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C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K

1 l L C R L A 1 I V L A I D l A N D B O O K
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
1he crowd, all reaching or the sky,
\e looked up and saw a glass ceiling aboe us all.
Beyond the glass the sun shined the brightest.
Beyond the beams holding tight, the air was the purist.
lreedom was the breeze that could only slip through the bricks.
No matter how ar we reached, we could neer touch the ceiling.
No matter how hard we pushed, the glass would neer break.
No matter how strong we were, the beams simply neer gae.
In acceptance, we began to admire the glass.
lrom where we stood now we could see the job o the beams,
\ith the idea o a billion bricks in support o a building.
All o us reaching or each other instead o the sky,
\ith encouraging pushes rom a united intention,
\e could climb and touch the ceiling.
\e could inally steer the beams.
\e could easily break the glass.
A billion bricks in unison
Could bring down an entire ceiling.
In a Uniied Lort:
Vexx: Chris 1oon
7he Bricks ana the Mortar - Kooroo Kooroo
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
About us
Maker and supporter o all things good or the collectie heart.
Producer o un, moing, thought-prooking initiaties.
Collaborator and accomplice to those who want to help soothe the burden
o the human condition.
loweer we can, whereer the will...
Hou to Use this Cuiae
1his guide is meant to sere as a mini resource or your creatie projects
and ood or your creatie thoughts. \e`e included our own aluable
reerences and resources we know and trust as a means to help you get
your project done. \e hope this gies you the creatie push rom a
direction you may not hae thought o, be it inormatie, inspirational, or
simply entertaining.
As a reminder, all o the art eatured, plus extra concept art or this book is
downloadable in ector ormat. 1his means you are ree to download,
keep, re-use and alter any art or whateer creatie needs, purposes or
endeaors you may hae. \e encourage you to pass it on and let us know
what magniicent ideas, projects or een products you come up with.
\ou can ind and download our iles at our blog
1here are a host o other icons and ector work we did not use or this
particular project that is also included on our blog. \e will try our best to
continuously update the book, and art while working on uture projects
baring the same ree-to-share concepts and theories.
T A B L E O F C O N T E N T 5
1hoppu Karanam S
low to Massage your Brain S
\iden your Lyes, \iden your Mind 8
1he lierce lorce o leng Shui J0
1he Basics o llow o Ch J0
leng Shui Shortcuts JJ
leng Shui in your \orkspace J2
A Quick and Lasy Guide to Llements in leng Shui J3
Put a Bird on it J7
Zen loods or Stress Reduction J9
Naturally Lnergizing loods 20
Smart Brain loods 20
Chocolates too 2J
Inspirational Smoothie Recipe 22
1he \onders o Lucid Dreaming 24
low to Induce Lucid Dreams 2S
loods that Induce Lucid Dreaming 27
1he Quick and Lasy Guide to... Lucid Dreaming 28
low to Master your Dream Domain 29
lacing your Subconscious 3J
Dream Dictionary 32
\ou are Most Creatie \hen you are Sleepy 34
T A B L E O F C O N T E N T 5
lear & Stress, Creatiity's Arch Nemeses 36
A Guide to Oercoming lear 37
Mental Blocks 38
1he Quick Guide to... light lear and Mental Blocks 40
Accepting and Adopting the Duck as your Creatie Animal 4J
1he Lmpowering landshake 42
1elepathically Connect with your Artwork 44
Coping with 1elepathic Pirates and Intererence 46
1roubleshooting 1elepathy 47
1he 6 Stages o Artistic Grie 48
Be lappy, Be Creatie S0
Quotes to lelp Build lappiness SJ
1he Crescent \oga Pose or lappiness S2
Say Chiiii S3
Our Principles or lappiness S4
9 1alks on lappiness and Stress S4
\hat Music does to the Brain S6
Classical Songs or Creatiity S7
Songs that Inspire us S7
Listen \hile you \ork S8
lree Music Download S8
Organic Music S9
T A B L E O F C O N T E N T 5
\hy 1rael lelps 6J
Inspirational Places to Visit 62
Sought Ater Places 62
1rael Resources 6S
Paper Dreamcatcher 67
Amazing Maze 68
Super Amazing Maze 69
Put a Bird on it 70
Put a Beard on it 70
Better Still 70
1hink Like an Octopus 72
Channeling Kooroo Kooroo 74
Continuing the Lort 7S
Sharing the Loe 76
Resources and Vendors 77
Ice on the Brain, Sculpting Ice 83
Breaking the Ice 84
Melting the Ice 86
1actully and Gracious: Quick and Lasy Guide 87
1reading \ater 88
1reading the \aters o Special Lents 9J
New \ork 2013: Setting the 1one 96
Rhapsody in Black & \hite 98
\here Inspiration 1akes \ou J00
1o New \ork with Loe J0J
lind 1hings on a \him J03
T A B L E O F C O N T E N T 5
Shut up and Listen
See Art you Neer Look at
See the \hole as Larger than the Sum o it`s Parts
Seek the Ldge
Mind, Body, Spirit, Relationship Recharge
1arantinoed Saturday
Gift of a Random Day
Gifts Worth Giving
Welcome Back
True-ish Altruism
A New Tradition
Things Old, Made New
Creative Gifts to Give
Down The Virtual Brick Road
Seen Through Teacup Eyes
Singapore 2014
The Great Tin City: Why Singapore
Singapore Pictures
Recollection: The Art and Artist of Singapore
Art with a Brain : Singapore Biennale
No Place Like Home
No Place Like Home: Continued
No Place is Like Home
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
R I S L A N D S l I N L
Super brain yoga and practices to get you into
the proper mental state to start the day.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
1 l O P P U K A R A N A M
Ri.e ava bive ritb 1bov Karavav
Also known as Super Brain \oga,` 1hoppu Karanam is an excellent
way to wake up both the analytic and creatie sides o the brain.
1bivg. Yov`tt ^eea:
A Sense o lumor
S 1 L P J : lace the sun with your eet parallel to your shoulders and
press your tongue against the roo o your mouth.
S 1 L P 2 : Pinch your right ear lobe with your let thumb and index
inger. 1his actiates the let side o your brain.
S 1 L P 3 : Pinch your let ear lobe with your right thumb and
index inger. 1his actiates the right side o your brain.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
S 1 L P 4 : \hile pressing on both o your earlobes, squat while
keeping your back straight. Do this 10 times, inhaling through your nose
and exhaling through your mouth.
S 1 L P S : leel both sides o your brain wake up, charged and
ready to create!

