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Mangontawar M. Gubat
Second Edition
Copyright 2012, Mangontawar M. Gubat
Sma!wor" E"#t#on
Sma!wor" L#$%n% Not%
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T!'(E )* C)+TE+TS
-reface to the Second Edition
-reface to the *irt Edition
$+T.),/CT).0 C1!-TE.
-!.T !. GE+E.!( C)+S$,E.!T$)+S
The Court
-!.T '. T1E S1!.$4! C)/.TS
Shari4a !ppellate Court
Shari4a ,itrict Court
Shari4a Circuit Court
The Special .ule of -rocedure Go&erning the Shari4a
-!.T $ GE+E.!( -.)CE,/.ES.
Section 1. Co""ence"ent of !ction
Section 2. Co"plaint
Section 5. Ser&ice of Su""on
Section 6. !nwer
Section 7. *ailure to !nwer
Section 8. -re#trial
Section 9. 1earing or Trial
Section :. 2udg"ent
Section ;. !ppeal
Section 10. !ppeal to the Shari4a ,itrict Court
Section 11. !ppeal to the Supre"e Court
Section 12. (egal )pinion <*atwa=
Section 15. -leading and Motion ,iallowed
-!.T $$. )!T1 <0!M$+=
Section 16. !d"initration of )ath
Section 17. Mutual )ath <Tahalif=
Section 18. Mutual $"precation <(i4an=
-!.T $$$. S/--(EME+T!( -.)CEE,$+GS
Section 19. Suppletory .ule in Ci&il Cae
Section 1:. Suppletory .ule in Special )ffene
-!.T $3. !.'$T.!T$)+ -.)CEE,$+GS
Section 1;. !ga"a !rbitration, how conducted
Section 20. Effecti&ity.
!bout the !uthor
)ther 'ook by the !uthor at S"ahword
Thi edition i dedicated to "y parent
Ha"&# 'a!a" Maban"% A(onto Gubat
Ha"&a Nar#))a! Matara Ma*aang Domaub
<'ack to the top=
$n the na"e of God, the Mot Co"paionate, the Mot
The firt edition of thi book wa entitled >.e&iewer in
$la"ic -rocedure and E&idence.? My deciion to na"e the
work a uch wa due to the fact that one of the tet in the
-hilippine hari@a bar i called >$la"ic -rocedure and
'ecaue the citation in thi work are not entirely of
$la"ic origin but partly of -hilippine procedural law, $
ha&e decided to change the title for fear that $ "ight do a
gra&e dier&ice to the $la"ic faith. $ a" afraid $ ha&e
attributed unto $la"ic law what it i not. Thu, $ eek
refuge to the !l"ighty God and eek 1i forgi&ene for
the "itake that $ ha&e co""itted in the firt edition, and
for thoe that $ "ay co""it in the preent one.
$t i becaue of that grie&ou fear that $ had foregone the
reprinting of thi work ince it went out of circulation. 'ut
recently $ ha&e realiAed that thi work "ay till be needed
by candidate to the pecial hari@a bar eBa"ination a
well a hari@a tudent. $n order to o&erco"e that fear, $
felt that a rena"ing of the work i appropriate.
$n co"ing out with thi re&ied edition, $ ha&e conidered
few deciion of the Supre"e Court in&ol&ing the Shari@a
court. The appendice in the original edition were
dicarded in &iew of the facility by which tudent can
acce local legilation.
$ thank the !l"ighty Creator for gi&ing "e the will,
courage and trength to co"e up with thi edition.
Mangontawar M. Gubat
2uly 51, 2012
<'ack to the top=
!t a ti"e when "y initial work entitled CThe Special .ule
of -rocedure Go&erning the Shari4a Court (Ijra-at Al
Mahakim Al Shariah) !nnotatedC ha till to pa the tet of
ti"e, there were uggetion $ recei&ed to con&ert it into a
re&iewer. $ would, a $ did, take thoe uggetion a "ere
paing co"pli"ent which indicate no "ore than a public
patronage of "y hu"ble work. *or, indeed, e&en tudent
of the Ding *aial Center for !rabic, $la"ic and !ian
Studie find the work a helpful reference "aterial, if not a
teBtbook, in one of their undergraduate hari4a coure.
Eith the periodic ad"initration of the pecial Shari4a bar
eBa"ination by the Supre"e Court of the -hilippine at
biennial inter&al and the abence of a co"preheni&e
re&iew "aterial on $la"ic -rocedure and E&idence, uch a
bene&olent ad&ice deer&e conideration.
Thi re&iew "aterial i a &irtual tranfor"ation of "y work
into a CFuetion and !nwerC for". 1owe&er, inno&ation
brought about by the 1;;9 .ule of Ci&il -rocedure
adopted by the Supre"e Court on !pril :, 1;;9 are taken
into conideration. ! an added feature, uggeted anwer
to Shari4a bar Guetion in -rocedure and E&idence are
incorporated herein to gi&e propecti&e candidate the
&icariou feeling of an actual bar eBa"ination. The Code of
Muli" -eronal (aw, pertinent pro&iion of the )rganic
!ct for the !utono"ou .egion in Muli" Mindanao, and
rele&ant circular of the Supre"e Court are included in thi
"eager &olu"e a appendice.
$n paing, $ do not lay clai" to any credit attributable to
thi re&iew "aterial. !ny uch credit belong to the legal
draft"en who et out the law, to the great "ind of the
bench who interpreted and applied it, to the legal
authoritie whoe work guided "e in undertanding the
law, and, finally, to the !l"ighty who ha the "onopoly of
knowledge. 1owe&er, error fro" "icontruction or
inaccurate preentation of the law, %uriprudence and
opinion are "ine alone.
$t i "y fer&ent hope that thi work, like it predeceor,
will fill the need of hari4a tudent, practitioner, %udge,
and candidate to the Shari4a 'ar.
*inally, $ wih to eBpre "y profound thank and gratitude
to -reident 2uanito *ontelera and EBecuti&e 3ice#-reident
,o"inador 'uhain ofthe .EH Group of Co"panie a well
a to Ma. Terea 3. !baca, 1ead of it (egal Editorial
)ffice, who opened the gate for thi hu"ble work to ee the
light of public circulation.
Mangontawar M. Gubat
05 !pril 1;;9
<'ack to the top=
,- D%.#n% *ro$%"ur%. /01123 4550 S!ar#a 6ar7 W!at #
(aw o. *ro$%"ur%8
ANS- $t i the body of rule that go&ern or pro&ide the
fra"ework of the %udicial proce <Cound, et al., Ci&il
-rocedure, 6th ed., p. 16=. $t i that which precribe the
"ethod of enforcing right or obtain redre for their
in&aion. <'uto &. (ucero, :1 -hil 870=.
,- D#t#ngu#! ru(% o. *ro$%"ur% .rom ubtant#9% (aw.
/01123 4550 S!ar#a 6ar7
ANS- ! a general rule, law which fiB the dutie, etablih
right and reponibilitie a"ong and for peron, natural
or otherwie, are Iubtanti&e law@, while thoe which
"erely precribe the "anner in which uch right and
reponibilitie "ay be eBercied and enforced in a court
are Iprocedural law@ or Irule of procedure@ <'lack@ (aw
,ictionary, 8th ed., 1;;0, p. 1205=.
,- How !ou(" ru(% o. *ro$%"ur% b% $ontru%" an"
w!)8 /01103 01123 4550 S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- .ule of procedure hould be liberally contrued in
order to pro"ote their ob%ecti&e of ecuring a %ut, peedy,
and ineBpeni&e dipoition of e&ery action and proceeding.
<Sec. 8, .ule 1, .ule of Court= The rule of procedure are
but "ere tool deigned to facilitate the attain"ent of
%utice. Their trict and rigid application, which would
reult in technicalitie that tend to frutrate rather than
pro"ote ubtantial %utice, "ut alway be a&oided
<-icAon &. Court of !ppeal, G... 9859:#:1, Sept. 26,
1;;0=. The general ob%ect of procedure i Cto facilitate the
application of %utice to the ri&al clai" of contending
partie,C bearing alway in "ind that procedure i created
Cnot to hinder and delay but to facilitate and pro"ote the
ad"initration of %uticeC <$ Moran, p. 117, citing /dan&.
!"on, 25 SC.! :59J MacEntee &. Manotok, 5 SC.!
,- D%.#n% *ro$%"ur% an" "#t#ngu#! #t .rom %9#"%n$%.
/0110 S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- -rocedure i that which precribe "ethod of
enforcing right or obtaining redre for their in&aion
<'lack@ (aw ,ictionary, 8th ed., 1;;0, p. 1205=.
-rocedure and e&idence are ditinguihed a followK
a= 'roadly peaking, procedure, being re"edial in nature
and not ubtanti&e law, include e&idenceJ wherea
e&idence i funda"entally a procedural lawJ
b= .ule of procedure i the "ean by which the power or
authority of a court to hear and decide a cla of cae i
put to action. <Garcia &. ,e 2eu, 208 SC.! 99;,9::J
Manila .ailroad Co. &. !ttorney#General, 20 -hil 725=
wherea e&idence i the "ode and "anner of pro&ing
co"petent fact in a %udicial proceeding. <'uto &.
(ucero, -hil 860=
c= $n the Shari4a court, it procedure hall be upple"ented
by the .ule of Court of the -hilippineJ wherea e&idence
hall be go&erned by ource of Muli" law on e&idence.
<Section 19, Special .ule=
,- W!at # t!% tatutor) ba# o. t!% S*%$#a( Ru(% o.
Pro$%"ur% Go9%rn#ng t!% S!ar#a Court /I&ra;at A(
Ma!a<#m A( S!ar#a!78
ANS- The Special .ule of -rocedure Go&erning the
Shari@a Court wa pro"ulgated by the Supre"e Court
puruant to !rticle 16: and 17: of the Code of Muli"
-eronal (aw which pro&ideK
>The Shari@a ,itrict Court <and the Shari@a Circuit
Court= hall be go&erned by uch pecial rule of
procedure a the Supre"e Court "ay pro"ulgate.?
Moreo&er, Section 12, !rticle $H of .! 8956 pro&ide that
>L-Mroceeding in the Shari@ah !ppellate Court and in the
Shari@ah lower court a are etablihed in the !utono"ou
.egion hall be go&erned by uch pecial rule a the
Supre"e Court "ay pro"ulgate.?
<'ack to the top=
T!% Court
,- D%.#n% $ourt.
ANS- ! court i an organ of the go&ern"ent, belonging to
the %udicial depart"ent, whoe function i the application
of the law to contro&erie brought before it and the public
ad"initration of %utice <'lack4 (aw ,ictionary=.
,- I t!% wor" =$ourt= )non)mou w#t! =&u"g%=8
ANS- 0e. The word CcourtC and C%udgeC are ued
ynony"ouly and interchangeably, generally peaking. $n
ordinary parlance, C%udgeC are poken of a CcourtC and
CcourtC are referred to when the peron "ean the C%udgeC
only. $t i co""on for lay"en, lawyer and %udge, a well
a the law, to ue thee ter" interchangeably. 'ut there i
an i"portant ditinction between the court a an entity, and
the peron who occupie the poition of %udge .Court "ay
eBit without a %udge. There "ay be a %udge without a court
< $ Moran citing -a"intuan &. (orente, 2; -hil 568=.
,- W!at ar% t!% $(a#.#$at#on o. $ourt #n t!%
ANS- T!% $(a#.#$at#on o. $ourt #n t!% P!#(#**#n%
A. According to their nature and extent of jurisdiction:
<1= Court of general jurisdiction, one which ha the power
to ad%udicate all contro&erie which "ay be brought before
it within the legal bound of right and re"edie eBcept
thoe eBprely withheld fro" it plenary power. EBa"pleK
.egional Trial Court.
<2= Court of limited or special jurisdiction, one whoe
power to ad%udicate i confined to particular caue or can
only be eBercied under the li"itation and circu"tance
precribed by tatute. EBa"pleK Shari4a Circuit Court.
<5= Court of original jurisdiction, one which ha the power
to take %udicial cogniAance of a cae intituted for %udicial
action for the firt ti"e under condition pro&ided by law.
EBa"pleK Shari4a ,itrict Court.
<6= Court of appellate jurisdiction, one which ha the
authority to re&iew the final order or %udg"ent of a lower
court with the power to "odify, re&ere, utain or re"and,
or affir" the a"e. EBa"pleK Shari4a !ppellate Court.
. According to the principles on !hich the" administer
<1= Ci#il court, one which deter"ine contro&erie
between pri&ate peron.
<2= Criminal court, one which i charged with the
ad"initration of cri"inal law, and the punih"ent of
wrong to the public <'lack4 (aw ,ictionary=.
<5= Court martial$ a "ilitary court pertaining to the
eBecuti&e depart"ent of the go&ern"ent for trying and
punihing offene co""itted by "e"ber of the ar"ed
<6= Admiralt" court, one which ha %uridiction o&er
ad"iralty and "ariti"e "atter.
<7= %u#enile court$ one which ha pecial %uridiction, of a
paternal nature, o&er delinGuent and neglected children.
<8= Court of e&uit", one which ha %uridiction in eGuity,
which ad"initer %utice and decide contro&erie in
accordance with the rule, principle, and precedent of
eGuity, and which follow the for" and procedure of
chanceryJ a ditinguihed fro" a court ha&ing the
%uridiction, rule, principle, and practice of the co""on
law. <I'id.=
<9= Court of la!, in a wide ene, any duly contituted
tribunal ad"initering the law of the tate or nationJ in a
narrower ene, a court proceeding according to the coure
of co""on law and go&erned by it rule and principle, a
contrated with a Ccourt of eGuityC. <I'id.=
<:= (cclesiastical court, one which ha %uridiction o&er
"atter pertaining to the religion and ritual of the
etablihed church, and the right, dutie, and dicipline of
eccleiatical peron a uch. <I'id.=
<;= Shari)a court, one which i charged with the
ad"initration of hari4a law o&er Muli".
C. According to the la! creating them:
1= Constitutional court, one which owe it creation and
eBitence fro" the Contitution. EBK Supre"e Court.
<2= Constitutionall"-mandated court, one whoe eBitence
i pro&ided for in the Contitution but it creation by
tatutory enact"ent. EBK Sandiganbayan.
<5= Statutor" court$ one which i created and organiAed and
with %uridiction deter"ined by tatute. EBK Municipal Trial
*. According to their relation !ith other courts:
<1= Superior court, one which ha the power to re&iew,
re&ere, "odify or affir" the order or %udg"ent of a lower
<2= Inferior court, one whoe order or %udg"ent "ay be
re&iewed by a higher court.
(. According to !hether the" keep a record of their
<1= Court of record, one which i bound to keep a record of
it proceeding for a perpetual "e"orial and teti"ony
thereof <Melgar &. ,elgado, 75 -hil. 227=.
<2= Court of not record, one which i not reGuired by law to
keep a record of it proceeding.
<'ack to the top=
,- D%.#n% &ur#"#$t#on.
ANS- 2uridiction i the power and authority of a court to
hear, try and decide a cae <1errera &. 'arretto, 27 -hil
267=. $t i the power and authority to hear and deter"ine a
caue or the right to act in a cae <Sogod &. .oal, G...
5:206 7, Sept. 21, 1;;1=.
,- W!at # t!% $(a#.#$at#on o. &ur#"#$t#on8
ANS- 2uridiction i claified a followK
<1= +riginal jurisdiction, the power of the court to take
%udicial cogniAance of a cae intituted for %udicial action
for the firt ti"e under condition pro&ided by law <Garcia
&. ,e 2eu, 208 SC.! 99;, 9:8=.
<2= Appellate jurisdiction, the power of a court higher in
rank to re&iew the final order or %udg"ent of a lower court
and "odify, re&ere, utain or re"and the a"e <I'id.=.
<5= ,eneral jurisdiction, the power to ad%udicate all
contro&erie which "ay be brought before a court within
the legal bound of right and re"edie eBcept thoe
eBprely withheld fro" the plenary power of the court
<ee $ .egalado, 5=.
<6= -imited jurisdiction, the power confined to particular
caue, or which can only be eBercied under the
li"itation and circu"tance precribed by tatute. Thi i
alo known a pecial %uridiction <I'id.=.
<7= (xclusi#e jurisdiction, the power to ad%udicate a
contro&ery to the eBcluion of all other court at that tage
<8= Concurrent jurisdiction, the power conferred upon
different court, whether of the a"e or different rank, to
take %udicial cogniAance at the a"e tage of the a"e cae
in the a"e or different %udicial territorie <I'id.=.
<9= *elegated jurisdiction, the power conferred upon a
court to hear and deter"ine certain cae uch a cadatral
and land regitration under certain condition <I'id.=.
,- D#t#ngu#! &ur#"#$t#on .rom 9%nu%. /01?2 S!ar#:a
ANS- 2uridiction i ditinguihed fro" &enue a followK
<1= 2uridiction i the authority of a court to hear, try and
decide a caeJ &enue i the place where the action "ut be
intituted and tried.
<2= 2uridiction i a "atter of ubtanti&e lawJ &enue i a
procedural or ad%ecti&e law.
<5= 2uridiction i conferred by law or the contitution
<Garcia &. ,e 2eu, supraJ )roa, 2r. &. C!, G... +o.
98:2: 52, 2: 2anuary 1;;1J 'acalo &. .a"olete, 21
SC.! 71;= and cannot be conferred by the conent of the
partie or by their failure to ob%ect to the lack of it <(ee &.
-reiding 2udge, G... 809:;, +o&. 10, 1;:8=J &enue "ay
be conferred by the act or agree"ent of the partie <Sec. 6,
.ule 6, .ule of Court, a a"endedJ Manila .ailroad Co.
&. !ttorney#General, 20 -hil. 725=.
<6= 2uridiction create a relation between the court and the
ub%ect "atterJ &enue create a relation between the partie
to the action. <See $ .egalado p.7=
,- D#t#ngu#! &ur#"#$t#on .rom *ro$%"ur%.
ANS- 2uridiction and procedure are ditinguihed a
1= 2uridiction i the power and authority of a court to hear,
try and decide a cae <1errera &. 'arretto, 27 -hil 267=J
while procedure i the "ean by which the power or
authority of a court to hear and decide a cla of cae i
put to action <Garcia &. ,e 2eu, 208 SC.! 99;,9::J
Manila .ailroad Co. &. !ttorney General, 20 -hil. 725=.
2= .ule of procedure are re"edial in nature and not
ubtanti&e <I'id.=J while %uridiction i a "atter of
ubtanti&e law.
,- How # &ur#"#$t#on a$@u#r%"8
ANS- 2uridiction o&er the following, which are neceary
for the eBercie of %uridiction, i acGuired a followK
<1= +#er the plaintiff or petitioner. ## 2uridiction o&er the
peron of the plaintiff or petitioner i acGuired by the filing
of the co"plaint or other appropriate pleading before the
court <,a&ao (ight N -ower Co., $nc. &. C!., G... ;5282,
+o&. 2;, 1;;1=.
<2= +#er the defendant or respondent. ## 2uridiction o&er
the peron of the defendant or repondent i obtained by the
er&ice of u""on or other coerci&e proce upon hi" or
by hi &oluntary appearance or ub"iion to the authority
of the court <I'id.=.
<5= +#er the su'ject matter or nature of the action. ##
2uridiction o&er the ub%ect "atter or nature of the action
i conferred by law <$ .egalado p. 8=. 'y the filing of the
co"plaint or other initiatory pleading, the %uridiction of
the court thereof i in&oked or called into acti&ity, and it i
thi that the court acGuire %uridiction o&er aid ub%ect
"atter or nature of the action <,a&ao (ight N -ower, Co.
$nc. &. C!, supra.=. $t i not i"ply the filing of the
co"plaint or appropriate initiatory pleading, but the
pay"ent of the precribed docket fee that &et a trial court
with %uridiction o&er the ub%ect "atter or nature of the
action <Sun $nurance )ffice, (td. &. !uncion, G...
9;;59 5:, *eb. 15, 1;:;=.
<6= +#er the issues of the case. ## 2uridiction o&er the
iue of the cae i deter"ined and conferred by the
pleading filed in the cae by the partie, or by their
agree"ent in a pretrial order or tipulation, or, at ti"e, by
their i"plied conent, a the failure of a party to ob%ect to
e&idence on an iue not co&ered by the pleading, a
pro&ided in Section 7, .ule 10 of the .ule of Court <$
.egalado p. 9=.
<7= +#er the res (or the propert" or thing !hich is the
su'ject of the litigation).## Thi i acGuired by the actual or
contructi&e eiAure by the court of the thing in Guetion,
thu putting it in custodia legis, a in attach"ent or
garnih"ent, or by pro&iion of law which recogniAe in
the court the power to deal with the property or ub%ect
"atter within it territorial %uridiction, a in land
regitration proceeding or uit in&ol&ing ci&il tatu or
real property in the -hilippine of a non reident defendant
,- How ma) t!% S!ar#:a! Court a$@u#r% &ur#"#$t#on
o9%r t!% *%ron o. t!% "%.%n"ant8 /01103 01123 0111
S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- 2uridiction o&er the peron of the defendant i
obtained by the er&ice of u""on or other coerci&e
proce upon hi" or by hi &oluntary appearance or
ub"iion to the authority of the court <,a&ao (ight N
-ower Co., $nc. &. C!., G... ;5282, +o&. 2;, 1;;1=.
<'ack to the top=
,- D%.#n% a$t#on.
ANS- !n action "ean an ordinary uit in a court of %utice,
by which one party proecute another for the enforce"ent
or protection of a right or the proecution or redre of a
wrong <,e GuA"an, 2r. &. C!, G... ;202;#50, ,ec. 20,
,- W!at # an a$t#on a "#t#ngu#!%" .rom *ro$%%"#ng8
/0111 S!ar#a 6ar7
ANS- !n action i a uit in a court of %utice by which one
party proecute another for the enforce"ent or protection
of a right or the proecution or redre of a wrong while a
proceeding, in a general ene, i the for" and "anner of
conducting %uridical buine before a court or %udicial
officer <ee 'lack@ (aw ,ictionary, 8th ed., 1;;0, p.
,- W!at ar% t!% $(a#.#$at#on o. a$t#on8
ANS- !ction are claified a followK
A. According to cause or foundation:
<1= .ersonal action, one which i brought for the reco&ery
of peronal property, for the enforce"ent of o"e contract
or reco&ery of da"age for the co""iion of an in%ury to
the peron or property <,ial Corp. &. 2udge Soriano, G...
:2550, May 51, 1;::= EBa"pleK !ction for da"age.
<2= /eal action, one which i affecting title to real property
or for the reco&ery of it poeion, or for partition or
conde"nation of, or forecloure of "ortgage on real
property <1ernandeA &. .ural 'ank of (ucena, :1 SC.!
:6= or one founded on pri&ity of real etate only <-aper
$ndutrie Corp. &. Sa"on, ( 50l95, +o&. 2:, l;97=.
EBa"pleK Accion interdictal
<5= Mixed action, one brought for protection or reco&ery of
real property and alo for an award for da"age utained
<$ .egalado p. 18=. EBa"pleK Accion pu'liciana with
. According to the place !here instituted:
<1= 0ransitor" action, one which "ay be brought in the
place of reidence of plaintiff or any of the principal
plaintiff, or the place of reidence of the defendant or any
of the principal defendant <See Sec. 2, .ule 6, .ule of
Court, a a"ended=. EBa"pleK 'reach of contract.
<2= -ocal action, one which ha to be intituted in a
particular place independently of the place of reidence of
the partie <$ Moran p. 125 citing C2S ;68 ;6;=. EBa"pleK
Accion pu'liciana
C. According to its o'ject:
<1= Action in rem, one directed againt the thing or property
or tatu of a peron and eek %udg"ent with repect thereto
a againt the whole world <Ching &. C!, G... 7;95l, 2an.
11, l;:;=.
<2= Action in personam, one brought againt a pecific
peron on the bai of hi peronal liability <,ial Corp. &.
2udge Soriano, supra.=.
<5= Action &uasi in rem, one intended to eBclude a non#
reident defendant fro" any right or interet in property
located in the -hilippine <$ Moran p. 125 citing -erkin &.
,iAon, 8; -hil 1:8=.
*. According to its purpose:
<1= Ci#il action, one by which a party ue another for the
enforce"ent or protection of a right, or the pre&ention or
redre of a wrong <Sec. 5<a=, .ule 1, .ule of Court, a
<2= Criminal action$ one by which the State proecute a
peron for an act or o"iion punihable by law <Sec. 5<b=,
,- I =r%a( a$t#on =)non)mou w#t! =a$t#on in rem=8
ANS- +o. ! real action hould not be confued with an
action in rem. !n action to reco&er a parcel of land i a real
action but it i an action in personam, for it bind a
particular indi&idual only although it concern the right to a
tangible thing <Ching &. C!, supra=.
,- W!at # t!% m%an#ng o. $au% o. a$t#on8 /0112
S!ar#a 6ar7
ANS- ! caue of action i an act or o"iion by which a
party &iolate a right of another <Sec. 2, .ule 2, .ule of
Court, a a"endedJ .ebolido &. C!, G... :1125, *eb. 2:,
1;:;=. $t i the fact or co"bination of fact which afford a
party a right to %udicial interference in hi behalf <,e
GuA"an & C!, supra.=.
,- W!at ar% t!% %%nt#a( %(%m%nt o. $au% o. a$t#on8
ANS- The eential ele"ent of a caue of action areK
<1= The legal right of the plaintiffJ
<2= The correlati&e obligation of the defendant to repect
that rightJ and
<5= !n act or o"iion of the defendant in &iolation of aid
legal right <3irata &. Sandiganbayan, G... :8;28J Mapa
&. Sandiganbayan, G... :8;6;, )ct. l7, l;;lJ .ebolido &.
C!, supraJ ,e GuA"an &. C!, supraJ Caena &.
.oale, l; SC.! 682J .e"itere &. 3da de 0ulo, l8 SC.!
,- D%.#n% r#g!t o. a$t#on.
ANS- ! right of action i the re"edial right or right to relief
granted by law to a party to intitute an action againt a
peron who ha co""itted a delict or wrong againt hi" <$
.egalado p. 17=.
<'ack to the top=
,- W!at # t!% or#g#n o. t!% S!ar#:a Court #n t!%
ANS- The etablih"ent of the Shari4a court in the
-hilippine ha been originally concei&ed in the 1;98
Tripoli !gree"ent entered into by and between the
-hilippine Go&ern"ent and the Moro +ational (iberation
*ront under the aupice of the )rganiAation of $la"ic
Conference. $t ha been agreed, a"ong other thing, that
C<$=n the area of autono"y, the Muli" hall ha&e the
right to et up their own Court which i"ple"ent the
$la"ic hari4ah law B B BC<par. 5, 5rd !gree"ent, Tripoli
The Tripoli !gree"ent wa not i"ple"ented. +e&erthele,
then -reident Marco, in the eBercie of legilati&e power,
pro"ulgated in l;99 -, 10:5 otherwie known a the
CCode of Muli" -eronal (awC which pro&ided, inter
alia, for the creation of court of li"ited %uridiction known
a the Shari4a ,itrict Court and the Shari4a Circuit Court
under the ad"initrati&e uper&iion of the Supre"e Court
of the -hilippine.
The 1;:9 Contitution "andated the creation of an
autono"ou region in Muli" Mindanao and called for the
enact"ent of an organic act for the autono"ou region
which hall Cpro&ide for pecial court with peronal,
fa"ily and property law %uridiction conitent with the
pro&iion of thi Contitution and national lawC <Sec. l7
N l8, !rt. H=.
-uruant to thi contitutional "andate, .! 8956 otherwie
known a the C)rganic !ct for the !utono"ou .egion in
Muli" MindanaoC wa enacted into law. /nder thi !ct,
the Shari4a ,itrict Court and Shari4a Circuit Court
created under -, 10:5 are "andated to continue to
function a pro&ided therein <Sec. 15, !rt. $H, .! 8956=. $n
addition, a Shari4a !ppellate Court with li"ited %uridiction
i created by the !ct <Sec. 2, I'id.=. The )rganic !ct wa
later upereded by .! ;076 eBpanding the )rganic !ct for
the !utono"ou .egion in Muli" Mindanao.
,- Do t!% S!ar#:a D#tr#$t Court .orm *art o. t!%
#nt%grat%" &u"#$#a( )t%m o. t!% P!#(#**#n%8
ANS- +o. Strictly peaking, Shari4a ,itrict Court do not
for" part of the integrated %udicial yte" of the
-hilippine. Section 2 of the 2udiciary .eorganiAation !ct
of 1;:0 <'.-. 'lg. 12;= enu"erate the court co&ered by
the !ct, co"priing the integrated %udicial yte". Shari4a
Court are not included in the enu"eration notwithtanding
that, when aid '.-. 'lg. 12; took effect on !ugut 16,
1;:1, -.,. +o. 10:5 <otherwie known a CCode of Muli"
-eronal (aw of the -hilippineC= wa already in force.
The Shari4a Court are "entioned in Section 67 of the !ct
only for the purpoe of including the" Cin the funding
appropriationC <'ar Matter +o. 902, $n the Matter of the
-etition to !uthoriAe Shari4a ,itrict 2udge to !ppoint
Shari4a (awyer a +otarie -ublic, en banc, 12 May 1;;6=.
The fact that a %udge of the Shari4a ,itrict Court i
reGuired by law to poe the a"e Gualification a thoe
of .egional Trial Court doe not ignify that the Shari4a
Court i regular court like the .egional Trial Court. The
latter i a court of general %uridiction, i.e., co"petent to
decide all cae, ci&il and cri"inal, within it %uridiction. !
Shari4a ,itrict Court, created puruant to !rticle 159 of
-reidential ,ecree +o. 10:5, i a court of li"ited
%uridiction, eBerciing original %uridiction only o&er cae
pecifically enu"erated in !rticle 165 thereof. $n other
word, a Shari4a ,itrict Court i not a regular court
eBerciing general %uridiction within the "eaning of
Section 252 of the +otarial (aw <I'id.=.
,- Ar% t!% S!ar#:a $ourt *art o. t!% &u"#$#a( )t%m o.
t!% P!#(#**#n%8
ANS- 0e. The Shari4a court are created a part of the
%udicial yte" of the -hilippine. They and the peronnel
thereof are ub%ect to the ad"initrati&e uper&iion of the
Supre"e Court <!rt. 159, -, 10:5=.
,- W!) ar% t!% S!ar#a Court o. t!% P!#(#**#n% $ourt
o. (#m#t%" an" *%$#a( &ur#"#$t#on8 /4550 S!ar#a 6ar7
ANS- The Shari@a court of the -hilippine are court of
li"ited and pecial %uridiction becaue their %uridiction i
confined to the cla of cae enu"erated by -, 10:5
otherwie known a the >Code of Muli" -eronal (aw.?
They do not eBercie the power conferred upon a court of
general %uridiction, i.e., .egional Trial Court, which ha
the power to take cogniAance o&er all cae not falling
under the eBclui&e original %uridiction of any court,
tribunal, board or officer.
,- I t!% S!ar#a $ourt o. t!% P!#(#**#n% a r%gu(ar
$ourt or a @ua#;&u"#$#a( bo")8 /4550 S!ar#a 6ar7
ANS- The Shari@a court i neither a regular court nor a
Guai#%udicial body. $t i not a regular court becaue it doe
not for" part of the integrated %udicial yte" of the
-hilippine. +or i it a Guai#%udicial body becaue it
eBercie %udicial power under the uper&iion of the
Supre"e Court.
<'ack to the top=
S!ar#a A**%((at% Court
,- W!at $r%at%" t!% S!ar#:a A**%((at% Court8
ANS- Section 2, !rticle $H of .! 8956 created the Shari4a
!ppellate Court which, together with other Shari4a and
tribal court, hall ha&e %uridiction o&er cae in&ol&ing
peron, fa"ily and property relation. The law wa later
upereded by .! ;076.
,- W!at # t!% $om*o#t#on o. t!% S!ar#:a A**%((at%
Court8 W!at ar% t!% @ua(#.#$at#on o. t!% m%mb%r
ANS- The Shari4a !ppellate Court hall be co"poed of
one <1= -reiding 2utice and two <2= !ociate 2utice
<Sec. :, !rt. 3$$$, .! ;076=. The Gualification of a Shari4a
!ppellate 2utice areK
<1= 1e "ut be a natural born citiAen of the -hilippineJ
<2= 1e "ut ha&e been for fifteen year or "ore a %udge of
a lower court or engaged in the practice of law in the
<5= 1e "ut be at leat forty year of ageJ
<6= 1e "ut be a peron of pro&en co"petence, integrity,
probity and independence <Sec. 9, !rt. 3$$$, Cont.J Sec. 9,
'.-. 12;=J nd
<7= 1e "ut be learned in $la"ic law and %uriprudence
Sec. 6<1=, !rt. $H, .! 8956=.
,- How ar% m%mb%r o. t!% S!ar#:a A**%((at% Court
ANS- The Me"ber of the Shari4a !ppellate Court hall be
appointed by the -reident of the -hilippine fro" a lit of
at leat three <5= no"inee prepared by the 2udicial and 'ar
Council. The no"inee hall be choen fro" a lit of
reco""endee ub"itted by the .egional !e"bly of the
!utono"ou .egion in Muli" Mindanao. Such
appoint"ent need no confir"ation <Sec. 11, !rt. 3$$$, .!
;076=. !ny &acancy in the Shari4a !ppellate Court hall be
filled within ninety <;0= day fro" the occurrence thereof.
<Sec. :, I'id.=
,- W!at # t!% t%nur% o. m%mb%r o. t!% S!ar#:a
A**%((at% Court8
ANS- The -reiding and !ociate 2utice of the Shari4a
!ppellate Court hall er&e until they reach the age of
e&enty <90= year, unle ooner re"o&ed for caue in the
a"e "anner a 2utice of the Court of !ppeal or beco"e
incapacitated to dicharge the dutie of their office <Sec. 12,
,- W!at # t!% $om*%nat#on o. t!% m%mb%r o. t!%
S!ar#:a A**%((at% Court8
ANS- The -reiding and !ociate 2utice of the Shari4a
!ppellate Court hall recei&e the a"e co"penation and
en%oy the a"e pri&ilege a the -reiding 2utice and
!ociate 2utice of the Court of !ppeal, repecti&ely.
<Sec. 15, I'id.=
,- W!at go9%rn t!% *ro$%%"#ng o. t!% S!ar#:a
A**%((at% Court8
ANS- -roceeding in the Shari4a !ppellate Court hall be
go&erned by uch pecial rule a the Supre"e Court "ay
pro"ulgate <Sec. 19, I'id.=.
,- Stat% t!% *ow%r o. t!% S!ar#:a A**%((at% Court.
ANS- The Shari4a !ppellate Court hall ha&e the following
<1= EBercie original %uridiction o&er petition for
certiorari, prohibition, "anda"u, ha'eas corpus, and other
auBiliary writ and procee only in aid of it appellate
%uridictionJ and
<2= EBercie eBclui&e appellate %uridiction o&er all cae
tried in the Shari4a ,itrict Court a etablihed by law.
<Sec. ;, I'id.=.
,- Ha9% t!% S!ar#a Court &ur#"#$t#on to #u% wr#t o.
$%rt#orar#3 *ro!#b#t#on3 an" man"amu8
ANS- 0e. EBcept the Shari@a Circuit Court, the Shari@a
Court ha&e %uridiction to iue writ of certiorari,
prohibition and "anda"u in aid of their appellate
%uridiction. Thee court eBercie the power to iue writ
of certiorari, prohibition and "anda"u by &irtue of
eBpre legilati&e enact"ent, to witK
<1= Section ; of .epublic !ct +o. ;076, or the EBpanded
)rganic !ct for the !utono"ou .egion in Muli"
Mindanao, to the Shari4ah !ppellate CourtJ and
<2= !rticle 165LeM, Chapter $, Title $, 'ook $3 of
-reidential ,ecree +o. 10:5, or the Code of Muli"
-eronal (aw, to Shari4a ,itrict Court. <(eon Garcia, 2r.
&. Sandiganbayan, et al., G... +o. 116157, )ctober 9,
1;;6J .a"on 3eloria &. Co""iion on Election, G...
