attacked. Going to his knee, he looks up. I am Silverpaw, chief navigator of the
freighter Bloodhawk, my lord I apologies for attacking you. My life is forfeit for my actions.
Thats not what I asked Silverpaw.
Sire I know, it was the battle sire, we were attacked, and the blood fever affected all of us. Then the
ship was attacked and we destroyed two of the attacking fighters and then we lost what control we still
retained, I remember the engines being hit and then waking up here. Sire please take my life I have
dishonored my family by attacking you.
Mark looks at the giant cat and shakes his head no. Nay! I find you were not responsible for the attack
and in to your companions, I hold no one at fault for this. Closing his eyes, Mark reaches out to all the
Bengals in the cells. Bloodhawk crew hear the words of your king, calm thyself, and think rationally. Let
your anger flow into me, and be without calm. Know your king loves all of you and is here for you.
opening his eyes he looks at Silverpaw. Silverpaw, find you captain, tell him to meet me in two hours.
There is a condition to being released, your leader must know them, but for now know you are all not
guilty of any crime.
Silverpaw stands there in awe as he looks upon his king, bowing to him he replies, It shall be done as
you command Sire. Moonblade will be in your office in two hours or you shall know why he is not.
Thank you Silverpaw, Mark says as he walks out of the cell and says to the guards. Release them all.


Rose looks at Heather and hands her a glass of water. Heather, are you OK? Do you think you are up to
meeting Mark?
Heather takes the glass and drinks some of the crystal-clear water that seems to cleanse her soul. Rose
I hope so. Fala, Joy and Violet seem so kind, and biting her lip as she tries to think of the words.
Rose sets her glass down and looks into Heathers face, and what child?
Well, Joy and Violet seems so cuddly. They just ooze a feeling you want to grab them and cuddle with
them, and her thoughts are cut off as Star bursts out laughing.
Star is nibbling on a carrot as Rose and Heather talk and then when Heather mentions the cuddling she
starts giggling and then it changes to laughter. Wiping her eyes as she sees the girl looking at her, Oh
trust me, they are when it comes to Mark.
Heather nods her head to Stars words and continues what she was saying. But I am concerned about
the brands; I noticed each of them have them on their bodies.
Rose looks around at the rest of her friends and then she realizes what she is talking about, Oh you
mean the ones on the breasts, which are Marks, they are goddesses under him, or in Fala case, a
Heather nods her head, Yes Rose, will I have to get one? I am not into pain.
Star reaches over and takes Heathers hands in hers. Only if you want one, that will be your choice to
make, and you dont have to ever get one if you dont want it. If you do and then decide you dont want
it, Mark can remove it or he will have a hard time removing my foot from his butt, she says with a grin.


Moonblade walks down the hallway, his grandfathers sword is across his back. His hands are bandaged
from what he was told was when he destroyed the wall in the cell. Stopping in front of the Kings office,
he looks at the two guards. Captain Moonblade, reporting as order to his Majesty the King.
Tesss looks at the great cat and sees sadness in his face. I shall let the King know. Opening the door he
steps in. Your Majesty, Captain Moonblade is here to see you as you ordered.
Mark looks up from his datapad he is reading. Good please send him in Tesss. Looking at Flower in the
corner, he says silently to her, Flower, please go get the priestess.
Flower gets up and sets her pad down, As you command Sire. As she walks to the door following Tesss
out, she passes Moonblade as he enters into the room.
Moonblade walks through the open door and sees his Majesty at his desk and his eyes are drawn to the
young fox walking towards him, or her dress is what catches his eye that is. Stepping to the side, he
watches her walk away her tail swishing. With a sigh, he turns and faces his king. Coming to attention,
he drops to his left knee, as he pulls the sword off his back he bows his head, holding his sword up. Sire,
I thank you for my crews lives, Im here as you ordered. I am here to pay the dept please except my life
for theirs.
Mark freezes as his mind digests what this young cat is saying and offering. Relax captain, put up your
sword, I refuse to kill you or your crew, but I do have a conduction of your release and it is a simple
one. Hearing the door open again, he glances up as Flower walks in with a Puma behind her.
Flower bows and takes her seat, while the Priestess stands proudly behind Moonblade waiting to be
spoken too.
Looking back at the captain Mark continues what he was saying. Stand up Moonblade that is an order.
As the cat gets up Mark never stops speaking. You see captain, I decided you need help with your
bloodlust, Priest Yama here will be on your ship. She will help by way of divine magic to prevent you
from falling into the blood lust again. I know it is not a perfect cure, but it will help until I can figure why
it is happing to you and your race.
Moonblade looks at his king and nods his head, Sire, we have tried priestess before; they have never
been able to help in the past.
I understand, just humor me, and take her with you. She will be a big help. She a priestess for a new
god, the one called the Goddesses Champion.
I dont know who that is but it shall be as your command.