C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
l O \ 1 O M A S S A G L \ O U R B R A I N
raiv Ma..age Dove !ett
Giing yoursel a good brain massage is an excellent way to reliee tension
headaches, alleiate stress, and reduce hair loss.
Dia ,ov /vor tbat bairive.. ba. beev .borv to corretate ritb ivtettigevce.
S 1 L P J : Start at the lower back point o your head, using your
ingertips rotate them in a circular motion.
S 1 L P 2 : Continue making circular motions and moe up along
the sides o your head ocusing on your temples.
S 1 L P 3 : Rotate your hands so your thumbs are on top o your
head, massaging both the sides and top o your head.
S 1 L P 4 : Put pressure into your ingers as you continue to moe
along the top and sides o the head.
S 1 L P S : Relax.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
\ I D L N \ O U R L \ L S \ I D L N \ O U R M I N D
A quick exercise that you can do to broaden your mind`s iew is to
broaden your eyes` iew. A study by the Creatiity Research Journal, ound
that by opening your eyes widely, you can increase your perceptual
attention. By increasing your perceptual attention, you also increase your
conceptual attention.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
I N 1 R O 1 O l L N G S l U I
In this section, you`ll learn to harmonize and cultiate the breath o
lie to maximize your enironment`s creatie potential.

C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
1 l L l I L R C L l O R C L O l l L N G S l U I
Chi, one o our aorite subjects. Chi, in Chinese culture, is the energy o
lie that lows like water. It is literally the lie orce and its essence. It can be
described and understood in a limited scope as energy. \ou may know it
best as "1he lorce" in Star \ars. Lither way, Chi is and Chi will always be
in its complexity a orce to be reckoned with.
Let`s learn how to use the orce as it pertains to willing an energizing,
creatie enironment. \ou can control the low o your chi in order to
energize it by using leng Shui techniques in designing the space around you.
1 lL BA S I C S O l l L O \ A N D Cl I
A good irst step to achieing leng Shui in your space, is to check how the
Chi currently lows. Imagine a scent or water coming through your ront
door, pulsing through your home. Note all the areas that the low o Chi
might be disrupted. 1hese areas are where Chi might get trapped. \ou can
keep the moement o Chi moing by unblocking cramped spaces or
using water, plants, and light.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
l L N G S l U I S l O R 1 C U 1 S
leng Shui is a ery broad and complicated subject, but there are basic
underlying principles. \ou can use these 4 easy rules to quickly spruce up
your space, in case you don`t hae enough time to redecorate your whole
Clean Air and Natural Lighting: Open up the windows
to let the sunlight and resh air in.
Use Scents to Bring in Chi: 1ry using graperuit,
lemongrass, or basil scents to bring in Chi that accelerates
your mental and creatie energies.
Declutter: 1hrow out what you don`t need and simpliy
your surroundings.
Color According to your Birth Llement: 1here are 5
elements in leng Shui, deined by your birth year, ind out
yours and the colors that gie you energy.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
l L N G S l U I I N \ O U R \ O R K S P A C L
\our home is the central ocus o leng Shui, but the area where your
creatiity most counts, is the space you work in to create. I your home is
your workspace, try to separate the area where you sleep and work as
much as possible. 1he same general principles o leng Shui apply in your
oice as they do in your home, but here are some quick tips on
maximizing speciically your workspace:
A L W A Y S J : Sit in the corner arthest rom the entrance, this is
the command` position.
A L W A Y S 2 : Keep a clock on the wall, the circular motion
creates new ideas.
A L W A Y S 3 : Moe your computer to the north or west areas
o the room to enhance creatiity.
D O N O 1 4 : Sit in line with the door. Sit acing towards it.
D O N O 1 S : Put mirrors in the room, as they bounce
the negatie energy o others.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
l L N G S l U I L L L M L N 1 S & C \ C L L S
A Q U I C K A N D L A S \ G U I D L
Colors in leng Shui are important as they relate to the 5 elements: wood,
ire, earth, water, and metal. It is important to know how these elements
interact with each other and which colors are associated with each, because
they are aected by your personal birth element. Lach element also has
associated shapes and certain cardinal directions that enhance its energy
when placed in speciic areas o your home .

