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Copyright 2012 Success Vantage Pte Ltd

All rights reserved.

Published by Chris DCruz

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Individual results may vary. | 3



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Each of these steps is meant to be taken one day at a time. Success in life is achieved
through small, steady measures, with a keen eye on each of the things that exist in your life
and the things that need to exist to ensure success.

Do not skip ahead and, do not rush through these steps. Without planning and constant
progress, success will keep within an arms reach, always in sight, but never in hand.

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List down 5 things you have in your life that you are appreciative and grateful for. Imagine
what life would be without them and reflect on how your life is better because of them.





Sometimes, success is already within our reach, but we have been misguided by television
and popular culture to believe that we lack the necessary elements of success (fame,
money, luxury). It is always good to take a look around and see with clear vision what we
have that others might not. | 6

List 3 things about yourself you want to change. Ask yourself why you want to change them
and describe how you would go about doing it.



_____________________________________________________________________________ | 7

Success requires change and a willingness to accept that change. You must recognize both
the good and the bad traits that exist within yourself and be willing to change them, or work
with them in order to achieve success.

You must take responsibility for your mistakes and for the flaws that exist in your
personality and character. There should not be fear in seeing these flaws no one is perfect.

The first step towards success is self-realization. | 8

Go for a walk and clear your head. When you come back watch, read or do something that
makes you laugh.

It is essential to clear your head of junk, stress and anxiety. Once you have done so, you
really can see clearly, no matter what situation you're in at home or in life. It will do you
wonders, and change your life more than anything else possibly could. Only when your head
is clear, you can begin to search within and become familiar with whom you are, and
discover what success really is. You will realize that what you had once thought was success,
is actually something completely different. Only when you acquire self success, can you
move on to have those things you consider luxuries. But remember that they are only
luxuries, they aren't requirements to success! Success is personal and is achieved through
will, spirit, individuality and self realization.

List down 5 things that you consider to be success. Find out how you can achieve those
things, one step at a time. Do them. | 9

Meditate. Meditation doesnt have to be
done in silence, with your eyes closed.
Meditation is something that relaxes your
mind and gives you focus. Find an activity that
puts you into this state and get the most out
of it.

It is best to let go sometimes and release the
worry and the stress that accumulates over
time. The daily routine gives little time for
reflection and peace and you must always
ensure that you have time to be with yourself.

Reflection and meditation will allow you to see things with new perspectives and let you tackles
problems with new solutions and a fresh mindset. Simply taking the time to calm down and think
through things, without the distraction of negativity and stress is sometimes the best solution. | 10

Its Friday. Enjoy yourself.

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Reflect on the mistakes you have done this week. Ask why you did them and how to avoid
doing them again.

You must not be afraid to realize and accept your mistakes. Mistakes are learning tools,
meant to show you what is possible and to test the limits of your ability.

Dont blame others for your mistakes. While they might have been involved, the choice was
always yours to make. Recognize those moments when you made those choices and
remember them when you have to make those choices again.

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Read the list you made on Tuesday. Is there anything you can remove from that list? Why?
Why not?

If you find that the steps you have taken are not working out for you, then find out where
you went wrong and find out how you can work through the problem. If the problem still
remains, then set it aside and focus on another task.

Sometimes, the spark of inspiration comes when you are not actively engaged in the matter
at hand. The mind works best when it is clear and free from distractions and sometimes it is
best to let the subconscious work through the problem. | 13



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