+o. ;6991, 2uly 2;, 1;;2J ,aniel Garcia &. Erneto de
2eu, G... +o. ;910:#0; March 6, 1;;2J To"a Tobon
/y &. Co""iion on Election, et al., G... +o. ;910:#
0;, March 6, 1;;2=
,- T!% *art#% ar% Mu(#m. =A= .#(%" #n t!% S!ar#:a!
D#tr#$t Court o. t!% C#t) o. Aamboanga an a$t#on
aga#nt =6= .or t!% r%$o9%r) o. a um o. mon%). A.t%r
"u% tr#a(3 &u"gm%nt wa r%n"%r%" #n .a9or o. =A=
%nt%n$#ng =6= to *a) t!% amount "%man"%" #n t!%
$om*(a#nt. Imm%"#at%() a.t%r r%$%#9#ng not#$% o. t!%
&u"gm%nt3 =6= .#(%" a mot#on .or r%$on#"%rat#on on t!%
groun" t!at t!% &u"gm%nt wa $ontrar) to (aw an" t!%
%9#"%n$%. 6%.or% t!% mot#on .or r%$on#"%rat#on $ou("
b% !%ar"3 t!% r%$or" o. t!% $a% w%r% tota(() "%tro)%"
b) a .#r% t!at gutt%" t!% Ha(( o. >ut#$% w!%r% t!%
S!ar#:a! D#tr#$t Court wa (o$at%". On% )%ar
t!%r%a.t%r3 t!% r%$or" o. t!% $a% w%r% "u()
r%$ont#tut%". Imm%"#at%() a.t%r t!% r%$ont#tut#on3 =6=
.#(%" a *%t#t#on *ra)#ng t!at !# *%n"#ng mot#on .or
r%$on#"%rat#on b% !%ar" an" r%o(9%". =A=3 #n turn3
.#(%" a mot#on *ra)#ng .or %B%$ut#on o. &u"gm%nt3
a((%g#ng t!at t!% &u"gm%nt !a" a(r%a") b%$om% .#na( on
t!% groun" t!at =6= !a" .a#(%" to *%r.%$t t!% a**%a( on
t#m%. T!% $ourt3 w#t!out "%$#"#ng =6:= mot#on .or
r%$on#"%rat#on3 or"%r%" t!% #uan$% o. t!% wr#t o.
I. )ou w%r% t!% attorn%) .or =6=3 w!at *ro$%%"#ng
wou(" )ou #nt#tut% to *rot%$t t!% r#g!t an" #nt%r%t o.
)our $(#%nt8 /01?2 S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- $f $ were attorney for C'C, $ would file before the
Shari4a !ppellate Court a petition for certiorari and
prohibition with a prayer for the iuance of a writ of
preli"inary in%unction againt the preiding %udge of the
Shari4a ,itrict Court on the ground of gra&e abue of
dicretion a"ounting to lack or in eBce of %uridiction.
The petition i intended to correct the act of the preiding
%udge in ordering the iuance of a writ of eBecution
without reol&ing the recontituted "otion for
reconideration, and to pre&ent aid %udge fro"
i"ple"enting or carrying out hi order <ee Section 1 and
2, .ule 87, .ule of Court=
$t "ut be noted, howe&er, that, although the Shari4a
!ppellate Court, which ha %uridiction o&er aid petition,
ha been created by .epublic !ct +o. ;076 otherwie
known a the EBpanded )rganic !ct for the !utono"ou
.egion in Muli" Mindanao, it i not yet organiAed.
ConeGuently, the petition "ay be either be intituted in the
Supre"e Court puruant to the cae of Maca!iag #s.
alindong$ ,./. 123415$ Sept. 45$ 4556, where the
Supre"e Court laid down the rule that deciion of the
Shari@ah ,itrict Court "ay be brought to the Supre"e
Court by way of petition for certiorari a a pecial ci&il
action under .ule 87 of the 1;;9 .ule of Ci&il -rocedure
on Guetion of %uridiction.
<'ack to the top=
S!ar#:a D#tr#$t Court
,- How ar% t!% S!ar#:a D#tr#$t Court $r%at%"8
ANS- !rticle 159 of -, 10:5 pro&ide for the creation of
the Shari4a ,itrict Court and Shari4a Circuit Court a
CThere are hereby created, a part of the %udicial
yte", court of li"ited %uridiction, to be known
repecti&ely a Shari4a ,itrict Court and Shari4a
Circuit Court, which hall eBercie power and
function in accordance with thi Title.C
,- W!at ar% t!% !ar#:a &u"#$#a( "#tr#$t8
ANS- *i&e pecial %udicial ditrict, each to ha&e one
Shari4a ,itrict Court preided o&er by one %udge, are
contituted a followK
<a= The *irt Shari4a ,itrict co"prie the -ro&ince of
<b= The Second Shari4a ,itrict, the -ro&ince of Tawi TawiJ
<c= The Third Shari4a ,itrict, the -ro&ince of 'ailan,
Oa"boanga del +orte and Oa"boanga del Sur, and the
Citie of ,ipolog, -agadian and Oa"boangaJ
<d= The *ourth Shari4a ,itrict, the -ro&ince of (anao del
+orte and (anao del Sur, and the Citie of $ligan and
MarawiJ and
<e= The *ifth Shari4a ,itrict, the -ro&ince of
Maguindanao, +orth Cotabato and Sultan Dudarat, and the
City of Cotabato. <!rt. 15:, -, 10:5=.
,- W!at ar% t!% @ua(#.#$at#on o. a &u"g% o. t!% S!ar#:a
D#tr#$t Court8
ANS- ! %udge of the Shari4a ,itrict Court "ut ha&e the
following Gualification, to witK
<1= 1e "ut be a natural born citiAen of the -hilippineJ
<2= 1e "ut be at leat thirty#fi&e <57= year of ageJ
<5= 1e "ut ha&e been, for at leat ten year, engaged in the
practice of law in the -hilippine or ha&e held a public
office reGuiring ad"iion to the practice of law a an
indipenable reGuiite <Sec. 17, '.-. 12;=J
<6= 1e "ut be learned in $la"ic law and %uriprudence
<!rt. 160, -, 10:5=J and
<7= 1e "ut be of pro&en co"petence, integrity, probity
and independence <Sec. 9, !rt. 3$$$, Cont.=.
,- How ar% &u"g% o. t!% S!ar#:a D#tr#$t Court
ANS- 2udge of the Shari4a ,itrict Court hall be
appointed by the -reident of the -hilippine fro" a lit of
at leat three <5= no"inee prepared by the 2udicial and 'ar
Council for e&ery &acancy. Such appoint"ent need no
confir"ation by the Co""iion on !ppoint"ent <Sec. ;,
!rt. 3$$$, Cont.=. /nlike thoe of the Shari4a !ppellate
Court, the no"inee need not be reco""ended by the
.egional !e"bly of the !utono"ou Go&ern"ent.
The -reident hall iue the appoint"ent within ninety
day fro" the ub"iion of the lit <I'id.=.
,- W!at # t!% t%nur% o. S!ar#:a D#tr#$t &u"g%8
ANS- /nder !rticle 161 of -, 10:5, Shari4a ,itrict
%udge hall be appointed to er&e during good beha&ior
until they reach the age of iBty fi&e year, or beco"e
incapacitated to dicharge the dutie of their office, unle
ooner re"o&ed for the a"e caue and in the a"e
"anner pro&ided by law for %udge of Court of *irt
$ntance <now .TC= <!rt. 161, -, 10:5=.
The retire"ent age of %udge, howe&er, including %udge of
Shari4a court ha been raied to e&enty year by the +ew
Contitution <Sec. 11, !rt. 3$$$, Cont.=.
,- Stat% t!% $om*%nat#on an" *%r@u##t% o. &u"g% o.
S!ar#:a D#tr#$t Court8
ANS- Shari4a ,itrict %udge hall recei&e the a"e
co"penation and en%oy the a"e pri&ilege a the %udge
of Court of *irt $ntance <now .egional Trial Court=.
<!rt. 162, -, 10:5=
,- W!at ru(% go9%rn t!% *ro$%%"#ng o. t!% S!ar#:a
D#tr#$t Court8
ANS- !ccording to !rticle 16: of the Code of Muli"
-eronal (aw, the Shari4a ,itrict Court hall be
go&erned by uch pecial rule of procedure a the Supre"e
Court "ay pro"ulgate.
-uruant to thi and the pro&iion of !rticle 17: of the
a"e Code, the Supre"e Court pro"ulgated on Septe"ber
20, 1;:5 the Special .ule of -rocedure Go&erning the
Shari4a Court (Ijra at Mahakim al Shari)ah) which alo
applie to the Shari4a Circuit Court.
,- Enum%rat% t!% $a% $ogn#Cab(% b) t!% S!ar#:a!
D#tr#$t Court #n t!% %B%r$#% o. #t-
a7 %B$(u#9% or#g#na( &ur#"#$t#onD
b7 $on$urr%nt &ur#"#$t#on w#t! t!% $#9#( $ourtD an"
$7 a**%((at% &ur#"#$t#on. /01?23 011E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- a= (xclusi#e original jurisdiction. The Shari4a
,itrict Court hall ha&e eBclui&e original %uridiction
<1= !ll cae in&ol&ing cutody, guardianhip, legiti"acy,
paternity and filiation ariing under the Code of Muli"
-eronal (aw <-, 10:5=J
<2= !ll cae in&ol&ing dipoition, ditribution and
ettle"ent of etate of deceaed Muli", probate of will,
iuance of letter of ad"initration or appoint"ent of
ad"initrator or eBecutor regardle of the nature or the
aggregate &alue of the propertyJ
<5= -etition for the declaration of abence and death and
for the cancellation or correction of entrie in the Muli"
.egitrie "entioned in Title 3$ of 'ook Two of the CodeJ
<6= !ll action ariing fro" cuto"ary contract in which
the partie are Muli", if they ha&e not pecified which
law hall go&ern their relationJ and
<7= !ll petition for "anda"u, prohibition, in%unction,
certiorari, ha'eas corpus, and all other auBiliary writ and
procee in aid of it appellate %uridiction. <!rt. 165, -,
b= Concurrent original jurisdiction. Concurrently with
eBiting ci&il court, the Shari4a ,itrict Court hall ha&e
original %uridiction o&erK
<1= -etition by Muli" for the contitution of a fa"ily
ho"e, change of na"e and co""it"ent of an inane
peron to an aylu"J
<2= !ll other peronal and real action not "entioned in
paragraph 1<d= of !rticle 165 of the Code of Muli"
-eronal (aw wherein the partie in&ol&ed are Muli"
eBcept thoe of forcible entry and unlawful detainer, which
hall fall under the eBclui&e original %uridiction of the
Municipal Circuit Trial Court, Municipal Trial Court, or
Metropolitan Trial CourtJ and
<5= !ll pecial ci&il action for interpleader or declaratory
relief wherein the partie are Muli" or the property
in&ol&ed belong eBclui&ely to Muli".<I'id.=
c= Appellate jurisdiction. The Shari4a ,itrict Court hall
ha&e appellate %uridiction o&er all cae tried in the Shari4a
Circuit Court within their territorial %uridiction. They
hall decide e&ery cae appealed to the" on the bai of the
e&idence and record tran"itted a well a uch
"e"oranda, brief or oral argu"ent a the partie "ay
ub"it. <!rt. 166, I'id.=
,- Enum%rat% t!% $a% .a((#ng un"%r t!% a**%((at%
&ur#"#$t#on o. t!% S!ar#:a! D#tr#$t Court an" %B*(a#n
t!% *ro$%"ur% an" mann%r o. a**%a(. /011E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- The Shari4a ,itrict Court hall ha&e appellate
%uridiction o&er all cae tried in the Shari4a Circuit Court
within their territorial %uridiction. <!rt. 166, I'id.=
!n appeal to the Shari4a ,itrict Court hall be "ade by
filing a notice of appeal and by paying the docket fee to the
court which rendered the deciion within fifteen <17= day
fro" receipt of the %udg"ent.<Section ;, Special .uleJ ,e
GuA"an &. $!C, G... 88570, 2an. 20, 1;:;=
The Shari4a ,itrict Court hall decide e&ery cae appealed
to the" on the bai of the e&idence and record tran"itted
a well a uch "e"oranda, brief or oral argu"ent a the
partie "ay ub"it. <!rt. 166, -, 10:5=
,- D#..%r%nt#at% %B$(u#9% or#g#na( &ur#"#$t#on .rom
$on$urr%nt or#g#na( &ur#"#$t#on o. t!% !ar#:a "#tr#$t
$ourt. G#9% %Bam*(% o. %a$!. /01?E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- EBclui&e original %uridiction of the hari4a ditrict
court i the power to ad%udicate a contro&ery intituted for
%udicial action for the firt ti"e to the eBcluion of all other
court at that tageJ wherea concurrent original %uridiction
i the power of the hari4a ditrict court conferred upon it to
take, concurrently with other court, %udicial cogniAance
o&er an action intituted for the firt ti"e.
The Shari4a ,itrict Court hall ha&e eBclui&e original
%uridiction o&erK
<a= !ll cae in&ol&ing cutody, guardianhip, legiti"acy,
paternity and filiation ariing under the Code of Muli"
-eronal (awJ
<b= !ll cae in&ol&ing dipoition, ditribution and
ettle"ent of etate of deceaed Muli", probate of will,
iuance of letter of ad"initration or appoint"ent of
ad"initrator or eBecutor regardle of the nature or the
aggregate &alue of the propertyJ
<c= -etition for the declaration of abence and death and
for the cancellation or correction of entrie in the Muli"
.egitrie "entioned in Title 3$ of 'ook Two of the CodeJ
<d= !ll action ariing fro" cuto"ary contract in which
the partie are Muli", if they ha&e not pecified which
law hall go&ern their relationJ and
<e= !ll petition for "anda"u, prohibition, in%unction,
certiorari, ha'eas corpus, and all other auBiliary writ and
procee in aid of it appellate %uridiction. <!rt. 165, -,
Concurrently with eBiting ci&il court, the Shari4a ,itrict
Court hall ha&e original %uridiction o&erK
<a= -etition by Muli" for the contitution of a fa"ily
ho"e, change of na"e and co""it"ent of an inane
peron to an aylu"J
<b= !ll other peronal and real action not "entioned in
paragraph 1<d= of !rticle 165 of the Code wherein the
partie in&ol&ed are Muli" eBcept thoe of forcible entry
and unlawful detainer, which hall fall under the eBclui&e
original %uridiction of the Municipal Circuit Trial Court,
Municipal Trial Court, or Metropolitan Trial CourtJ and
<c= !ll pecial ci&il action for interpleader or declaratory
relief wherein the partie are Muli" or the property
in&ol&ed belong eBclui&ely to Muli". <I'id.=
,- 6%.or% !# "%at!3 >am#r# Mua3 a Mu(#m3 wa a
r%#"%nt o. L#nao3 U*#3 Magu#n"anao. H% (%.t %Bt%n#9%
r%a( an" *%rona( *ro*%rt#% (o$at%" #n t!% *ro9#n$% o.
Magu#n"anao3 Da9ao "%( Sur3 an" Da9ao Or#%nta(. A
&o#nt *%t#t#on .or t!% a"m#n#trat#on an" %tt(%m%nt o.
!# #nt%tat% %tat% an" (#@u#"at#on o. $on&uga(
*artn%r!#* wa .#(%" b) r%*on"%nt ur9#9#ng w#.%
b%.or% t!% S!ar#a D#tr#$t Court3 '#.t! D#tr#$t3 w#t!
tat#on at Cotabato C#t). T!at Court %mbra$% t!%
*ro9#n$% o. Magu#n"anao but not t!% *ro9#n$% o.
Da9ao "%( Sur an" Da9ao Or#%nta(. P%t#t#on%r o**o%"
t!% *%t#t#on $ont%n"#ng t!at 9%nu% # #m*ro*%r() (a#"
an" t!at t!% a$t#on # b%)on" t!% &ur#"#$t#on o. t!%
S!ar#a D#tr#$t Court at Cotabato C#t). I t!%
$ont%nt#on t%nab(%8
ANS- The contention i not tenable. $n 7ahida Musa #s.
Moson$ where petitioner clai"ed that ince the deceaed
2a"iri Mua4 reidence at the ti"e of hi death wa in
,a&ao City, not Maguindanao, the proceeding i beyond
the %uridiction of the Shari4a ,itrict Court, *ifth Shari4a
,itrict, with tation at Cotabato City and e"brace
Maguindanao, and that &enue i "ore properly laid in
,a&ao City before the .egional Trial Court, ince there are
no Shari4a ,itrict Court in ,a&ao, the Supre"e Court
>Since the dipoition, ditribution and ettle"ent
of the etate of a deceaed Muli" i, in fact,
in&ol&ed herein, the 2oint -etition wa correctly
filed before the Shari@a ,itrict Court, *ifth Shari@a
>Since the ub%ect intetate proceeding concern
ucceional right, coupled with the fact that the
decedent wa alo a reident of (inao, /pi,
Maguindanao, owning real etate property located
in that pro&ince, &enue ha been properly laid with
the Shari@a ,itrict Court, *ifth Shari@ ,itrict,
which i &eted with territorial %uridiction o&er
Maguindanao, notwithtanding the location in
different pro&ince of the other real propertie of the
CThe .ule of Court likewie pro&ide that the Court
firt taking cogniAance of the ettle"ent of the
etate of a decedent, hall eBercie %uridiction to
the eBcluion of all other Court <.ule 95, Sec. 1=.
There hould be no i"pedi"ent to the application of
aid .ule a they apply uppletorily to the Code of
Muli" -eronal (aw, there being nothing
inconitent with the pro&iion of the latter tatute?
<!rticle 1:9 of aid Code=.<200 SC.! 917, 921
,- Ab"u(wa!a.3 a '#(#*#no Mu(#m3 marr#%" Fat!r#na3 a
C!r#t#an '#(#*#no3 *uruant to P.D. 05?E. H# w#.%
want to a"o*t a bab)3 w!o wa aban"on%" b) t!%#r
ma#". A !%r (aw)%r3 #n w!at $ourt !ou(" )ou .#(% t!%
a$t#on .or a"o*t#on8 EB*(a#n. /011E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- $f $ were Dathrina4 lawyer, $ would file the action
before the .egional Trial Court becaue an action for
adoption i not a"ong the cae which fall within the
%uridiction of the Shari4a court. $t "ut be noted that
$la"ic law recogniAe no legal coneGuence of an
<'ack to the top=
S!ar#:a C#r$u#t Court
,- How ar% t!% S!ar#:a C#r$u#t Court %tab(#!%"8
How ar% t!%#r t%rr#tor#a( &ur#"#$t#on .#B%"8
ANS- The Shari4a Circuit Court are etablihed by !rticle
159 of the Muli" Code a followK
<a= SiB court in the -ro&ince of SuluJ
<b= Eight in the pro&ince of Tawi TawiJ
<c= Ten in and for the pro&ince of 'ailan, Oa"boanga del
+orte, Oa"boanga del Sur, and the Citie of ,ipolog,
-agadian and Oa"boangaJ
<d= Twel&e in and for the -ro&ince of (anao del +orte and
(anao del Sur and the Citie of $ligan and MarawiJ
<e= *ifteen in and for the -ro&ince of Maguindanao, +orth
Cotabato, and Sultan Dudarat and the City of Cotabato.
<!rt. 170, I'id.=.
The territorial %uridiction of each of the Shari4a Circuit
Court hall be fiBed by the Supre"e Court on the bai of
geographical contiguity of the "unicipalitie and citie
concerned and their Muli" population <I'id.=.
,- W!at ar% t!% @ua(#.#$at#on o. &u"g% o. t!% S!ar#:a
C#r$u#t Court8
!rticle 172 of -, 10:5 pro&ide thatK
C+o peron hall be appointed %udge of the Shari4a
Circuit Court unle he i a natural born citiAen of
the -hilippine, at leat twenty fi&e year of age,
and ha paed an eBa"ination in the Shari4a and
$la"ic %uriprudence (fi&h) to be gi&en by the
Supre"e Court for ad"iion to pecial
"e"berhip in the -hilippine 'ar to practice in the
Shari4a court.?
Section 15 of !rticle $H of .! 8956 pro&ideK
CThe Shari4a ,itrict Court and the Shari4a Circuit
Court created under eBiting law hall continue to
function a pro&ided therein. The %udge of the
Shari4a court hall ha&e the a"e Gualification a
the %udge of the .egional Trial Court, the
Metropolitan Trial Court or the Municipal Circuit
Trial Court a the cae "ay be. $n addition, they
"ut be learned in $la"ic law and %uriprudence.C
and Section 28 of the 2udiciary .eorganiAation !ct
precribe the Gualification of %udge of the Metropolitan
Trial Court, Municipal Trial Court and Municipal Circuit
Trial Court a followK
C+o peron hall be appointed %udge of a
Metropolitan Trial Court, Municipal Trial Court or
Municipal Circuit Trial Court unle he i a natural
born citiAen of the -hilippine, at leat 50 year of
age, and for at leat fi&e year, ha been engaged in
the practice of law in the -hilippine or ha held
public office in the -hilippine reGuiring ad"iion
to the practice of law a an indipenable reGuiite.C
'eing of later legilation, .! 8956 ha i"pliedly "odified
the Code of Muli" -eronal (aw. ConeGuently, the
Gualification of a %udge of the Shari4a Circuit Court "aybe
u""ed up a followK <1= he "ut be a natural born citiAen
of the -hilippineJ <2= at leat 50 year of ageJ <5= for at
leat fi&e year, ha been engaged in the practice of law in
the -hilippine or ha held public office reGuiring
ad"iion to the practice of law a an indipenable
reGuiiteJ <6= ha paed an eBa"ination in the Shari4a and
$la"ic %uriprudence gi&en by the Supre"e CourtJ and <7=
"ut be of pro&en co"petence, integrity, probity and
,- Stat% t!% mann%r o. a**o#ntm%nt o. &u"g% o.
S!ar#:a C#r$u#t Court an" t!%#r t%nur%.
ANS- 2udge of the Shari4a Circuit Court hall be
appointed in the a"e "anner a, and hall er&e for a ter"
a thoe of, %udge of the Shari4a ,itrict Court. <!rt. 172
and 175, Muli" Code=.
,- Stat% t!% $om*%nat#on an" *%r@u##t% o. &u"g% o.
S!ar#:a C#r$u#t Court.
ANS- Shari4a Circuit %udge hall recei&e the a"e
co"penation and en%oy the a"e pri&ilege a %udge of
the Municipal Circuit Court <now Metropolitan Trial
Court, Municipal Trial Court or Municipal Circuit Trial
Court= <!rt. 176, I'id.=.
,- W!at ru(% go9%rn t!% *ro$%%"#ng o. t!% S!ar#:a
C#r$u#t Court8
ANS- The proceeding of the Shari4a Circuit Court hall
be go&erned by uch pecial rule of procedure a the
Supre"e Court "ay pro"ulgate. <!rt. 17:, I'id.=
The Special .ule of -rocedure Go&erning the Shari4a
Court pro"ulgated by the Supre"e Court apply in the
Shari4a Circuit Court.
,- Enum%rat% t!% $a% .a((#ng w#t!#n t!% %B$(u#9%
or#g#na( &ur#"#$t#on o. t!% S!ar#:a! C#r$u#t Court.
/01?2 S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- The Shari4a Circuit Court hall ha&e eBclui&e
original %uridiction o&erK
<1= !ll cae in&ol&ing offene defined and punihed under
the Code of Muli" -eronal (awJ
<2= !ll ci&il action and proceeding between partie who
are Muli" or ha&e been "arried in accordance with
!rticle 15 of the Code in&ol&ing dipute relating toK <a=
"arriageJ <b= di&orce recogniAed under the CodeJ <c=
betrothal or breach of contract to "arryJ <d= cuto"ary
dower (mahr)J <e= dipoition and ditribution of property
upon di&orceJ <f= "aintenance and upport, and conolatory
gift (mut)a)J and <g= retitution of "arital rightJ
<5= !ll cae in&ol&ing dipute relati&e to co""unal
propertie <!rt. 177, I'id.=.
,- W!at ar% t!% *%$#.#$ o..%n% *un#!ab(% un"%r P.D.
05?E w!#$! ar% $ogn#Cab(% b) t!% S!ar#:a! C#r$u#t
Court8 /01?23 01103 011E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- The offene under -, l0:5 cogniAable by the
Shari4a Circuit Court are Guite few, na"elyK
<1= $llegal ole"niAation of "arriage <!rt. l:l, -, l0:5=J
<2= Marriage before eBpiration of )idda <!rt. l:2, I'id.=.
<5= )ffene relati&e to ubeGuent "arriage, di&orce, and
re&ocation of di&orce <!rt. l:5, I'id.=.
<6= *ailure to report for regitration <!rt. l:6, $bid=J
<7= +eglect of duty by regitrar <!rt. l:7, I'id.=.
<'ack to the top=
,- D%.#n% 9%nu%.
ANS- 3enue ha been defined a the place of trial or
geographical location on which an action or proceeding
hould be brought and not to the %uridiction of the court
<Manila .ailroad Co. &. !ttorney#General, 20 -hil. 725,
77:=. $t i the territorial li"it within which %udicial power
i eBercied o&er an action or pecial proceeding.
,- W!at # t!% 9%nu% o. r%a( a$t#on8
ANS- !ction affecting title to or poeion of real
property, or interet therein, hall be co""enced and tried
in the proper court which ha %uridiction o&er the area
wherein the real property in&ol&ed, or a portion thereof, i
ituated <Sec. 1, .ule 6, .ule of Court=.
,- W!at #. t!% 9%nu% o. *%rona( a$t#on8
ANS- !ll other action "ay be co""enced and tried where
the plaintiff or any of the principal plaintiff reide, or
where the defendant or any of the principal defendant
reide, or in the cae of a non#reident defendant where he
"ay be found, at the election of the plaintiff <Sec. 2, I'id=.
,- W!o !a t!% r#g!t to $!oo% 9%nu%8
ANS- The choice of &enue for peronal action i gi&en to
the plaintiff but not to the plaintiff4 caprice becaue the
"atter i regulated by the .ule of Court <Cla&ecilla .adio
Syte" &. !ntillon, 1; SC.! 59; L1;89MJ Sulo ng 'ayan
&. Gregorio !raneta, $nc., 92 SC.! 56: L1;98M=. The
choice hould be that place of reidence of a principal
party, not a "ere no"inal party.
,- W!at # t!% 9%nu% o. a$t#on aga#nt non;r%#"%nt8
ANS- $f any of the defendant doe not reide and i not
found in the -hilippine, and the action affect the peronal
tatu of the plaintiff, or any property of aid defendant
located in the -hilippine, the action "ay be co""enced
and tried in the court of the place where the plaintiff
reide, or where the property or any portion thereof i
ituated or found <Sec. 5, .ule 6, .ule of Court=.
,- W!%n # t!% Ru(% on 9%nu% not a**(#$ab(%8
ANS- The .ule on &enue hall not apply <a= in thoe cae
where a pecific rule or law pro&ide otherwieJ or <b=
where the partie ha&e &alidly agreed in writing before the
filing of the action on the eBclui&e &enue thereof <Sec. 6,
<'ack to the top=
T!% S*%$#a( Ru(% o. Pro$%"ur% Go9%rn#ng t!%
S!ar#:a Court
,- Stat% t!% (%ga( ba# o. t!% *romu(gat#on o. t!%
S*%$#a( Ru(% o. Pro$%"ur% Go9%rn#ng t!% S!ar#:a
ANS- -uruant to the Contitution of the -hilippine and
!rticle 16: and 17: of -reidential ,ecree +o. 10:5,
otherwie known a the Code of Muli" -eronal (aw of
the -hilippine, and to achie&e an eBpeditiou and
ineBpeni&e deter"ination of the cae referred to therein,
the Supre"e Court reol&ed to pro"ulgate the Special
.ule of -rocedure Go&erning the Shari4a Court (Ijra at Al
Mahakim Al Shari)ah).
,- Stat% t!% ru(% ma<#ng *ow%r o. t!% Su*r%m% Court.
ANS- The 1;:9 Contitution of the -hilippine pro&ide,
a"ong other thing, that the Supre"e Court hall ha&e the
power toK
C-ro"ulgate rule concerning the protection and
enforce"ent of contitutional right, pleading, practice, and
procedure in all court, the ad"iion to the practice of law,
the $ntegrated 'ar, and legal aitance to the
underpri&ileged. Such rule hall pro&ide a i"plified and
ineBpeni&e procedure for peedy dipoition of cae, hall
be unifor" for all court of the a"e grade, and hall not
di"inih, increae, or "odify ubtanti&e right. .ule of
procedure of pecial court and Guai %udicial bodie hall
re"ain effecti&e unle diappro&ed by the Supre"e Court
<Sec. 7, !rt. 3$$$, Cont.=.
,- W!at ar% t!% (#m#tat#on o. t!% ru(% ma<#ng *ow%r o.
t!% Su*r%m% Court8
The rule that the Supre"e Court "ay pro"ulgate puruant
to uch contitutional pro&iion are ub%ect to the following
contitutional li"itationK
<1= That aid rule "ut concern the protection and
enforce"ent of contitutional right, pleading, practice, and
procedure in all court, the ad"iion to the practice of law,
the $ntegrated 'ar, and legal aitance to the
<2= That aid rule "ut be unifor" for all court of the
a"e gradeJ and
<5= That they "ut not di"inih, increae, or "odify
ubtanti&e right.
$t i worthy to note that a fourth li"itation appearing in
both the 1;57 and 1;95 Contitution, i.e., the power of the
legilature to repeal, alter, or upple"ent the rule
pro"ulgated by the Supre"e Court, ha been deleted in the
new Contitution.
<'ack to the top=
S%$t#on 0. Comm%n$%m%nt o. A$t#on
,- How ma) an a$t#on /da'wa7 b% $omm%n$%" #n t!%
S!ar#:a! Court un"%r t!% S*%$#a( Ru(% o. Pro$%"ur%8
/01?23 011E S!ar#:a 6ar7. How "o )ou $omm%n$% an
a$t#on or *ro$%%"#ng #n t!% S!ar#:a! Court8 EB*(a#n.
/01103 011G3 0111 S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- !ll action and proceeding in the Shari4a Court hall
be co""enced by co"plaint which hall be prepared at
leat in triplicate by the plaintiff <mudda)i= or hi counel
<!akil= or by the clerk of court <Sec. 1, Special .ule=.
! ci&il action i co""enced by the filing of the original
co"plaint in court <Sec. 7, .ule 1, .ule of Court=. $t i the
deli&ery of the co"plaint to an officer of the court
authoriAed to recei&e it which contitute filing of the
co"plaint. Ehere the co"plaint i filed by regitered "ail,
it i the actual date of "ailing that i conidered a the date
of filing. 1owe&er, where the docket fee i ubeGuently
paid, the date of uch pay"ent or the "ailing of aid
a"ount thereof hall be conidered a the date of filing of
the co"plaint <!go Ti"ber Corp. &. .uiA, ( 25::9, ,ec.
28, l;:9=.
$f an additional defendant i i"pleaded in a later pleading,
the action i co""enced with regard to hi" on the date of
the filing of uch later pleading, irrepecti&e of whether the
"otion for it ad"iion, if neceary, i denied by the
court. <Sec. 7, +p. cit.=
$n Sun Insurance +ffice$ -td. #s. Asuncion$ ,./. 83398-9:$
;e'. 19$ 13:3, the Supre"e Court laid down the following
rule, to witK
1. $t i not i"ply the filing of the co"plaint or
appropriate initiatory pleading, but the pay"ent of
the precribed docket fee that &et a trial court with
%uridiction o&er the ub%ect "atter or nature of the
action. Ehere the initiatory pleading i not
acco"panied by pay"ent of the docket fee, the
court "ay allow pay"ent of the fee within a
reaonable ti"e but in no cae beyond the
applicable precripti&e or regle"entary periodJ
2. The a"e rule applie to per"ii&e
counterclai", third#party clai" and i"ilar
pleading, which hall not be conidered filed until
and unle the filing fee precribed therefor i paid.
The court "ay alo allow pay"ent of aid fee
within a reaonable ti"e but alo in no cae beyond
it applicable precripti&e or regle"entary periodJ
5. Ehere the trial court acGuire %uridiction o&er a
clai" by the filing of the appropriate pleading and
pay"ent of the precribed filing fee but,
ubeGuently, the %udg"ent award a clai" not
pecified in the pleading, or if pecified the a"e
ha been left for deter"ination by the court, the
additional filing fee therefor hall contitute a lien
on the %udg"ent. $t hall be the reponibility of the
Clerk of Court or hi duly authoriAed deputy to
enforce aid lien and ae and collect the
additional fee. <Cf. Mancheter ,e&4t Corp. &. C!,
16; SC.! 782=.
$n Montaner #s. Shari<a *istrict Court$ ,./. 18=382$ %an.
45$ 4553, the Supre"e Court clarified thatK
>B B B $f the party filing the cae paid le than the
correct a"ount for the docket fee becaue that wa
the a"ount aeed by the clerk of court, the
reponibility of "aking a deficiency ae"ent
lie with the a"e clerk of court. $n uch a cae, the
lower court concerned will not auto"atically loe
%uridiction, becaue of a party@ reliance on the
clerk of court@ inufficient ae"ent of the
docket fee. ! Ie&ery citiAen ha the right to
au"e and trut that a public officer charged by
law with certain dutie know hi dutie and
perfor" the" in accordance with law,@ the party
filing the cae cannot be penaliAed with the clerk of
court@ inufficient ae"ent. 1owe&er, the party
concerned will be reGuired to pay the deficiency.?
,- Stat% t!% $on$%*t o. $#9#( a$t#on.
ANS- ! ci&il action i one by which a party ue another
for the enforce"ent or protection of a right, or the
pre&ention or redre of a wrong <Sec. 5<a=, .ule 1, .ule
of CourtJ ,e GuA"an, 2r. &. C!, G... ;202; 50, ,ec. 20,
1;;0=. ! ci&il action "ay either be ordinary or pecial.
'oth are go&erned by the rule for ordinary ci&il action,
ub%ect to the pecific rule precribed for a pecial ci&il
action <Sec. 5, I'id.=.
,- W!o ar% t!% *art#% to an a$t#on8
ANS- The partie to an action before the Shari4a Court are
the mudda)i and the mudda)alai which the Special .ule
tranlate to plaintiff and defendant, repecti&ely. $n $la"ic
procedural law, the ter" CplaintiffC and CdefendantC by
which mudda)i and mudda)alai ha&e been tranlated are
"ileading becaue the real mudda)i i not necearily the
party who firt bring the action before the court <!lauya,
Saaduddin, $la"ic -rocedure and E&idence, Mindanao
(aw 2ournal, 3ol. 1, +o. 1 <1;:8=, pp. 5; 60=.
The mudda)i or plaintiff, i a peron, who if he hould
&oluntarily relinGuih hi clai", cannot be co"pelled to
proecute itJ and the mudda)alai, or defendant, i a peron
who, if he hould wih to a&oid the litigation i co"pelled
to utain it <$bid, citing 1edaya=.
,- D#t#ngu#! b%tw%%n mudda'i an" mudda'alai a
un"%rtoo" an" $ont%m*(at%" #n I(am#$ Ru(% on
Pro$%"ur% an" %9#"%n$%8 /01?23 011E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- The mudda)i and mudda)alai are the partie to an
action before the Shari4a Court which the Special .ule of
-rocedure tranlate to plaintiff and defendant, repecti&ely.
$n $la"ic procedural law, the ter" CplaintiffC and
CdefendantC by which mudda)i and mudda)alai ha&e been
tranlated are "ileading becaue the real mudda)i i not
necearily the party who firt bring the action before the
court. <!lauya, pp. 5; 60=.
The mudda)i or plaintiff, i a peron, who if he hould
&oluntarily relinGuih hi clai", cannot be co"pelled to
proecute itJ and the mudda)alai, or defendant, i a peron
who, if he hould wih to a&oid the litigation i co"pelled
to utain it <I'id. citing 1edaya=.