Placing certain elemental colors in dierent areas o your home helps to not
only obtain speciic goals, but create a calmer, creatiely eocatie
enironment as well. \ou can create harmony by balancing between all ie
elements or use the listed inormation to emphasize or mask a speciic
energy in your home.
S 1 R L N G 1 H L N I N G :
\ater \ood lire Larth Metal \ater
W L A K L N I N G :
\ater lire Metal \ood Larth \ater
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
I I R L : actiates your own personal energy in support o
you career eorts and recognition.
S H A P L : 1riangle
C O L O R S : Red, Deep \ellow, Orange, Purple, Pink
D I R L C 1 I O N S : South, southwest, and northeast
L A R 1 H : Creates stability and harmony in all
S H A P L : Square
C O L O R S: Light \ellow, Light Brown
D I R L C 1 I O N S : Southwest, northeast, and the
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
M L 1 A L : Brings the energy o clarity, preciseness and
S H A P L : Round
C O L O R S : \hite, Gray, Metallic
D I R L C 1 I O N S : \est and northwest
W A 1 L R : Rereshing and calm energies o purity, trust,
and renewal.
S H A P L : \ay
C O L O R S : Black, Blue
D I R L C 1 I O N S : North, east, and southeast
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
W O O D: Brings in the energy o ibrant health and lush
S H A P L: Rectangle
C O L O R S: Green, Brown
D I R L C 1 I O N S: Last, southeast, and south areas
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
I l A L L L L S L l A I L S
Pvt a ira ov it!
1he intricacies o leng Shui are ast and complicated. Sometimes the
aerage artist doesn`t hae time to check the low o their Chi and balance
the elemental energies o their home. \ou`re busy, you hae reelance, an
upcoming crat show, and arious creatie projects.
So, i you ind yoursel dizzy and conused ater spinning around tilting
your urniture to ace the best direction, birds work as a conenient
shortcut to sprucing up your home or space. Simply, put a bird on it!
"Put a Bird on it!" - Portlandia
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
l L L D \ O U R C R L A 1 I V I 1 \
S 1 A R V L \ O U R S 1 R L S S
I you are stressing oer a creatie problem, with energy too low to
cope and your brain malunctioning due to rising tensions, here are
some cures or what may be ailing you.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
Z L N l O O D S
Zev ooa. for tre.. Reavctiov
Nothing can be less conducie to accessing your inner creatiity than
stressul inading thoughts. It`s a deteriorating mental condition that is just
as harmul to your well-being and oerall health. 1here is no need to quote
scientiic inds here, as most o us are well aware o the act that stress is
bad or your psyche. Luckily there are things you can do to reduce it. Shake
o stress with these oods:
It contains L-theanine, which stimulates alpha brain waes to put the brain
in a calm state.
Calms the neres and relaxes muscles, it can be ound in: tuna, rice, wheat,
oats, pumpkin seeds
lelps soothe neres and can be ound in: bananas, dates, honey
lelps regulate your mood and sleep and is ound in oods like: kiwis,
strawberries, oranges
Is used to create serotonin in your body. It is ound in oods such as: oats,
sunlower seeds, almonds
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
N A 1 U R A L L \ L N L R G I Z I N G l O O D S
Maybe moing around your urniture all day has drained your Chi and you
need a boost. Indulge in oods with norepinephrine in them, it keeps you
awake and perky and best o all, it helps you ocus.
lean meat
S M A R 1 B R A I N l O O D S
Other oods can help with the unctions o the brain to work more
eectiely, such as improing memory, mood, concentration, and oerall
clarity. I you`e conquered stress and a lack o energy, but are low on
brain uel to pump out creatie ideas try to eat things like:
mixed nuts
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
C l O C O L A 1 L 1 O O
I ruits and eggies don`t peak your interest and lean meats, ish, and nuts
don`t tickle your palate, not to worry, there is always chocolate too. \ou
and your sweet tooth will be pleased to know that cocoa and dark
chocolate hae magical qualities, that you may not want to reeal to your
Contains dopamine
Promotes blood circulation
Contains serotonin and tryptophan
Induces a euphoric eelings and heightened sensitiity
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
G L 1 1 l O S L C R L A 1 I V L J U I C L S
l L O \ I N G S U P L R S M O O 1 l L \:

