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NAME _____________________ DATE______________

I. Identify the words being defined in each number. Choose your answer from the box.

______________1. Physical parts of the computer which you can touch and feel
______________2. Rules needed to be followed by computer users when working with other people
through the computer system
______________3. An electronic machine that reads and processes data, and produces information which
can be stored for future use
______________4. The process of changing data into a more useful form
______________5. Computers help people to create projects, reports and print pictures
______________6. Computers allow people to communicate through e-mail
______________7. Data is entered in the computer through the keyboard or mouse
______________8. Inside the CPU, mathematical or logical operation will be performed on the data
______________9. The result is displayed on the monitor and can be printed on paper
______________10. Information can be stored on disks for future use.
II. Matching Type Match the characteristics in column A with its meaning in column B.
Write the letter of your answers on the blanks before the number.
_______1. Machine a. Computers can perform tasks such as mathematical calculations
_______2. Electronic b. Computers has parts that enable it to store information
_______3. Automatic c. Computers use electricity as a main source of power
_______4. Memory d. Computers are tools used to help people in certain tasks
_______ 5. Logical Function e. Computers have programs that can process a lot of data and display an
accurate output
III. Classify the following according to its computer element.


Input Hardware Output Computer Ethics
Computer Peopleware Processing Computers at Home
Computers in Communication Storage Data Processing Cycle

Printer Web Browser Graphics Pilot
Programmer Word Processor Keyboard
Video Facebook Doctor

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