In Roses Garden, the triplets appear, walking to the palace that is Roses Home, behind them appears
Flower. As they reach the steps, a large figure appears off in the distance. Rose watches all from her
pets eyes and looks at her friends near her, Mark is here and on his way to meet us.
Looking to the path, they see the triplets come out of the forest. Seeing Rose they smile and start
waving, crossing the clearing they climb the stairs to the patio, and say hello silently and take a seat
beside them. Rose gets up, reaches out, and hands each of the girls a glass of water. Walking to stand
behind the three girls, she continues, Heather, these are some of Marks servants, most call them his
Triad. This one Kissy, she says as she kisses the childs head, this one is little Rose, with another kiss.
And this is little Star. Sitting back down, she continues once more, And coming up the stairs is Flower,
She is his Mistress, she in charge of all of his servants. You will find her a loving and caring Red Fox, but a
warning, none of them can speak.
Heather is surprised by this, There Deaf?
Joy speaks out before Rose can, Yes! They use telepathy to commutate.
How will I commutate with them?
Rose sits holding little Roses paw, You dont, they are his personally servants. Now his wives and other
servants talk just fine. Hello Flower, take a seat.
Flower come to the top of the stairs and smiles, she bows her head to the goddesses and than takes her
seat, beside the empty chair.
Heather looks at all of them and smiles, They seems nice, at the very lest they look very happy.
Violet giggles and responds, They are. Mark like to have then all happy, if there not, he will want to
know why and he will try and make them happy.
Mark stops at the bottom of the stairs, he can hear them talking above and he looks down on himself
and wills himself to look nice and clean for the ladies. Taking a deep breath, he slowly lets it out and
walks up the stairs and within a minute, he tops the stairs case and steps onto the patio.
Heather gasps at his size and height, no matter how much she was warned; Mark is just simply bigger
than life. She looks up and up at the massive creature.
Mark walks to his chair, and speaks to his friends, Greetings ladies, you called for me to come to you
Star, and so here I am. What may I do for you?
Star smiles at Mark and replies. Yes Mark, we have a small problem that we believe you can help us
Mark takes his seat and looks around the room and his eyes settle onto the new face at the table. Now
who is this new face?
Rose watches Mark check out Heather. Mark, she the reason we have a problem, and we hope you can
help us with.
Now how could a little lady like this be a problem?
Star reaches back over and takes Heathers hand in hers. Mark she wields magic, and has become an
outcast on her world. She needs a loving home, and someone to teach her how to use it.
Horrified that such a beautiful child could be an outcast he looks at the girl and asks, My name is Mark,
what is yours child?
Heather clears her throat and softly says, Sire, My name is Heather Maria Whitetail.
Mark reaches out his paws and gently takes Heathers hand in his paws. Heather its a privilege and an
honor to meet you. Looking into her eyes, he sees a little fear, but sees the love of the goddesses there
as well. Hmm...I see you ladies have been working with her. From the looks of her, she is going to have
to be changed so she can fit in. Heather did they talk to you about this?
Heather nods her head yes, Yes, they told me Id have to change my body to be able to blend in. They
told me of the different choices I might have if you would allow me to pick.
Mark smiles warmly at the beautiful girl, Good. If you come with me, you will need to go to school and
learn. Has anyone found out what type of magic you use?
Heather shakes her head, Not that they told me of. Mostly they have been trying to calm my fears.
As Rose watches, the two talk and replies, I will have to check with Freyja on her magic, and get back to
you on that.
Mark glances at Rose, Thank you Rose. Then looking back at Heather he continues, Heather, Have
you got an idea of what you like to be?
Heather bits her lip and nods her head. I think I have one. Rose says if I dont like it you can change it
and I dont want a branding.
Yes I can and no worry on the branding. Now please stand up and picture what you want to be in your
Heather takes a deep breathe and lets it out as she stands up, and without a thought, she is naked.
Eeck. Before she can cover herself, she is shocked again as her body changes. Fur grows out of her skin
as her fingers change, her ears grow until they are about a foot tall, and puff of a tail forms, and her
nose grows into a tiny twitching nose. She loses height as well once she was five foot three inches and
now she stands about four feet tall. When the magic ends, she stands there as a cute fluffy cottontail
bunny, a wisp of a breeze and a new yellow dress forms on her.
Mark smiles at Heather, Now there you go a cute cottontail.
Heather stands there in shock; being stripped without warning, and changed before she can recover has
astounded her. While none of it hurt, it was still a surprise. She stares at her fur-covered arms, her
hands, no not hands anymore, paws with nails. She looks at her backside, a small puffy tail with a smile
she looks at her new tail. A smile comes over her face. A new start and a new body to start with, would
not her friends be surprised to see her now.

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