v.iratiovat vootbie Recie
2 Cups Almond Milk ,Lnergy,
1 Mango Chopped ,Brain Power,
1,4 Cup Ground Almond ,Lnergy,
6 1ablespoons o Cocoa Powder ,Luphoria,
1,4 Cup Dates ,Zen,
1 Cup Oats ,Zen,
Blend it all together, drink, and begin crating!
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
Dream a Creatie Dream or Bring me a Lucid Dream: A co-op with
the Sandman.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
1 l L \ O N D L R S O l L U C I D D R L A M I N G
Lucid dreams are dreams in which you are suddenly aware that you are
dreaming. It is when your conscious sel suddenly starts taking oer what is
typically your subconscious sel`s job. 1hrough lucid dreaming, together
you and your subconscious can go on amazing adentures together,
without any o the odd symbolism your subconscious tries to create that
conuses your identity in the morning.
lor creatie purposes, lucid dreams are an excellent way to explore your
ideas in the wild, beore they become real works. In a lucid dream,
anything you can imagine is possible.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
l O \ 1 O I N D U C L L U C I D D R L A M S
As you`e probably already learned through arious experiences in lie,
simply wanting something to happen is not usually good enough. 1he same
thing applies or lucid dreaming. Listed below are a ew techniques to let
your subconscious know that you`re going to be calling the shots or this
1AKL COMMAND 1aking control doesn`t start during
dreaming, but beore. \hile alling asleep, tell yoursel you
will hae a lucid dream. Nurture a lucid dream by
repeating "I will lucid dream tonight." Once you all
asleep, at some point, you must try to realize that you hae
allen asleep.
DO A RLALI1Y CHLCK: Usually you don`t try to
rationalize your dreams, choosing to accept the
subconscious` creatiity, while rejecting the details that
don't typically make sense in waking lie. \ou beliee
eerything that`s going on in a dream is real until you wake
up ,and sometimes not een then,. A major key in lucid
dreaming is constantly asking yoursel i what is happening
is actually possible.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
ANCHOR YOUR RLALI1Y: lae something in real lie
,your hand typically works, that you hae a ery clear
memory o ,why your hand works well,. 1ell yoursel
beore you go to sleep, that i you see this object, you will
know you are dreaming. loweer, try not to conuse
yoursel by thinking you`re dreaming in waking lie eery
time you look at your hand.
WAKL UP LARLY: \ou are most likely to hae a lucid
dream right beore you wake up. So wake up beore you
need to, about 1 - 2 hours and tell yoursel then, that you
will hae a lucid dream just beore resuming sleep.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
l O O D S 1 l A 1 I N D U C L
I you are haing troubles using mental tricks to induce lucid dreams, you
can eat certain oods beore bed to help make it easier. Vitamin B6 has
been shown to help induce iid dreams, many people swear by it and
scientists hae een ound lucid dreams to be a symptom o too much B6.
1ryptophan works with itamin B6 to help create higher leels o
serotonin, which can cause extremely iid dreams. Cheddar cheese has the
most amount o tryptophan, but you can also try eating chicken, salmon, or
eggs beore bed which contain both tryptophan and B6.
looas that aIso uork ueII are:
I you`re looking to make your lucid dreams more iid as well, try taking
Calea 1erniolia, also known as the Lea o God.` \ou can also try
alerian root and chamomile, which make your dreams more iid, but
also help induce sleep.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
A Q U I C K A N D L A S \ G U I D L
\ou can reer back to this book as a means to a quick and easy` lucid
dream in order to remind your subconscious that you will indeed be taking
control o the bedroom tonight.
Get to know what your dreams typically look like so you can easily
recognize where you are when you arrie.
Lstablish objects or gestures that remind you that you are
Reality check, reality check, reality check your surroundings. Don`t
ignore that weird duck ollowing you.
Lncouraging your lucid dream is a bit like suring. Go with it,
don`t orce it.
Remember, a reality check can spark a signal to your conscious that you are
in subconscious territory. 1his is the most important part o gaining control
o a dream. 1o learn lucid dreaming, you must be able to spot when you
are actually in a dream.
Does the enironment abruptly change
Does what's happening make any sense
Can you push your hand through the solid matter o a door
Does your relection look normal in the mirror
Do things look normal close-up
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
l O \ 1 O M A S 1 L R \ O U R
Now that you are able to hae lucid dreams, it`s time to learn how to
control them. Up until now, you hae been watching your dreams rom a
distance, like a tourist on a saari trip. Now you hae let the jeep and are
out in the wild dunes o the desert that is your subconscious and you will
need to learn some new super powered surial skills, that rial those o
the Sandman.
tvaie. .bor .bor tbat riaeo gave. before bea are gooa ra, to ractice covtrottivg ,ovr
HOW 1O ILY: I you`e eer wanted to ly, now you can.
llying in lucid dreams is not as easy or the beginner as it
would seem, howeer. 1ry to think o yoursel as an
airplane, create a dream runway or yoursel and run. leel
yoursel getting lighter and lighter until you are up in the
OBJLC1: Dreaming up people is probably why you are
here, right! 1hat iacious checkout girl ,or stoic checkout
guy, behind the counter who would neer gie you the
time o day, let alone bag your meats properly, can`t
deny the charm o a little R.L.M loing.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
1he express lane to creating that dreamy igure is to use
dream doors or liquid portals. Reach inside and expect to
grab the hand o your dream igure, then simply pull them
through. 1ry picking up a phone and calling them to aisle
2 or shouting the person`s name as i he or she was in the
next aisle oer. I you`e done this correctly, there should
be no more sel serice checkouts or you, only quality
customer serice handling your personal goods.
HOW 1O 1LLLPOR1: Now that you hae the attention
o that specially crated someone, you can change the
scene up. Visualize puddles that appear below your eet,
that drop you in the place o your choice. \hateer you
choose as your mode o transportation, remember the
important part o teleporting is simply to ocus on where
you are going.
HOW 1O 1IML 1RAVLL: 1ime trael is similar to
teleportation in that, the important part is ocusing on the
time and place you want to arrie at. 1ry slowly melting
your body into a puddle o liquid that seeps through the
looring and rains down into a new area. Or i you need a
simpler solution, dream up a scientist who can build you a
time machine.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
l A C I N G \ O U R S U B C O N S C I O U S
As we mentioned beore, you are now doing your subconscious` job or it.
Depending on the type o person s,he is, they may not be too happy
about may be writing a good, long nightmare or you, the next time you
all asleep. I you are practiced in the ways o communicating telepathically,
communication may come easy or you.
loweer, i it has been a while since you last
practiced, you may want to try giing the
mirage o your subconscious a physical orm.
Relections are a great tool or subconscious
connection in the oasis o your mind. Imagine
what type o person s,he would look like,
maybe it looks just like you or maybe it looks
just like you, but with a bowler hat and a
monocle. Creating a physical representation o
your subconscious will make it easier to ind it
and communicate with it.
\hen you are acing your subconscious, remember that it is a ery
emotional and irrational being. \ou may ask it questions, but make sure to
be an astute listener. ligure out where your subconscious gets inspired
rom or all its ideas or why you are always naked in your dreams... and
right now.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
D R L A M D I C 1 I O N A R \
\hile deling into your subconscious and manipulating your dreams in
order to ind inner inspiration, you may notice that your subconscious is
using some reoccurring plots. I you`re haing trouble understanding the
symbolism, try using these most common dream themes and their
If you keep forgetting your clothes:
\ou may be eeling ulnerable or shameul. 1his may also
be a sign that you are trying to hide something rom
others and your subconscious is letting you know, your
disguise` is not working. loweer, i you are proud to
be in nothing but your birthday suit, you are likely proud
o who you are and ery careree.
If someone is always chasing you:
\ou are likely dealing with anxieties in lie which you`d like
to run away rom and i you are running rom yoursel,
you`re trying to mentally run rom your eelings. I you are
the one doing the chasing, this could indicate two things
either you are a ery ambitious person or you eel you are
trying to catch up with eeryone else.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
If you keep losing your teeth:
1his may hae to do with how you perceie yoursel in
ront o others, usually coupled with eelings o
incompetence or embarrassment. Other cultures also
beliee, bad teeth in dreams is a sign that a close riend is
alling ill. Crumbling teeth may also mean crumbling
power in your waking lie.
If you are always flying around...
\hen you are haing troubles lying, it`s indicatie o other
problems you might be haing and are unable to keep
control oer. Soaring through dreams, on the other hand,
may indicate you do hae control oer a situation.
If you are constantly falling...
1his, again, is a theme which usually means you hae
eelings o insecurities or anxieties in waking lie. lalling
indicates you eel you hae lost control o a situation or
ear that you might. In lreud`s opinion, these dreams
mean you may be about to gie into a sexual urge.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
\ O U A R L M O S 1 C R L A 1 I V L
\ l L N \ O U A R L S L L L P \
I you ind yoursel staying up until 3AM stuing yoursel with salmon,
memorizing all the lines o your hand, and not sure anymore i you are in a
dream or reality, don`t worry. Studies hae shown that simply being tired
can help bring on creatie thoughts.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
C O N Q U L R I N G l L A R S
M L N 1 A L B L O C K S
Deeloping and strengthening your courage to create.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K

l L A R & S 1 R L S S
Creatirit,`. .rcb ^eve.e.
lear and stress are the number one causes o death or creatie ideas. \hen
we let ear enter our thoughts, it causes stress and breaks down the rest o
our body.
On receiing ear signals rom the amygdalae ,the lizard brain, breathing,
digestion, blood circulation, brain actiity and body luid lows are instantly
aected. lear dilates pupils, it reduces salia, drying the mouth. lear causes
sweating and a decrease in skin resistance.
lear decreases peripheral blood low and causes hands to become cold.
1he signals speed breathing and dilate bronchial tubes to allow more air to
the lungs. 1hey tighten stomach muscles, slow digestion and close down the
excretory system. lear paralyzes us leaing little room or creatie thought
or innoatie ideas.` - etb Coaiv
Seth Godin: Quieting the Lizard Brain
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
A G U I D L 1 O O V L R C O M I N G l L A R