,- D%.#n% mudda'i an" mudda'alai. W!o among t!% two
!a t!% bur"%n o. *roo.8 In $ount%r$(a#m3 !a
mudda'alai t!% bur"%n o. *roo.8 EB*(a#n. /01?E S!ar#:a
ANS- The mudda)i or plaintiff, i a peron, who if he
hould &oluntarily relinGuih hi clai", cannot be
co"pelled to proecute itJ and the mudda)alai, or
defendant, i a peron who, if he hould wih to a&oid the
litigation i co"pelled to utain it <!lauya, pp. 5; 60
citing 1edaya=.
The plaintiff <mudda)i= ha the burden of proof, and the
taking of an oath <"amin= ret upon the defendant
<mudda)alai=. )rdinarily, the plaintiff who allege hi caue
of action ha the burden of proof or onus pro'andiJ but if
the defendant deire to offer defene, the party againt
who" %udg"ent would be gi&en on the pleading and
ad"iion "ade, if no e&idence wa ub"itted, hall ha&e
the burden to pro&e hi cae. <Sec. 9<5=, Special .ule=
Ehen the defendant raie in the anwer a counterclai" the
burden of proof i on hi" with repect to uch counterclai"
and the taking of the oath ret with the plaintiff. 1i
counterclai" partake of the nature of a eparate co"plaint
or caue of action againt the plaintiff. ! uch, he ha
ordinarily the burden of proof or onus pro'andi.
,- In w!o% nam% mut t!% a$t#on b% *ro%$ut%" or
ANS- /nle otherwie authoriAed by law or the .ule of
Court, e&ery action "ut be proecuted or defended in the
na"e of the real party in interet. <Sec. 2, .ule 5, .ule of
Court a a"ended=
,- W!o # a r%a( *art) #n #nt%r%t8
ANS- ! real party in interet i the party who tand to be
benefited or in%ured by the %udg"ent in the uit, or the party
entitled to the a&ail of the uit <I'id.J .ebollido & C!,
G... :1125, *eb. 2:, 1;:;J Tanpingco &. $!C, G...
98227, March 51, 1;;2=. C$nteretC within the "eaning of
the rule "ean "aterial interet, an interet in iue to be
affected by the decree, a ditinguihed fro" "ere interet
in the Guetion in&ol&ed, or a "ere incidental interet
<.ebolido &. C!, supra.=.
,- C(a#.) an" "%.#n% *art#%.
ANS- .eal partie in interet are claified and defined a
a=. Indispensa'le parties are thoe without who" no final
deter"ination can be had of an action <Sec. 9, .ule 5, .ule
of Court a a"endedJ 'acar &. ,el .oario, G... 7120:,
March 2;, 1;:;=.
b=. >ecessar" parties alo known a Cproper partieC are
thoe who are not indipenable but who ought to be %oined
a partie if co"plete relief i to be accorded a to thoe
already partie, or for a co"plete deter"ination or
ettle"ent of the clai" ub%ect of the action <Sec. :, .ule 5,
I'id.=. They are thoe whoe preence i neceary to
ad%udicate the whole contro&ery, but whoe interet are o
far eparable that a final decree can be "ade in their
abence without affecting the" <Fuio"bing &. C!, G...
;5010, !ug. 50, 1;;0=.
c=. /epresentati#e part" i one who "ay be a trutee of an
eBpre trut, a guardian, an eBecutor or ad"initrator, or a
party authoriAed by law or the .ule of Court and i
allowed to proecute or defend an action a repreentati&e
or in a fiduciary capacity <Sec. 5, .ule 5, .ule of Court a
d=. .ro forma parties are thoe who are reGuired to be
%oined a co#party in uit by or againt another party a
"ay be pro&ided by the applicable ubtanti&e or
procedural rule <.egalado, .e"edial (aw Co"pendiu",
3ol. 1, 1;;9 ed., p. 9:J Sec. 6, .ule 5=.
e=. ?uasi parties are thoe who are already repreented in
the uit, or who co"e within the co"pa of the
proceeding pendente lite <MenAi and Co. &. 'atida, 85
-hil 50= or thoe in whoe behalf a cla or repreentati&e
uit i brought <Sec. 12, .ule 5, .ule of Court a
,- W!o ma) b% *art#% to a $#9#( a$t#on8
ANS- )nly natural or %uridical peron or entitie
authoriAed by law "ay be partie in a ci&il action <Sec. 1,
,- Un"%r t!% I(am#$ Ru(% on Pro$%"ur%3 ma) a w#.%
br#ng a$t#on #n !%r b%!a(. w#t!out &o#n#ng !%r !uban"8
EB*(a#n. /011E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- 0e. /nder !rticle 66 of Muli" Code, the wife "ay,
independently of the huband, ue or be ued in the
following caeK <a= when the litigation i between huband
and wifeJ <b= if the uit concern her eBclui&e propertyJ <c=
if the litigation i incidental to her profeion, occupation or
buineJ <d= if the litigation concern the eBclui&e
property of the huband, the ad"initration of which ha
been tranferred to herJ or <e= uch other appropriate cae
a "ay be allowed by the general principle of $la"ic law
and other law.
,- How ma) a m#nor u% or b% u%"8
ANS- ! "inor or a peron alleged to be inco"petent, "ay
ue or be ued, with the aitance of hi father, "other,
guardian, or if he ha none, a guardian ad litem <Sec. 7,
,- W!at # a $(a u#t8
ANS- ! cla uit i an action where the ub%ect "atter of
the contro&ery i of co""on or general interet to "any
peron who are o nu"erou that it i i"practicable to %oin
all a partie, and a nu"ber of the" which the court find
to be ufficiently nu"erou and repreentati&e a to fully
protect the interet of all concerned "ay ue or defend for
the benefit of all <Sec. 12, I'id.=.
,- W!at ar% t!% r%@u##t% o. $(a u#t8
ANS- The reGuiite of a cla uit areK
<1= The ub%ect "atter of the contro&ery i one of
co""on or general interet to "any peronJ
<2= The partie affected are o nu"erou that it i
i"practicable to %oin all a partieJ and
<5= The partie bringing the cla uit are ufficiently
nu"erou and repreentati&e of the cla and ha&e the legal
capacity to file the uit.
,- How ma) an un<nown "%.%n"ant b% u%"8
ANS- Ehene&er the identity or na"e of a defendant i
unknown, he "ay be ued a the unknown owner, heir,
de&iee, or by uch other deignation a the cae "ay
reGuire. Ehen hi identity or true na"e i dico&ered, the
pleading "ut be a"ended accordingly <Sec. 16, I'id.= to
reflect uch true na"e or identity.
,- How ma) m%mb%r o. an %nt#t) w#t!out &ur#"#$a(
*%rona(#t) b% u%" a "%.%n"ant8
ANS- Ehen two or "ore peron, not organiAed a an
entity with %uridical peronality enter into a tranaction,
they "ay be ued under the na"e by which they are
generally or co""only known. $n the anwer of uch
defendant, the na"e and addree of the peron
co"poing aid entity "ut all be re&ealed <Sec. 17, I'id.=.
,- How ma) an unw#((#ng $o *(a#nt#.. b% broug!t to t!%
ANS- $f the conent of any party who hould be %oined a
plaintiff can not be obtained, he "ay be "ade a defendant
and the reaon thereof hall be tated in the co"plaint <Sec.
10, .ule 5, .ule of Court a a"ended=.
,- W!o ma) b% &o#n%" a *art#%8
ANS- !ll peron in who" or againt who" any right to
relief in repect to or ariing out of the a"e tranaction or
erie of tranaction i alleged to eBit, whether %ointly,
e&erally, or in the alternati&e, "ay, eBcept a otherwie
pro&ided in the .ule of Court, %oin a plaintiff or be
%oined a defendant in one co"plaint, where any Guetion
of law or fact co""on to all uch plaintiff or to all uch
defendant "ay arie in the actionJ but the court "ay "ake
uch order a "ay be %ut to pre&ent any plaintiff or
defendant fro" being e"barraed or put to eBpene in
connection with any proceeding in which he "ay ha&e no
interet <Sec. 8, I'id.=.
,- Stat% t!% ru(% on &o#n"%r o. n%$%ar) *art#%.
ANS- -artie in interet without who" no final
deter"ination can be had of an action hall be %oined either
a plaintiff or defendant <Sec. 9, I'id.=.
Ehene&er in any pleading in which a clai" i aerted a
neceary party i not %oined, the pleader hall et forth hi
na"e, if known, and hall tate why he i o"itted. Should
the court find the reaon for the o"iion un"eritoriou, it
"ay order the incluion of the o"itted neceary party if
%uridiction o&er hi peron "ay be obtained.
The failure to co"ply with the order for hi incluion,
without %utifiable caue, hall be dee"ed a wai&er of the
clai" againt uch party.
The non#incluion of a neceary party doe not pre&ent the
court fro" proceeding in the action, and the %udg"ent
rendered therein hall be without pre%udice to the right of
uch neceary party <Sec. ;, I'id.=.
,- W!at # t!% %..%$t o. m#&o#n"%r or non;&o#n"%r o.
ANS- +either "i%oinder nor non#%oinder of partie i
ground for di"ial of an action. -artie "ay be dropped
or added by order of the court on "otion of any party or on
it own initiati&e at any tage of the action and on uch
ter" a are %ut. !ny clai" againt a "i%oined party "ay
be e&ered and proceeded with eparately. <Sec. 11, I'id.=
,- W!%n ma) t!% *(a#nt#.. &o#n *%ron a a(t%rnat#9%
ANS- Ehere the plaintiff i uncertain againt who of
e&eral peron he i entitled to relief, he "ay %oin any or
all of the" a defendant in the alternati&e, although a right
to relief againt one "ay be inconitent with a right to
relief againt the other. <Sec. 15, I'id.=. Thu, it ha been
held that three corporation "ay be %oined alternati&ely a
defendant in an action for wrongfully occupying plaintiff4
waterfront of the property, where plaintiff i uncertain
which defendant corporation owned the &eel kept in the
pre"ie <$ Moran p. 20; citing Oenith 'athini -a&illion &.
*air )ak S.S. Corp, 211 !pp. ,i&. 6;2, 209, +.0.S. 508=.
,- How man) $o*#% o. t!% $om*(a#nt !ou(" t!%
*(a#nt#.. *r%*ar%8
ANS- The co"plaint hould be prepared in at leat three <5=
copie <Sec. 1, Special .ule=. The original i intended for
the record of the court, the econd copy for the defendant,
and the third for the file of the plaintiff. Ehere there are
"ore than one defendant, the co"plaint hould be prepared
in a "any copie a there are defendant plu two <2=
,- W!o !a(( *r%*ar% an" #gn t!% $om*(a#nt8
ANS- The co"plaint hall be prepared by the plaintiff
<mudda)i= or hi counel <!akil= or by the clerk of court
<Sec. 1, Special .ule=. Ehen the plaintiff i repreented by
an attorney of record, the co"plaint hall be igned by uch
attorney in hi indi&idual na"e, whoe addre hall be
tated. )therwie, the plaintiff hall ign hi co"plaint e&en
if the a"e ha been prepared for hi" by the clerk of court.
The latter can not ign the co"plaint becaue if he doe o,
he will then be acting a counel <!akil= which the law
prohibit <ee Sec. 58, -, :09=.
<'ack to the top=
S%$t#on 4. T!% Com*(a#nt
,- W!at !ou(" t!% $om*(a#nt $onta#n8 /01103 011G
S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- The co"plaint hould containK
1. The title of the cae, the cae nu"ber aigned to it, and
the date of filingJ
2. The na"e and addre of the plaintiff <mudda)i= andPor
hi counel, and the na"e and addre of the defendant
<mudda)alai=J and
5. ! concie tate"ent of the caue of action and the relief
prayed for <Sec. 2, Special .ule=.
,- D%.#n% $om*(a#nt. /01103 0112 S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- ! co"plaint i a pleading alleging the plaintiff@
caue or caue of action. $t i a kind of pleading which
contain written allegation of the plaintiff of hi clai"
ub"itted to the court for trial and %udg"ent <Sec. 1, I'id.=.
,- Ma) a $om*(a#nt (o"g%" b%.or% t!% S!ar#:a! Court
b% ma"% ora(()8 EB*(a#n. /01103 011G3 0111 S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- +o. ! co"plaint lodged before the Shari@a Court
"ut follow certain for"al reGuire"ent. 'ecaue a
co"plaint i a kind of pleading, it "ut necearily be in
writing <Sec. 1, I'id.= otherwie, the court cannot and will
not take cogniAance thereof.
,- W!at !ou(" b% tat%" or a((%g%" #n a $om*(a#nt8
/01?E3 0111 S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- The co"plaint hould tate or allege the plaintiff4
caue or caue of action. The na"e and reidence of the
plaintiff and the defendant "ut be tated in the co"plaint
<Sec. 5, .ule 8, .ule of Court a a"endedJ Sec. 2, Special
.ule=. $t hould contain in a "ethodical and logical for",
a plain, concie and direct tate"ent of the ulti"ate fact on
which the plaintiff relie for hi clai" o"itting the
tate"ent of "ere e&identiary fact <Sec. 1, .ule :, .ule
of Court a a"ended=.
,- Pr%*ar% a $om*(a#nt .or u**ort. /01?E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- Co"plaint for upport##
.epublic of the -hilippine
*ourth Shari4a 2udicial ,itrict
Marawi City
S$TT$E *!T$M!1 G. G/'!T,
Ci&il Cae +o.QQQQ
## &eru R
*orK S/--).T
M)1,. M!.3$+ M. G/'!T,
H# # # # # # # # # # # # #H
C)MES +)E the plaintiff, by counel, and unto thi
1onorable Court, "ot repectfully allegeK
1. That plaintiff i of legal age and a reident of 'a"bi
'uilding, MS/ Co""ercial Center, Marawi City, while
defendant i alo of age and a reident of $lian, Marantao,
(anao del SurJ
2. That plaintiff i the lawfully wedded wife of the
defendant, their "arriage ha&ing been ole"niAed and
conu""ated in accordance with Muli" law on !pril 05,
1;;7 by and before Imam Merhuein Gani at MS/
Ca"pu, Marawi City. ! photocopy of the "arriage
contract between the" i hereto attached a !nneB C!C and
"ade a an integral part of thi co"plaintJ
5. That plaintiff and defendant, during the eBitence of their
"arriage, begot on ,ece"ber 17, 1;;7 a child, Sittie
6. That on Septe"ber 29, 1;;8, defendant abandoned
plaintiff and her "inor child for another wo"an with who"
he preently cohabit, without howe&er di&orcing plaintiffJ
7. That ince aid date, defendant failed and refued and
till fail and refue to pro&ide plaintiff and her child
"aintenance and upportJ
8. That defendant i preently e"ployed a !d"initrati&e
)fficer of the City -roecution )ffice, ,epart"ent of
2utice, Marawi City, with a "onthly net alary of Eight
thouand four hundred fifty nine peo <-:,67;.00= while
plaintiff i without any "ean of li&elihood and depend on
charity of cloe relati&e for the upport of herelf and her
"inor childJ
9. That for the proper "aintenance and upport of plaintiff
and her child, plaintiff need a "onthly allowance of *our
thouand peo <-6,000.00= which i a"ount i well within
the financial reource of the defendant to pro&ide.
E1E.E*).E, it i "ot repectfully prayed of thi
1onorable Court that, after notice and hearing, %udg"ent be
rendered ordering defendantK
<1= to gi&e plaintiff a "onthly allowance of -6,000.00
payable in ad&ance on or before the tenth day of the "onthJ
<2= to gi&e plaintiff, by way of upport pendente lite, a
"onthly allowance of -6,000.00, the firt of which to tart
retroacti&ely to the firt day of thi "onth, and the
ubeGuent one payable in ad&ance on or before the tenth
day of the ucceeding "onth.
<5= to pay the cot of thi uit.
-laintiff further pray for uch other relief dee"ed %ut and
eGuitable under the pre"ie.
05 !pril 1;;9, Marawi City, -hilippine.
M)1,. ME.1!SS1!+ G. G/'!T
Counel for the -laintiff
)fficer4 (ine, Marawi City
$'- )... 019:12;667 2P12P;9
-T. +). 0;1:6;02805 2P17P;9
.epublic of the -hilippine=S.S.
C i t y o f M a r a w i=
S$TT$E *!T$M!1 G. G/'!T, after ha&ing been worn
depoe and ayK That he i the plaintiff in the abo&e#
entitled caeJ That he caued the preparation of the
foregoing co"plaintJ That he ha read and undertood it
contentJ That to her own knowledge the allegation thereof
are true and correctJ That he hereby certifie that he ha
not heretofore co""enced any other action or proceeding
in&ol&ing the a"e iue before the Supre"e Court, the
Court of !ppeal, or any other tribunal or agency, and to
her own knowledge no uch action or proceeding i
pending before aid courtJ That hould he learn hereafter
that a i"ilar action or proceeding ha been filed or
pending before the Supre"e Court, the Court of !ppeal, or
any other tribunal or agency, he undertake to report the
a"e to thi 1onorable Court within fi&e <7= day
1E.E/+T) et her hand thi 05rd day of !pril 1;;9, at
Marawi City, -hilippine.
S$TT$E *!T$M!1 G. G/'!T
S/'SC.$'E, and worn to before "e thi QQth day of
!pril, 1;;9 at Marawi City, -hilippine.
+otary -ublic
,- W!at # t!% m%an#ng o. Hu(t#mat% .a$tI8 /0112
S!ar#a 6ar7
ANS- The ter" Culti"ate factC are the i"portant and
ubtantial fact which either directly for" the bai of the
plaintiff4 pri"ary right and duty or directly "ake up the
wrongful act or o"iion of the defendant <!lAua &.
2ohnon, 21 -hil 50;J E. GanAon, $nc. &. C!, G... ;58;8,
2une 19, 1;;2 L"inute re.M=. $t "ean the eential fact
contituting the plaintiff4 caue of action. ! fact i eential
if it cannot be tricken out without lea&ing the tate"ent of
the caue of action inufficient <$ Moran p. 27:=.
,- D#t#ngu#!%" u(t#mat% .a$t .rom %9#"%nt#ar) .a$t.
ANS- The ter" Culti"ate factC are the i"portant and
ubtantial fact which either directly for" the bai of the
plaintiff4 pri"ary right and duty or directly "ake up the
wrongful act or o"iion of the defendant <!lAua &.
2ohnon, 21 -hil 50;=. )n the other hand, e&identiary fact
are thoe which go to pro&e the cae. They "ay be eential
at the trial, but not in the pleading of a caue of action
<I'id. citing Corp. de --. !ugutino .ecoleto &.
Crioto"o, 52 -hil 629J !lAua &. 2ohnon, 21 -hil 50:=.
,- Stat% t!% $on$%*t o. $au% o. a$t#on.
ANS- ! caue of action i an act or o"iion by which one
party &iolate the right another <Sec. 2, .ule 2, .ule of
Court a a"ended=. $t eential ele"ent are legal right of
the plaintiff, correlati&e obligation of the defendant, and an
act or o"iion of the defendant in &iolation of aid legal
right <$ Moran p. 127 citing Ma ao Sugar Central Corp &.
'arrio, 9; -hil 888 and other caeJ Mapa &.
Sandiganbayan, G... :8;6;, )ct. 17, 1;;1J .ebolido &.
C!, supra=.
,- Can a #ng(% $au% o. a$t#on b% *(#t8 W!at # t!%
%..%$t o. *(#tt#ng a #ng(% $au% o. a$t#on8 G#9% %Bam*(%.
ANS- +o. ! party "ay not intitute "ore than one uit for a
ingle caue of action <Sec. 5, .ule 2, .ule of Court=. $f
two or "ore uit are intituted on the bai of the a"e
caue or action, the filing of one or the %udg"ent upon the
"erit in any one i a&ailable a a ground for the di"ial
of the other <Sec. 6, I'id.=.
Conidering that a "otion to di"i i diallowed under
the Special .ule, the plitting of a ingle caue of action
"ay be raied in the anwer a an affir"ati&e defene.
Thu, if ! obtained a loan fro" ' ecured by a "ortgage on
the for"er4 building, the non pay"ent by ! of the loan
contitute ingle caue of action, and ' cannot plit it up
into two eparate co"plaint, one for the pay"ent of the
loan and another for the forecloure of the "ortgage. $f '
doe o, the filing of the firt co"plaint for pay"ent of the
loan will bar the ubeGuent co"plaint for forecloure
<'achrach Motor Corp. &. $carangal, 8: -hil. 2:9=.
,- Ma) a *art) &o#n #n on% *(%a"#ng %9%ra( $au% o.
ANS- 0e. $n the regular court, a party "ay in one
pleading aert, in the alternati&e or otherwie, a "any
caue of action a he "ay ha&e againt an oppoing party,
ub%ect to the following conditionK
<a= The party %oining the caue of action hall co"ply with
the rule on %oinder of partieJ
<b= The %oinder hall not include pecial ci&il action or
action go&erned by pecial ruleJ
<c= Ehere the caue of action are between the a"e partie
but pertain to different &enue or %uridiction, the %oinder
"ay be allowed in the .egional Trial Court pro&ided one of
the caue of action fall within the %uridiction of aid
court and the &enue lie thereinJ and
<d= Ehere the clai" in all the caue of action are
principally for reco&ery of "oney, the aggregate a"ount
clai"ed hall be the tet of %uridiction <Sec. 7, .ule 2,
.ule of Court a a"ended=.
$t i belie&ed that, eBcept paragraph <d= abo&e, the
foregoing rule apply in the Shari@a court puruant to the
uppletory application of the .ule of Court.
,- In $a% o. &o#n"%r o. %9%ra( $au% o. a$t#on3 #n w!at
$ourt !a(( t!% a$t#on b% .#(%"8 G#9% %Bam*(%.
ANS- $n cae of %oinder of e&eral caue of action, the
action hall be filed in the Shari@a Circuit Court unle any
of the caue %oined fall within the %uridiction of the
Shari4a ,itrict Court and the &enue lie therein, in which
cae it hall be filed in the latter court. <I'id.=
'y way of eBa"ple, if E, a di&orced wo"an, ha clai" for
upport before the eBpiration of the precribed )idda and
unpaid cuto"ary dower <mahr= againt her di&orced
huband, he "ay, in one co"plaint, plead both clai" for
upport and unpaid dower againt the huband. 'ut if the
caue of action are for upport and cutody o&er a "inor
child, the action hould be filed with the Shari4a ,itrict
Court which ha %uridiction o&er an action for cutody
ariing under the Muli" Code <!rt. 165<a=, -, l0:5=.
,- W!at ar% t!% *art o. a *(%a"#ng8 EB*(a#n %a$!.
ANS- The part of e&ery pleading, including a co"plaint
filed in the Shari4a court, are laid down under .ule 9 of the
.ule of Court. !ccordingly, the co"plaint "ut contain a
caption, body, ignature and addre, &erification, and
Caption. ## The caption et forth the na"e of the court, the
title of the actionPcae, and the docket nu"ber if aigned
<Sec. 1, .ule 9, .ule of Court a a"ended=. The date of
filing a reGuired by Section 2 of the Special .ule of
-rocedure "ay be hown by the date a appearing in the
co"plaint when recei&ed by the court officer authoriAed to
recei&e it for filing.
The title of the action indicate the na"e of the partie.
They hall all be na"ed in the original co"plaint or
petitionJ but in ubeGuent pleading, it hall be ufficient if
the na"e of the firt party on each ide be tated with an
appropriate indication when there are other partie. The
repecti&e participation of the partie in the cae hall be
indicated <Sec. 1, I'id.=.
Body. ## The body of the pleading et forth it deignation,
the allegation of the party@ clai" or defene, the relief
prayed for, and the date of the pleadingK
<a= .aragraphs. The allegation in the body of a
pleading hall be di&ided into paragraph o
nu"bered a to be readily identified, each of which
hall contain a tate"ent of a ingle et of
circu"tance o far a that can be done with
con&enience. ! paragraph "ay be referred to by it
nu"ber in all ucceeding pleading <Sec. 2, I'id.=.
<b= @eadings. Ehen two or "ore caue of action
are %oined, the tate"ent of the firt hall be
prefaced by the word Cfirt caue of action,C of the
econd by Cecond caue of actionC, and o on for
the other <Sec. 2, I'id.=.
Ehen one or "ore paragraph in the anwer are
addreed to one of e&eral caue of action in the
co"plaint they hall be prefaced by the word
Canwer to the firt caue of actionC or Canwer to
the econd caue of actionC and o onJ and when
one or "ore paragraph of the anwer are addreed
to e&eral caue of action they hall be prefaced by
word to that effect <I'id.=.
<c= /elief. The pleading hall pecify the relief
ought, but it "ay add a general prayer for uch
further or other relief a "ay be dee"ed %ut or
eGuitable. <I'id.=
<d= *ate. E&ery pleading hall be dated <I'id.=.
Signature and address. ## E&ery pleading "ut be igned
by the party or counel repreenting hi", tating in either
cae hi addre which hould not be a pot office boB.
The ignature of counel contitute a certificate by hi"
that he ha read the pleadingJ that to the bet of hi
knowledge, infor"ation, and belief there i good ground to
upport itJ and that it i not interpoed for delay.
!n unigned pleading produce no legal effect. 1owe&er,
the court "ay, in it dicretion, allow uch deficiency be
re"edied if it hall appear that the a"e wa due to "ere
inad&ertence and not intended for delay. Counel who
deliberately file an unigned pleading in &iolation of thi
.ule, or allege candalou or indecent "atter therein, or
fail to pro"ptly report to the court a change of hi addre,
hall be ub%ect to diciplinary action <Sec. 5, I'id.=.
Verification.## ! pleading i &erified by an affida&it that the
affiant ha read the pleading and that the allegation therein
are true and correct of hi peronal knowledge or baed on
authentic record.
! pleading reGuired to be &erified which contain a
&erification baed on Iinfor"ation and belief,@ or Iupon
knowledge, infor"ation and belief,@ or lack a proper
&erification, hall be treated a an unigned pleading <Sec.
6, I'id., a a"ended by !.M. 00#2#10, Mar. 17, 2000=.
Certification.## The plaintiff or principal party hall certify
under oath in the co"plaint or other initiatory pleading
aerting a clai" for relief, or in a worn certification
anneBed thereto and i"ultaneouly filed therewithK <a= that
he ha not theretofore co""enced any action or filed any
clai" in&ol&ing the a"e iue in any court, tribunal or
Guai#%udicial agency and, to the bet of hi knowledge, no
uch other action or clai" i pending thereinJ <b= if there i
uch other pending action or clai", a co"plete tate"ent of
the preent tatu thereofJ and <c= if he hould thereafter
learn that the a"e or i"ilar action or clai" ha been filed
or i pending, he hall report that fact within fi&e <7= day
therefro" to the court wherein hi aforeaid co"plaint or
initiatory pleading ha been filed <Sec. 7, I'id.=.
,- Do a(( *(%a"#ng n%%" 9%r#.#$at#on8 G#9% %Bam*(% o.
*(%a"#ng t!at r%@u#r% 9%r#.#$at#on.
ANS- EBcept when otherwie pecifically pro&ided by law
or rule, pleading need not be under oath, &erified, or
acco"panied by affida&it.<Sec. 6, I'id.= EBa"ple of
pleading that need &erification areK
<1= petition for certiorariJ
<2= petition for "anda"uJ
<5= petition for prohibitionJ
<6= petition for ha'eas corpusJ
<7= petition for change of na"eJ and
<8= petition for cancellation or correction of entrie in the
ci&il regitry <ee $ .egalado pp. ;; 100=.
,- W!at !ou(" b% a((%g%" #n *(%a"#ng8
ANS- Generally, e&ery pleading "ut contain in a
"ethodical and logical for", a plain, concie and direct
tate"ent of the ulti"ate fact on which the party pleading
relie for hi clai" or defene, a the cae "ay be, o"itting
the tate"ent of "ere e&identiary fact <Sec. 1, .ule :,
.ule of Court a a"ended=.
$f a defene relied on i baed on law, the pertinent
pro&iion thereof and their applicability to hi" hall be
clearly and conciely tated <I'id.=.
,- Ma) a *art) *(%a" two or mor% tat%m%nt o. a $(a#m
or "%.%n% #n t!% a(t%rnat#9%8 I. )%3 w!at # t!% %..%$t o.
t!% #nu..#$#%n$) o. on% t!%m8
ANS- 0e. ! party "ay et forth two or "ore tate"ent of
a clai" or defene alternati&ely or hypothetically, either in
one caue of action or defene or in eparate caue of
action or defene. Ehen two or "ore tate"ent are "ade
in the alternati&e and one of the" if "ade independently
would be ufficient, the pleading i not "ade inufficient
by the inufficiency of one or "ore of the alternati&e
tate"ent <Sec. 2, I'id.=.
,- How !ou(" $on"#t#on *r%$%"%nt b% a((%g%"8
ANS- $n any pleading a general a&er"ent of the
perfor"ance or occurrence of all condition precedent hall
be ufficient <Sec. 5, I'id.=.
,- How mut a *art): $a*a$#t) to u% or b% u%" b%
a((%g%"8 How ma) a *art) ra#% an #u% on t!% ot!%r
*art): $a*a$#t)8
ANS- ! party4 legal capacity "ut be a&erred by fact
howing the capacity of a party to ue or be ued or the
authority of a party to ue or be ued in a repreentati&e
capacity or the legal eBitence of an organiAed aociation
of peron that i "ade a party. ! party deiring to raie an
iue a to the legal eBitence of any party or the capacity
of any party to ue or be ued in a repreentati&e capacity,
hall do o by pecific denial, which hall include uch
upporting particular a are peculiarly within the pleader4
knowledge <Sec. 6, I'id.=.
,- How ma) .rau"3 m#ta<%3 or $on"#t#on o. t!% m#n" b%
ANS- $n all a&er"ent of fraud or "itake, the
circu"tance contituting fraud or "itake "ut be tated
with particularity. Malice, intent, knowledge or other
condition of the "ind of a peron "ay be a&erred generally.
<Sec. 7, I'id.=
,- How # a &u"gm%nt or "%$##on *(%a"%"8
ANS- $n pleading a %udg"ent or deciion of a do"etic or
foreign court, %udicial or Guai#%udicial tribunal, or of a
board or officer it i ufficient to a&er the %udg"ent of
deciion without etting forth "atter howing %uridiction
to render it <Sec. 8, I'id.=.
,- How "o )ou a((%g% an a$t#on or "%.%n% ba%" on a
ANS- Ehene&er an action or defene i baed upon a
written intru"ent or docu"ent, the ubtance of uch
intru"ent or docu"ent hall be et forth in the pleading,
and the original or a copy thereof hall be attached to the
pleading a an eBhibit which hall be dee"ed to be a part of
the pleading, or aid copy "ay with like effect be et forth
in the pleading <Sec. 9, I'id.=.
,- How ar% t!% g%nu#n%n% an" "u% %B%$ut#on o. an
a$t#onab(% "o$um%nt $ont%t%"8 EB*(a#n.
ANS- Ehen an action or defene i founded upon a written
intru"ent, copied in or attached to the correponding
pleading a pro&ided in the preceding ection <Sec. 9, .ule
:, .ule of Court a a"ended=, the genuinene and due
eBecution of the intru"ent hall be dee"ed ad"itted
unle the ad&ere party, under oath, pecifically denie
the", and et forth what he clai" to be the factJ but the
reGuire"ent of an oath doe not apply when the ad&ere
party doe not appear to be a party to the intru"ent or
when co"pliance with an order for an inpection of the
original intru"ent i refued <Sec. :, I'id.J 0ao Da Sin
Trading &. C!, G... 75:20, 2une 17, 1;;2=.
,- How # an o..#$#a( "o$um%nt or a$t *(%a"%"8
ANS- $n pleading an official docu"ent or official act it i
ufficient to a&er that the docu"ent wa iued or the act
done in co"pliance with law <Sec. ;, I'id.=.
,- How ma) *(%a"#ng b% am%n"%"8
ANS- !"end"ent of pleading, including a co"plaint, i
regulated by .ule 10 of the .ule of Court a a"ended. !
a general rule, pleading "ay be a"ended by adding or
triking out an allegation or the na"e of any party, or by
correcting a "itake in the na"e of a party or a "itaken or
inadeGuate allegation or decription in any other repect, o
that the actual "erit of the contro&ery "ay peedily be
deter"ined, without regard to technicalitie, and in the
"ot eBpeditiou and ineBpeni&e "anner <Sec. 1, .ule 10,
,- W!%n ma) a *art) am%n" !# *(%a"#ng a a matt%r o.
ANS- ! party "ay a"end hi pleading once a a "atter of
right at any ti"e before a reponi&e pleading i er&ed or,
in the cae of a reply, at any ti"e within ten <10= day after
it i er&ed <Sec. 2, I'id.=. 1ence, the plaintiff "ay a"end
hi co"plaint a a "atter of right any ti"e before the
defendant file hi anwer to the co"plaint.
,- W!%n ma) *(%a"#ng b% am%n"%" b) (%a9% o. $ourt8
ANS- EBcept when a"end"ent i allowed a a "atter of
right under Section 2, .ule 10 of the .ule of Court a
a"ended, ubtantial a"end"ent "ay be "ade only upon
lea&e of court. 'ut uch lea&e "ay be refued if it appear
to the court that the "otion wa "ade with intent to delay.
)rder of the court upon the "atter pro&ided in thi
ection hall be "ade upon "otion filed in court, and after
notice to the ad&ere party, and an opportunity to be heard
<Sec. 5, I'id.=.
!"end"ent hould be liberally allowed, but thi liberality
at the outet of the action decreae a the cae "o&e to it
ter"ination. 'eide, an application for lea&e to a"end i
ordinarily addreed to the ound dicretion of the trial
court and a a rule thi dicretion will not be diturbed on
appeal eBcept in cae of an e&ident abue thereof <-eneyra
&. $!C, G... 8:;57, 2an. 22, l;;0=.
,- W!at ma) b% ummar#() $orr%$t%" at an) tag% o.
t!% a$t#on8
ANS- ! defect in the deignation of the partie and other
clearly clerical or typographical error "ay be u""arily
corrected by the court at any tage of the action, at it
initiati&e or on "otion, pro&ided no pre%udice i caued
thereby to the ad&ere party <Sec. 6, I'id.=.
,- How !ou(" am%n"m%nt to a *(%a"#ng b% #n"#$at%"8
ANS- !"end"ent to a pleading hould be indicated in the
a"ended pleading by appropriate "ark, a by
undercoring, encloing the" in Guotation "ark, putting
the" in capital letter, and o forth <$ .egalado p. 112=.
,- EB*(a#n t!% %..%$t o. an am%n"%" *(%a"#ng.
ANS- !n a"ended pleading uperede the pleading that it
a"end. 1owe&er, ad"iion in upereded pleading "ay
be recei&ed in e&idence againt the pleaderJ and clai" or
defene alleged therein not incorporated in the a"ended
pleading hall be dee"ed wai&ed <Sec. :, .ule 10, .ule of
Court a a"ended=. 1owe&er, the filing of the a"ended
pleading doe not retroact to the date of the filing of the
original, hence, the tatute of li"itation run until the
filing of the a"end"ent <.uy"ann &. ,ir. of (and, 56
-hil 62;=.
,- W!at matt%r ar% ub&%$t o. a u**(%m%nta(
ANS- Tranaction, occurrence or e&ent which ha&e
happened ince the date of the pleading ought to be
upple"ented are the "atter ub%ect of a upple"ental
pleading <Sec. 8, .ule 10, .ule of Court a a"ended=.
,- Ma) a *art) .#(% a u**(%m%nta( *(%a"#ng8
ANS- 0e. /pon "otion of a party the court "ay, upon
reaonable notice and upon uch ter" a are %ut, per"it
hi" to er&e a upple"ental pleading etting forth uch
"atter. The ad&ere party "ay plead thereto within ten
<10= day fro" notice of the order ad"itting the
upple"ental pleading <I'id.=.
,- W!at # t!% %..%$t o. t!% .#(#ng o. t!% u**(%m%nta(
ANS- The filing of the upple"ental pleading doe not
replace the original one. Supple"ental pleading are "eant
to upply deficiencie in aid of the original pleading, and
not to dipene with the latter <Shoe"art, $nc. &. C!, G...
:8;78, )ct. 1, 1;;0=.
