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Blurred Lines

As a group we all looked and analysed the lyrics of the song and wrote down what we thought the
meaning of the words meant and the sexually representation. We found that most of the lyrics
where quite forward to females and treating and calling them as sexual objects. We see that the
sexism can offend many viewers if they carefully listen to the lyrics and we annotated a few such as:
'But you're an animal Baby its in your nature' By this we get the impression that they are being
called less important and lower status of men as animals are controlled by men which could get the
impression that women have to do what men say, also referred as sexual objects such as dogs and
he says its not their fault but its `in their nature` so they have to do it. This can seem really
offensive how they are referred to and giving a really low sexist impression of how each of the artists
thinks of women.
`Just let me liberate you, You don't need no papers` He saying here that he wants to set her free
maybe from who she is currently seeing but in return he still wants some of her, but he saying okay
you dont need no papers, which refers to condoms so hes saying you dont really need nothing but
you which he is still treating her like a animal but he wants to give her more freedom.

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