1ry these strategies to oercome ears which may inhibit your creatiity:
LXLRCISL: A study at Princeton shows this grows
neurons that respond less and less to stress oer time.
ACCLP1ANCL: lears may not always be unounded, it`s
good to occasionally understand a situation is earul as
1AKL A NLW PLRSPLC1IVL: See your ears rom a
new angle to change what is causing it.
GIVL YOUR AR1 MORL POWLR: See your art as
something that must be done no matter what, gie your
art more power than your ear
SLL I1 AS A CHALLLNGL: lears are growth
opportunities, oercome this challenge and next time the
ear won`t be so great.
rer, bvvav beivg vv.t bare a oivt at rbicb be .tava. agaiv.t tbe cvttvre, rbere be
.a,., tbi. i. ve ava tbe aavvea rorta cav go to bett.
Rotto Ma, ;.rti.t, .vtbor, P.,cbotogi.t)
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
M L N 1 A L B L O C K S
1be e.t !a,
1he best way to rid yoursel o mental blocks is to ignore them. Contrary
to popular belie, thinking harder about the the path behind the obstacle
does not clear the obstacle. 1hink o a creatie block as a Chinese inger
trap, the more you work against it the more it works against you.
A study done at the Austrian Academy o Sciences` ound that when
participants were gien a word puzzle to work on, those whose brains
were in a more ocused state, took longer to sole the puzzle.
Our indings suggest that it is actually better to tackle problems with an
open mind.` - Joydeep Bhattacharya. Participants in a more relaxed mental
state were more likely to hae an instant eureka` moment and discoer
the solution.
As many people know, trying to think about not thinking about something
can be ery diicult, so here are some quick strategies to help put your
mind in the premium state or an ah-ha!` moment.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
Physically remoe yoursel rom the area you`e been sitting in while
ocusing on this idea. Preerably to somewhere you haen`t been beore,
like a new coee shop, into a dierent area o town, or i you hae time
get on a plane ,See 1rael 1ips,.
Listen to thoughts coming out o someone else`s head or a while, but
make sure it`s someone whose thoughts are interesting enough to hold your
Do something you don`t normally do or haen`t done in a long time, pick
up a new hobby or an hour, learn how to do something new.
I you can`t empty the one block out o your head, empty all thoughts out
o your head. Meditation will also help you reduce the stress and
rustrations you might be eeling rom the situation.
I you don`t hae time to take a mental break, take a short one and just
listen to music, try at least or some new songs so you still disrupt your
normal thought patterns ,See Mindrame o Music,.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
l I G l 1 l L A R A N D M L N 1 A L B L O C K S
A Q U I C K A N D L A S \ G U I D L
lear can keep you stuck, but ret not. lere is a quick reerence guide to
quickly reer to when needed.
Unblock the blockage holding you back in your creatie endeaors. Get
motiated and challenge yoursel to do the ollowing:
Change your Lnironment
Change your 1hinking
Listen to Music
Relax a Bit
lear paralyzes you, but your opportunity to grow is now.
Accept it
Change it
Let it pass
ear of Dvc/. .vatiaaebobia: 1be fear tbat .overbere, .ovebor, a avc/ i.
ratcbivg ,ov rigbt vor.......
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
A C C L P 1 I N G A N D A D O P 1 I N G
1 l L D U C K A S \ O U R C R L A 1 I V L A N I M A L
Now that you hae the techniques to reduce and ace your ears, it is time
to ace the duck. Beore acing it, understand the nature o the duck.
1he Duck:
A Celtic animal symbol o honesty, simplicity and resourceulness.
Particularly in the water, ducks are respected or their beauty and
adaptation to nature.
Go to your local park or lake and locate the duck, you know where to ind
him, he won`t be with the others, he`ll be behind you, watching you rom
the shadows under the bridge. Approach him slowly, try the Bread and
Patience` method, keep eeding him small pieces o bread luring him closer
to you. \hen he is within only a ew inches o your reach, grab him by the
waist and look into his eyes.
Now, see, understand, and respect the duck or what it is...
just a duck.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
1 l L L M P O \ L R I N G l A N D S l A K L

Now that your ears hae been kicked and that duck has been handled,
learn this empowering handshake.