,- D#t#ngu#! u**(%m%nta( *(%a"#ng an" am%n"%"
ANS- Supple"ental pleading i ditinguihed fro"
a"ended pleading a followK
<a= Supple"ental pleading refer to fact ariing after the
filing of the original pleadingJ while a"ended pleading
refer to fact already eBiting at the ti"e of the
co""ence"ent of the action.
<b= Supple"ental pleading i "erely an addition to, but
doe not reult in the withdrawal of, the original pleadingJ
while an a"ended pleading reult in the withdrawal of the
original pleading.
<c= ! upple"ental pleading can only be "ade with lea&e of
courtJ while an a"ended pleading can be "ade a of right,
a when no reponi&e pleading ha yet been filed <Sec. 2,
.ule 10, .ule of Court a a"endedJ ee $ .egalado p.
<'ack to the top=
S%$t#on E. S%r9#$% o. Summon
,- W!at # a ummon8 /01123 0111 S!ar#a 6ar7
ANS- Su""on i a writ by which the defendant i notified
of the action brought againt hi" <,ultra &. C*$, 90 SC.!
,- 6) w!om ummon # #u%" an" w!%n8
ANS- /pon the filing of the co"plaint and the pay"ent of
the reGuiite legal fee, the clerk of court hall forthwith
iue the correponding u""on to the defendant <Sec. 1,
.ule 16, .ule of Court a a"ended=.
,- W!at # t!% *ur*o% o. t!% ummon8
ANS- Ser&ice of u""on i eential to the %uridiction of
the court. 2uridiction o&er the peron of the defendant in
ci&il cae i acGuired either by hi &oluntary appearance or
by er&ice of u""on. The purpoe of u""on i to gi&e
notice to the defendant or repondent that an action ha
been co""enced againt hi". The defendant or repondent
i thu put on guard a to the de"and of the plaintiff or
petitioner <-ara"ount $n. Corp. &. (una, G... 82606,
Mar. l8, l;:9=.
,- W!at ar% t!% $ont%nt o. t!% ummon8 /01123 0111
S!ar#a 6ar7
ANS- The u""on hall be directed to the defendant,
igned by the clerk of court under eal, and containK
<a= The na"e of the court and the na"e of the partie to
the actionJ
<b= ! direction that the defendant anwer within the ti"e
fiBed by the ruleJ and
<c= ! notice that unle the defendant o anwer, plaintiff
will take %udg"ent by default and "ay be granted the relief
applied for. <Sec. 2, .ule 16, .ule of Court a a"ended=
,- W!at !ou(" b% atta$!%" to t!% ummon8
ANS- ! copy of the co"plaint and order for appoint"ent of
guardian ad litem, if any, hall be attached to the original
and each copy of the u""on <Sec. 5, .ule 16, .ule of
Court a a"endedJ Sec. 5, Special .ule=.
,- W!o ma) %r9% ummon u*on t!% "%.%n"ant8 /0112
S!ar#a 6ar7
ANS- The u""on "ay be er&ed by the heriff, hi
deputy, or other proper court officer, or for %utifiable
reaon by any uitable peron authoriAed by the court
iuing the u""on <Sec. 5, .ule l6, .ule of Court a
,- W!at ar% t!% mo"% o. %r9#$% o. ummon8 EB*(a#n
ANS- The "ode of er&ice of u""on are a followK
<a= .ersonal ser#ice. ## The u""on hall be er&ed by
handing a copy thereof to the defendant in peron, or, if he
refue to recei&e it, by tendering it to hi" <Sec. 8, .ule l6,
<b= Su'stituted ser#ice. ## $f, for %utifiable caue, the
defendant can not be er&ed within a reaonable ti"e by
peronal er&ice, er&ice "ay be effected <1= by lea&ing
copie of the u""on at the defendant4 reidence with
o"e peron of uitable age and dicretion then reiding
therein, or <2= by lea&ing the copie at defendant4 office or
regular place of buine with o"e co"petent peron in
charge thereof <Sec. 9, I'id.=.
<c= .u'lication. ## $n any action where the defendant i
deignated a an unknown owner, or the like, or whene&er
hi whereabout are unknown and cannot be acertained by
diligent inGuiry, er&ice "ay, by lea&e of court, be effected
upon hi" by publication in a newpaper of general
circulation and in uch place and for uch ti"e a the court
"ay order <Sec. l6, I'id.=.
<d= (xtraterritorial ser#ice. ## Ehen the defendant doe not
reide and i not found in the -hilippine and the action
affect the peronal tatu of the plaintiff or relate to, or
the ub%ect of which i, property within the -hilippine, in
which the defendant ha or clai" a lien or interet, actual
or contingent, or in which the relief de"anded conit,
wholly or in part, in eBcluding the defendant fro" any
interet therein, or the property of the defendant ha been
attached within the -hilippine, er&ice "ay, by lea&e of
court, be effected out of the -hilippine by peronal er&ice
a under Section 8J or by publication in a newpaper of
general circulation in uch place and for uch ti"e a the
court "ay order, in which cae a copy of the u""on and
order of the court hall be ent by regitered "ail to the lat
known addre of the defendant, or in any other "anner the
court "ay dee" ufficient. !ny order granting uch lea&e
hall pecify a reaonable ti"e, which hall not be le than
iBty <80= day after notice, within which the defendant
"ut anwer <Sec. l7, I'id.=.
Ehen any action i co""enced againt a defendant who
ordinarily reide within the -hilippine, but who i
te"porarily out of it, er&ice "ay, by lea&e of court, be
effected out of the -hilippine a under the preceding
paragraph <Sec. l8, I'id.=.
,- W!at # a n%w*a*%r o. g%n%ra( $#r$u(at#on8
ANS- $t i one which i publihed for the die"ination of
local new and general infor"ation, ha a 'ona fide
ubcription lit of ubcriber, i publihed at regular
inter&al and i not publihed for or de&oted to the interet
of a particular group of peron <'aa &. Mercado, 8l -hil
,- W!%n ma) a(#a ummon b% #u%"8
ANS- $f a u""on i returned without being er&ed on
any or all of the defendant, or if the u""on ha been
lot, the clerk, on de"and of the plaintiff, "ay iue an
alia u""on <Sec. 7, .ule l6, .ule of Court a
,- EB*(a#n r%turn o. ummon.
ANS- Ehen the er&ice ha been co"pleted, the er&er
hall within fi&e <7= day therefro", er&e a copy of the
return, peronally or by regitered "ail, to the plaintiff@
counel, and hall return the u""on to the clerk who
iued it, acco"panied with the proof of er&ice <Sec. 6,
$f a u""on i returned without being er&ed on any or all
of the defendant, the er&er hall alo er&e a copy of the
return on the plaintiff@ counel, tating the reaon for the
failure of er&ice <Sec. 7, I'id.=.
,- How # ummon %r9%" u*on t!% .o((ow#ng
a7. u*on %nt#t) w#t!out &ur#"#$a( *%rona(#t)D
b7. *r#on%rD
$7. m#nor or #n$om*%t%ntD
"7. "om%t#$ *r#9at% &ur#"#$a( %nt#t)D
%7. .or%#gn *r#9at% &ur#"#$a( %nt#t#%D
.7. *ub(#$ $or*orat#on.
ANS- Su""on i er&ed upon anK
<a=. entit" !ithout juridical personalit". ## Ser&ice "ay be
effected upon all of the defendant by er&ing u""on
upon any one of the", or upon the peron in charge of the
office or place of buine "aintained in the na"e by
which they are generally or co""only known <Sec. :,
<b=. prisoner. ## Ser&ice hall be effected upon hi" by the
officer ha&ing "anage"ent of the %ail or intitution where
he i confined who i dee"ed deputiAed a a pecial heriff
for aid purpoe <Sec. l;, I'id.=.
<c= minor and incompetent. -- Ser&ice hall be "ade upon
hi" peronally and on hi legal guardian if he ha one, or if
none, upon hi guardian ad litem whoe appoint"ent hall
be applied for by the plaintiff. $n the cae of a "inor,
er&ice "ay alo be "ade on hi father or "other <Sec. l0,
<d=. domestic pri#ate juridical entit". --- Ehen the
defendant i a corporation, partnerhip or aociation
organiAed under the law of the -hilippine with a %uridical
peronality, er&ice "ay be "ade on the preident,
"anaging partner, general "anager, corporate ecretary,
treaurer, or in#houe counel <Sec. l1, I'id.=.
<e=. foreign pri#ate juridical entit". -- Ehen the defendant
i a foreign pri&ate %uridical entity which ha tranacted
buine in the -hilippine, er&ice "ay be "ade on it
reident agent deignated in accordance with law for that
purpoe, or, if there be no uch agent, on the go&ern"ent
official deignated by law to that effect, or on any of it
officer or agent within the -hilippine. <Sec. 12, I'id.=.
$f the foreign pri&ate %uridical entity i not regitered in the
-hilippine or ha no reident agent, er&ice "ay, with
lea&e of court, be effected out of the -hilippine through
any of the following "eanK
a= 'y peronal er&ice coured through the appropriate
court in the foreign country with the aitance of the
,epart"ent of *oreign !ffairJ
b= 'y publication once in a newpaper of general
circulation in the country where the defendant "ay be
found and by er&ing a copy of the u""on and the court
order by regitered "ail at the lat known addre of the
c= 'y faci"ile or any recogniAed electronic "ean that
could generate proof of er&iceJ
d= 'y uch other "ean a the court "ay in it dicretion
direct <Sec. 12, .ule 16, I'id. a a"ended by !.M. +o. 11#
5#8#SC, March 17, 2011=.
<f=. pu'lic corporation. -- Ehen the defendant i the
.epublic of the -hilippine, er&ice "ay be effected on the
Solicitor GeneralJ or in cae of a pro&ince, city or
"unicipality, or like public corporation, er&ice "ay be
effected on it eBecuti&e head, or on uch other officer or
officer a the law or the court "ay direct <Sec. l5, I'id.=.
,- How # %r9#$% o. ummon *ro9%"8
ANS- Ehen u""on i er&ed by peronal er&ice or
ubtitute er&ice, proof thereof hall be "ade in writing by
the er&er and hall et forth the "anner, place, and date of
er&iceJ hall pecify any paper which ha&e been er&ed
with the proce and the na"e of the peron who recei&ed
the a"eJ and hall be worn to when "ade by a peron
other than a heriff or hi deputy <Sec. 1:, I'id.=.
$f the er&ice ha been "ade by publication, er&ice "ay be
pro&ed by the affida&it of the printer, hi fore"an or
principal clerk, or of the editor, buine or ad&ertiing
"anager, to which affida&it a copy of the publication hall
be attached, and by an affida&it howing the depoit of a
copy of the u""on and order for publication in the pot
office, potage prepaid, directed to the defendant by
regitered "ail to hi lat known addre <Sec. 1;, I'id.=.
,- W!at # %@u#9a(%nt to %r9#$% o. ummon8
ANS- The defendant@ &oluntary appearance in the action
hall be eGui&alent to er&ice of u""on. The incluion in
a "otion to di"i of other ground aide fro" lack of
%uridiction o&er the peron of the defendant hall not be
dee"ed a &oluntary appearance <Sec. 20, I'id.=.
<'ack to the top=
S%$t#on J. Anw%r
,- D%.#n% anw%r.
ANS- !n anwer i a pleading in which a defending party
et forth hi defene <Sec. 6, .ule 8, I'id.= which "ay be
negati&e andPor affir"ati&e defene.
,- W!at # a n%gat#9% "%.%n%8
ANS- +egati&e defene i the pecific denial of the
"aterial fact or fact alleged in the pleading of the clai"ant
eential to hi caue or caue of action <Sec. 7<a=, I'id.=.
,- W!at # an a..#rmat#9% "%.%n%8 G#9% %Bam*(%.
ANS- !n affir"ati&e defene i an allegation of new "atter
which, while ad"itting the "aterial allegation in the
pleading of the clai"ant, would ne&erthele pre&ent or bar
reco&ery by hi". The affir"ati&e defene include fraud,
tatute of li"itation, releae, pay"ent, illegality, tatute of
fraud, etoppel, for"er reco&ery, dicharge in bankruptcy,
and any other "atter by way of confeion and a&oidance
<Sec. 7 <b=, I'id.=. $f no "otion to di"i ha been filed,
any of the ground for di"ial pro&ided for under .ule 18
of the .ule of Court "ay be pleaded a an affir"ati&e
defene in the anwer and, in the dicretion of the court, a
preli"inary hearing "ay be had thereon a if a "otion to
di"i ha been filed <Sec. 8, .ule 18, .ule of Court a
,- How # *%$#.#$ "%n#a( a((%g%"8 EB*(a#n.
ANS- ! defendant "ut pecify each "aterial allegation of
fact the truth of which he doe not ad"it and, whene&er
practicable, hall et forth the ubtance of the "atter upon
which he relie to upport hi denial. Ehere a defendant
deire to deny only a part of an a&er"ent, he hall pecify
o "uch of it a i true and "aterial and hall deny only the
re"ainder. Ehere a defendant i without knowledge or
infor"ation ufficient to for" a belief a to the truth of a
"aterial a&er"ent "ade in the co"plaint, he hall o tate,
and thi hall ha&e the effect of a denial <Sec. 10, I'id.=.
,- W!at ar% t!% <#n" o. "%n#a(8
ANS- 'aed on Section 10, .ule : of the .ule of Court a
a"ended, there are three kind of denial, na"elyK
<a= A'solute denial i a pecific denial of a "aterial
allegation of fact and etting forth the ubtance of the
"atter relied upon to upport the denial.
<b= ?ualified denial i a denial of only a part of the
a&er"ent and ad"itting the re"ainder.
<c= .lain denial i a denial where the pleader tate that he
ha no knowledge or infor"ation ufficient to for" a belief
a to the truth of the a&er"ent.
,- W!at # t!% *%r#o" to .#(% an" %r9% anw%r8
ANS- The defendant4 anwer hall be filed with the court
and er&ed upon the plaintiff within ten <l0= day fro"
receipt of the u""on <Sec. 6, Special .ule=. ! "otion
for eBtenion of ti"e to file anwer i not allowed by the
Special .ule of -rocedure <Sec. l5, I'id.=. ! defendant
cannot be declared in default, it i belie&ed that an anwer
filed beyond the regle"entary period "ay till be ad"itted
by the court, epecially o that, under the .ule of Court a
a"ended, the court "ay allow an anwer or other pleading
to be filed after the ti"e fiBed by uch .ule <Sec. 11, .ule
11, .ule of Court a a"ended=.
,- W!%n ma) a "%.%n"ant .#(% !# anw%r or a**%ar
*%rona(() or b) $oun%( .rom r%$%#*t o. ummon8
/0110 S!ar#:a 6ar7 W!%n ma) t!% "%.%n"ant
/mudda'alai7 .#(% !# anw%r to t!% $om*(a#nt8 /01?2
S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- The defendant hall file hi anwer, either peronally
or by counel, or with the aitance of the clerk of court,
within ten <l0= day fro" receipt of the u""on <Sec. 6,
,- W!o ma) *r%*ar% t!% anw%r8
ANS- The defendant4 anwer "ay be prepared by the
defendant peronally or by hi counel, or with the
aitance of the clerk of court < I'id.=. 1owe&er, where the
plaintiff4 co"plaint ha been prepared by the clerk of
court, it i belie&ed that the latter hould inhibit hi"elf
fro" aiting the defendant in preparing the anwer.
,- Can a $ount%r$(a#m or $ro;$(a#m b% ra#%" #n t!%
ANS- 0e. The anwer of the defending party "ay raie
any clai" or cro#clai" which he "ay ha&e againt the
oppoing party or a co#party, <Sec. 8 N :, .ule 8, .ule of
Court= pro&ided that the court ha %uridiction to entertain
the clai" and can, if the preence of third partie i
eential for it ad%udication, acGuire %uridiction o&er uch
,- W!at # a $ount%r$(a#m8 EB*(a#n.
ANS- ! counterclai" i any clai" which a defending party
"ay ha&e againt an oppoing party <Sec. 8, I'id.=.
,- W!at # a $ro;$(a#m8 EB*(a#n.
ANS- ! cro#clai" i any clai" by one party againt a co#
party ariing out of the tranaction or occurrence that i the
ub%ect "atter either of the original action or of a
counterclai" therein. Such cro#clai" "ay include a clai"
that a party againt who" it i aerted i or "ay be liable
to the cro#clai"ant for all or part of a clai" aerted in
the action againt the cro#clai"ant <Sec. 9, I'id.=.
,- W!at ar% t!% <#n" o. $ount%r$(a#m8 EB*(a#n %a$!.
ANS- Counterclai" are claified and defined a followK
a. Compulsor" counterclaim i one which, being cogniAable
by the regular court of %utice, arie out of and i
connected with the tranaction or occurrence contituting
the ub%ect "atter of the oppoing party@ clai" and doe
not reGuire for it ad%udication the preence of third partie
of who" the court cannot acGuire %uridiction. Such a
counterclai" "ut be within the %uridiction of the court
both a to the a"ount and the nature thereof, eBcept that in
an original action before the .egional Trial Court, the
counterclai" "ay be conidered co"pulory regardle of
the a"ount <Sec. 9, I'id.K /nited Coconut -lanter4 'ank
&. $!C, G... 92886 87, March 20, l;;0J 2a&ier &. $!C, 51
March 1;:;= Thi alo known a CrecoupmentC. <(opeA &.
Gloria, 60 -hil 28=.
b. .ermissi#e counter claim i one which doe not arie out
of nor i it necearily connected with the ub%ect "atter of
the oppoing party4 clai". Thi i alo known a Cset offC.
<$ .egalado p. :: citing (opeA &. Gloria, supra.=
,- W!at # t!% %..%$t o. t!% .a#(ur% to %t u* a
$ount%r$(a#m or $ro;$(a#m8
ANS- ! co"pulory counterclai" not et up hall be barred
<Sec. 2, .ule ;, .ule of Court a a"ended=. 'ut when a
pleader fail to et up a counterclai" or a cro#clai"
through o&eright, inad&ertence, or eBcuable neglect, or
when %utice reGuire, he "ay, by lea&e of court, et up the
counterclai" or cro#clai" by a"end"ent before
%udg"ent <Sec. 10, .ule 11, I'id.=.
,- Can n%w *art#% b% broug!t b) t!% "%.%n"ant #nto
t!% a$t#on8
ANS- 0e. Ehen the preence of partie other than thoe to
the original action i reGuired for the granting of co"plete
relief in the deter"ination of a counterclai" or cro#clai",
the court hall order the" to be brought in a defendant, if
%uridiction o&er the" can be obtained <Sec. 12, .ule 8,
.ule of Court a a"ended.=. The general rule that a
defendant cannot by counterclai" bring into the action any
clai" againt peron other than the plaintiff ad"it of an
eBception under Sec. 12, .ule 8 of the .ule of Court
which pro&ide that Cwhen the preence of partie other
than thoe to the original action i reGuired for the granting
of co"plete relief in the deter"ination of a counterclai" or
cro#clai", the court hall order the" to be brought in a
defendant, if %uridiction o&er the" can be obtained
<Sapugay &. C!, G... :89;2, Mar. 21, 1;;0=.
,- I a $ro;$(a#m $om*u(or) or *%rm##9%8 EB*(a#n.
ANS- ! cro#clai" i alway co"pulory a it "ut arie
out of the tranaction or occurrence that i the ub%ect
"atter of either of the original action or of a counter clai"
therein <Sec. :, .ule 8, .ule of Court a a"ended=. Ehen
the cro#clai" i not connected with uch tranaction or
occurrence, it can not be raied in the pleading. Thu, the
cro#clai" "ut perforce be raied in the anwerJ
otherwie it hall be barred <Sec. 2, .ule ;, I'id.=.
,- Mut a $ount%r$(a#m or $ro;$(a#m b% anw%r%"8 I.
)%3 w!%n8
ANS- 0e. Ehen a pleading raie a counterclai" or cro#
clai" it "ut be anwered within ten <l0= day fro" er&ice
<Sec. 6, .ule 11, .ule of Court=. 'ut a counterclai" or
cro#clai" need not be anwered if it i baed on and
ineparable fro" the &ery defene raied by the oppoing
party a it will "erely reult in aid oppoing party
pleading the a"e fact already raied in hi for"er
pleading <$ .egalado p. ;2 citing +a&arro &. 'ello, 76
).G. 86::=.
,- Su**o% t!% anw%r ra#%" a..#rmat#9% "%.%n%3
mut t!% *(a#nt#.. .#(% a r%*() t!%r%to8 W!)8
ANS- +ot necearily. Ehen the defendant raie an
affir"ati&e defene or defene, the plaintiff need not file a
reply becaue it i diallowed by the Special .ule <Sec.
15=. +e&erthele, all the new "atter alleged in the anwer
contituting the affir"ati&e defene are dee"ed
contro&erted <Sec. 10, .ule 8, .ule of Court a a"ended=
,- W!at # t!% %..%$t o. t!% .a#(ur% to *%$#.#$a(() "%n)
mat%r#a( a9%rm%nt #n t!% $om*(a#nt8
ANS- Material a&er"ent in the co"plaint, other than thoe
a to the a"ount of unliGuidated da"age, hall be dee"ed
ad"itted when not pecifically denied. !llegation of uury
in a co"plaint to reco&er uuriou interet are dee"ed
ad"itted if not denied under oath <Sec. 11, .ule :, .ule of
,- W!at # t!% %..%$t o. "%.%n% an" ob&%$t#on not
ANS- ,efene and ob%ection not pleaded either in a
"otion to di"i or in the anwer are dee"ed wai&ed.
1owe&er, when it appear fro" the pleading or the
e&idence on record that the court ha no %uridiction o&er
the ub%ect "atter, that there i another action pending
between the a"e partie for the a"e caue, or that the
action i barred by a prior %udg"ent or by tatute of
li"itation, the court hall di"i the clai" <Sec. 1, .ule
;, .ule of Court=.
$n the Shari4a court, conidering that a "otion to di"i i
prohibited, defene and ob%ection which contitute
ground for a "otion to di"i hould be pleaded in the
anwer a affir"ati&e defene <Sec. 8, .ule l8, I'id.=
otherwie, they would be barred <Sec. 1, .ule ;, I'id.=.
,- D%.#n%- /a7 .#(#ngD /b7 %r9#$%.
ANS- <a= ;iling i the act of preenting the pleading or
other paper to the clerk of court <Sec. 2, .ule 15, I'id.=.
<b= Ser#ice i the act of pro&iding a party with a copy of the
pleading or paper concerned. $f any party ha appeared by
counel, er&ice upon hi" hall be "ade upon hi counel
or one of the", unle er&ice upon the party hi"elf i
ordered by the court. Ehere one counel appear for
e&eral partie, he hall only be entitled to one copy of any
paper er&ed upon hi" by the oppoite ide <I'id.=.
,- How !a(( an anw%r b% .#(%"8 EB*(a#n.
ANS- The filing of the anwer hall be "ade by preenting
the original copie thereof, plainly indicated a uch,
peronally to the clerk of court or by ending the" by
regitered "ail. $n the firt cae, the clerk of court hall
endore on the pleading the date and hour of filing. $n the
econd cae, the date of the "ailing of the anwer, a
hown by the pot office ta"p on the en&elope or the
regitry receipt, hall be conidered a the date of their
filing in court. The en&elope hall be attached to the record
of the cae <Sec. 5, .ule 15, I'id.=. ! copy of the anwer
hould be er&ed upon the ad&ere party before the anwer
i filed with the court.
-arenthetically, the rule on filing and er&ice of the anwer
apply to all other pleading, appearance, "otion, notice,
order, %udg"ent and other paper <I'id.=.
,- W!at *a*%r ar% r%@u#r%" to b% .#(%" an" %r9%"8
ANS- E&ery %udg"ent, reolution, order, pleading
ubeGuent to the co"plaint, written "otion, notice,
appearance, de"and, offer of %udg"ent or i"ilar paper
hall be filed with the court, and er&ed upon the partie
affected <Sec. 6, I'id.=.
,- W!at ar% t!% mo"% o. %r9#$%8 How ar% t!%) ma"%8
EB*(a#n %a$!.
ANS- Ser&ice of pleading, "otion, notice, order,
%udg"ent and other paper hall be "ade either peronally
or by "ail <Sec. 5, I'id.=. Ser&ice of pleading "ay alo be
effected by ubtituted er&ice <Sec. 8, I'id.=.
a. .ersonal ser#ice. ## Ser&ice of the paper "ay be "ade
by deli&ering peronally a copy to the party or hi counel,
or by lea&ing it in hi office with hi clerk or with a peron
ha&ing charge thereof. $f no peron i found in hi office, or
hi office i not known, then by lea&ing the copy, between
the hour of eight in the "orning and iB in the e&ening, at
the party4 or counel@ reidence, if known, with a peron
of ufficient age and dicretion then reiding therein <Sec.
8, I'id.=.
b. Ser#ice '" mail. ## Ser&ice by regitered "ail hall be
"ade by depoiting the copy in the office, in a ealed
en&elope, plainly addreed to the party or hi counel at
hi office, if known, otherwie at hi reidence, if known,
with potage fully prepaid, and with intruction to the
pot"ater to return the "ail to the ender after ten <10=
day if undeli&ered. $f no regitry er&ice i a&ailable in the
locality of either the ender or the addreee, er&ice "ay
be done by ordinary "ail <Sec. 9, I'id.=.
c. Su'stituted ser#ice. ## $f er&ice of pleading, "otion,
notice, reolution, order and other paper cannot be
"ade under the two preceding ection, the office and place
of reidence of the party or hi counel being unknown,
er&ice "ay be "ade by deli&ering the copy to the clerk of
court, with proof of failure of both peronal er&ice and
er&ice by "ail. The er&ice i co"plete at the ti"e of uch
deli&ery <Sec. :, I'id.=.
,- W!%n # %r9#$% $om*(%t%8
ANS- -eronal er&ice i co"plete upon actual deli&ery.
Ser&ice by ordinary "ail i co"plete upon the eBpiration of
ten <10= day after "ailing, unle the court otherwie
pro&ide. Ser&ice by regitered "ail i co"plete upon
actual receipt by the addreee, or after fi&e <7= day fro"
the date he recei&ed the firt notice of the pot"ater,
whiche&er date i earlier <Sec. 10, I'id.=. Ser&ice by
ubtituted er&ice i co"plete upon deli&ery to the clerk of
court <Sec. :, I'id.=.
,- Ar% t!%r% *r#or#t#% #n mo"% o. %r9#$% an" .#(#ng o.
*(%a"#ng an" ot!%r *a*%r8 EB*(a#n8
ANS- 0e. Ehene&er practicable, the er&ice and filing of
pleading and other paper hall be done peronally. EBcept
with repect to paper e"anating fro" the court, a reort to
other "ode "ut be acco"panied by a written eBplanation
why the er&ice or filing wa not done peronally. !ny
&iolation of thi .ule "ay be caue to conider the paper a
not filed <Sec. 11, I'id.=.
,- How !a(( .#(#ng o. *(%a"#ng b% *ro9%"8
ANS- The filing of a pleading or other paper hall be
pro&ed by it eBitence in the record of the cae. $f it i not
in the record but i clai"ed to ha&e been filed peronally,
the filing hall be pro&ed by the written or ta"ped
acknowledg"ent of it filing by the clerk of court on a
copy of the a"eJ if filed by regitered "ail, by the regitry
receipt and by the affida&it of the peron who did the
"ailing, containing a full tate"ent of the date and place of
depoiting the "ail in the pot office in a ealed en&elope
addreed to the court, with potage fully prepaid, and with
intruction to the pot"ater to return the "ail to the
ender after ten <10= day if not deli&ered <Sec. 12, I'id.=.
,- W!at !a(( *roo. o. %r9#$% $on#t8
ANS- -roof of peronal er&ice hall conit of a written
ad"iion of the party er&ed, or the official return of the
er&er, or the affida&it of the party er&ing, containing a full
tate"ent of the date, place and "anner of er&ice. $f the
er&ice i by ordinary "ail, proof thereof hall conit of an
affida&it of the peron "ailing of fact howing co"pliance
with Section 9 of .ule 15 of the .ule of Court. $f er&ice
i "ade by regitered "ail, proof hall be "ade by uch
affida&it and the regitry receipt iued by the "ailing
office. The regitry return card hall be filed i""ediately
upon receipt by the ender, or in lieu thereof the unclai"ed
letter together with the certified or worn copy of the notice
gi&en by the pot"ater to the addreee <Sec. 15, I'id.=.
<'ack to the top=
S%$t#on G. 'a#(ur% to Anw%r.
,- W!at # t!% %..%$t o. t!% "%.%n"ant: .a#(ur% to .#(% !#
anw%r w#t!#n t!% r%g(%m%ntar) *%r#o" .#B%" b) t!%
S*%$#a( Ru(%8 /01?2 S!ar#:a 6ar7 W!at wou(" b% t!%
(%ga( %..%$t #. t!% "%.%n"ant .a#( to .#(% an anw%r w#t!#n
t%n /(57 "a) .rom %r9#$% o. t!% $om*(a#nt on !#m8
R%aon. /011E S!ar#:a bar7
ANS- Should the defendant fail to file an anwer to the
co"plaint within ten <l0= day fro" er&ice the court hall
proceed to recei&e the e&idence ex parte upon which
%udg"ent hall be rendered <Section 7, Special .ule=.
Ehen the defendant fail to file and er&e an anwer within
the regle"entary period, he can not be declared in default
either motu proprio, or on "otion of the plaintiff. The
Special .ule prohibit the filing of a "otion to declare
defendant in default <Section 15, I'id.=. 'eide, in the
Shari4a court the defendant doe not loe hi peronality in
the action for failure to file an anwer. 1e "ay, at any ti"e,
appear before %udg"ent to protect hi right. Thi i one
feature of $la"ic procedure that keep open the door for
the defendant to participate in the proceeding before
%udg"ent i rendered againt hi" <.aul, 2ainal,
Co""entarie on Special .ule of -rocedure in Shari4a
Court, C('-$, <l;:6=, FueAon City, p. 70=.
,- I. t!% "%.%n"ant .a#( to anw%r or a**%ar *%rona(()
or b) $oun%( w#t!#n t!% r%g(%m%ntar) *%r#o"3 # #t
n%$%ar) .or t!% *(a#nt#.. or $oun%( to .#(% a mot#on to
"%$(ar% "%.%n"ant #n " EB*(a#n. /0110 S!ar#:a
ANS- +o. $t i not neceary for the plaintiff to file a
"otion to declare defendant in default becaue, if the
defendant fail to anwer the co"plaint within ten <l0= day
fro" er&ice of the u""on, the court hall proceed to
recei&e the e&idence ex parte upon which %udg"ent hall be
rendered <Sec. 7, Special .ule=. Moreo&er, the "otion to
declare defendant in default i prohibited under the Special
.ule <Section 15, I'id.=.
,- U*on t!% .a#(ur% o. t!% "%.%n"ant to .#(% !# anw%r
w#t!#n t!% r%g(%m%ntar) *%r#o" .#B%" b) t!% S*%$#a(
Ru(%3 ma) t!% *(a#nt#.. /mudda'i7 un"%r t!% am% ru(%
.#(% t!% $orr%*on"#ng mot#on to "%$(ar% "%.%n"ant
/mudda'alai7 #n " /01?2 S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- +o. The plaintiff cannot file a "otion to declare
defendant in default becaue it i a prohibited under Section
15 of the Special .ule. +e&erthele, the court hall
proceed to recei&e the e&idence of the plaintiff ex parte
upon which %udg"ent hall be rendered <Section 7, Special
<'ack to the top=
S%$t#on K. Pr%;Tr#a(
,- I t!% *r%;tr#a( !%ar#ng or $on.%r%n$% un"%r t!%
S*%$#a( Ru(% o. t!% S!ar#:a Court man"ator) or m%r%()
"#r%$tor)8 An"3 w!%n !ou(" #t b% !%("8 /01103 0111
S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- The pre#trial conference i "andatory. $n the abence
of the pre#trial order iued after the conference and the
tate"ent of witnee and other e&idence ub"itted by
the partie thereafter, the Shari@a Court cannot proceed with
the for"al trial or hearing nor deter"ine the propriety of
rendering %udg"ent without for"al trial. The tate"ent of
the witnee are indipenable for purpoe of deter"ining
the propriety of rendering %udg"ent without for"al trial or
hearing. Should there be trial or hearing, uch tate"ent
hall contitute the direct teti"ony of the witnee a
bai for cro#eBa"ination.
$n the pre#trial conference, the court hall endea&or to
ecure an a"icable ettle"ent <sulkh= of the partie and, if
no uch ettle"ent can be arri&ed at, it hall clarify and
define the iue in the cae which hall be et forth in a
pre#trial order. Such iue o clarified and defined hall
er&e a the bae for the ub"iion to the court of the
tate"ent of witnee <shuhud= and other e&idence
The pre#trial conference hall be held not later than thirty
<50= day after the anwer i filed by the defendant <Sec. 8,
Special .ule=.
,- W!at # t!% *ur*o% o. t!% *r%;tr#a( $on.%r%n$%8
W!at ar% t!% ub&%$t matt%r to b% $on#"%r%" #n t!%
*r%;tr#a( !%ar#ng8 /01103 0111 S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- The purpoe of the pre#trial conference i two#foldK
firstl", to work out for an a"icable ettle"ent <sulkh= of the
actionJ and secondl", if a"icable ettle"ent can not be
arri&ed at, to define and clarify the iue in the cae.
Thi notwithtanding it i belie&ed that Section 2, .ule 1:
of the .ule of Court, a a"ended, till applie. 1ence, the
following "ay alo be conidered during the pre#trial
conference in order to eBpedite the dipoition of the
action, to witK
<a= The poibility of a ub"iion to alternati&e "ode of
dipute reolutionJ
<b= The neceity or deirability of a"end"ent to the
<b= The poibility of obtaining tipulation or ad"iion
of fact and of docu"ent to a&oid unneceary proofJ
<c= (i"itation of the nu"ber of witneeJ and
<d= The ad&iability of a preli"inary reference of iue to a
<e= The propriety of rendering %udg"ent on the pleading,
or u""ary %udg"ent, or of di"iing the action hould a
&alid ground therefor be found to eBitJ
<f= The ad&iability or neceity of upending the
proceedingJ and
<g= Such other "atter a "ay aid in the pro"pt dipoition
of the action.
,- W!at # t!% %..%$t o. t!% .a#(ur% o. a *art) to a**%ar
at t!% *r%;tr#a( $on.%r%n$%8
ANS- /nder Section 7, .ule 1: of the .ule of Court, a
a"ended, the failure of the plaintiff when o reGuired to
appear in the pre#trial conference hall be caue for
di"ial of the action. The di"ial hall be with
pre%udice, unle otherwie ordered by the court. ! i"ilar
failure on the part of the defendant hall be caue to allow
the plaintiff to preent hi e&idence ex parte and the court
to render %udg"ent on the bai thereof. $t i belie&ed that
thi .ule applie to the Shari@a court.
,- W!at !a(( t!% $ourt #u% a.t%r t!% *r%;tr#a(8
ANS- /pon the ter"ination of the pre#trial, the court hall
iue a pre#trial order which hall recite in detail the "atter
taken up in the conference, the action taken thereon, the
a"end"ent allowed to the pleading, and the agree"ent
or ad"iion "ade by the partie a to any of the "atter
conidered. Should the action proceed to trial, the order
hall eBplicitly define and li"it the iue to be tried. The
content of the order hall control the ubeGuent coure of
the action, unle "odified before trial to pre&ent "anifet
in%utice <Sec. 9, .ule 1:, .ule of Court, a a"ended=.
,- I #t man"ator) .or t!% S!ar#a Court to #u% t!%
*r%;tr#a( or"%r8 /0111 S!ar#a 6ar7
ANS- 0e, the iuance of the pre#trial order i "andatory.