Shake hands with the person you are greeting...
1urn your hand so that it is aboe the other person`s, this is the more
powerul hand position.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
L L L V A 1 L \ O U R A R 1
1he artistry o a proper telepathy.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
1 L L L P A 1 l I C A L L \ C O N N L C 1
\ I 1 l \ O U R A R 1 \ O R K
As your artwork is an extension o you, know that you hae the ability to
communicate directly with it on a higher eleated easel. Beore beginning to
communicate with your art, you must irst connect with it on an emotional
leel. \our artwork needs to know that you care about it and are
ulnerable to its sensitiities. Build a bond through moie nights, casual
strolls, and home-cooked meals. Ater a bond has been established, you
may begin attempting to telepathically connect with it:
S 1 L P J : Know what inormation you are seeking to gain or
trying to share.
S 1 L P 2 : Let your ulnerabilities hang out.
S 1 L P 3 : Relax your mind. ,See: low to Massage your Brain,
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
S 1 L P 4 : Attempt to send simple messages, such as Pantone colors
or textures.
S 1 L P S : Slowly attempt to send more complicated messages,
spaced urther apart, such as layered dimensional depth,
color shades, hues, or the intricacies o a stylistic technique.
S 1 L P 6 : Keep a ocused heart and a patient mind.
S 1 L P 7 : Be open to any kind o message you may receie rom
your artwork do not be a critic. \our art must trust that
you will stand up or its creatie sensitiities.
People who hae deeloped this ability hae been known to to procure
large grants, gain gallery credibility, establish large art ollowings, and in
certain cases obtain historical recognition. Practice and you will be able to
communicate with your art pieces oer great distances and by extension
know when your artwork is in trouble or being used poorly as soa art.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
C O P I N G \ I 1 l 1 L L L P A 1 l I C P I R A 1 L S
AND I N 1 L R l L R L N C L
Pirate. ava vterferevce
On a noice leel, when telepathically transmitting ideas to your art, you run
the risk o your ideas being tangled with outside intererences or being
stolen by telepathic pirates.
Intererences are the transmissions o others reely dancing, mingling, and
loating together in an ocean o creatie cooperation. Sometimes, these can
help heighten your ideas, but other times, they can clog your message.
1elepathic pirates, howeer, are merciless. 1hey can intercept your aluable,
erbal, mental, or napkin scribbled transmissions, pawning them o to
other artists with bigger budgets. In order to reduce the risk o pirates
crashing the party, you must know yoursel and your art, on an intimate
leel. Keep some o your more personal transmissions priate, while
reducing the ego`s temptation to broadcast them.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
1 R O U B L L S l O O 1 I N G 1 L L L P A 1 l \
Qvote. frov tbe et De./
I you`re haing a hard time connecting with an uninished piece o
artwork, can`t seem to dislodge the cumbersome mental blocks hindering
your progress, or struggle to aliantly end or your artistic concepts in a
ight against troublesome pirates, try your best not to griee or let it stress
you. ,See: lappiness and Stress, Instead ind grounding in this:
!bat ba. beev ritt be agaiv, rbat ba. beev aove ritt be aove agaiv; tbere i. votbivg
ver vvaer tbe .vv. ccte.ia.te.
Now, go and do it anyway. \e beliee that while there is nothing new
under the sun to create, nothing new` can always be done better.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
1 l L 6 S 1 A G L S O l A R 1 I S1 I C G R I L l
I you lose your conidence and ind yoursel back-sliding and entering
Artistic Grie, reer to the stages listed below in order to help guide you
through the process.
J. DLNIAL: A state o shock where this` just doesn't makes sense.
2. ANGLR: Projection o irritation, rustration, and mean-spirited
thoughts and wishes, leaing you with questions like why or how did this
3. BARGAINING: Lntertaining the idea that maybe, just maybe you can
ix this, or i only I...
4. DLPRLSSION: Lmpty eelings arise, and loathing enters the picture
on a deeper leel.
S. ACCLP1ANCL: 1hings will be okay. \ou are a resilient artist, with
much to gie. 1his is only the irst o many projects.
6. INCORPORA1ION: lull throttle. Incorporate these eelings and
now you are ready to grab the paint brush or wacom pen and beat the
creatie shit out o the competition on the next leel.
\elcome back to the land o the liing.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
l A P P I N L S S & S 1 R L S S
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
B L l A P P \, B L C R L A 1 I V L
\ou may ind yoursel trying to complete a project which increasingly
rustrates you, because o a crat show deadline or a mental block that
slowly leads to stress. Many studies hae shown that stress is damaging to
your health, but it is particularly damaging to your creatie abilities.
On the other hand, being happy not only aoids the perils o stress, but it
broadens your thinking skills, which promotes creatiity. According to a
study done at the Uniersity o Maryland, being happy correlates with
increased abilities or creatie problem soling and innoatie thinking.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
Q U O 1 L S 1 O l L L P B U I L D l A P P I N L S S
Ask yoursel, i today were the last day o my lie, would I want to do
what I am about to do today. \heneer the answer is no or too many
days in a row - it`s time to change something.`
- Stee Jobs
1he experience that translates eerything is in the mind, while a control on
the outer world is limited, temporary, and oten illusory. \e spend
surprisingly little time taking care o what matters most , the way our mind
unctions, which is the ultimate thing that determines the quality o our
experience `
- Matthieu Ricard
1rain your mind to seek inner reedom opposed to intense external
grasping and obsession, inner peace is the ultimate source o happiness`
- Dalai Lama
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
1 l L C R L S C L N 1 \ O G A P O S L
l O R l A P P I N L S S
I you need a quick happiness boost, this yoga moe has been proen to
release endorphins in the body:
S 1 L P J : Start with your eet parallel to your shoulders. Bring your
let oot back as ar as you can while you bend your right
knee at a 90 degree angle.
S 1 L P 2 : Lxtend your lower back while you bring your arms
straight up aboe your head, parallel with your shoulders.
S 1 L P 3 : Rotate your arms so that your palms are acing each
other, while broadening your upper back.
S 1 L P 4 : Lit your gaze upwards.
S 1 L P S : Bring your palms together.
Repeat with the opposite side and eel endorphins
release throughout your body.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
S A \ C l I I I I I I I
On the path to a happier expression o lie, just remember to smile and just
say chi. In 1989, a psychologist named Robert Zajonc published a study
showing how smiling could acilitate happiness. Subjects were made to
repeat owel sounds that would mimic the acial expressions o both
smiling and rowning within the sounds o the owel. Subjects who were
asked to make the long e` sound ,mimicking smiling,, reported more
positie eelings.
It may be tough to smile and keep it steady, but remember that the
adantages o happiness ar outway the dangerous disadantages o a
stress-illed lie. \e personally eel strongly about positiity and walking
through the world with an ease and comort that helps to calm and
promote happiness or others walking with us.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
O U R P R I N C I P L L S l O R l A P P I N L S S
Lie with Purpose
Accept No Stress
Share Compassion
Simpliy your Needs
Accept Lie
Keep Learning
Smile and Say Chi
9 1 A L K S O N l A P P I N L S S A N D S 1 R L S S
lor more inormation on happiness rom people much smarter and
probably a bit more happier than us, check out this playlist on 1ed or 9
ideos on what makes us happy.
\hat Makes us lappy - 1ed
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K

M I N D l R A M L Ol M U S I C
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
\ l A 1 M U S I C D O L S 1 O 1 l L B R A I N
1be ffect.
A multitude o studies hae shown the positie eects o listening to and
creating music on the brain. It increases the cognitie unctions o not just
the areas o the mind associated with music, but others as well. It broadens
our scope o thinking, but een more powerully, it can elicit strong
emotional responses. Music which could be classiied as happy music` will
een increase the production o dopamine in the brain.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
C L A S S I C A L S O N G S l O R C R L A 1 I V I 1 \
1ry these classical songs, which commonly inspire others, including Linstein
who regularly listened to Mozart.
\olgang Amadeus Mozart ,Anything by Mozart,
Ludwig an Beethoen ,Symphony No.9, Symphony
lrdric Chopin ,Nocturnes, Op. 9,
S O N G S 1 l A 1 I N S P I R L U S
1he Dae Brubeck Quartet` - 1ake lie
Kind o Blue` - Miles Dais
Si tu Vois ma Mere` - Sidney Bechet
1ake the A` 1rain` - Duke Lllington
La lorse` - Serge Gainsbourg
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
L I S 1 L N \ l I L L \ O U \ O R K
Although you might think silence is the best medicine or concentration, a
recent study showed that actually, haing a constant noise ,not too loud,
playing in the background helped people concentrate better.
Dia ,ov /vor tbat vv.ic .tivvtate. tbe rerara cevter. of tbe braiv.
l R L L M U S I C D O \ N L O A D
A contribution by one o our ery talented cooperatie partners and
riends has supplied music to zone-out to while your busy crating that
magniicent masterpiece. Uranus: Seenth planet rom the sun, Greek god
o the sky, slowest orbit with a mellow wonderul sound.
Music by the Vexx:
Uranus` - Chris 1oon
Update: After a successful co-op, talented music artist Chris Toon wants to share his entire
album with you! Be sure to show your support and enjoy.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
I you`d preer a more natural approach or your musical accompaniment
while you work, try bird songs. 1hey`e been proen to keep your neres
relaxed while keeping your mind alert. 1ry out the 1weet o the Day`
rom BBC radio to listen to dierent bird songs each day.
"1weet o the Day" - BBC

C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
1 R A V L L 1 R A V L L 1 R AV L L
1rael until your head explodes ull o knowledge!
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
\ l \ 1 R A V L L l L L P S
It`s not traeling that actually broadens the mind, but seeing and liing other
cultural experiences een i or only a single day. Gaining a new perspectie
on the way the world works gies you an incredible creatie and personal
adantage. Obsering how other people lie, as well as simply seeing new
sights, can help you gain better perspectie, more creatie knowledge and
inaluable wisdom. By incorporating cultural dierences in what you create
and do, you become more balanced rather than haing the same, limited
routine and set o ideas.
1rael can change the way you iew, handle and lie in your current
situation and set o creatie problems. It can help to promote a healthier,
more expansie, and much more compassionate iew o the world. I
none o this intrigues you, then or no other reason, you should trael to
promote the possibility o the almighty paradigm shit that eery artist
continually seeks.
\e challenge you to the idea that i you are not traeling regularly and
seeing other worldly things beyond your scope and neighborhood, you are
drastically limiting yoursel to the conines o what others would hae you
to beliee. 1here is a whole world, created with the intent that you explore
and connect the dots o a uniersal culture.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
S L L K O U 1 I N S P I R A 1 I O N A L P L A C L S
v.iratiovat Ptace. to
New \orkers, you should isit Caliornia. Caliornians you should isit
New \ork. Leryone should isit both and exercise those stereotypes
Beyond Caliornia and New \ork, there are many other inspiring places
that exist outside o your comort zone and the limits o your imagination.
Most o them astly dierent experiences, mesmerizing in beauty, culture,
and simple awe that reminds you that we lie in a large, abundant world
ull o unknown inspirations.
MOVL - Rick Mereki
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
S O U G l 1

A l 1 L R P L A C L S
lere are 4 suggestions we also happen to hae on our to-trael-to lists
ones you may not be likely to ind mentioned elsewhere:
SAO PAOLO, BRAZIL is where you`ll see things clearly.
\ou`ll ind no adertising here. \ith the Clean City Law,
Sao Paolo has banned all adertisements on streets, cars,
parks, and the sides o buildings since 2006. 1his clean city
is a blank canas to inspire new ideas and gain a new
perspectie on what things in your lie you may not realize
are unnecessary.
a sanctuary built underground during the prehistoric
period. \ith adanced acoustics, chanting in a speciic
spot will reerberate throughout the complex and actually
stimulate the creatie center o the brain. It`s also amazing
to see what a group o people could build despite being
impossible` or its time.
SUQA1RA ISLAND, YLMLN has a natural enironment
ery dierent rom our own including Llephant Leg trees.
It`s becoming more popular around the world in recent
years or eco-tourism, go now beore it`s too popular.
is a breathtakingly colored underwater landscape. Vibrant
with some o the richest and brightest color exchanges that
nature can conjure. In person, the lie-color pond blows
away CM\K, RGB, lex, and Pantone colors een when
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
1 R A V L L R L S O U R C L S
1he biggest hurdle o traeling or most people ,with us included, is
inding the money to do so. Below we`e included some resources you
might ind helpul. 1raeling to ar o places is ar rom impossible. By
making traeling your irst priority and haing a small amount o discipline,
you`ll be surprised what you`ll see, ind, and experience.
Luropean Destinations: Luropean trael packages
Last Minute: Deals or last minute acations
Aordable Asia 1ours: Asian trael packages
Gate 1 1rael: 1rael packages or around the world
AirBnB: lome rentals across the world
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
l A N D L \ L B R A I N
C O O R D I N A 1 I O N
Now that you hae read this creatie guide, here are some
opportunities or you to learn through doing.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
P A P L R D R L A M C A 1 C l L R
Cut-out a dreamcatcher or you to place aboe your bed to help catch and
remember those lucid dreams and the creatie inspirations.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
1his amazing maze should help distract your mind and keep it
preoccupied, while you try to ocus on something other than the creatie
problem at hand. 1his is a great way to aoid thinking about that mental
block while still exercising your brain.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
I the preious maze did not distract your mind long enough to orget
about your mental block, try this .ver amazing maze. \e`e ound that it
also helps to channel your Chi, when you use the orce` to naigate
through it.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
S L R I O U S L \ !
P U 1 A B I R D O N I 1 . . .
I you`e designed your home based strictly on all the leng Shui rules, but
still eel something is missing, it`s probably because nothing has birds on it.
1ry applying this bird to things. Spruce it up. Make it pretty. Put a bird on
it! Lmphasize and strengthen the energy by painting it to match your birth
N O \ A I 1 !
P U 1 A B L A R D O N I 1 . . .
Recent studies perormed by Dr. Aikarakudy Alias, hae shown a
correlation between body hair and intelligence. Color this beard to match
your own hair and apply it to your ace ,or other body areas, or a quick
intellect boost!
B L 1 1 L R S 1 I L L !
P U 1 A B I R D \ I 1 l A 1 I N \ B L A R D O N I 1. . .
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K