The pre#trial order, which define and clarifie the iue,
er&e a the bai of the partie in preparing their
repecti&e "e"orandu" and the ub"iion of the
tate"ent of their witnee and other e&idence. $n
addition, the date of receipt of the pre#trial order i the
reckoning point for the ub"iion of the partie@
"e"oranda and the tate"ent of witnee and other
,- W!at *(%a"#ngL"o$um%nt ar% to b% ubm#tt%" b)
t!% *art#% or t!roug! $oun%( to t!% S!ar#:a! Court
w#t!#n t%n /057 "a) .rom r%$%#*t o. t!% *r%;tr#a( or"%r8
/0110 S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- Eithin ten <10= day fro" receipt of the pre#trial
order, the partie or counel hall forthwith ub"it to the
court the tate"ent of witnee <shuhud= and other
e&idence <'a""ina= pertinent to the iue o clarified and
defined, together with the "e"oranda etting forth the law
and the fact relied upon by the" <Sec. 8<2=, Special
,- W!%n !a(( t!% tat%m%nt o. w#tn%% /shuhud7 an"
ot!%r %9#"%n$% /bayyina7 b% ubm#tt%"8 Can t!% S!ar#:a
$ourt *ro$%%" w#t! t!% tr#a( *ro*%r *r#or to t!%
ubm##on o. t!% tat%m%nt o. w#tn%%8 EB*(a#n. /01?E
S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- The tate"ent of witnee <shuhud= and other
e&idence <'a""ina= hall be ub"itted within ten <10= day
fro" receipt of the pre#trial order clarifying and defining
the iue <Section 8<2=, Special .ule=. The hari4a court
cannot proceed with the trial proper prior to the ub"iion
of the tate"ent of witnee becaue uch tate"ent
ub"itted by the partie at the pre#trial hall contitute the
direct teti"ony of the witnee a bai for cro#
eBa"ination <Sec. 9<5=, I'id.=.
Moreo&er, trial proper i not indipenable. Ehen, upon
conideration of the pleading, e&idence and "e"oranda,
the court find that a %udg"ent "ay be rendered without
need of a for"al hearing, the court "ay do o within fifteen
<17= day fro" the ub"iion of the cae for deciion <Sec.
8<5=, I'id.=.
,- EB*(a#n t!% m%an#ng o. =ot!%r %9#"%n$%=.
ANS- /nder the Section 8, of the Special .ule, it would
ee" that there are two <2= clae of e&idence under
$la"ic law, i.e., tate"ent of witnee and other
e&idence. )n thi bai, it follow that all other e&idence
not claified a"ong the firt are claified a other
e&idence <'a""ina= and it include docu"entary and ob%ect
0et, thi i not at all the cae. /nder $la"ic -rocedural
law, there are four way of pro&ing a caue of action or
etablihing fact a followK <a= ad"iion or confeion
<al i&rar=J <2= teti"onial e&idence <shuhud=J <5= oath
<"amin=J and <6= other e&idence <'a""ina= <!lauya, op. cit.
p. 66=. $n fact, o"e %urit conider circu"tantial
e&idence (&ara)in) a an acceptable "ean of proof in the
abence of other <El !wa Moha""ad S., -unih"ent in
$la"ic (aw, !"erican Trut -ublication <$ndianapoli=,
l;:2, p. l50=. 'ut circu"tantial e&idence will only be acted
upon if it i of a conclui&e nature (&atia)tun) <.ahi",
!bdul, -rinciple of Muha""adan 2uriprudence, $ndu
-ubliher, <(ahore=, 1;11, p. 5:l=.
,- Ma) t!% S!ar#:a! Court #mm%"#at%() "%$#"% t!% $a%
an" r%n"%r &u"gm%nt w#t!out a .orma( !%ar#ng on t!%
ba# o. t!% *(%a"#ng3 %9#"%n$% an" m%moran"a
ubm#tt%" #n t!% *r%;tr#a(8 EB*(a#n. /0110 S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- 0e. Should the court find, upon conideration of the
pleading, e&idence and "e"oranda, that a %udg"ent "ay
be rendered without need of a for"al hearing, the court
"ay do o within fifteen <l7= day fro" the ub"iion of
the cae for deciion <Sec. 8<5=, Special .ule=. )therwie,
it hall conduct a for"al trial or hearing.
,- W#t!#n w!at *%r#o" !a(( t!% $ourt r%n"%r &u"gm%nt
w!%n #t .#n"3 u*on $on#"%rat#on o. t!% *(%a"#ng3
%9#"%n$% an" m%moran"a3 t!at #t $an r%n"%r u$!
ANS- 2udg"ent hall be rendered by the Shari4a court
within fifteen <l7= day fro" the ub"iion of the cae for
deciion. The Guetion i when hall the cae be dee"ed
ub"itted for deciionS
/nder the Contitution, a cae or "atter hall be dee"ed
ub"itted for deciion or reolution upon the filing of the
lat pleading, brief, or "e"orandu" reGuired by the .ule
of Court or by the court itelf <Sec. l7<2=, !rt. 3$$$=. 1ence,
it i belie&ed that %udg"ent hall be rendered within fifteen
<l7= day fro" the filing of the "e"oranda of the partie
together with the tate"ent of witnee <shuhud= and
other e&idence <'a""ina=.
,- I t!% *r%$r#b%" *%r#o" .or r%n"#t#on o. "%$##on
ANS- $n a cae in&ol&ing the .ule on Su""ary -rocedure
which precribe a 50#day period within which to render
%udg"ent, the Supre"e Court decribed the procedural
reGuire"ent a directory though it ub%ect the defaulting
%udge to ad"initrati&e anction for failure to ober&e the
rule <EnriGueA &. Ca"arita, !.M. +o. MT2#;9#1125, )ct.
2, 1;;9 citing CruA &. -acual, 266 SC.! 111 L1;;7M=.
$n another cae, the high court aidK
CThe .ule on Su""ary -rocedure wa preciely
enacted to achie&e an eBpeditiou and ineBpeni&e
deter"ination of cae. 1ence, Section 19 reGuire
that %udg"ent in the cae "ut be rendered within
thirty <50= day fro" the ter"ination of the trial.
Ehile the procedural reGuire"ent i directory it
ub%ect the defaulting %udge to ad"initrati&e
anction for i failure to ober&e the rule. 'ut the
deciion rendered beyond the period i &alid.C <CruA
&. -acual, 266 SC.! 111 L1;;7M=.
'y parity of reaoning, thee %uriprudential ruling hould
likewie be "ade applicable to the Shari4a court. ! uch,
the 17#day period hould be dee"ed directory though it
ub%ect the defaulting %udge to ad"initrati&e anction for
failure to ober&e the rule.
<'ack to the top=
S%$t#on 2. H%ar#ng or Tr#a(
,- W!o !a t!% bur"%n o. *roo. an" w!o ma) ta<% t!%
oat! /yamin78
ANS- The plaintiff <mudda)i= ha the burden of proof, and
the taking of an oath <"amin= ret upon the defendant
<mudda)alai=. $f the plaintiff ha no e&idence to pro&e hi
clai", the defendant hall take an oath and %udg"ent hall
be rendered in hi fa&or by the court. Should the defendant
refue to take an oath, the plaintiff hall affir" hi clai"
under oath in which cae %udg"ent hall be rendered in hi
fa&or. Should the plaintiff refue to affir" hi clai" under
oath, the cae hall be di"ied <Section 9, Special .ule=.
)rdinarily, the plaintiff who allege hi caue of action ha
the burden of proof or onus pro'andiJ but if the defendant
deire to offer defene, the party againt who" %udg"ent
would be gi&en on the pleading and ad"iion "ade, if no
e&idence wa ub"itted, hall ha&e the burden to pro&e hi
cae <Sec. 9<5=, Special .ule=. Moreo&er, when the
defendant raie in the anwer a counterclai" or cro#
clai", the burden of proof lie on hi" only with repect to
uch counterclai" or cro#clai".
,- W!at # t!% $on$%*t o. oat! un"%r I(am#$ (aw8
ANS- !n oath i an in&ocation of the na"e of God or of
o"e peron or ob%ect held acred by the peron uing the
in&ocation, to witne the truth of a ole"n affir"ation and
to e"phaiAe that affir"ation <!li, 0uuf, The 1oly Fur4anK
TeBt, Tranlation and Co""entary, !"ana Corp.
<Maryland=, l;:5, p. l9:6=.
$t refer to one of the "ethod of pro&ing an allegation and
hould not be confued with the o called procedural oath
which i reGuired of a witne before taking the witne
tand Cto tell the truth and nothing but the whole truth.C
+either doe it refer to an oath ad"initered to the witne
by the %udge aying C$ will accept your e&idence, if you
wear to it truth, if not, $ will not accept itC upon de"and
of the peron againt who" the teti"onial e&idence i
gi&en <!rt. l929, The Me%elle <a tranlated by C... Tyer,
et al.=, a co"plete code on $la"ic Ci&il (aw=.
,- EB*(a#n t!% m%an#ng o. =t!% bur"%n o. *roo. # on
t!% *(a#nt#.. an" oat! # #n$umb%nt on !#m w!o "%n#%.=
/01?E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- The 1adith of -rophet Muha""ad <.a.w.= offer the
rule that CLEM&idence i incu"bent on the part of the
clai"ant <mudda)i= and an oath <"amin= i on the part of
one who denie.C Thi "ean that the plaintiff <mudda)i=
ha the burden of proof, and the taking of an oath <"amin=
ret upon the defendant <mudda)alai=. )rdinarily, the
plaintiff who allege hi caue of action ha the burden of
proof or onus pro'andiJ but if the defendant deire to offer
defene, the party againt who" %udg"ent would be gi&en
on the pleading and ad"iion "ade, if no e&idence wa
ub"itted, hall ha&e the burden to pro&e hi cae <Sec.
9<5=, Special .ule=. Moreo&er, when the defendant raie
in the anwer a counterclai" or cro#clai", the burden of
proof lie on hi" only with repect to uch counterclai" or
,- W!at "o )ou un"%rtan" b) =bur"%n o. *roo.= a
"#t#ngu#!%" .rom =bur"%n o. %9#"%n$%8 /01?2 S!ar#:a
ANS- 'y the Cburden of proofC or Conus pro'andiC i
"eant the obligation i"poed upon a party who allege the
eBitence of a fact or thing neceary in the proecution or
defene of an action, to etablih it proof <7 Martin 657
citing 2one on E&idence, 2nd ed. :77=. $t i the obligation
i"poed by law on a party to the litigation to peruade the
court that he i entitled to relief. $f no e&idence i preented
on a particular iue, the party ha&ing the burden of proof
a to that iue will loe the litigation <I'id., citing Gilbert
(aw Su""arie on E&idence, p. 95=.
C'urden of e&idenceC, on the other hand, i defined a Cthat
logical neceity which ret on a party at any particular
ti"e during a trial to create a prima facie cae in hi own
fa&or, or to o&erthrow one when created againt hi". The
burden of e&idence i deter"ined by the progre of the
trial, and hift to one party when the other party ha
produced ufficient e&idence to be entitled a a "atter of
law to a ruling in hi fa&or <I'id. citing 2 2one on
E&idence, 2nd ed. :77=.
,- In on% $a%3 *(a#nt#.. .#(%" !# $om*(a#nt an"
"%.%n"ant .#(%" !# anw%r w#t! $ount%r$(a#m. In t!%
$our% o. t!% *ro$%%"#ng3 t!% !ar#:a tr#a( $ourt
or"%r%" t!% "%.%n"ant to ta<% an oat! /yamin73 but !%
r%.u%" /nukul7. T!%r%a.t%r3 t!% !ar#:a tr#a( $ourt
or"%r%" t!% *(a#nt#.. to a..#rm !# $(a#m un"%r oat!3 but
!% a(o r%.u%" /nukul7. Un"%r t!# %tt#ng3 $an t!%
!ar#:a $ourt 9a(#"() "#m# t!% $a% "%*#t% t!%
"%.%n"ant: $ount%r$(a#m8 W#(( t!% "%.%n"ant b%
barr%" .rom r%$o9%r#ng !# $ount%r$(a#m m%r%()
b%$au% !% r%.u%" to ta<% an oat! /yamin78 EB*(a#n.
/01?E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- +o, the hari4a court cannot &alidly di"i the cae
unle the counterclai" of the defendant can re"ain
pending for independent ad%udication. The defendant will
not be barred fro" reco&ering hi counterclai" "erely
becaue he refued to take an oath. Such defendant4 refual
applie only to plaintiff4 clai" and doe not operate againt
hi counterclai" which he "ay pro&e by e&idence. $f he
ha no e&idence to pro&e hi counterclai", the burden of
proof will be hifted to the plaintiff who "ay then take an
oath <"amin=.
The counterclai" can re"ain pending for independent
ad%udication if they do not arie out of, nor are they
necearily connected with, the ub%ect "atter of the
plaintiff4 clai". $n uch a cae, the "ain cae "ay be
di"ied and the court "ay proceed with the
counterclai" for independent ad%udication on the "erit.
,- W!o # a *art) r%@u#r%" to ta<% an oat! un"%r
S!ar#:a! *ro$%"ur%8 /011E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- $t depend. )rdinarily, the plaintiff <mudda)i= ha the
burden of proof, and the taking of an oath <"amin= ret
upon the defendant <mudda)alai=. $f the plaintiff ha no
e&idence to pro&e hi clai", the defendant hall take an
oath and %udg"ent hall be rendered in hi fa&or by the
court. Should the defendant refue to take an oath, the
plaintiff hall affir" hi clai" under oath in which cae
%udg"ent hall be rendered in hi fa&or <Sec. 9, Special
,- Ma) a non;Mu(#m b% r%@u#r%" to ta<% an oat!
un"%r t!% S*%$#a( Ru(% on Pro$%"ur% #n t!% S!ar#:a!
$ourt8 /011E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- +o. Section 16 of the Special .ule tate that CL!Mn
oath <"amin= legally binding in a "anner and for"
ober&ed under Muli" (aw "ay, by order of the court, be
ad"initered upon any of the partie who are Muli" to
etablih a fact, or to affir" any e&idence preentedC and
CL+Mo peron hall be allowed to take an oath unle he i
Gualified under Muli" law and i fully aware of the
ole"nity of the oath or the i"port of the ole"n
,- W!at # t!% .orm o. t!% oat! t!at a *art) ma) ta<%8
ANS- There i no hard and fat rule a to the for" of the
decii&e oath that a party "ay take. $n 0ampar #s. Asman$
,./. :4588. August l6$ 1331$ the defendant who wa
challenged by the plaintiff who lack e&idence to take the
oath <"amin= took the oath in the following for"K
>$, E"ael /"an, wear in the na"e of !llah,
Mot Graciou, Mot Merciful and upon the 1oly
Fur4an, that $ bought the land in Guetion fro" the
plaintiffJ that $ ha&e not forged or falified the
ignature of the plaintiffJ and that God will cure
"e if $ a" not telling the truthC.
$t "ut be noted that the in&ocation of the na"e of God i
eential for the &alidity of the oath.
,- W!o ma) a"m#n#t%r t!% oat! to an) o. t!% *art#%8
ANS- !n oath "ay be ad"initered upon any of the partie
who are Muli" by order of the court <Sec. l5 <a=, Special
.ule=. The court "ay order any co"petent Muli",
preferably an Imam, <religiou leader= to ad"initer the
oath upon the partie. $n any cae, the oath hould be
ad"initered in the preence of the %udge or hi
repreentati&e <The Me%elle, op. cit., p. 509=. The refual of
the oath in the preence of another peron i not conidered.
$f upon the de"and of hi opponent i""ediately, without
the oath being offered by the %udge, the defendant take the
oath, it i not conidered good. The oath "ut be
ad"initered by the %udge again <!rt. l966 N l969, I'id.=.
,- At t!% $!%"u(%" !%ar#ng3 t!% *(a#nt#.. .a#(%" to
*r%%nt w#tn%% an" to a""u$% %9#"%n$% #n $ourt. T!%
!ar#:a $ourt &u"g% a"m#n#t%r%" t!% oat! /yamin7 to
"%.%n"ant. 6%.or% t!% r%n"#t#on o. &u"gm%nt3 *(a#nt#..
*%t#t#on%" t!% $ourt t!at !% b% a((ow%" to *r%%nt !#
%9#"%n$% to *ro9% !# $a%. I. )ou w%r% t!% !ar#:a &u"g%3
w#(( )ou grant !# mot#on8 W!at # t!% %..%$t o. t!% oat!
/yamin7 a"m#n#t%r%" to "%.%n"ant8 EB*(a#n. /01?E
S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- $f $ were the %udge, $ would deny the "otion of
plaintiff. Section 9 of the Special .ule of -rocedure
Go&erning the Shari4a Court pro&ide, in part, that CL$Mf the
plaintiff ha no e&idence to pro&e hi clai", the defendant
hall take an oath and %udg"ent hall be rendered in hi
fa&or by the court.C
The failure of the plaintiff to preent witnee and to
adduce e&idence at the cheduled hearing "ay be
conidered a eGui&alent to lack of e&idence on hi part.
ConeGuently, the ad"initration of oath <"amin= to
defendant i in accordance with the rule and %udg"ent
"ay be rendered in fa&or of the defendant.
Ehen an oath i ad"initered upon a party by order of the
court, uch oath contitute a proof of fact in the abence
of any other e&idence <Sec. 16, Special .ule=. The
ad"initration of the oath <"amin= to the defendant ha the
effect of proof of the ineBitence of plaintiff4 clai" and
entitle hi" to a fa&orable %udg"ent.
,- =A= !a a $(a#m /da'wa7 aga#nt =6= #n t!% amount
o. P03555.55. =6= "%n#% t!% $(a#m an" #nt%r*o% t!%
"%.%n% t!at t!% "%bt !a a(r%a") b%%n %tt(%" an" t!at
=A= #nt%a" ow% !#m P43555.55. Dur#ng t!% tr#a(3 =A=
o..%r two w#tn%%3 =C= an" =D=. W#tn% =C=
att%t%" t!% $(a#m o. =A= #n t!% um o. P03555.55D w!#(%
w#tn% =D= t%t#.#%" t!at =6= ow% =A= P03G55.55. I.
=6= "o% not !a9% an) %9#"%n$% to ubtant#at% !#
$ount%r$(a#m w!#$! =A= "%n#%3 !ow wou(" )ou *ro$%%"
to .#na(() r%o(9% t!% $a% #n a$$or"an$% w#t! t!% S*%$#a(
Ru(% on Pro$%"ur% #n t!% S!ar#:a! $ourt8 /011E
S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- $ would proceed to reol&e the cae a followK
$ would di"i the clai" of >!? againt >'?. The
teti"ony of witnee >C? and >,? hould be re%ected
becaue they did not correpond with each other. The
Muli" law on e&idence pro&ide that if there i a conflict
of teti"ony a"ong the witnee of the clai"ant uch
e&idence will be re%ected <.ahi", !bdul, Muha""adan
2uriprudence, Sunbea" Co""ercial !rt -re, (ahore,
1;11, p. 607=. The teti"ony of witne >C? alone cannot
be appreciated to utain !@ clai", becaue it i hort of the
two <2= witnee reGuired by law which pro&ide that
clai" belonging to the category of right of "en are not
etablihed eBcept by the teti"ony of two <2= "ale or one
<1= "ale and two <2= fe"ale witnee <.ahi", I'id.=.
! regard C'4C counterclai", C'C ha the burden of proof
and the taking of the oath ret with C!C. $f C'C ha no
e&idence to ubtantiate hi clai", the court "ay reGuire
C!C to take the oath in which cae %udg"ent hall be
rendered in C!4C fa&or. Should C!C refue to take an oath,
then C'C hall affir" hi clai" under oath in which cae
%udg"ent hall be rendered in hi fa&or. Should C'C refue
to affir" hi clai" under oath, the cae hall be di"ied
<Sec. 9, Special .ule=.
,- Ma) a &u"gm%nt b% r%n"%r%" w#t!out tr#a( #. t!%
"%.%n"ant a"m#t t!% $(a#m8
ANS- 0e. $f the defendant ad"it the clai" of the plaintiff,
%udg"ent hall be rendered in hi fa&or by the court without
further recei&ing e&idence <Sec. 9, Special .ule=.
,- W!at # m%ant b) irar /a"m##on78 EB*(a#n #t
*robat#9% 9a(u%.
ANS- The ter" i&rar "ean ad"iion or confeion
<!lauya, op. cit., p. 66J El !wa, op. cit., p. l2l9=. $t alo
"ean acknowledg"ent <.ahi",p. 607=.
I&rar i for o"eone to ad"it the right of another againt
hi"elf <The Me%elle, op. cit., !rt. l792, p. 285=. $n ci&il
cae, it i the tronget e&idence to pro&e a caue of action
<!lauya, p. 66= and in cri"inal cae, it i an alternati&e
proof for the etablih"ent of guilt <El !wa, op. cit.=.
,- Com*ar% t!% $on$%*t o. a"m##on #n $#9#( (aw an" #n
I(am#$ (aw.
ANS- !d"iion, in the law of e&idence, ha been defined
a a &oluntary acknowledg"ent, confeion, or aent of
the eBitence of the truth of certain fact by a party to the
action <7 Martin p. 20:, citing the Cha"berlayne Trial
E&idence, p. 660=. $t i a tate"ent by a party or o"eone
identified with hi" in legal interet of the eBitence of fact
which i rele&ant to the caue of hi ad&erary <I'id. citing
5l C.2.S. l022=.
$n $la"ic law, when a "an tetifie againt hi"elf in
upport of a clai" "ade againt hi", it i called ad"iion
<.ahi", supra, p. 598=. The Court generally accept an
ad"iion without reGuiring any further proof fro" the
clai"ant. !n ad"iion "ut, howe&er, be unconditional,
and it "ut be &oluntary, o that if obtained by coercion it
i not binding nor if "ade in %et. Si"ilarly, if the fact
ad"itted i contradicted by apparent and ob&iou
circu"tance of the peron "aking the ad"iion, it will
not be accepted <I'id., p. 5:2=.
,- W!at ar% t!% $(a#.#$at#on o. a"m##on8
ANS- $n ci&il law, ad"iion are generally di&ided into
two claeK
<a=. %udicial, or thoe "ade on the record, or in connection
with the %udicial proceeding in which it i offeredJ
<b=. (xtrajudicial, or thoe "ade elewhere, irrepecti&e of
ti"e, place, or to who" "ade <The Cha"berlayne Trial
E&idence, p. 662 cited in 7 Martin p. 20: and !potol,
Eential of E&idence, p. l69=.
,- W!at $(a o. a"m##on on t!% ba# o. w!#$! t!%
S!ar#:a $ourt ma) r%n"%r %9#"%n$% w#t!out r%$%#9#ng
%9#"%n$%8 EB*(a#n.
ANS- The kind of ad"iion conte"plated in Section 9 <2=
of the Special .ule that would enable the court to render
%udg"ent without further recei&ing e&idence i %udicial
ad"iion. ! %udicial ad"iion by a party forecloe the
"atter ad"itted fro" further debate, and conclude it
againt the party a though there ha been a pere"ptory
%udicial ruling to that effect. $t i in thi wie that "ake
ad"iion or confeion the tronget e&idence to pro&e a
!n eBtra%udicial ad"iion, whether eBpre or i"plied,
"ade by a party doe not conclude the "atter a againt
uch party, but i "erely e&idence which ha to be
introduced in the trial by teti"ony.
,- W!at # t!% %..%$t o. &u"#$#a( a"m##on8
ANS- $f the defendant ad"it the clai" of the plaintiff,
%udg"ent hall be rendered in hi <plaintiff= fa&or by the
court without further recei&ing e&idence <Sec. 9<2=, Special
,- W#t!#n w!at *%r#o" !ou(" t!% $ourt r%n"%r
&u"gm%nt a.t%r t!% "%.%n"ant a"m#t t!% $(a#m o. t!%
ANS- The %udg"ent hould be rendered within fifteen <l7=
day fro" the dipoition of the cae. ! to the "eaning of
the ter" Cdipoition of the caeC, the Special .ule doe
not pecify. Conidering that the ad"iion i "ade during
the hearing or trial, it i belie&ed that the fifteen day period
hould be reckoned fro" the day the ad"iion i "ade.
,- W!o !a t!% bur"%n o. *roo. #n $a% t!% "%.%n"ant
"%#r% to o..%r "%.%n%8 EB*(a#n.
ANS- $f the defendant deire to offer defene, the party
againt who" %udg"ent would be gi&en on the pleading
and ad"iion "ade, if no e&idence wa ub"itted, hall
ha&e the burden to pro&e hi cae <Section 9<5= Special
.ule=. $n other word, the plaintiff, or the party uing, i
not necearily the peron who ha the burden of proof or
onus pro'andi. $t i a "atter for the %udge on the bai of
the pleading and ad"iion "ade to deter"ine who ha
the burden of proof <!lauya, op. cit.=.
Ehen the plaintiff ha e&idence to pro&e hi clai", and the
defendant deire to offer defene, trial on the "erit
beco"e neceary. The partie then will pro&e their
repecti&e clai" and defene by the introduction of
teti"onial <shuhud= and other e&idence <'a""ina=. The
tate"ent of witnee ub"itted at the pre#trial by the
partie hall contitute the direct teti"ony a the bai for
,- W!%n t!% &u"g% %t t!% $a% .or !%ar#ng3 w!o ma)
b% $a((%" to t%t#.) at u$! !%ar#ng8 /0110 S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- )nly witnee whoe tate"ent were ub"itted at
the pre#trial "ay be allowed to tetify in the for"al trial or
hearing. Their tate"ent hall contitute their direct
teti"ony a bai for cro#eBa"ination <Sec. 9<5=, Special
Ehere a witne whoe tate"ent wa ub"itted at the pre#
trial can not be preented in court for cro#eBa"ination,
hi tate"ent hall be inad"iible. ! worn tate"ent i
not ad"iible in e&idence where affiant wa not preented
in court and there wa abence of opportunity by the
ad&ere party to cro#eBa"ine affiant <-eople &.
-anuelo, 107 SC.! 228=.
,- Ma) a *art) t%t#.) #n $ourt #n u**ort o. !# $(a#m
aga#nt t!% "%.%n"ant8
ANS- +o. /nder $la"ic law, a peron cannot be both a
party and a witne <The Me%elle, !rt. l905, op. cit., p.
2;:=. )ne of the condition relating to the capacity of a
witne which the law init upon in order to pre&ent "en
fro" telling falehood i freedo" fro" bia and pre%udiceJ
hence, teti"ony of the father i not ad"itted in fa&or of
the on and &ice &era, of a la&e in fa&our of hi "ater, or
partie in upport of their own cae, of a peron who bear
a grudge againt the oppoite party, of a non#Muli"
againt a Muli" and o on <.ahi", pp. 598 599=.
,- D%.#n% tr#a( an" %B*(a#n #t or"%r. D#t#ngu#! #t .rom
*r%;tr#a(. /01?E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- Trial i the eBa"ination before a co"petent tribunal,
according to the law of the land, of the fact put in iue in
a caue, for the purpoe of deter"ining uch iue </. S &.
.ay"undo, 16 -hil 65;J Moreno, -hil (aw ,ictionary=. $t
i alo defined a the period for the introduction of
e&idence by both partie <!ana &. Tiu, S-#00652,
+o&e"ber 12, 1;91=.
)rder of trial i the eGuence partie introduce their
repecti&e e&idence.
;irst$ the plaintiff <mudda)i= "ut produce e&idence on hi
partJ if he ha no e&idence, the burden of proof i hifted to
the defendant who "ay take the oath and %udg"ent hall be
rendered in hi fa&or. Should the defendant refue to take
the oath, the plaintiff "ut affir" hi clai" under oath in
which cae %udg"ent hall be in fa&or of the plaintiff.
Should the plaintiff refue to affir" hi clai" under oath,
the cae hall be di"ied <Sec. 9<l=, Special .ule=.
Second$ if after the introduction of plaintiff4 e&idence, or
e&en before it, the defendant ad"it the clai" in open court
%udg"ent hall be rendered in fa&or of the plaintiff without
recei&ing further e&idence <Sec. 9<2=, I'id.=.
0hird$ if the defendant doe not ad"it the clai" and deire
to offer defene, the party againt who" %udg"ent would
be gi&en on the pleading and ad"iion "ade, if no
e&idence wa ub"itted, hall ha&e the burden to pro&e hi
cae <Sec. 9<5=, I'id.=. The plaintiff, who ha ordinarily the
burden of proof, ha&ing adduced e&idence on hi part, the
defendant "ay alo introduce e&idence in upport of hi
defene, counterclai" and cro#clai". The partie againt
who" any counterclai" or cro#clai" ha been pleaded,
hall introduce e&idence in upport of their defene, in the
order to be precribed by the court <Sec. l <e=, .ule 50,
.ule of Court= unle they ad"it the clai" of the
counterclai"ant or cro#clai"ant.
There i, howe&er, a proble" on whether the partie are
allowed to preent rebutting e&idence conidering that uch
rebutting e&idence i not contained in the tate"ent of
witnee ub"itted at the pre#trial.
Trial i ditinguihed fro" pre#trial in that the latter i a
proceeding before the for"al trial or hearing with the two#
fold purpoe, under the Special .ule of -rocedure, ofK
firstl", working out for an a"icable ettle"ent of the
actionJ and secondl", if a"icable ettle"ent can not be
arri&ed at, defining and clarifying the iue in the cae
<Sec. 8<1=, Special .ule=.
,- W!at # m%ant b) or"%r o. %Bam#nat#on8
ANS- Ehen the action i put on trial on the "erit becaue
the party litigant offer to pro&e their repecti&e clai" and
defene, the order of eBa"ination co"e in. Each witne
of the partie hall be eBa"ined in the following orderK
<a= ,irect eBa"ination by the proponent <the tate"ent of
the witne ub"itted at the pre#trial hall er&e a hi
direct teti"ony=J
<b= Cro#eBa"ination by the opponentJ
<c= .e#direct eBa"ination by the proponentJ
<d= .e#cro#eBa"ination by the opponent.
,- D#t#ngu#! or"%r o. %Bam#nat#on an" or"%r o. tr#a(.
ANS- )rder of eBa"ination i the eGuence an indi&idual
witne i eBa"ined by the contending partieJ wherea,
order of trial i the eGuence partie introduce their
repecti&e e&idence.
,- Dur#ng t!% tr#a(3 ma) t!% *art#% agr%% u*on t!%
.a$t #n9o(9%" #n t!% (#t#gat#on8
ANS- The partie to any action "ay agree, in writing, upon
the fact in&ol&ed in the litigation, and ub"it the cae for
%udg"ent upon the fact agreed upon, without the
introduction of e&idence. $f the partie can agree only on
o"e of the fact in iue, the trial hall be held a to the
diputed fact in uch order a the court hall precribe
<Sec. 8, .ule 50, .ule of Court, a a"ended=.
,- W!%n ma) t!% $ourt or"%r a $ono(#"at#on or
%9%ran$% o. t!% a$t#on8
ANS- Ehen action in&ol&ing a co""on Guetion of law
or fact are pending before the court, it "ay order a %oint
hearing or trial of any or all the "atter in iue in the
actionJ it "ay order all the action conolidatedJ and it
"ay "ake uch order concerning proceeding therein a
"ay tend to a&oid unneceary cot or delay <Sec. l, .ule
5l, I'id.=.
The court, in furtherance of con&enience or to a&oid
pre%udice, "ay order a eparate trial of any clai", cro#
clai", counterclai", or third#party co"plaint, of any
eparate iue or of any nu"ber of clai", cro#clai",
counterclai", third#party co"plaint or iue <Sec. 2,
,- In a $a%3 an =EBtra&u"#$#a( S%tt(%m%nt o. Etat%
w#t! S#mu(tan%ou Sa(%:3 *ur*ort%"() %nt%r%" an"
%B%$ut%" on >un% ((3 (1J2 b%tw%%n *%t#t#on%r an"
r%*on"%nt Uman w!%r%b) own%r!#* o. t!% (an" wa
$on9%)%" to t!% (att%r .or t!% um o. P(3555.553 wa
oug!t to b% annu((%" on t!% groun" t!at *%t#t#on%r
!a9% n%9%r %nt%r%" #nto u$! agr%%m%nt an" t!at t!%#r
#gnatur% #n t!% "o$um%nt o. a(% w%r% .org%".
R%*on"%nt3 on t!% ot!%r !an"3 "%n#%" !a9#ng .org%"
t!% #gnatur% o. t!% *%t#t#on%r3 an" $ontro9%rt%" a((
t!% ot!%r $(a#m ma"% b) t!% *%t#t#on%r. T!% *r%;tr#a(
$on.%r%n$% !a9#ng .a#(%" to r%a$! an am#$ab(%
%tt(%m%nt3 t!% S!ar#:a D#tr#$t Court t!%r%a.t%r
"#r%$t%" t!% *art#% to ubm#t t!% tat%m%nt o. at (%at
two w#tn%% to *ro9% t!%#r $(a#m. T!% o(% w#tn% o.
*%t#t#on%r w#t!"r%w3 *rom*t#ng t!%m to man#.%t to t!%
Court t!at t!%) !a9% no w#tn%%. Con%@u%nt()3
*%t#t#on%r $!a((%ng%" Uman to ta<% an oat! !yamin"
"%$(ar#ng t!at t!%r% # no trut! to t!% $(a#m o. .org%r)
broug!t aga#nt !#m.
T!% $!a((%ng% w!#$! wa groun"%" on S%$t#on 2 o. t!%
S*%$#a( Ru(% wa o**o%" b) r%*on"%nt Uman. T!%
Court o9%rru(%" t!% o**o#t#on an" "#r%$t%" r%*on"%nt
Uman to ta<% t!% oat! w!#$! !% $om*(#%" w#t! a.t%r !#
mot#on .or r%$on#"%rat#on wa "%n#%". Ha9#ng t!u
ta<%n t!% oat!3 &u"gm%nt wa r%n"%r%" #n .a9or o.
r%*on"%nt an" t!% $om*(a#nt aga#nt t!%m wa
P%t#t#on%r aa#( t!% "%$##on o. t!% S!ar#:a $ourt a
!a9#ng b%%n r%n"%r%" w#t! gra9% abu% o. "#$r%t#on
$ont%n"#ng t!at t!% $ogn#Can$% b) t!% $ourt o. t!%
=yamin= o. r%*on"%nt Uman # not on()
=un*ro$%"ura(=3 but (#<%w#% amount to a "%*r#9at#on
o. t!%#r $ont#tut#ona( r#g!t to b% !%ar". I t!%
$ont%nt#on o. *%t#t#on%r t%nab(%8 EB*(a#n.
ANS- $n the cae of Midsapak 0ampar$ et. al.$ #s. (smael
Asman, the Supre"e Court ruledK
C/nder Section 1, .ule 151 of the .ule of Court of
the -hilippine, which "ay apply in a uppletory
"anner in thi cae, each party "ut pro&e hi own
affir"ati&e allegation. Ehen the plaintiff
<petitioner herein= failed to adduce any e&idence to
upport the co"plaint, then the co"plaint "ut be
di"ied. )n thi bai the di"ial of the
co"plaint by the Shari4a court in thi cae hould be
upheld, but not becaue of the C"aminC taken by
repondent /"an.
CThe Court hare the concern of petitioner in the
ue of the C"aminC in thi proceeding, and for that
"atter, before -hilippine Shari4a court. Section 9 of
the Special .ule of -rocedure precribed for
Shari4a court aforecited pro&ide that if the plaintiff
ha no e&idence to pro&e hi clai", the defendant
hall take an oath and %udg"ent hall be rendered in
hi fa&or by the Court. )n the other hand, hould
defendant refue to take an oath, plaintiff "ay
affir" hi clai" under oath, in which cae %udg"ent
hall be rendered in hi fa&or.
CSaid pro&iion effecti&ely depri&e a litigant of hi
contitutional right to due proce. $t denie a party
hi right to confront the witne againt hi" and to
cro#eBa"ine the".<Sec. 8, .ule l52, .ule of
Court=.$t hould ha&e no place e&en in the Special
.ule of -rocedure of the Shari4a Court of the
CThe poible deletion of thi pro&iion fro" the
aid rule hould be conidered. *or thi purpoe, a
co""ittee hould be contituted by the Court to
re&iew the aid pecial rule, including the abo&e
dicued pro&iion o that appropriate a"end"ent
thereof "ay be undertaken by the Court thereafterC
<Midapak Ta"par, et. al., &. E"ael /"an, et.
al., G... :2099, !ugut l8, 1;;1=.
<'ack to the top=
S%$t#on ? ; >u"gm%nt
,- D%.#n% &u"gm%nt.
ANS- ! %udg"ent i the final conideration and
deter"ination of a court of co"petent %uridiction upon the
"atter ub"itted to it, in an action or proceeding
<Gota"co &. Shan Seng, 68 -hil. 770=. $t i the entire
docu"ent prepared and pro"ulgated by the court
ad%udicating and deter"ining the right of the partie to the
cae. $t contain the finding of fact and law, the reaon
and e&idence to upport uch finding a well a the
dicuion of iue leading up to it deter"ination <$
.egalado p. 256=.
,- W!o !a(( *r%*ar% t!% &u"gm%nt o. t!% S!ar#:a $ourt
an" #n w!at .orm !a(( #t b% *r%*ar%"8
ANS- ! %udg"ent or final order deter"ining the "erit of
the cae hall be in writing peronally and directly prepared
by the %udge, tating clearly and ditinctly the fact and the
law on which it i baed, igned by hi", and filed with the
clerk of court <Sec. l, .ule 58, .ule of Court, a a"ended=.
+o deciion hall be rendered by any court without
eBpreing therein clearly and ditinctly the fact and the
law on which it i baed <Sec. l6, !rt. 3$$$, Contitution=.
,- W#t!#n w!at *%r#o" mut t!% S!ar#:a $ourt r%n"%r
&u"gm%nt #n a $a% broug!t b%.or% #t8
ANS- The %udg"ent hall be rendered within fifteen <l7=
day fro" the ter"ination of the trial, or dipoition of the
cae, hould there be no for"al trial or hearing <Sec. :,
Special .ule=.
,- W!%n ma) t!% $ourt r%n"%r &u"gm%nt .rom t!%
t%rm#nat#on or ubm##on o. t!% $a% .or "%$##on8
/0111 S!ar#a 6ar7
ANS- The court "ay render it %udg"ent within fifteen
<17= day fro" ter"ination of the trial, or ub"iion of the
cae for deciion.
,- How !a(( .#na( or"%r or &u"gm%nt b% %r9%" u*on
t!% *art#%8 EB*(a#n.
ANS- 2udg"ent, final order or reolution hall be er&ed
either peronally or by regitered "ail. Ehen a party
u""oned by publication ha failed to appear in the action,
%udg"ent, final order or reolution againt hi" hall be
er&ed upon hi" alo by publication at the eBpene of the
pre&ailing party <Sec. ;, .ule 15, .ule of Court, a
Ser&ice of the %udg"ent, final order or reolution hall be
"ade by deli&ering peronally a copy to the party or hi
counel, or by lea&ing it in hi office with hi clerk or with
a peron ha&ing charge thereof. $f no peron i found in hi
office, or hi office i not known, then by lea&ing the copy,
between the hour of eight in the "orning and iB in the
e&ening, at the party4 or counel@ reidence, if known,
with a peron of ufficient age and dicretion then reiding
therein <Sec. 8, I'id.=.
Ser&ice by regitered "ail hall be "ade by depoiting the
copy in the office, in a ealed en&elope, plainly addreed
to the party or hi counel at hi office, if known, otherwie
at hi reidence, if known, with potage fully prepaid, and
with intruction to the pot"ater to return the "ail to the
ender after ten <10= day if undeli&ered. $f no regitry
er&ice i a&ailable in the locality of either the ender or the
addreee, er&ice "ay be done by ordinary "ail <Sec. 9,
,- W!at ar% t!% *%$#a( .orm o. &u"gm%nt8
ANS- /nder the .ule of Court and %uriprudence, the
pecial for" of %udg"ent are a followK
<a=. %udgment '" default i a %udg"ent rendered againt the
defendant for hi failure to appear at the pre#trial
conference, or to anwer to the co"plaint within the ti"e
fiBed by the rule <Sec. 5, .ule ; and Sec. 7, .ule 1:, .ule
of Court, a a"endedJ ee 3eluA &. 2utice of the -eace, 62
-hil. 780J Mapua &. MendoAa, 67 -hil 626=. $n the Shari4a
court, the defendant who did not either file an anwer or
appear in the pre#trial conference cannot be declared in
default becaue the filing of a "otion to declare hi" in
default i prohibited. 'e that a it "ay, it i belie&ed that
any %udg"ent "ade by the Shari4a court ex parte puruant
to Section 7 of the Special .ule partake of a default
<b=. %udgment on the pleading i a %udg"ent rendered in
fa&or of party to an action, on "otion therefor, where an
anwer fail to tender an iue, or otherwie ad"it the
"aterial allegation of the ad&ere party4 pleading <Sec. l,
.ule 56, .ule of Court, a a"ended=.
<c=. Summar" judgment i that which a court "ay, after the
pleading in anwer to a party@ clai", counterclai", or
cro#clai" or declaratory relief ha been er&ed, render on
"otion of a party with upporting affida&it, depoition or
ad"iion <Sec. 1 N 2, .ule 57, I'id.J Tanteo &. Tanteo,
5:;65 ., +o&. 20, l;92=.
<d=. Se#eral judgment i a %udg"ent which a court "ay
render, in an action againt e&eral defendant, againt one
or "ore of the", lea&ing the action to proceed againt the
other <Sec. 6, .ule 58, .ule of Court, a a"ended=.
<e=. Separate judgment i a %udg"ent which a court "ay
render, in an action where "ore than one clai" for relief i
preented, dipoing of a particular clai" upon a
deter"ination of the iue "aterial to uch clai" and all
counterclai" ariing out of the tranaction or occurrence
which i the ub%ect "atter of the clai" <Sec. 7, I'id.=.
<f=. Special judgment i a %udg"ent which reGuire the
perfor"ance of any other act than the pay"ent of "oney,
or the ale or deli&ery of real or peronal property <Sec. 11,
.ule 5;, I'id.J Mole" &. Soriano, l26 SC.! l;6=.
<g=. %udgment for specific acts i a %udg"ent which direct
a party to eBecute a con&eyance of land or peronal
property, or to deli&er deed or other docu"ent, or to
perfor" any other pecific act <Sec. l0, I'id.=.
<h=. Memorandum judgment i a %udg"ent or final
reolution of a court in an appealed cae adopting by
reference the finding of fact and concluion of law
contained in the deciion or final order appealed fro" <Sec.
26, $nteri" .uleJ *rancico &. -er"kal, May l2, l;:;=.
<i=. %udgment on consent i one the pro&iion and ter" of
which are ettled and agreed upon by the partie to the
action, and which i entered in the record by the conent
and anction of the court <.epublic &. 'iaya (and Tran.
Co., ( 5l6;0, 2an. 8, l;9:J :l SC.! 1;=.
<%=. %udgment nunc pro tunc i rendered to enter or record
uch %udg"ent a had been for"erly rendered but ha not
been entered a thu rendered <1enderon &. Tan, ( 5255,
)ct. l0, l;70J (ichauco &. Tan -ho, 7l -hil. :82=.
<k=. %udgment upon confession i a %udg"ent rendered by a
court baed on the affir"ati&e and &oluntary act of the
defendant ad"itting the clai" againt hi", or confeing to
hi guilt.
<l=. %udgment upon compromise i one rendered by a court
baed on the agree"ent of the partie, by "aking reciprocal
conceion, to a&oid a litigation or put an end to one
already co""enced.
<"=. Clarificator" judgment i one which clarifie a &ague
or a"biguou %udg"ent.
,- W!%n "o% a &u"gm%nt b%$om% .#na( an" %B%$utor)8
/01?2 S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- The %udg"ent beco"e final and eBecutory upon the
eBpiration of the fifteen day period for appealJ <Section
:<2=, Special .ule= uch period hall be counted fro" the
date of receipt of the %udg"ent.
,- D%.#n% wr#t o. %B%$ut#on.
ANS- $t i a %udicial proce to enforce pay"ent,
atifaction or perfor"ance of a final %udg"ent againt the
defeated party in a cae <.e&elation Mfg. Corp. &.
Magino, Sp 05:9:, 2an. 26, 1;:7=.
,- Ma) t!% S!ar#a $ourt motu #ro#rio #u% t!% wr#t o.
%B%$ut#on8 U*on t!% %B*#rat#on o. t!% *%r#o" to a**%a(3
w!#$! !ou(" b% ma"% w#t!#n .#.t%%n /0G7 "a) .rom
r%$%#*t o. &u"gm%nt3 ma) t!% $ourt motu #ro#rio #u%
t!% wr#t o. %B%$ut#on .or t!% at#.a$t#on o. &u"gm%nt8
/0111 S!ar#a 6ar7
ANS- 0e. /pon the eBpiration of the period to take an
appeal the Shari@a court "ay motu proprio iue the writ of
eBecution <Sec. :<2=, Special .ule=. ! uch, it i not
neceary for the %udg"ent creditor to file a "otion for the
eBecution of the %udg"ent.
,- Ma) %B%$ut#on #u% %9%n b%.or% t!% %B*#rat#on o. t!%
t#m% to a**%a( or *%n"#ng a**%a(8 /0111 S!ar#a 6ar7
ANS- 0e. )n "otion of the pre&ailing party with notice to
the ad&ere party filed in the trial court while it ha
%uridiction o&er the cae and i in poeion of either the
original record or the record on appeal, a the cae "ay be,
at the ti"e of the filing of uch "otion, aid court "ay, in
it dicretion, order eBecution of a %udg"ent or final order
e&en before the eBpiration of the period to appeal.
!fter the trial court ha lot %uridiction, the "otion for
eBecution pending appeal "ay be filed in the appellate
,icretionary eBecution "ay only iue upon good reaon
to be tated in a pecial order after due hearing.
<'ack to the top=
S%$t#on 1. A**%a(
,- W!%n an" !ow ma) an a**%a( b% ta<%n.
ANS- !n appeal fro" the %udg"ent of the Shari4a court
"ay be taken within fifteen <l7= day fro" the receipt of the
%udg"ent by filing a written notice of appeal to the court
which rendered the deciion and by paying the docket fee
<Sec. ;, Special .ule=.
,- How # an a**%a( ta<%n-
0. 'rom t!% S!ar#:a! C#r$u#t Court to t!% S!ar#:a!
D#tr#$t Court8
4. 'rom t!% S!ar#:a! D#tr#$t Court to t!% Su*r%m%
Court8 /01?2 S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS-<1= !n appeal fro" the deciion of the Shari4a Circuit
Court to the Shari@ah ,itrict Court "ay be taken by filing
a written notice of appeal to the court which rendered the
deciion within fifteen <l7= day fro" receipt thereof <Sec.
;, Special .ule=.
<2= The deciion of the Shari@ah ,itrict Court "ay be
brought to the Supre"e Court by filing in the latter court a
petition for re&iew on certiorari a a "ode of appeal under
.ule 67 of the 1;;9 .ule of Ci&il -rocedure <Macawiag
&. 'alindong, G... 17;210, Sept. 20, 2008=.
1owe&er, in the cae of 0oma!is #s. alindong$ ,./. >o.
1:4=9=$ Mar. 2$ 4515, the Supre"e Court acknowledged
the non#organiAation of the Shari@a !ppellate Court and
declared that until uch ti"e that the Shari@a !ppellate
Court hall ha&e been organiAed, appeal or petition fro"
final order or deciion of the Shari@a ,itrict Court filed
with the Court of !ppeal <C!= hall be referred to a
Special ,i&iion to be organiAed in any of the C! tation
preferably co"poed of Muli" C! %utice. 'ut for cae
where only error or Guetion of law are raied or
in&ol&ed, the appeal hall be to the Supre"e Court by a
petition for re&iew on certiorari under .ule 67 of the .ule
of Court.
,- W!%r% ma) t!% a**%a( b% ta<%n8
ANS- ! deciion or %udg"ent of the Shari@a Circuit Court
"ay be appealed to the Shari@a ,itrict Court which ha
%uridiction o&er the area where the circuit court i itting
<!rt. l66, -, l0:5=. $n the cae of the Shari4a ,itrict Court,
it deciion or final order "ay be appealed to the Shari4a
!ppellate Court which ha eBclui&e appellate %uridiction
o&er all cae tried in the Shari4a ,itrict Court <Sec. ;,
!rt. 3$$$, .! ;076=.
,- W!at !a(( b% t!% ba# o. t!% a**%((at% $ourt #n
r%n"%r#ng a &u"gm%nt on a $a% a**%a(%" to #t8
ANS- The Shari4a ,itrict Court hall decide e&ery cae
appealed to it on the bai of the e&idence and record
tran"itted a well a uch "e"oranda, brief or oral
argu"ent a the partie "ay ub"it. <!rt. l66<2=, -, l0:5=
.egarding appeal to the Shari4a !ppellate Court fro" the
Shari4a ,itrict Court, the Supre"e Court ha yet to
pro"ulgate the applicable rule puruant to the pro&iion
of Section l9, !rticle 3$$$ of .! ;076. $t "ut be noted that
the Shari4a !ppellate Court ha not yet been "ade
,D W!at !a(( t!% not#$% o. a**%a( #n"#$at%8
ANS- The notice of appeal hall indicate the partie to the
appeal, %udg"ent or final order, or part thereof appealed
fro", and tate the "aterial date howing the ti"eline of
the appeal <Sec. 5, .ule 60, .ule of Court, a a"ended=.
,- How # an a**%a( *%r.%$t%"8 /0112 S!ar#a 6ar7
ANS- ! party@ appeal by notice of appeal i dee"ed
perfected a to hi" upon the filing of the notice of appeal in
due ti"e. ! party@ appeal by record on appeal i dee"ed
perfected a to hi" with repect to the ub%ect "atter
thereof upon the appro&al of the record on appeal filed in
due ti"e <Sec. ;, .ule 61, I'id.=.
,- W!at # t!% %..%$t o. t!% *%r.%$t#on o. t!% a**%a(8
ANS- $n appeal by notice of appeal, the court loe
%uridiction o&er the cae upon the perfection of the appeal
filed in due ti"e and the eBpiration of the ti"e to appeal of
the other partie <I'id.=.
$n appeal by record on appeal, the court loe %uridiction
only o&er the ub%ect "atter thereof upon the appro&al of
the record on appeal filed in due ti"e and the eBpiration of
the ti"e to appeal of the other partie <I'id.=.
$n either cae, prior to the tran"ittal of the original record
or the record on appeal, the court "ay iue order for the
protection and preer&ation of the right of the partie
which do not in&ol&e any "atter litigated by the appeal,
appro&e co"pro"ie, per"it appeal of indigent litigant,
order eBecution pending appeal in accordance with ection
2 of .ule 5; of the .ule of Court, a a"ended, and allow
withdrawal of the appeal <I'id.=.
,- W!%r% !a(( t!% a**%a( "o$<%t .%% b% *a#" an" w!at
# t!% %..%$t o. #t non;*a)m%nt8
ANS- The full a"ount of the appellate court docket and
other lawful fee hall be paid to the court that rendered the
%udg"ent or final order ub%ect of the appeal <Sec. 6, .ule
61 in connection with Sec. ; .ule 60, .ule of Court, a
a"ended=. !n appeal cannot be perfected if the
correponding docket fee i not paid. Such failure to pay
the docket fee i a ground for the di"ial of the appeal
<,e GuA"an &. $!C, G... 88570, 2an. 20, l;:;=.
<'ack to the top=
S%$t#on 05. A**%a( to t!% S!ar#:a D#tr#$t Court
,- W!at # t!% "ut) o. t!% $(%r< o. $ourt #n a**%a( .rom
t!% S!ar#a C#r$u#t Court to t!% S!ar#a D#tr#$t Court8
/0112 S!ar#a 6ar7
ANS- The clerk of court of the Shari@a Circuit Court hall
tran"it the original record, trancript and eBhibit, a well
a the appellate docket fee to the appropriate appellate
court within fi&e <7= day fro" the perfection of the appeal
<ee Sec. 10, Special .ule=.
,- W!at # t!% "ut) o. t!% $(%r< o. t!% a**%((at% $ourt
u*on r%$%#*t o. t!% or#g#na( r%$or"8
ANS- /pon receipt of the original record, trancript and
eBhibit, fro" the lower court, the clerk of the Shari4a
,itrict Court hall notify the partie of uch fact <Sec. 11,
Special .ule=. The notice will enable the partie to ub"it
"e"oranda, brief or oral argu"ent a the court "ay order
or a the rule "ay pro&ide.
<'ack to the top=
S%$t#on 00. A**%a( to t!% Su*r%m% Court
,- I t!%r% an a**%a( to t!% Su*r%m% Court .rom t!%
"%$##on o. t!% S!ar#:a D#tr#$t Court8
ANS- 0e. The deciion of the Shari@ah ,itrict Court "ay
be brought to the Supre"e Court by filing in the latter court
a petition for re&iew on certiorari a a "ode of appeal
under .ule 67 of the 1;;9 .ule of Ci&il -rocedure
<Macawiag &. 'alindong, G... 17;210, Sept. 20, 2008=.
<'ack to the top=
S%$t#on 04. L%ga( O*#n#on /'atwa7
,- Stat% t!% $r%at#on o. t!% o..#$% o. t!% >ur#$onu(t.
ANS- There hall be a 2uriconult in $la"ic (aw, who
hall be appointed by the -reident of the -hilippine and
hold office for a ter" of e&en year, without pre%udice to
re#appoint"ent, unle ooner re"o&ed for caue or
incapacitated to dicharge the dutie of hi office <!rt. l86,
-, l0:5=.
,- W!at ar% t!% @ua(#.#$at#on o. a >ur#$onu(t8 /0111
S!ar#a 6ar7
ANS- +o peron hall be appointed 2uriconult in $la"ic
(aw unle he i a citiAen of the -hilippine, at leat forty
year of age, of good "oral character and pro&en integrity,
and an e"inent cholar in the Fur4an and 1adith and in
$la"ic %uriprudence a well a proficient in !rabic <!rt.
l87, I'id.=.
,- W!at ar% t!% .un$t#on o. t!% >ur#$onu(t8 /0111
S!ar#a 6ar7
ANS- The function of the 2uriconult areK
<1= The 2uriconult hall, on the written reGuet of any
intereted party, ha&e the authority to render legal opinion,
baed on recogniAed authoritie, regarding any Guetion
relating to Muli" (aw. *or thi purpoe, he "ay, if he
dee" it neceary, conult or ak for a conenu of the
<2= The 2uriconult hall conider and act on e&ery uch
reGuet unle, in hi opinion and for good reaon, the
Guetion need not be anwered.
<5= The )ffice of the 2uriconult hall keep a co"pilation
and caue the publication of all hi legal opinion <!rt. l88,
,- W!at # t!% (%ga( %..%$t o. t!% o*#n#on o. t!%
ANS- The legal opinion of the 2uriconult i not binding
upon the court. $t i "erely ad&iory or peruai&e. +either
it i incu"bent upon the court to eek the opinion of the
$n fine, the court, before rendering %udg"ent, "ay or "ay
not conult the 2uriconult and once opinion i rendered by
the 2uriconult, it "ay not follow uch opinion <.aul, op.
cit., p. 82=.
,- Un"%r w!at $#r$umtan$% ma) t!% fatwa o. t!%
>ur#$onu(t o. I(am#$ Law b% oug!t8 W!at # #t
b#n"#ng .or$% #n t!% S!ar#:a! $ourt8 /011E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- 'efore %udg"ent i rendered, any court "ay eek the
opinion (fat!a) of the 2uriconult of $la"ic (aw created
under the Code of Muli" -eronal law in "atter
concerning difficult Guetion of Muli" (aw and
2uriprudence (fi&h) <Section l2, Special .ule=.
The legal opinion of the 2uriconult i not binding upon
the court. $t i "erely ad&iory or peruai&e. +either it i
incu"bent upon the court to eek the opinion of the
2uriconult. $n fine, the court, before rendering %udg"ent,
"ay or "ay not conult the 2uriconult and once opinion i
rendered by the 2uriconult, it "ay not follow uch
opinion <.aul, op. cit., p. 82=.
,- Un"%r w!at $on"#t#on or #tuat#on3 #. an)3 ma) t!%
>ur#$onu(t r%.u% to r%n"%r a fatwa a r%@u#r%" un"%r
I(am#$ Law8 /011E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- The 2uriconult "ay refue to render a fatwa when,
in hi own opinion and for good reaon, the Guetion need
not be anwered <!rt. l88, -, 10:5=.
<'ack to the top=
S%$t#on 0E. P(%a"#ng an" Mot#on D#a((ow%"
,- Un"%r t!% S*%$#a( Ru(% o. Pro$%"ur% #n t!% S!ar#:a!
Court3 nam% t!% *(%a"#ng3 *%t#t#on mot#on
*ro!#b#t%" or "#a((ow%" to b% .#(%" #n Court./01?23 0110
S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- The hari4a court hall not allow the filing of the
following pleading, petition or "otion, to witK
<a= Motion to di"i or to GuahJ
<b= Motion for a bill of particularJ
<c= Motion for eBtenion of ti"e to file pleading or other
<d= Motion to declare defendant in defaultJ
<e= .eply, third#party co"plaint, or inter&ention
<f= -etition for certiorari, "anda"u, or prohibition againt
any interlocutory order iued by the courtJ
<g= -etition for relief fro" %udg"entJ
<h= Motion for new trial or reopening of trialJ
<i= !ny dilatory "otion for potpone"ent. <Section 15,
Special .ule=
,- W!at # t!% *ur*o% #n *ro!#b#t#ng t!o% *(%a"#ng3
mot#on an" *%t#t#on8
ANS- Thoe pleading, "otion and petition are
prohibited in order to pro&ide an eBpeditiou and
ineBpeni&e deter"ination of the cae brought to the
Shari4a court. $t "ut be noted that the pleading, "otion
and petition enu"erated in Section 15 of the Special .ule
are in actual practice oftenti"e ued to delay the
proceeding <ee 1ad%i !li Ma"adual &. 2udge Moon,
G... ;2779, Sept. 29, l;;0=.
,- W!at # a mot#on to "#m#8
ANS- ! "otion to di"i under the .ule of Court ha
taken the place of the de"urrer, which pleading raied
Guetion of law a to the ufficiency of the pleading
apparent on the face thereof <Serrano &. Cabrera, 7566 .,
!pril ll, l;7l=
,- W!at ar% t!% groun" .or a mot#on to "#m#8
ANS- /nder .ule l8 of the .ule of Court a a"ended, the
ground for a "otion to di"i areK
<a= That the court ha no %uridiction o&er the peron of the
defending partyJ
<b= That the court ha no %uridiction o&er the ub%ect
"atter of the clai"J
<c= That &enue i i"properly laidJ
<d= That the plaintiff ha no legal capacity to ueJ
<e= That there i another action pending between the a"e
partie for the a"e caueJ
<f= That the caue of action i barred by a prior %udg"ent or
by the tatute of li"itationJ
<g= That the pleading aerting the clai" tate no caue of
<h= That the clai" or de"and et forth in the plaintiff4
pleading ha been paid, wai&ed, abandoned or otherwie
<i= That the clai" on which the action or uit i founded i
unenforceable under the pro&iion of the tatute of fraudJ
<%= That a condition precedent for filing the clai" ha not
been co"plied with.
,- W!at ar% t!% groun" .or mot#on to @ua!8
ANS- $n cri"inal cae, the ground for a "otion to Guah
under Section 5, .ule 119 of the .ule of Court areK
a= That the fact charged do not contitute an offeneJ
<b= That the court trying the cae ha no %uridiction o&er
the offene charged or of the peron of the accuedJ
<c= That the officer who filed the infor"ation had no
authority to do oJ
<d= That it doe not confor" ubtantially to the precribed
<e= That "ore than one offene i charged eBcept in thoe
cae in which eBiting law precribed a ingle punih"ent
for &ariou offeneJ
<f= That the cri"inal action or liability ha been
<g= That it contain a&er"ent which, if true, would
contitute a legal eBcue or %utificationJ and
<h= That the accued ha been pre&iouly con&icted or in
%eopardy of being con&icted, or acGuitted of the offene
,- Ma) a groun" .or mot#on to "#m# b% *(%a"%" a
a..#rmat#9% "%.%n%8
ANS- 0e. $f no "otion to di"i ha been filed, any of
the ground for a "otion to di"i pro&ided for in .ule l8
of the .ule of Court, a a"ended, "ay be pleaded a an
affir"ati&e defene in the anwer and, in the dicretion of
the court, a preli"inary hearing "ay be had thereon a if a
"otion to di"i had been filed <Sec. 8, .ule l8, .ule of
Court, a a"ended=. Ehat the Ijra At Al Mahakim Al
Shari)ah procribe i the filing of a "otion to di"i in
lieu of an anwer which would top the running of the
period to file an anwer and caue undue delay. The
prohibition i intended to put a top to the filing of the
dilatory pleading with the end &iew of eBpediting
proceeding before the Shari4a Court <1ad%i !li
Ma"adual &. 2udge Moon, G... ;2779, Sept. 29, l;;0=.
,- A.t%r t!% "%.%n"ant !a .#(%" !# anw%r3 !% .#(%" a
*(%a"#ng "%#gnat%" a =Am*(#.#$at#on o. A..#rmat#9% or
S*%$#a( D%.%n% w#t! Pra)%r .or D#m#a( o.
Com*(a#nt On t!% Groun" o. La$< o. >ur#"#$t#on.= On
t!# ba#3 t!% S!ar#:a D#tr#$t Court #u%" an or"%r
"#m##ng t!% $om*(a#nt. P(a#nt#.. a((%g%" t!at t!% $ourt
!ou(" not !a9% $on#"%r%" "%.%n"ant: *(%a"#ng w!#$!
wa #n %..%$t3 a mot#on to "#m#3 a #t # a *(%a"#ng
"#a((ow%" un"%r S%$t#on 0E o. the $%ra At Al &ahakim
Al Shari'ah. I t!% "#m#a( *ro*%r8 EB*(a#n.
ANS- /nder Section 18 of the Ijra At Al Mahakim Al
Shari)ah, it i pecifically pro&ided that the C.ule of Court
hall apply in a uppletory "annerC in ci&il cae. Section
8, .ule 18 of the .ule of Court pro&ide a followK
CSECT$)+ 8. $f no "otion to di"i ha been
filed, any of the ground for di"ial pro&ided for
in thi .ule "ay be pleaded a an affir"ati&e
defene in the anwer and, in the dicretion of the
court, a preli"inary hearing "ay be had thereon a
if a "otion to di"i had been filed.?
*ro" the foregoing, it i clear the trial court properly et
the cae for hearing on the affir"ati&e defene eeking
di"ial of the co"plaint raied by the pri&ate repondent
in their anwer. Ehat the Ijra At Al Mahakim Al Shari)ah
procribe i the filing of a "otion to di"i in lieu of an
anwer which would top the running of the period to file
an anwer and caue undue delay. The prohibition i
intended to put a top to the filing of dilatory pleading
with the end in &iew of eBpediting proceeding before
Shari4a court <1ad%i !li Ma"adual &. 2udge Moon,
G... ;2779, Sept. 29, l;;0=.
The cae of @eirs of /icardo +li#as #s. ;lor in&ol&e the
application of the .ule of Su""ary -rocedure in pecial
cae before the Metropolitan and Municipal Circuit Trial
Court. The aid .ule diallow the filing of "otion to
di"i, wherein the Supre"e Court heldK
C$n the guie of a poition paper, pri&ate
repondent filed a Motion to ,i"i. Ehile thi
i, indeed, a prohibited pleading <Section 17<1=,
.ule on Su""ary -roceeding= it hould be noted
that the "otion wa filed after an !nwer had
already been ub"itted within the regle"entary
period. $n eence, therefore, it i not the pleading
prohibited by the .ule on Su""ary -rocedure.
Ehat the rule procribe i a Motion to ,i"i,
which would top the running of the period to file
an !nwer and caue undue delay.C
,- A Fuwa#t# tu"%nt w!o wa marr#%" to a '#(#*#no
nur% #n Fuwa#t u%" t!% (att%r at t!% S!ar#:a D#tr#$t
Court o. Maraw# C#t) .or guar"#an!#* an" $uto")
o9%r t!%#r m#nor $!#("r%n. U*on b%#ng %r9%" w#t!
ummon3 t!% "%.%n"ant .#(%" a mot#on to "#m# on t!%
groun" t!at t!% $ourt !a no &ur#"#$t#on o9%r t!%
ub&%$t matt%r o. t!% *%t#t#on an" t!% *art#%. T!%
S!ar#:a $ourt "%n#%" !%r mot#on on t!% groun" t!at a
mot#on to "#m# # a *ro!#b#t%" *(%a"#ng. I t!% "%n#a(
ANS- +o. The denial i i"proper. Ehere the abence of
%uridiction i patent on the face of the co"plaint itelf, a
u""ary rule prohibiting the filing of a "otion to di"i
hould not be a bar to the di"ial of the action. $n /ulona
Al A!adhi$ #s. Astih$ ,./. :l363$ Sept. 46$ l3::, the
Supre"e Court heldK
C$ntead of in&oking a procedural technicality, the
repondent court hould ha&e recogniAed it lack of
%uridiction o&er the partie and pro"ptly di"ied
the action, for, without %uridiction, all it
proceeding would be, a they were, a futile and
in&alid eBercie. ! u""ary rule prohibiting the
filing of a "otion to di"i hould not be a bar to
the di"ial of the action for lack of %uridiction
when the %uridictional infir"ity i patent on the
face of the co"plaint itelf, in &iew of the
funda"ental procedural doctrine that the
%uridiction of a court "ay be challenged at anyti"e
at any tage of the action <Ti%a" &. Sibonghanoy,
25 SC.! 2;, 57 58J Crioto"o &. C!, 52 SC.!
76J Oulueta &. -an !"erican Eorld !irway, $nc.
6; SC.! l, 8J +ue&a 3iAcaya Cha"ber of
Co""erce &. C!, ;9 SC.! :78=.
,- W!at # a mot#on .or b#(( o. *art#$u(ar8
ANS- ! "otion for bill of particular i one which "o&e
for a definite tate"ent or for a bill of particular of any
"atter which i not a&erred with ufficient definitene or
particularity to enable hi" to prepare hi reponi&e
pleading <Section 1, .ule l2, .ule of Court, a a"ended=.
,- W!at # a mot#on to "%$(ar% "%.%n"ant #n "
ANS- $t i one which "o&e for the declaration of the
defendant in default for hi failure to appear in a
contentiou litigation at the ti"e reGuired in the u""on
or to anwer at the ti"e pro&ided by the rule <Sec. 5, .ule
;, I'id.=.
,- Su**o% t!% "%.%n"ant .a#(%" to a**%ar at t!% *r%;
tr#a( $on.%r%n$%3 ma) t!% *(a#nt#.. .#(% a mot#on to
"%$(ar% !#m a #n "
ANS- +o. !lthough the Special .ule "ade "ention of a
"otion to declare defendant in default a a prohibited
"otion, it i belie&ed that uch prohibition include one to
declare hi" a in default for hi failure to appear in the pre#
trial conference.
,- W!at # a r%*()8
ANS- ! reply i a pleading, the office or function of which
i to deny, or allege fact in denial or a&oidance of new
"atter alleged by way of defene in the anwer and
thereby %oin or "ake iue a to uch new "atter <Sec. l0,
.ule 8, .ule of Court, a a"ended=.
,- W!at # a t!#r";*art) $om*(a#nt8
ANS- ! third#party co"plaint i a clai" that a defending
party "ay, with the lea&e of court, file againt a peron not
a party to the action, called the third#party defendant, for
contribution, inde"nity, ubrogation or any other relief, in
repect of hi opponent4 clai" <Sec. l2, I'id.=.
,- W!at # an #nt%r9%nt#on8
ANS- $t i a proceeding in a uit or action by which a third
peron i per"itted by a court to "ake hi"elf a party,
either %oining plaintiff in clai"ing what i ought by the
co"plaint, or uniting with defendant in reiting the clai"
of the plaintiff, or de"anding o"ething ad&erely to both
of the" <ee Sec. 1, .ule 1;, I'id.=.
,- W!at # a *%t#t#on .or $%rt#orar#8
ANS- $t i a &erified petition filed in the proper court to
annul or "odify the proceeding of a tribunal, board or
officer when any uch tribunal, board or officer eBerciing,
%udicial function, ha acted without or in eBce of it or
hi %uridiction, or with gra&e abue of dicretion and there
i no appeal, nor any plain, peedy, and adeGuate re"edy in
the ordinary coure of law <Sec. l, .ule 87, I'id.J Garcia &.
,e 2eu, supra citing -i"entel &. Co"elec, 101 SC.!
,- W!at # a *%t#t#on .or *ro!#b#t#on8
ANS- $t i a &erified petition in the proper court praying
that %udg"ent be rendered co""anding a tribunal,
corporation, board or peron to deit fro" further
proceeding in the action or "atter pecified therein when
the proceeding of any uch tribunal, corporation, board or
peron, whether eBerciing function %udicial, Guai#%udicial
or "initerial, are without or in eBce of it or hi
%uridiction, or with gra&e abue of dicretion, and there i
no appeal or any other plain, peedy and adeGuate re"edy
in the ordinary coure of law <Sec. 2, I'id.=.
,- W!at # a *%t#t#on .or man"amu8
ANS- $t i a &erified petition in the proper court to
co""and a tribunal, corporation, board, or peron, which
unlawfully neglect the perfor"ance of an act the law
pecifically en%oin a a duty reulting fro" office, trut, or
tation, or which unlawfully eBclude another fro" the ue
and en%oy"ent of a right or office to which uch other i
entitled, to do the act reGuired to be done to protect the
right of the petitioner, and to pay the da"age utained by
the petitioner by reaon of the wrongful act of the
defendant <Sec. 5, I'id.=.
,- W!at ar% t!% or"%r un@u%t#onab(% b) $%rt#orar#8
ANS- )nly interlocutory order "ay not be Guetioned by
petition for certiorari, prohibition or "anda"u. *inal
order, or one that put an end to the particular "atter
reol&ed, lea&ing thereafter no ubtantial proceeding to be
had in connection therewith, eBcept it eBecution, "ay be
the ub%ect of uch petition.
,- W!at # an #nt%r(o$utor) or"%r8
ANS- !n interlocutory order i an order which doe not
ter"inate or finally dipoe of the cae, becaue it lea&e
o"ething to be done by the court before the cae i finally
decided on the "erit <-eople &. 1ewald, l07 -hil l2;9=.
,- W!at # a *%t#t#on .or r%(#%. .rom &u"gm%nt8
ANS- $t i a petition to et aide a %udg"ent or final order
rendered, or a proceeding taken, againt a party through
fraud, accident, "itake or eBcuable negligence <Sec. 1,
.ule 5:, .ule of Court=. $t "ay alo be for the purpoe of
praying that an appeal be gi&en due coure when a
%udg"ent or final order i rendered by any court and a party
thereto, by fraud, accident, "itake or eBcuable
negligence, ha been pre&ented fro" taking an appeal <Sec.
2, I'id.=.
,- W!at # a mot#on .or n%w tr#a(8
ANS- $t i a "otion filed with the trial court to et aide the
%udg"ent or final order and grant a new trial for one or
"ore of the following caue "aterially affecting the
ubtantial right of a partyK
<a= *raud, accident, "itake or eBcuable negligence which
ordinary prudence could not ha&e guarded againt and by
reaon of which uch aggrie&ed party ha probably been
i"paired in hi rightJ
<b= +ewly dico&ered e&idence, which he could not, with
reaonable diligence, ha&e dico&ered and produced at the
trial, and which if preented would probably alter the reult
<Sec. l, .ule 59, I'id.=.
<'ack to the top=
OATH /'A&$(7
S%$t#on 0J. A"m#n#trat#on o. Oat!
,- W!%n ma) an oat! b% a"m#n#t%r%"8
ANS- !n oath <"amin= legally binding in a "anner and
for" ober&ed under Muli" (aw "ay, by order of the
court, be ad"initered upon any of the partie who are
Muli" to etablih a fact, or to affir" any e&idence
preented. Such oath "ay contitute a proof in the abence
of any other e&idence <Section 16, Special .ule=.
,- W!at # t!% (%ga( %..%$t o. t!% yamin #n t!% ab%n$% o.
an) ot!%r %9#"%n$%8 /0111 S!ar#a 6ar7
ANS- $n the abence of e&idence by the mudda)i, the "amin
"ay contitute proof to etablih a fact. Ehen the
mudda)alai take the "amin due to lack of e&idence on the
part of the mudda)i, the clai" againt hi" hall be
di"ied. /pon the other hand, when the mudda)alai
refue to take the "amin, the taking thereof by the mudda)i
"ay contitute proof to etablih the clai" and %udg"ent
will be rendered in the latter@ fa&or.
,- W!o # a *art) r%@u#r%" to ta<% an oat! un"%r
S!ar#:a! *ro$%"ur%8 /011E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- $t depend. )rdinarily, the plaintiff <mudda)i= ha the
burden of proof, and the taking of an oath <"amin= ret
upon the defendant <mudda)alai=. $f the plaintiff ha no
e&idence to pro&e hi clai", the defendant hall take an
oath and %udg"ent hall be rendered in hi fa&or by the
court. Should the defendant refue to take an oath, the
plaintiff hall affir" hi clai" under oath in which cae
%udg"ent hall be rendered in hi fa&or <Sec. 9, Special
,- Ma) a non;Mu(#m b% r%@u#r%" to ta<% an oat!
un"%r t!% S*%$#a( Ru(% on Pro$%"ur% #n t!% S!ar#:a!
$ourt8 /011E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- +o. Section 16 of the Special .ule tate that CL!Mn
oath <"amin= legally binding in a "anner and for"
ober&ed under Muli" (aw "ay, by order of the court, be
ad"initered upon any of the partie who are Muli" to
etablih a fact, or to affir" any e&idence preentedC and
CL+Mo peron hall be allowed to take an oath unle he i
Gualified under Muli" law and i fully aware of the
ole"nity of the oath or the i"port of the ole"n
,- W!at # an oat!8
ANS- !n oath i an in&ocation of the na"e of God or of
o"e peron or ob%ect held acred by the peron uing the
in&ocation, to witne the truth of a ole"n affir"ation and
to e"phaiAe that affir"ation <!li, op. cit.=.
,- W!at # t!% .orm o. an oat!8
ANS- Ehen the oath i about to be ad"initered to one of
the two litigant the oath i taken in the na"e of God the
highet, aying B!a )llaheC or B'i llahiC. <!rt. l965, The
Thu, when o"eone i going to take an oath about hi own
act, the oath i "ade categorically, i.e., the oath i caued to
be taken finally, aying, CThi thing i o,C or Cit i notC.
<!rt. l96:, I'id.=.
$n Eet !frica, in "atter of procedure the Muha""adan
court adopt a co"pro"ie between $la"ic and Englih
principle. Ehile the ordinary oath which all witnee take
i an oath on the Fur4an in the Englih for", the Cperihable
oathC i ued when a defendant i challenged by a plaintiff
who lack adeGuate e&idence or when the defendant
CreturnC uch oath to the plaintiffJ and thi i worn by the
party concerned, after perfor"ance of the cere"onial
ablution, putting hi finger on the firt radical of the Sura
in the Fur4an entitled al 0ur and repeating three ti"e after
the ?adi the firt eight &ere of that Sura. <!nderon op.
cit., p. 250=
$n the cae of 0ampar #s. Asman$ G... :2099. August l6$
l33l, the defendant who wa challenged by the plaintiff who
lack e&idence to take the oath took the oath <"amin= in the
following for"K
C$, E"ael /"an, wear in the na"e of !llah,
Mot Graciou, Mot Merciful and upon the 1oly
Fur@an, that $ bought the land in Guetion fro" the
plaintiffJ that $ ha&e not forged or falified the
ignature of the plaintiffJ and that God will cure
"e if $ a" not telling the truthC.
,- W!o a"m#n#t%r t!% oat! u*on a *art)8
ANS- !n oath "ay be ad"initered upon any of the partie
by order of the court. The court "ay order any co"petent
Muli", preferably an Imam or religiou leader of the local
co""unity to ad"initer the oath <Section 16, Special
.ule=. $n any cae, the oath hould be ad"initered in the
preence of the %udge <!rt. l966, The Me%elle=.
,- W!at ar% t!% $(a% o. oat!8
ANS- )ath "ay be claified intoK
<a= .rocedural oath ## which i of three kind, na"elyK <l=
pre-re&uisite oath conducted or ad"initered upon a
witne before the reception of hi teti"ony to tell the
truth and nothing but the whole truthJ <2= decisi#e oath, a
when one party challenge the other to take the oath and
thereafter, ub"it to the deciion of the courtJ and <5=
suppletor" or supplementar" oath, a when the court need
the oath of a witne if the court i not atified with hi
oral teti"ony.
<b= Su'stanti#e oath ## which "ay be of three kind,
na"elyK <1= "aminul gamoos$ a when an accued wa
con&icted on the bai of the fale teti"ony of a witneJ
<2= lag!ool "amin, which i an oath o&er a thing, pat or
preent but i pro&ed to be a "itakeJ and <5= moon
a&eedah, which i an intentional oath to do or not to do a
thing, in the future <.aul, op. cit., pp. 66 67=.
,- W!at ar% t!% ot!%r <#n" o. oat!8
ANS- The other kind of oath according to authoritie areK
<a= "amin al istiChar.## (iterally, the oath of re&ealing. Thi
oath "ut be taken by, e.g., the wife of an abent huband
who i clai"ing "aintenance, or in o"e cae di&orce, to
the effect that the huband did not lea&e her, and ha not
ent her, any "aintenanceJ that he i not nashiCa
<diobedient wife= and o dientitled theretoJ and that he i
not, to her knowledge, di&orced, etc. )nly after proof of
"arriage and the taking of thi oath will the court gi&e
%udg"ent in uch cae ex parte <!nderon, 2.+.,., $la"ic
(aw in !frica, *rank Ca N Co., (td., <(ondon=, l;90, p.
<b= "amin al &ada.##(iterally, the oath of %udg"ent. Thi i
another na"e for the "amin al istiChar <or isti'ra=. $t i
regarded a incu"bent in "any different circu"tanceK
e.g., where a "an produce two witnee that o"e article
in another4 poeion i hi, he "ut take thi oath that he
did not ell it nor gi&e it, etc., to it preent poeor. $t i
alo ued in al"ot all clai" againt a deceaed "an4
etate, or ex parte <I'id.=.
<c= "amin al tuhma.--The oath of upicion. Thi i the oath
which one accued of o"e offene without adeGuate
e&idence "ut take to clear hi"elf. So"e %urit init that
he "ut firt be hown to be the ort of peron on who"
uch upicion "ight reaonably fall. Thi oath "ay not be
returned by the accued to the accuer, ince the latter doe
not clai" certain knowledge <I'id.=.
,- W!at ar% t!% #ntan$% w!%r% t!% oat! #
a"m#n#t%r%" b) t!% &u"g% w#t!out an a**(#$at#on b) a
ANS- They areK
<1= Ehen o"eone ha clai"ed and pro&ed a right againt
the etate of a deceaed peron, the %udge ad"initer an
oath to the plaintiff, that he ha not had thi right atified
in any way by the dead "an, or got anyone ele to ha&e it
atified, and that he ha not gi&en a releae of it, and that
he ha not "ade a ha!ale <tranfer of a debt= i"poing it
on o"eone ele, and that he ha not been paid by any other
peron, and that he ha not taken a pledge fro" the dead
"an a ecurity for thi right. Thi oath i called CIstiCharC.
<2= Ehen a peron turn up ha&ing a right to property, and
ha "ade hi clai" and pro&ed it, an oath i ad"initered
by the %udge that he ha not old, or gi&en that property, or,
finally that it ha not paed fro" hi ownerhip in any
<5= Ehen a purchaer ha been going to return a thing
which he ha bought on the ground of defect, an oath i
ad"initered to hi" by the %udge that after he dico&ered
the defect, he did not by word, or, i"pliedly by any
dipoition of it a if it were hi own property, aent to the
defect in the thing.
<6= Ehen a %udg"ent i going to be gi&en by a %udge, for a
right of pre e"ption, an oath i ad"initered to the peron
clai"ing it that he ha not "ade &oid hi clai", i.e., that he
ha not detroyed hi right of pre#e"ption <!rt. l968, The
,- W!at # t!% (%ga( %..%$t o. an oat!8
ANS- Ehen an oath i ad"initered upon a party by order
of the court, uch oath contitute a proof of fact in the
abence of any other e&idence <Sec. l6, Special .ule=.
,- At t!% $!%"u(%" !%ar#ng3 t!% *(a#nt#.. .a#(%" to
*r%%nt w#tn%% an" to a""u$% %9#"%n$% #n $ourt. T!%
!ar#:a $ourt &u"g% a"m#n#t%r%" t!% oat! /yamin7 to
"%.%n"ant. 6%.or% t!% r%n"#t#on o. &u"gm%nt3 *(a#nt#..
*%t#t#on%" t!% $ourt t!at !% b% a((ow%" to *r%%nt !#
%9#"%n$% to *ro9% !# $a%. I. )ou ar% t!% !ar#:a &u"g%3
w#(( )ou grant !# mot#on8 W!at # t!% %..%$t o. t!% oat!
/yamin7 a"m#n#t%r%" to "%.%n"ant8 EB*(a#n. /01?E
S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- $f $ were the %udge, $ will deny the "otion of
plaintiff. Section 9 of the Special .ule of -rocedure
Go&erning the Shari4a Court pro&ide, in part, that CL$Mf the
plaintiff ha no e&idence to pro&e hi clai", the defendant
hall take an oath and %udg"ent hall be rendered in hi
fa&or by the court.C
The failure of the plaintiff to preent witnee and to
adduce e&idence at the cheduled hearing "ay be
conidered a eGui&alent to lack of e&idence on hi part.
ConeGuently, the ad"initration of the oath <"amin= to the
defendant i in accordance with the rule, and %udg"ent
"ay be rendered in fa&or of the defendant.
Ehen an oath i ad"initered upon a party by order of the
court, uch oath contitute a proof of fact in the abence
of any other e&idence <Sec. 16, Special .ule=. The
ad"initration of the oath <"amin= to the defendant ha the
effect of proof of the ineBitence of plaintiff4 clai" and
entitle hi" to a fa&orable %udg"ent.
,- W!o # @ua(#.#%" to ta<% an oat!8
ANS- +o peron hall be allowed to take an oath unle he
i Gualified under Muli" law and i fully aware of the
ole"nity of the oath or the i"port of the ole"n
affir"ation. !ny peron who i to take an oath or ole"n
affir"ation in accordance with Muli" (aw hall be gi&en
reaonable ti"e to think it o&er <Section 16<2=, Special
,- W!%n an" w!%r% !a(( t!% oat! b% ta<%n8 W!at #
t!% %..%$t o. t!% o. a *art) to ta<% an oat!8
ANS- The court hall et an appropriate ti"e, date and
place of oath taking or of ole"n affir"ation by uch
peron. $f, at any ti"e before uch appointed date, the party
who i reGuired to take an oath or a ole"n affir"ation
refue to do o <nukul=, the court, "ay in it dicretion
direct the peron, if he i the plaintiff, to withdraw hi
clai", or in cae of the defendant, to ad"it the clai" of the
plaintiff <Section 16 <5=, Special .ule=.
,- EB*(a#n w!at # m%ant b) yamin3 nukul an" tahaluf
#n I(am#$ *ro$%"ur%. /011E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- Damin <oath= i an in&ocation of the na"e of God or
of o"e peron or ob%ect held acred by the peron uing
the in&ocation, to witne the truth of a ole"n affir"ation
and to e"phaiAe that affir"ation <!li, op. cit. p. l9:6=.
Such oath <"amin=, legally binding in a "anner and for"
ober&ed under Muli" (aw "ay, when ad"initered by
order of the court to etablih a fact, or to affir" any
e&idence preented "ay contitute a proof in the abence
of any other e&idence <Sec. 16<1=, Special .ule=.
>ukul i the refual of a party, who i reGuired to take an
oath or a ole"n affir"ation, to take an oath after the court
ha et an appropriate ti"e, date and place of hi oath
taking or of ole"n affir"ation, in which cae the court,
"ay in it dicretion direct the peron, if he i the plaintiff,
to withdraw hi clai", or in cae of the defendant, to ad"it
the clai" of the plaintiff <Sec. 16<5=, Special .ule=.
0ahaluf i the "utual oath on any particular fact or fact
which the court "ay, in it dicretion, reGuire of both
partie in cae of clai" and counter clai" where neither
of uch partie would gi&e way at the pre#trial <Sec. 17,
Special .ule=.
,- In on% $a%3 *(a#nt#.. .#(%" !# $om*(a#nt an"
"%.%n"ant .#(%" !# anw%r w#t! $ount%r$(a#m. In t!%
$our% o. t!% *ro$%%"#ng3 t!% !ar#:a tr#a( $ourt
or"%r%" t!% "%.%n"ant to ta<% an oat! /yamin73 but !%
r%.u%" /nukul7. T!%r%a.t%r3 t!% !ar#:a tr#a( $ourt
or"%r%" t!% *(a#nt#.. to a..#rm !# $(a#m un"%r oat!3 but
!% a(o r%.u%" /nukul7. Un"%r t!# %tt#ng3 $an t!%
!ar#:a $ourt 9a(#"() "#m# t!% $a% "%*#t% t!%
"%.%n"ant: $ount%r$(a#m8 W#(( t!% "%.%n"ant b%
barr%" .rom r%$o9%r#ng !# $ount%r$(a#m m%r%()
b%$au% !% r%.u%" to ta<% an oat! /yamin78 EB*(a#n.
/01?E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- +o, the hari4a court cannot &alidly di"i the cae
unle the counter#clai" of the defendant can re"ain
pending for independent ad%udication. The defendant will
not be barred fro" reco&ering hi counterclai" "erely
becaue he refued to take an oath. Such defendant4 refual
applie only to plaintiff4 clai" and doe not operate againt
hi counterclai" which he "ay pro&e by e&idence. $f he
ha hi counterclai" which he "ay pro&e by e&idence. $f
he ha no e&idence to pro&e hi counterclai", the burden
of proof will be hifted to the plaintiff who then "ay take
an oath <"amin=.
The counterclai" can re"ain pending for independent
ad%udication if they do not arie out of, nor are they
necearily connected with, the ub%ect "atter of the
plaintiff4 clai". $n uch a cae, the "ain cae "ay be
di"ied and the court "ay proceed with the
counterclai" for independent ad%udication on the "erit.
<'ack to the top=
S%$t#on 0G. Mutua( Oat! !Tahalif"
,- W!%n ma) t!% $ourt a"m#n#t%r mutua( oat! u*on
t!% *art#%8
ANS- Ehen clai" and counterclai" are of eGual weight,
either by the abence of e&idence on both or by the weight
of the e&idence of each, the court "ay, in it dicretion,
reGuire both partie to the action to take oath on a particular
iue and render %udg"ent thereon <Section 17, Special
,- =A= !a a $(a#m /da'wa7 aga#nt =6= #n t!% amount
o. P03555.55. =6= "%n#% t!% $(a#m an" #nt%r*o% t!%
"%.%n% t!at t!% "%bt !a a(r%a") b%%n %tt(%" an" t!at
=A= #nt%a" ow% !#m P43555.55. Dur#ng t!% tr#a(3 =A=
o..%r two w#tn%%3 =C= an" =D=. W#tn% =C=
att%t%" t!% $(a#m o. =A= #n t!% um o. P03555.55D w!#(%
w#tn% =D= t%t#.#%" t!at =6= ow% =A= P03G55.55.
W!at # t!% ru(% #n $a% w!%r% t!%r% ar% $ount%r $(a#m
b%tw%%n t!% *art#%8 In t!% abo9% $a%3 w!o # t!%
mudda'i an" w!o # mudda'alai8 /011E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- $n cae of clai" and counterclai" where neither of
the partie would gi&e way at the pre#trial, the court "ay in
it dicretion reGuire both partie "utual oath (tahalif) on
any particular fact or fact upon which the court "ay render
%udg"ent. <Sec. 17, Special .ule=
! regard the original clai", ! i the mudda)i becaue if
he hould &oluntarily relinGuih hi clai", he cannot be
co"pelled to proecute it. )n the other hand, ' i the
mudda)alai becaue if he hould wih to a&oid the
litigation, he i co"pelled to utain it.
The re&ere applie to the counter#clai" of '. $n uch a
cae, ' beco"e the mudda)i and !, the mudda)alai. !
counterclai" i conidered a co"plaint, only thi ti"e, it i
the original defendant who beco"e the plaintiff <Chua &.
$!C, 69 SC!, ;0, ;;, 22; SC.! ;;, 10: L1;;6MJ 3alino
&. -lan, 165 SC.! 702 L1;:8M=. $t tand on the a"e
footing and i to be teted by the a"e rule a if it were an
independent action <Chua &. $!C, I'id.J 3i&ar &. 3i&ar, :
SC.! :69J Calo &. !%aB $nternational, $nc., 22 SC.! ;;8
L1;8:MJ 2a&ier &. $!C, 191 SC.! 807 L1;:;M=.
,- W!at ar% t!% #ntan$% w!%r% t!% $ourt ma)
a"m#n#t%r oat! to bot! *art#%8
ANS- They areK
<1= Ehen there i a difference between the eller and the
buyer a to the a"ount, or decription or kind of the price,
or the thing old, or of both, whiche&er produce e&idence,
%udg"ent i gi&en for hi", and if both of the" produce
e&idence, %udg"ent i gi&en for hi" who pro&e the "ore.
'ut if both of the" are unable to gi&e proof, it i aid to
the" Ceither one conent to the clai" of the other or we
"ake the ale &oidC. !nd if upon thi, one of the" doe not
agree to the clai" of the other, the %udge ad"initer an
oath to each of the" about the clai" of the other. !nd firt
he begin with the purchaer. !nd if either of the" refue
the oath, the clai" of the other i pro&ed, and if both take
the oath, the %udge declare the ale &oid <!rt. l99:, The
<2= Ehen the peron who hire a thing ha a dipute with
the letter, before taking poeion of a thing being recently
let, e.g., when the hirer "ake a clai" in Court, aying, Cthe
rent i ten gold piece,C and the letter ay, Cit i fifteen
gold piece,C whiche&er of the" produce e&idence, it i
accepted. !nd if the two produce e&idence together,
%udg"ent i gi&en by the e&idence of the letter. !nd if both
are unable to pro&e their clai", the oath i ad"initered to
both, and they begin by ad"initering the oath to the hirer,
and whiche&er of the" refue, it i %udged by hi refual.
!nd if they two take the oath, the %udge declare the
contract of hire &oid <!rt. l99;, I'id.=.
<'ack to the top=
S%$t#on 0K. Mutua( Im*r%$at#on /)i'an7
,- W!%n ma) t!% $ourt r%@u#r% mutua( #m*r%$at#on8
ANS- $f a Muli" huband accue hi wife of adultery and
fail to pro&e the a"e in accordance with Muli" (aw, the
court "ay reGuire the huband and the wife, if he i a
Muli", to perfor" the precribed act of i"precation
<li)an= and, thereafter, the court hall diol&e the "arriage
by iuing the appropriate di&orce decree in accordance
with the pro&iion of the Code of Muli" -eronal (aw
<Section 18, Special .ule=.
,- W!at # a "#9or$% b) li'an8
ANS- ,i&orce by li)an i a for" of di&orce which take
place when the huband accue the wife of adultery but he
ha no witnee to pro&e the accuation, and the wife
denie it <Maulana *aAlul Dira", !l 1adi Mihkat /l
Maabih, The 'ook 1oue <(ahore=, l;5;, 3ol. 2, p. 90;=.
$n uch a cae, the court after due hearing hall reGuire the
huband and wife to perfor" act of i"precation.
,- W!at # t!% %Bt%nt o. %9#"%n$% r%@u#r%" #n a"u(t%r)8
ANS- The e&idence reGuired in accuation of Cina which
include adultery i the oral teti"ony of four adult "ale
Muli" witnee who ha&e een the actual act of eBual
intercoure <1oly Fur4an, 6Kl7=. Eo"en4 teti"ony i not
accepted in cae of adultery or in any hadd offene <El
!wa, op. cit., p. l28 citing Mughni, &ol. $H, pp. 8; 90=. The
witnee "ut be able to tate where and when the offene
took place, and "ut be able to identify the partie to the
act. Teti"ony, "oreo&er, "ut be deli&ered before the
court in one itting (fi majlisin !ahid= <I'id. citing Mughni,
I'id., p. 9lJ Daani, 'adai, &ol. 3$$, p. 6:J $bn *arhun,
Tabirah, 3ol. $, p. 2l2=. <Thi lat condition i not
neceary, according to the Shafii School=.
The offene "ay, howe&er, be pro&ed by a utained
confeion by the guilty party <!nderon, op. cit., p. 5:0=.
,- W!at # t!% *%$#a( *ro$%"ur% .or mutua(
#m*r%$at#on /li'an78 /0??E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- $f a Muli" huband accue hi wife of adultery and
fail to pro&e the a"e in accordance with Muli" law, the
court "ay reGuire the huband and the wife, if he i a
Muli", to perfor" the precribed act of i"precation
<li)an= and, thereafter, the court hall diol&e the "arriage
by iuing the appropriate di&orce decree in accordance
with the pro&iion of the Code of Muli" -eronal (aw
<Sec. 18, Special .ule=.
!ct of i"precation "ean "utual curing. $t i perfor"ed
by the huband4 accuation of the wife of adultery four
uccei&e ti"e and the wife4 denial of the a"e each
ti"e it i uttered. !t the fifth ti"e, the huband ole"nly
in&oke the cure of God upon hi"elf if he tell a lie, and
the wife upon her if her accuer i telling the truth <1oly
Fur4an, Surah +ur, &ere 8#;J .aul, et al., Muli" Code
of the -hil. !nnotated, p.QQ=.
,- How # mutua( #m*r%$at#on ma"%8
ANS- !ct of i"precation "ean "utual curing. $t i
perfor"ed by the huband4 accuation of the wife of
adultery four uccei&e ti"e and the wife4 denial of the
a"e each ti"e it i uttered. !t the fifth ti"e, the huband
ole"nly in&oke the cure of God upon hi"elf if he tell
a lie, and the wife upon her if her accuer i telling the truth
<'ack to the top=
S%$t#on 02. Su**(%tor) Ru(% #n C#9#( Ca%
,- W!at !ou(" a**() #n a u**(%tor) mann%r to t!%
S*%$#a( Ru(% o. Pro$%"ur% Go9%rn#ng t!% S!ar#:a
ANS- Section 19 of the Special .ule pro&ide that CLTMhe
court hall adhere to the ource of Muli" (aw relating
to the nu"ber, tatu, or Guality of witnee <adala= and
e&idence reGuired to pro&e any fact. EBcept a herein
pro&ided, the .ule of Court hall apply in a uppletory
1ence, the .ule of Court of the -hilippine, in all "atter
not pro&ided for by the Special .ule of -rocedure eBcept
on "atter of e&idence, i applicable in the Shari4a court.
-rocedural %uriprudence a well a pertinent reolution of
the Supre"e Court likewie apply in the Shari4a court.
,- 6%.or% !# "%at!3 >am#r# Mua3 a Mu(#m3 wa a
r%#"%nt o. L#nao3 U*#3 Magu#n"anao. H% (%.t %Bt%n#9%
r%a( an" *%rona( *ro*%rt#% (o$at%" #n t!% *ro9#n$% o.
Magu#n"anao3 Da9ao "%( Sur3 an" Da9ao Or#%nta(. A
&o#nt *%t#t#on .or t!% a"m#n#trat#on an" %tt(%m%nt o.
!# #nt%tat% %tat% an" (#@u#"at#on o. $on&uga(
*artn%r!#* wa .#(%" b) r%*on"%nt ur9#9#ng w#.%
b%.or% t!% S!ar#a D#tr#$t Court3 '#.t! D#tr#$t3 w#t!
tat#on at Cotabato C#t). T!at Court %mbra$% t!%
*ro9#n$% o. Magu#n"anao but not t!% *ro9#n$% o.
Da9ao "%( Sur an" Da9ao Or#%nta(. P%t#t#on%r o**o%"
t!% *%t#t#on $ont%n"#ng t!at 9%nu% # #m*ro*%r() (a#"
an" t!at t!% a$t#on # b%)on" t!% &ur#"#$t#on o. t!%
S!ar#a D#tr#$t Court at Cotabato C#t). I t!%
$ont%nt#on t%nab(%8
ANS- The contention i not tenable. $n 7ahida Musa #s.
Moson, where petitioner clai"ed that ince the deceaed
2a"iri Mua4 reidence at the ti"e of hi death wa in
,a&ao City, not Maguindanao, the proceeding i beyond
the %uridiction of the Shari4a ,itrict Court, *ifth Shari4a
,itrict, with tation at Cotabato City and e"brace
Maguindanao, and that &enue i "ore properly laid in
,a&ao City before the .egional Trial Court, ince there are
no Shari4a ,itrict Court in ,a&ao, the Supre"e Court
>Since the dipoition, ditribution and ettle"ent
of the etate of a deceaed Muli" are, in fact,
in&ol&ed herein, the 2oint -etition wa correctly
filed before the Shari@a ,itrict Court, *ifth Shari@a
>Since the ub%ect intetate proceeding concern
ucceional right, coupled with the fact that the
decedent wa alo a reident of (inao, /pi,
Maguindanao, owning real etate property located
in that pro&ince, &enue ha been properly laid with
the Shari@a ,itrict Court, *ifth Shari@a ,itrict,
which i &eted with territorial %uridiction o&er
Maguindanao, notwithtanding the location in
different pro&ince of the other real propertie of the
CThe .ule of Court likewie pro&ide that the
Court firt taking cogniAance of the ettle"ent of
the etate of a decedent, hall eBercie %uridiction
to the eBcluion of all other Court <.ule 95, Sec.
1=. There hould be no i"pedi"ent to the
application of aid .ule a they apply uppletorily
to the Code of Muli" -eronal (aw, there being
nothing inconitent with the pro&iion of the latter
tatute? <!rticle 1:9 of aid Code=.<200 SC.! 917,
921 <1;;1=.
,- A.t%r t!% "%.%n"ant !a .#(%" !# anw%r3 !% .#(%" a
*(%a"#ng "%#gnat%" a =Am*(#.#$at#on o. A..#rmat#9% or
S*%$#a( D%.%n% w#t! Pra)%r .or D#m#a( o.
Com*(a#nt On t!% Groun" o. La$< o. >ur#"#$t#on.= On
t!# ba#3 t!% S!ar#:a D#tr#$t Court #u%" an or"%r
"#m##ng t!% $om*(a#nt. P(a#nt#.. a((%g%" t!at t!% (ow%r
$ourt !ou(" not !a9% $on#"%r%" "%.%n"ant: *(%a"#ng
w!#$! wa #n %..%$t3 a mot#on to "#m#3 a #t # a
*(%a"#ng "#a((ow%" un"%r S%$t#on 0E o. t!% $%ra At Al
&ahakim Al Shari'a. I t!% "#m#a( *ro*%r8 EB*(a#n.
ANS- /nder Section 18 of the ljra At Al Mahakim Al
Shari)a$ it i pecifically pro&ided that the C.ule of Court
hall apply in a uppletory "annerC in ci&il cae. Section
8, .ule 18 of the .ule of Court pro&ide a followK
CSECT$)+ 8. $f no "otion to di"i ha been
filed, any of the ground for di"ial pro&ided for
in thi .ule "ay be pleaded a an affir"ati&e
defene in the anwer and, in the dicretion of the
court, a preli"inary hearing "ay be had thereon a
if a "otion to di"i had been filed.?
*ro" the foregoing, it i clear the trial court properly et
the cae for hearing on the affir"ati&e defene eeking
di"ial of the co"plaint raied by the pri&ate repondent
in their anwer. Ehat the Ijra At Al Mahakim Al Shari)a
procribe i the filing of a "otion to di"i in lieu of an
anwer which would top the running of the period to file
an anwer and caue undue delay. The prohibition i
intended to put a top to the filing of dilatory pleading
with the end in &iew of eBpediting proceeding before
Shari4a court <1ad%i !li Ma"adual &. 2udge Moon,
G... ;2779, Sept. 29, l;;0=.
The cae of @eirs of /icardo +li#as #s. ;lor in&ol&e the
application of the .ule of Su""ary -rocedure in pecial
cae before the Metropolitan and Municipal Circuit Trial
Court. The aid .ule diallow the filing of "otion to
di"i, wherein the Supre"e Court heldK
C$n the guie of a poition paper, pri&ate
repondent filed a Motion to ,i"i. Ehile thi
i, indeed, a prohibited pleading <Section 17<1=,
.ule on Su""ary -roceeding= it hould be noted
that the "otion wa filed after an !nwer had
already been ub"itted within the regle"entary
period. $n eence, therefore, it i not the pleading
prohibited by the .ule on Su""ary -rocedure.
Ehat the rule procribe i a Motion to ,i"i,
which would top the running of the period to file
an !nwer and caue undue delay.C
,- A a S!ar#:a! (aw *ra$t#t#on%r3 *r%*ar% a $om*(%t%
9%r#.#%" *%t#t#on .or $orr%$t#on o. %ntr) #n t!% (o$a(
S!ar#:a! D#tr#$t R%g#tr) to b% .#(%" b%.or% t!%
a**ro*r#at% S!ar#:a Court a$$or"#ng to t!% .a$t an"
$#r$umtan$% o. t!% $a% !%r%#n tat%".
P%t#t#on%r Ab"u((a! Mo!amma" an" S#tt#%
Mo!amma" ar% *ou%3 '#(#*#no Mu(#m3 o. (%ga( ag%3
r%#"#ng at >o(o3 Su(uD t!% (o$a( D#tr#$t R%g#trar #
#m*(%a"%" a a .orma( *art) r%*on"%ntD t!% *ou%
ar% t!% (%g#t#mat% *ar%nt o. a t!r%% )%ar o(" m#nor on
Am#n Mo!amma" born on '%bruar) 4?3 01?? at t!%
Su(u Pub(#$ Ho*#ta(3 >o(o3 Su(uD t!roug! #na"9%rt%n$%3
t!% (o$a( R%g#trar w#t! w!om t!% b#rt! o. t!%#r $!#("
wa r%g#t%r%"3 %rron%ou() m#*%((%" t!%#r on: nam%
a =AMINA MOHAMMAD= #nt%a" o. t!% $orr%$t
nam% an" *%((#ng =AMIN MOHAMMAD=3 %9#"%n$%"
b) B%roB $o*) o. t!% $%rt#.#$at% o. L#9% 6#rt! atta$!%" a
Ann%B =A=D t!% %rron%ou %ntr) #n t!% r%g#tr) boo< o.
(#9% b#rt! # ubtant#a( an" not #nno$uou #n $!ara$t%r
a #t a..%$t t!% 9%r) #"%nt#t) o. t!% *%t#t#on%r: on an"
# %9%n m#(%a"#ng a to !# %B w!#$! a**%ar to b%
.%ma(%3 an" wou(" *robab() ub&%$t !#m to $ontant
r#"#$u(% an" !aram%nt #n t!% .utur%. /0110 S!ar#:a
.epublic of the -hilippine
S1!.$4! ,$ST.$CT C)/.T
*irt Shari4a ,itrict
2olo, Sulu
!',/((!1 M)1!MM!,
and S$TT$E M)1!MM!,,
S-(. -.,GS. +).QQQQQ
# &eru #
*orK Correction )f Entry
()C!( C$3$( .EG$ST.!.,
C)ME +)E the petitioner, by counel, and unto thi
1onorable Court, "ot repectfully a&erK
1. That petitioner are poue, *ilipino Muli", of legal
age, reident of 2olo, Sulu, while the (ocal ,itrict
.egitrar i the public officer charged with the keeping of
the ci&il regitry and herein i"pleaded a a for"al party
2. That petitioner are the legiti"ate parent of a three#year
old "inor on !"in Moha""ad born on *ebruary 2:,
1;:: at the Sulu -ublic 1opital, 2olo, SuluJ
5. That through inad&ertence, the local .egitrar with
who" the birth of their child wa regitered, erroneouly
"ipelled their on4 na"e a C!M$+! M)1!MM!,C
intead of the correct na"e and pelling C!M$+
M)1!MM!,C, e&idenced by BeroB copy of the
Certificate of (i&e 'irth attached a !nneB C!C and "ade
a integral part of thi petitionJ and
6. That the erroneou entry in the regitry book of li&e birth
i ubtantial and not innocuou in character a it affect the
&ery identify of the petitioner4 on and i e&en "ileading
a to hi eB which appear to be fe"ale, and would
probably ub%ect hi" to contant ridicule and hara"ent in
the future.
E1E.E*).E, it i repectfully prayed of thi 1onorable
Court that %udg"ent be rendered directing repondent to
correct the birth certificate of !"in Moha""ad o that the
na"e of aid child hould read a C!"in Moha""adC
intead of C!"ina Moha""adC.
05 !pril 1;;1, 2olo, Sulu, -hilippine.
M)1,. ME.1/SSE$+ G. G/'!T
Counel for the -laintiff
)fficer4 (ine, Marawi City
$'- )... 019:12;667 2P12P;8
-T. +). 0;1:6;02805 2P17P;8
3E.$*$C!T$)+ !+, CE.T$*$C!T$)+
.epublic of the -hilippine=
Municipality of 2olo=S.S.
-ro&ince of Sulu=
!',/((!1 M)1!MM!,, after ha&ing been worn,
depoe and ayK That he i one of the petitioner in the
abo&e#entitled caeJ That he caued the preparation of the
foregoing co"plaintJ That he ha read and undertood it
contentJ That to hi own knowledge, the allegation
thereof are true and correctJ That he hereby certifie that he
ha not heretofore co""enced any other action or
proceeding in&ol&ing the a"e iue before the Supre"e
Court, the Court of !ppeal, or any other tribunal or
agency, and to hi own knowledge no uch action or
proceeding i pending before aid courtJ That hould he
learn hereafter that a i"ilar action or proceeding ha been
filed or pending before the Supre"e Court, the Court of
!ppeal, or any other tribunal or agency, he undertake to
report the a"e to thi 1onorable Court within fi&e <7= day
1E.E/+T) et hi hand thi 19th day of +o&e"ber, 1;;8
at Marawi City, -hilippine.
!',/((!1 M)1!MM!,
S/'SC.$'E, and worn to before "e thi QQth day of
!pril, 1;;1 at Marawi City, -hilippine.
+otary -ublic
,- D%.#n% or %B*(a#n t!% m%an#ng o. %9#"%n$%. /01?2
S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- E&idence i the "ean anctioned by the rule of
acertaining in a %udicial proceeding the truth repecting a
"atter of fact <Sec. 1, .ule 12:, .ule of Court=.
,- D%.#n% *ro$%"ur% an" "#t#ngu#! #t .rom %9#"%n$%.
/0110 S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- -rocedure i the body of rule that go&ern or
pro&ide the fra"ework of the %udicial proce <Cound,
Ci&il -rocedure, 6th ed., p. 16=. $t i the "ean by which
the power or authority of a court to hear and decide a cla
of cae i put to action <Garcia &. ,e 2eu, 208 SC.!
99;,9::J Manila .ailroad Co. &. !ttorney#General, 20 -hil
-rocedure and e&idence are ditinguihed a followK
a= 'roadly peaking, procedure, being re"edial in nature
and not ubtanti&e law, include e&idence, wherea
e&idence i funda"entally a procedural lawJ
b= .ule of procedure i the "ean by which the power or
authority of a court to hear and decide a cla of cae i
put to action <Garcia &. ,e 2eu, 208 SC.! 99;,9::J
Manila .ailroad Co. &. !ttorney#General, 20 -hil 725=
wherea e&idence i the "ode and "anner of pro&ing
co"petent fact in a %udicial proceeding <'uto &. (ucero,
-hil 860=.
c= $n the hari4a court, it procedure hall be upple"ented
by the .ule of Court of the -hilippine wherea e&idence
hall be go&erned by ource of Muli" law on e&idence
<Section 19, Special .ule=.
,- EB*(a#n br#%.()3 "#t#ngu#!#ng on% .rom t!% ot!%r-
E9#"%n$% an" Proo.. /01?2 S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- E&idence differ fro" proof a caue differ fro"
effect. -roof i that which con&inceJ e&idence i that
which tend to con&inceJ proof i the perfection of
e&idence, for without e&idence there i no proof, though
there "ay be e&idence which doe not a"ount to proof
<2one on E&idence, 12 cited by !potol, Eential of
E&idence, p. 5 and 7 Martin 2=.
Stated differently, proof i the reult of e&idenceJ e&idence
i the "ean which lead to it. -roof i the effect of
e&idence ## the etablih"ent of a fact by e&idence <I'id.
citing The Cha"berlayne Trial E&idence, p. 2=.
,- W!at "o )ou un"%rtan" b) =bur"%n o. *roo.= a
"#t#ngu#!%" .rom =bur"%n o. %9#"%n$%8 /01?E S!ar#:a
ANS- 'y the Cburden of proofC or Conus pro'andiC i
"eant the obligation i"poed upon a party who allege the
eBitence of a fact or thing neceary in the proecution or
defene of an action, to etablih it proof <7 Martin 657
citing 2one on E&idence, 2nd ed. :77=. $t i the obligation
i"poed by law on a party to the litigation to peruade the
court that he i entitled to relief. $f no e&idence i preented
on a particular iue, the party ha&ing the burden of proof
a to that iue will loe the litigation <I'id., citing Gilbert
(aw Su""arie on E&idence, p. 95=.
C'urden of e&idenceC i defined a Cthat logical neceity
which ret on a party at any particular ti"e during a trial to
create a prima facie cae in hi own fa&or, or to o&erthrow
one when created againt hi". The burden of e&idence i
deter"ined by the progre of the trial, and hift to one
party when the other party ha produced ufficient e&idence
to be entitled a a "atter of law to a ruling in hi fa&or
<I'id. citing 2 2one on E&idence, 2nd ed. :77=.
,- W!at ar% t!% m%t!o" o. *ro9#ng a .a$t8
ANS- /nder $la"ic procedural law, there are four way of
pro&ing an allegation or etablihing a fact na"elyK
<a= teti"ony of witnee <shuhud= <Sec. 8<2=, I'id.J El
!wa, op. cit., p. 127=J
<b= ad"iion or confeion <i&rar= <Section 9<2=, $bidJ El
!wa, op. cit., p. 129=J
<c= oath <"amin= <Section 9 <1= and 16<1=, $bidJ !rt. 1962,
The Me%elle=J and
<d= other e&idence <'a""ina= <Section 8<2=, $bidJ !rt. 1958
to 195;, The Me%elleJ !nderon, op. cit., p. 8;J !lauya, op.
cit., p. 66=.
,- W!at ar% t!% t!r%% (%ga( m%t!o" o. *roo. #n I(am#$
&ur#*ru"%n$%8 /01?E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- /nder $la"ic %uriprudence, the three <5= "ethod
of proof a followK <a= ad"iion or confeion <al i&rar=J
<2= teti"onial e&idence <shuhud=J and <5= oath <"amin=.
<.aul, op. cit. p. 76=.
So"e authoritie conider other e&idence <'a""ina= a a
"ode of pro&ing a fact <Section 8<2=, $bidJ !rt. 1958 to
195;, The Me%elleJ !nderon, op. cit., p. 8;J !lauya, op.
cit., p. 66=.
)ther %urit alo conider circu"tantial e&idence
(&ara)in) a an acceptable "ean of proof in the abence of
other although the generally accepted &iew i that it i not
one of the "ethod of proof recogniAed under $la"ic law
<El !wa, op. cit. p. l50=. 'ut circu"tantial e&idence will
only be acted upon if it i of a conclui&e nature (&atia)tun)
<.ahi", op. cit., p. 5:l=.
,- Com*ar% t!% 9a(u% o. an oat! o. a..#rmat#on w#t!
t!at o. an ora( t%t#mon#a( %9#"%n$%. /011E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- Teti"onial e&idence and oath of affir"ation both
contitute "ode of proof. Teti"onial e&idence, howe&er,
precede oath of affir"ation. The plaintiff <mudda)i= ha the
burden of pro&ing hi clai" by teti"onial e&idence
<hahada= and other e&idence <'a""ina=. $f he ha none, the
taking of the oath of denial ret with the defendant
<mudda)alai=. $f the defendant <mudda)alai= refue to take
the oath, then the plaintiff "ay take the oath of affir"ation
a a proof of fact upon which %udg"ent hall be rendered.
<Sec. 9, Special .ule=
Teti"onial e&idence can be gi&en only by a peron not a
party to the action, i.e. a witne. )ath of affir"ation can be
taken only by the plaintiff <mudda)i= when he ha no
e&idence and upon the refual of the defendant
<mudda)alai= to take the oath of denial.
,- EB*(a#n t!% &ur#t#$ t!%or) r%(at#ng to t%t#mon)8
ANS- Teti"ony of a witne (sha)dat) i a %uritic act of
the category of infor"ation (akha'arat). Ehen a right i
originated or tranlated either by an e&ent of nature or act
of "an, it i the State a repreentati&e of the co""unity
that gi&e effect to uch a fact when it occur. Ehen a fact
ha gi&en rie to a right of an indi&idual, the State take
notice of it when "o&ed by hi" and when to a right of it
own it take notice of it of it own "otion. 'ut in either
cae, the official of the State in thi connection, that i, the
2udge, if he hi"elf ha no peronal knowledge of the
occurrence which he "otly ha not, ha to depend upon
infor"ation or e&idence. Thi infor"ation "ay be upplied
either by the tate"ent of o"e one who percei&ed the fact
or by perceptible ign or trace acco"panying or
i""ediately following the e&ent or by both. $f the fact i of
an i"perceptible nature or all trace of it ha&e been
re"o&ed or diappeared, it i necearily beyond the ken of
a hu"an tribunal. *or thi reaon there can, generally
peaking, be no e&idence of a bare negation or denial
<.ahi", !bdul, pp. 596 597 citing !l Ma%allah, p. 2:;=.
Ehen a perceptible fact originating or tranlating a certain
right ha occurred, it i a right a well a duty of e&ery
"e"ber of the ociety who percei&ed it to gi&e infor"ation
of it to the State. 'ut a the witne "ay chooe not to gi&e
a correct account of what happened and uch account alone
can be aid to be infor"ation, the duty or obligation to gi&e
e&idence i regarded a of an i"perfect character o far a
it enforce"ent by the hu"an tribunal i concerned. *ale
teti"ony i not regarded a e&idence by Muha""adan
%urit, a the &ery ob%ect of infor"ation i to dicloe what
occurred. $n fact, according to the", fale teti"ony or
fale e&idence or fale infor"ation would be a
contradiction of ter" <I'id. citing *athu4l ?adir, &ol. &i, p.
The neceity for e&idence "otly arie when the fact in
Guetion ha originated a right in o"eone againt another
and the latter denie it. !nd it i in the &ery conception of
e&idence that it gi&e infor"ation of that fact it practical
effect to originate liability againt the peron of incidence
taking the place of the fact itelf o far a a hu"an tribunal
i concerned. The Muha""adan %urit, therefore, ay that
to gi&e e&idence i the right of a peron who ha een an
occurrence to faten liability upon the peron againt who"
a right i clai"ed. So far a the Court i concerned it only
function i to enforce uch liability on a de"and to that
effect being "ade by the clai"ant and on being furnihed
with the infor"ation or proof. The right of the witne,
howe&er, i to gi&e true e&idence (shahadat) but a "en do
not alway gi&e correct infor"ation either fro" error of
perception or o"e "oral aberration, it i incu"bent on the
law to take precaution with a &iew to pre&ent the Court a
far a poible fro" being "iled by falehood. <I'id., pp.
597 598=
True infor"ation alone being regarded a e&idence, there
can be no conflict of e&idence though there "ay be
conflict of tate"ent, one of which alone can be called
e&idence, the other being either a falehood or an error. !
regard falehood or error, it cannot be the right or duty
of any one to place the" before the Court nor can the Court
ad"it the". 1ence, on principle, e&idence relating to a fact
"ut necearily according to Muha""adan %urit be one#
ided. 1a&ing regard to thee principle, the law "ake
pro&iion for eBcluding a far a poible "itake and
falehood. So"e of thee are "ere "atter of procedure,
but the other indicate the nature and eBtent of teti"ony a
a %uritic act <I'id.=.
,- Stat% t!% r%aon w!) t%t#mon#a( %9#"%n$% !shahada"
# $on#"%r%" o. !#g!%r $!ara$t%r $om*ar%" to
"o$um%ntar) %9#"%n$% #n I(am#$ Ru(% on E9#"%n$%.
/011E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- The gi&ing of teti"onial e&idence i a peronal
obligation of e&ery Muli" Gualified to do o in order to
afeguard a right <!lauya, op. cit., p. 67=. Ehen a
perceptible fact originating or tranlating a certain right ha
occurred, it i a right a well a duty of e&ery "e"ber of
the ociety who percei&ed it to gi&e infor"ation of it to the
State <.ahi", op. cit. p. 596#597 citing *athu4l ?adir, &ol.
&i, p. 668=. The 1oly Fur4an thu warnK
CConceal no e&idenceJ
*or whoe&er conceal it, ##
1i heart i tainted
Eith in. !nd God
Dnoweth all that ye do.C
<1oly Fur4an, 2K2:5=
$t o"eti"e happen that if o"e incon&enient piece of
e&idence i detroyed or concealed, one gain a great
"aterial ad&antage. The 1oly Fur4an warn not to yield to
uch a te"ptation. The conceal"ent of e&idence ha a
eriou effect on one4 "oral and piritual life, for it taint
the &ery ource of higher life, a typified by the heart <!li,
op. cit., p. 117=.
$t ha thu been aid that the peronal word of an upright
Muli" i dee"ed worthier than an abtract piece of paper,
uceptible to alteration and falification. 'eide, $la"ic
law ha aigned Guai#religiou function (!aCifa dinnu"a)
to witnee. *urther"ore, the witnee can be challenged
to take an oath <"amin= which i withheld fro"
docu"entary e&idence <.aul, p. 77=.
Moreo&er, docu"entary e&idence, a a general rule, doe
not by itelf etablih any fact. The docu"ent "ut till be
identified and it genuinene and due eBecution
etablihed by teti"onial e&idence. $t i in thi wie that
teti"onial e&idence i regarded of a higher character than
docu"entary e&idence.
,- W!at # t!% w#"om #n t!% ,ur:an o. t!%
r%@u#r%m%nt o. .our /J7 w#tn%% to *ro9% a $!arg% o.
a"u(t%r)8 6r#%.() %B*(a#n. /011E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- $la" co""and eB purity, for "en and for wo"en,
at all ti"e, # before "arriage, during "arriage, and after
diolution of "arriage. Thoe guilty of illicit practice are
hut out of the "arriage circle of chate "en and wo"en
<!li, op. cit., p. :;8=. Thu, the 1oly Fur4an ordainK
C(et no "an guilty of
!dultery or fornication "arry
!ny but a wo"an
Si"ilarly guilty, or an /nbelie&erK
+or let any but uch a "an
)r an /nbelie&er
Marry uch a wo"anK
To the 'elie&er uch a thing
$ forbidden <Sura +ur, &ere 5=.
The gra&ity of the accuation of adultery and it
coneGuence, if pro&en, de"and a high degree of e&idence.
! wo"an guilty of adultery can only be gi&en in "arriage
to an unbelie&er or a "an eGually guilty of adultery or
fornication. Thu, the "ot eriou notice hould be taken
of people who put forward lander or candalou
uggetion about wo"en without adeGuate e&idence. $f
anything i aid againt a wo"an4 chatity, it hould be
upported by e&idence twice a trong a would ordinarily
be reGuired for buine tranaction, or e&en in "urder
cae <!li, op. cit. p. :;9=. !llah know bet.
,- W!at ar% t!% "#..%r%nt <#n" o. t%t#mon)8
ANS- The kind of teti"ony areK
<1= Ani#ersal testimon" (ta!atur). ## $t i the highet kind
of oral teti"ony ha&ing regard to it &alue a a proof. Such
proof conit of infor"ation gi&en by uch large body of
"en that our reaon cannot concei&e that they would
co"bine in a falehood or agree in an error.
<2= Isolated or single testimon". ## Ehen teti"ony i not
of thi notoriou and uni&eral character it i called iolated
or ingle teti"ony.
<5= Admission <i&rar=. ## Ehen a "an tetifie againt
hi"elf in upport of a clai" "ade againt hi", it i called
ad"iion <.ahi", loc. cit.=.
,- EB*(a#n t!% $on"#t#on r%(at#ng to $a*a$#t) o. a
ANS- .egard being had on the &ariou reaon which
induce "en to tell falehood or the circu"tance which
pre&ent the" fro" gi&ing correct and reliable infor"ation,
the law init upon certain condition a neceary for a
%uritic act of thi cla na"elyK
<a= ;reedom from 'ias and prejudiceJ hence, teti"ony i
not ad"itted of the father in fa&or of the on and &ice &era,
of a la&e in fa&or of hi "ater, or partie in upport of
their own cae, of a peron who bear a grudge againt the
oppoite party, of a non#Muli" againt a Muli" and o
<b= ,eneral relia'ilit" of characterJ hence, peron
carrying on certain profeion of a degrading nature, uch
a profeional dancer, peron known to be habitual liar,
drunkard or ga"bler, peron who are not of &irtuou
character being in the habit of co""itting uch breache of
religiou in%unction a would entail hadd, that i, "en who
are fasi&, or oppoed to a)dil or a the co"piler of the Al
Majallah, thoe whoe bad action outweigh their good
one and uncrupulou officer e"ployed for purpoe of
oppreion are not ad"itted a witnee. !bu 0uuf i,
howe&er, of the opinion that though a "an be not of
&irtuou character, yet if he i of uch a poition in life that
he i unlikely to depoe to falehood, he ought to be
ad"itted a a witne.
<c= Maturit" of the understanding and po!er of perceptionE
thu, a "all child, a lunatic, or a blind "an in "atter
which ha&e to be pro&ed by ocular teti"ony, are declared
unfit for gi&ing teti"ony. <I'id., pp. 598 599=
,- W!at # t!% r%@u#r%" numb%r o. w#tn%% #n $a% o.
$(a#m b%(ong#ng to t!% $at%gor) o. r#g!t o. m%n8
ANS- ! a precaution againt the chance of "itake or
fale teti"ony and alo becaue otherwie there would be
the word of one "an againt another, teti"ony of a ingle
witne i generally regarded a inufficient to pro&e a
clai". 1ence, clai" belonging to the category of right of
"en are not etablihed eBcept by the teti"ony of two
"ale or one "ale and two fe"ale witnee. 'ut certain
"atter which wo"en alone are likely to know uch a
whether a particular child wa born to a particular wo"an,
can be pro&ed e&en by the teti"ony of a ingle wo"an
,- W!at # t!% r%@u#r%" *roo. on matt%r o. t!%
$at%gor) o. a *ub(#$ r#g!t8
ANS- Matter which are of the category of a public right
and reGuire abolute certainty of proof, uch a offene
entailing the punih"ent of hadd can only be pro&ed by the
teti"ony of two "ale witnee and in one cae, na"ely,
that of whoredo" by four "ale witnee. ! wo"an i
regarded a of inferior co"petence in repect of gi&ing
e&idence becaue of her weak character <I'id.=.
,- W!at # m%ant b) hadd8
ANS- $n cri"inal law, hadd "ean an unalterable
punih"ent precribed by God for certain pecific offene
<!nderon, op. cit., p. 582=.
,- W!at # t!% "ut) o. t!% &u"g% #n "%t%rm#n#ng t!%
$om*%t%n$) o. a w#tn%8
ANS- $t i one of the i"portant dutie of a 2udge, if the
witne who i put forward by the party going into e&idence
a eligible, ha gi&en rele&ant e&idence againt the oppoite
party and the latter challenge the e&idence by alleging that
hi e&idence i fale or due to hi ha&ing forgotten the
occurrence, to "ake inGuirie into the witnee4
co"petence and particularly a to the fact of hi being a
"an of rectitude. The inGuiry i to be "ade by hi" either
pri&ately or in Court with the help of peron who" he
know to be reliable and who are acGuainted with the life
and character of the witne <.ahi", p. 59:=.
$f a witne i a tranger to the place the ?adi of the
locality where he reide hould be aked to "ake the
inGuiry. The ?adi are alo reGuired to keep a regiter of
peron who are pro&ed to be a)dil or "en of rectitude and
to re&ie the regiter fro" ti"e to ti"e <.ahi", p. 59:=.
,- Ma) t!% ot!%r *art) ob&%$t to t!% $om*%t%n$) o. a
w#tn%8 I. )%3 !ow8
ANS- 0e. The other party i at liberty to take eBception or
ob%ection (jarh$ tan) to uch e&idence by howing that the
witne i diGualified uch a by reaon of bia or interet
or otherwie <I'id. citing *athu4l ?adir, &ol. &i, pp. 675 ;J
1edaya, &ol. &i, pp. 67: ;=.
,- EB*(a#n ta'dil #n r%(at#on to ta%rih a an #n@u##tor#a(
*ro$% o. &u"#$#a( a"m#n#trat#on o. t!% !ar#:a (aw.
/01?E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- 0a)dil i to declare the witne )adl <a co"petent
witne= that i, one fulfilling all the reGuire"ent of
$la"ic law. ! a co"petent witne, he "ut be a "a%or,
ane, free Muli" who faithfully perfor" hi religiou
dutie, lead a "oral life, and ha no peronal interet in the
cae <!nderon, op. cit., p. 579=.
0ajrih i the dicrediting of a witne by an attack on hi
4adala. There "ut nor"ally be two co"petent witnee to
o"e deficiency thereinK and if thee are forthco"ing the
teti"ony of the witne concerned "ut, in &iew of the
"a%ority of %urit, be utterly eBcluded, howe&er con&inced
the court "ay be of it reliability in the particular
circu"tance. $t i a te"pting de&ice, therefore, in o"e
localitie to dicredit witnee on ground of lackne in
their religiou ober&ance, etc.K although o"e %urit ha&e
aid that in degenerate day the court "ut be content with
the bet witnee obtainable, let the right of "any
litigant be lot <I'id., p. 599=.
,- =A= !a a $(a#m /da'wa7 aga#nt =6= #n t!% amount
o. P03555.55.=6= "%n#% t!% $(a#m an" #nt%r*o% t!%
"%.%n% t!at t!% "%bt !a a(r%a") b%%n %tt(%" an" t!at
=A= #nt%a" ow% !#m P43555.55. Dur#ng t!% tr#a(3 =A=
o..%r two w#tn%%3 =C= an" =D=. W#tn% =C=
att%t%" t!% $(a#m o. =A= #n t!% um o. P03555.55D w!#(%
w#tn% =D= t%t#.#%" t!at =6= ow% =A= P03G55.55.
Stat% t!% ru(% #n I(am#$ E9#"%n$% a to t!% numb%r o.
w#tn%% r%@u#r%" to %tab(#! a .a$t. In t!% abo9% $a%3
# t!% r%@u##t% numb%r o. w#tn%% at#.#%"8 /011E
S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- $n $la"ic law, clai" belonging to the category of
right of "en are not etablihed eBcept by the teti"ony of
two <2= "ale or one <1= "ale and two <2= fe"ale witnee
<ee Sura !l#'aGara, &ere 2:2, 1oly Fur4an=. 'ut certain
"atter which wo"en alone are likely to know, uch a
whether a particular child wa born to a particular wo"an,
can be pro&ed e&en by the teti"ony of a ingle wo"an.
Matter which are of the category of a public right and
reGuire abolute certainty of proof, uch a offene
entailing the punih"ent of hadd can only be pro&ed by the
teti"ony of two "ale witnee and in one cae, na"ely,
that of whoredo" by four "ale witnee <.ahi", op. cit.,
pp. 598 599=.
$n the abo&e cae, the reGuiite nu"ber of witnee wa
not atified. The law reGuire the teti"ony of two "ale
witnee, or one "ale and two fe"ale witnee to
etablih a particular fact <Sura !l#'aGara, &ere 2:2, 1oly
Fur4an= which "ut not be in conflict with each otherJ
otherwie it will be re%ected <.ahi" citing !l Ma%allah, p.
2;1=J 1ere, the teti"ony of witnee CCC and C,C did not
correpond with each other.
,- In t!% abo9% $a%3 u**o% =C= # a ma(% w#tn% an"
=D= # a .%ma(% w#tn% an" bot! o. t!%m ar% $om*%t%nt
to o..%r %9#"%n$%. W!at wou(" b% t!% r%@u#r%" numb%r
or tatu o. w#tn%% to %tab(#! t!% $(a#m o. =A=8
/011E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- There "ut be the additional teti"ony of at leat a
fe"ale witne on the particular clai" of C!C. The law
reGuire the teti"ony of two "ale witnee, or one "ale
and two fe"ale witnee to etablih a particular fact.
1ence, in addition to the teti"ony of CCC and C,C one
additional fe"ale witne hould be preented in order to
etablih the clai" of C!C.
,- Stat% t!% $on$%*t o. "#r%$t an" !%ara) t%t#mon)8
ANS- ,irect teti"ony alone, generally peaking, ha any
probati&e &alue. 1ence, a fact "ut be pro&ed by an
eyewitne if it be one which could be een, or if it
conited of poken word, by the peron who heard the".
'ut o"eti"e indirect teti"ony i alo ad"itted. *or
intance, the fact of paternity, death, "arriage,
appoint"ent of a ?adi, can be pro&ed by a peron who
recei&ed infor"ation with regard to the" fro" "en of
reliable character <1edaya, &ol. &i., pp. 688 9J !l Ma%allah,
pp. 2:9 2::=. E&en in thoe "atter a "ere tate"ent by a
witne that he heard o and o will not be accepted but he
"ut be able to depoe to the fact itelf, for intance, that
on a particular date o and o wa the ?adi of uch a place
or o and o died on uch date and that he knew it although
hi knowledge "ight be baed on hearay. $n other word,
hi infor"ation "ut ha&e produced uch belief in hi "ind
a to be accepted by hi"elf a knowledge. Si"ilarly, if he
ay C$ did not ee thi but know itC and it i a notoriou
fact, the tate"ent will be accepted. Such e&idence i alo
ad"iible to pro&e the fact or a property being !a&f but
not to pro&e the condition of the grant <1edaya, &ol. &i, p.
68;=. $f a peron ee another in poeion of a property
other than a la&e, he would be %utified in depoing that it
belong to the "an in poeion becaue poeion
indicate ownerhip <I'id., pp. 59: ; citing 1edaya, &ol. &i,
p. 68;=.
$t "ay o"eti"e happen that the peron who witneed a
tranaction "ay not be a&ailable owing to their being dead
or being at uch a great ditance that it i not practicable to
produce the"J then e&idence "ay be recei&ed of a peron
who heard the" tate that they witneed the tranaction.
Thi i called Ce&idence of teti"onyC (shahadut ala
shahadut), and i allowed by %uritic eGuity becaue of
neceity <I'id.=.
,- Mut t!% t%t#mon) agr%% w#t! $(a#m8 G#9%
ANS- 0e. (egal teti"ony "ut alo agree with the clai"J
otherwie it ha no effect. *or intance, when the clai" i
that a certain property ha belonged to the plaintiff for two
year and hi witnee ay that it ha been hi for abo&e
two year, it will not be acceptedJ though if they had aid
that the property had been owned by the plaintiff for le
than two year, the teti"ony would not be dicarded,
becaue their knowledge "ight ha&e fallen hort. Si"ilarly,
if a plaintiff clai" a thouand rupee and the witnee
peak to fi&e hundred, the e&idence will be accepted for
fi&e hundred, but not if they peak to "ore than a thouand.
Suppoe a "an4 clai" i for thouand rupee for property
old and the witnee depoe that the defendant owe
thouand rupee to the plaintiff on account of a loan, it will
not be accepted <!l Ma%allah, p. 2;1=. Si"ilarly, if there i
conflict of teti"ony a"ong the witnee of the clai"ant
uch e&idence will be re%ected <I'id.=.
$f the e&idence be oppoed to a &iible or notoriou fact it
will ha&e no operation <I'id.=.
,- Su**o% bot! t!% *art#% ma<% $ontra"#$tor)
a((%gat#on o. a *o#t#9% natur% #n r%(at#on to t!% am%
matt%r an" bot! ar% *r%*ar%" to a""u$% *roo.3 w!o%
*roo. # to b% *r%.%rr%" or !%ar" !tar%ihu'l bayyinat78
ANS- The general rule i that the e&idence of the party
whoe allegation i upported by certain general
preu"ption (istisha'ul hal) will be preferred. The Court
cannot hear e&idence in upport of the allegation of both,
becaue the allegation of one "ut be fale and the
teti"ony in upport of it cannot be infor"ation or
e&idence. Thu, if one peron wihe to produce e&idence
that a peron wa in good health at a particular ti"e and the
oppoite party want to pro&e that he wa then eiAed with
death illne, there being nothing ele, the e&idence of the
for"er will be accepted in preference to that of the latter.
The reaon i that in the abence of proof to the contrary a
"an will be uppoed to continue in good health. Si"ilarly,
e&idence of the party who want to pro&e that a "an wa
poeed of undertanding will be heard in preference to
that of the party who allege that he wa inane or idiotic at
a particular ti"e. The e&idence that a certain property wa
purchaed will be preferred to the e&idence that it wa a gift
or a pledge or hired, and the e&idence that it wa hired
would be preferred to the e&idence that it wa a pledge
<I'id., pp. 59; 5:0=.
$f both the partie are in poeion of a certain property
and one of the" clai" that it belong eBclui&ely to hi"
and the other allege that it belong to the" %ointly, the
e&idence of the for"er will be heard, the reaon being that
hi right i partially ad"itted by the latter. $f, on the other
hand, both clai"ed eBclui&e right, they will be declared
to be %oint owner a there i no reaon for preferring the
proof of one to that of the other <I'id.=.
,- W!%n # t!% wor" o. on% *art) to b% a$$%*t%"8
ANS- $n certain cae where both the partie are unable to
adduce proof, but there i a preu"ption in fa&our of the
allegation of one of the" ariing fro" circu"tance
(tahkim ul hal), the tate"ent of that party i to be
$n uch cae the law will o"eti"e reGuire the party in
whoe fa&our the preu"ption i raied to take the oath and
o"eti"e not. *or intance, when there i a dipute
between the huband and the wife regarding certain good
in the houe, if they are article like word and lance and
the like, they will be preu"ed to belong to the huband
and hi word will be accepted and a decree will be "ade in
hi fa&our if the wife i to adduce any proof and the
huband i prepared to take the oath. ! i"ilar preu"ption
will be "ade in fa&our of the wife in repect of thing like
houehold utenil, carpet, and o on .$f a donor applie
for re&ocation of hi gift and the donee ay that the thing
ha perihed, hi word i to be accepted without hi being
aked to take the oath. $f a bailee ay that he ha returned
the good entruted to hi", hi word i to be accepted if he
take the oath. $f a Chritian die and hi wife allege that
he beca"e Muha""adan after hi death, but hi heir ay
that he beca"e a con&ert to $la" before hi death, the
tate"ent of the heir i to be accepted. The reaon i that,
at the ti"e the wo"an co"e to Court, he being a
Muha""adan, thi fact confir" the allegation of the heir
<I'id. citing 1edaya, &ol. &i, p. 627=. So"eti"e when the
partie to a tranaction cannot agree and neither of the" i
able to adduce e&idence, but both are prepared to take the
oath in upport of their repecti&e allegation, the Court
will et aide the tranaction itelf. *or intance, when the
&endor and the buyer of an article cannot agree a to the
a"ount of conideration or a to thing old or both, and
none of the" can adduce e&idence, but both are prepared to
take the oath in upport of their allegation, the Court will
et aide the ale. The reaon i that there i no ground for
preferring the bare tate"ent of the one to that of the other
,- I $#r$umtant#a( %9#"%n$% a"m##b(%8 I. )%3 un"%r
w!at $on"#t#on8
ANS- 0e. 'eide hu"an teti"ony fact and
circu"tance (&arinat) "ay alo be relied upon a proof.
'ut circu"tantial e&idence will only be acted upon if it i
of a conclui&e nature (&atia)tun). *or intance, if a peron
i een co"ing out fro" an unoccupied houe in fear and
anBiety with a knife co&ered with blood in hi hand and in
the houe a dead body i found with it throat cut, thee
fact will be regarded a a proof that the peron who wa
een co"ing out "urdered hi" <I'id., pp. 5:1 5:2J The
Me%elle, p. 508=. $n other word, circu"tantial e&idence i
ad"iible in e&idence if it partake of a co"plete
preu"pti&e proof which i an inference which attain the
degree of poiti&e knowledge <!rt. l96l, The Me%elle=.
,- Ma) a w#tn% r%tra$t !# t%t#mon)8 EB*(a#n.
ANS- 0e. The %uritic effect of teti"ony "ay be re&oked
by the witne hi"elf by retraction of what he tetified to.
Such retraction "ut be "ade in Court, otherwie it will not
be taken into account at all. $f the witnee retract their
teti"ony before the order i paed, uch teti"ony will be
re%ected, but if afterward, it will not affect the order. $f in
the lat cae their e&idence ha caued any lo, the
witnee will be held liable <.ahi", loc. cit.=.
,- W!at # an a"m##on8 EB*(a#n.
ANS- Ehen a "an tetifie againt hi"elf in upport of a
clai" "ade againt hi", it i called ad"iion <I'id., p.
598=. The Court generally accept an ad"iion without
reGuiring any further proof fro" the clai"ant. !n
ad"iion "ut, howe&er, be unconditional, and it "ut be
&oluntary, o that if obtained by coercion it i not binding
nor if "ade in %et. Si"ilarly, if the fact ad"itted i
contradicted by apparent and ob&iou circu"tance of the
peron "aking the ad"iion, it will not be accepted <I'id.,
p. 5:2=.
,- W!at ar% t!% r%@u#r%m%nt .or t!% a"m##b#(#t) o.
an a"m##on8
ANS- They are a followK
<1= The ad"itter "ut be aneJ
<2= 1e "ut be of ageJ
<5= The ad"iion i &oluntaryJ
<6= 1e can lawfully tranact buineJ and
<7= 1e "ut not be known or popularly identified in telling
lie <!lauya, op. cit., pp. 66 67=.
,- I "o$um%ntar) %9#"%n$% a"m##b(%8 EB*(a#n.
ANS- 0e. So"eti"e docu"ent are accepted a a
ubtitute for oral teti"ony. 'ut the Court i not to act on a
ealed deed or any other docu"ent unle it i free fro" the
upicion of being forged and i uch a i cuto"ary for
people to enter their tranaction therein. *or intance,
official docu"ent and the record of a Court of 2utice can
be accepted. 'ook of account kept in the court of
buine and docu"ent eBecuted in the preence of two
witnee are alo ad"itted in e&idence <.ahi", loc. cit.,
citing C*atawaC C!la"giriC, &ol. iii, p. 756J !l Ma%allah, p.
Eith the preent trend in the "odern world, official record
or public docu"ent are now ad"iible in e&idence
pro&ided that it i co"pletely de&oid of forgery and
falification and i not fabricated to pre%udice the interet of
the other <!lauya, op. cit., p. 77 citing SabiG, &ol. 5, p.
,- EB*(a#n %to**%(.
ANS- The law o"eti"e doe not allow e&idence being
gi&en of a certain fact ha&ing regard to the conduct of the
party deiring to adduce uch e&idence. Thi i called
'a"anu)d darurat which correpond to etoppel to the
Englih law. *or intance, if the owner of a certain property
ee another peron elling it and keep Guiet, he will not be
allowed to pro&e that the "an who purported to ell wa
not authoriAed by hi" to do o <.ahi", op. cit., p. 5:2=.
<'ack to the top=
S%$t#on 0?. Su**(%tor) Ru(% #n S*%$#a( O..%n%
,- W!at !ou(" go9%rn t!% .orm an" !%a" o. *%$#a(
ANS- The for" and head of the cae and offene
cogniAable by the Shari4a court hall be in accordance with
applicable law and the .ule of Court. The principle of
Muli" (aw "ay be applied in a uppletory "anner
<Section 1:, Special .ule=.
,- W!at ar% t!% *%$#a( o..%n% $ogn#Cab(% b) t!%
S!ar#:a C#r$u#t Court8 /0111 S!ar#a 6ar7
ANS- The offene under -, l0:5 cogniAable by the
Shari4a Court are Guite few, na"elyK
<1= $llegal ole"niAation of "arriage <!rt. l:l, -, l0:5=J
<2= Marriage before eBpiration of )idda <!rt. l:2, I'id.=J
<5= )ffene relati&e to ubeGuent "arriage, di&orce, and
re&ocation of di&orce <!rt. l:5, I'id.=J
<6= *ailure to report for regitration <!rt. l:6, I'id.=J and
<7= +eglect of duty by regitrar <!rt. l:7, I'id.=.
<'ack to the top=
S%$t#on 01. Agama Arb#trat#on3 !ow $on"u$t%"
FK $n what cae "ay the !ga"a !rbitration Council be
for"ed under -.,. 10:5S <1;;5 Shari4a 'ar=
ANS- The !ga"a !rbitration Council hall be for"ed
under the following caeK
<1= Ehen the Muli" huband pronounce tala& to hi
<2= Ehen the huband deiring to contract a ubeGuent
"arriage file a written notice thereof and the wife or any of
the wi&e ob%ectJ and
<5= $n cae in&ol&ing offene againt cuto"ary law
which can be ettled without for"al trial.
,- W!o ma) $ont#tut% t!% Agama Arb#trat#on Coun$#(
an" w!at $%rta#n $a% ma) t!% Coun$#( a**ro*r#at%()
$on#"%r8 /0111 S!ar#a 6ar7
ANS- The Shari4a ,itrict Court or the Shari@a Circuit
Court "ay, in appropriate cae, contitute an !ga"a
!rbitration Council which hall be co"poed of the Clerk
of Court a Chair"an and two <2= repreentati&e appointed
by the court upon no"ination by the partie.
The Council "ay appropriately conider the following
<1= Ehen the Muli" huband pronounce tala& to hi
<2= Ehen the huband deiring to contract a ubeGuent
"arriage file a written notice thereof and the wife or any of
the wi&e ob%ectJ and
<5= $n cae in&ol&ing offene againt cuto"ary law
which can be ettled without for"al trial.
,- W!at ar% t!% .un$t#on o. t!% Agama Arb#trat#on
Coun$#(8 /01103 0111 S!ar#:a 6ar7 How ma) t!%
*ro$%%"#ng o. t!% Agama Arb#trat#on Coun$#( b%
$on"u$t%" un"%r t!% S*%$#a( Ru(% o. Pro$%"ur%
Go9%rn#ng t!% S!ar#:a! $ourt8 /011E S!ar#:a 6ar7
ANS- The !ga"a !rbitration Council, after it contitution
puruant to the pro&iion of the Code of Muli" -eronal
(aw, hall conduct the arbitration proceeding in
accordance with the "ethod it dee" appropriate, taking
into conideration the circu"tance of the dipute, the
conciliation of the partie, the interet of the children, if
any, and other third partie in&ol&ed, and the need for a
peedy ettle"ent of the dipute. 1owe&er, no arbitration
proceeding hall take place ex parte <Sec. 1;, Special
S%$t#on 45. E..%$t#9#t)
,- W!%n "#" t!% *%$#a( ru(% o. *ro$%"ur% ta<% %..%$t8
ANS- The pecial rule of procedure took effect
i""ediately upon it appro&al on Septe"ber 20, 1;:5.
<'ack to the top=
Mr. Gubat <Mar&in to hi friend= i holder of the
degree of -h.,. in Educational Manage"ent, Mater in
-ublic !d"initration, 'achelor of (aw <cu" laude=, and
'S'! !ccounting. 1e paed the -hilippine bar
eBa"ination and the -hilippine C-! (icenure
EBa"ination in 1;:; and 1;:6, repecti&ely.
1e taught law at the Mindanao State /ni&erity for
"ore than 20 year and worked a go&ern"ent proecutor
for "ore than 18 year up to the preent ti"e.
1i other book areK 1. The .e&ied .ule of Cri"inal
-rocedure !nnotatedJ 2. The Special .ule of -rocedure
Go&erning the Shari4a Court !nnotatedJ and 5. .e&iewer
in $la"ic -rocedure and E&idence.
*or further infor"ation, e"ail the author at
<'ack to the top=
1. The 1;;9 .ule of Ci&il -rocedure !nnotated
2. The .e&ied Cri"inal -rocedure !nnotated
<'ack to the top=

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