C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
K L L P 1 l O S L l I N G L R S B U S \
A N D \ O U R B R A I N M O V I N G
1 l I N K L I K L 1 l L O C 1 O P U S
1he octopus is the only inertebrate which has been shown to use tools. It
also has the ability to store long term memories, learn, and use the
inormation they gather. 1hink like an octopus and use this book as a tool
to store away those useul acts that you`e just taken the time to learn.
As a reminder to always think like an octopus, our buddies oer at Super
Naturale hae a tutorial on how to crochet one o your ery own baby
octopi. SuperNaturale is also one o the many great resources or crat
projects, crat inspiration, and helpul user submitted DI\ walkthroughs
,See Resources and Vendors,.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
,See Resources and Vendors,.
P S \ C l I C M L S S A G L
C A N \ O U S L N S L I 1
\ith your new ound powers and abilities, you should be able to easily
sense just how thankul we are that you`e downloaded this book. \e are
extremely appreciatie o your continued loe and support.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
C l A N N L L
I you`e read thoroughly through this book then you should now hae the
skill to channel us directly either through telepathy or liquid dream portals.
No worries i you can't, the easiest way by ar is still by computer.
O U R B R A I N l R L Q U L N C I L S I N C L U D L :
lacebook: https:,,,KoorooKooroo
Pinterest: http:,,,koorookooroo,
1witter: KoorooKooroo
Our website: https:,,,
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
C O N 1 I N U I N G 1 l L L l l O R 1
v ovr Covtivvea ffort for Creatire Crortb ava Cottaboratiov
\hile putting together this booklet we hae honestly learned a tremendous
amount o inormation we simply neer knew. On the deepest leel, we
sincerely hope this booklet helps in some orm or another or brightening
your day, illuminating a creatie spot in your mind, changing a lightbulb to
power your creatie intellect, or een just a good laugh.
\e will always continue to support the creatie eorts o those who help
to break the glass ceiling or us all and ask only that you spread the
continued loe and support or not just us, but the oerall artistic
community, one small initiatie at a time.
Our hope, is to continuously grow this book with contributions rom other
artists along the way. I you`d like to join us in creating this liing, creatie
guide, please channel us. \e`d loe to learn rom you and include any
knowledge or adice you`e gained oer the years and would like to
include it in our guide as we share it with other artists on our journey.
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
S l A R I N G 1 l L L O V L
\ou can also share with us on our lacebook page or through 1witter any
similar experiences you hae had oer the years.
\ L \ A N N A K N O \ !
\hat`s the weirdest most creatiely iid dream you`e had
\hen you are able to control your dreams what will you do
\hat music is inspirational to you
\here around the world hae you been that gae you that creatie
\hat part o the book did you like the best \hich part was most
lor the Bricks and the Mortar
Kooroo Kooroo
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
l L L P l U L R L S O U R C L S & V L N D O R S
Bags and Bows
\ L B D L S I G N C O D I N G O R 1 L M P L A 1 L S
Gylo , Jason Leton,
Rockbeatspaper ,Daid Peele,
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
P R I N 1 S & S C R L L N P R I N 1 S
Printing or Less,
O N L I N L S 1 O R L l R O N 1 S
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
P l O 1 O G R A P l L R S
Jessie Rae
Mechal Roe
Christopher Kuehl
C R A l 1 I N S P I R A 1 I O N
Super Naturale
Loely Packaging
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
Packaging o the world,
1he Contemporist
1rend Spotting
1he Dieline
1 O \ \ O R K I N G
Irarmadillo Boy
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K
1 l A N K \ O U l O R R L A D I N G
1 O A L L \ I 1 l L O V L
C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K : E D l T l O N A L

L D I 1 I O N S`
Additional thoughts, edits, theories and newly discoered insights not
preiously written in this book. 1his is the section where you will ind
updated inormation and newly added material.

C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K : E D l T l O N A L
I C L O N 1 l L B R A I N
S C U L P 1 I N G I C L
A resource or breaking and melting the ice with partners to
sculpt riendships and tread the waters o crat shows and
eents alike.

C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K : E D l T l O N A L
B R L A K I N G 1 l L I C L
1be greate.t referevce. erer vevtiovea for brea/ivg tbe ice at a craft .bor ritb ,ovr
lounded in January 2005, 1he Indie Crat Lxperience is a nice way to get
your inely-crated projects out there. I.C.L. is a grass-roots eort,
organized by two Atlanta craters - Christy Petterson o a bardis and
Shannon Mulkey o Patina. In between the two big summer and winter
eents, you can get your inished creatie project out there through the
other eents they host like Salage a curated intage show, \edding Day
looray, and arious popup shows all nestled between the two major
Summer and \inter crat show eents.
1he point is to always be out and actie eerywhere. Larger entities with a
ar greater budget than ours, hae the means to be eerywhere, and they
use it to be so. lor the independent artist, it is necessary to be heard against
all this loud noise by conquering crat shows and small enues alike.

C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K : E D l T l O N A L
\ith that being said, we are proiding you with one o 1he Greatest
Reerences Ler Mentioned. Jarringly cleer, this is a ilm that or multiple
reasons, just may help you to understand how important the work that you
are doing as an independent artist is in the oerall scheme o things.
1he Greatest Moie Ler Sold - Morgan Spurlock

C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K : E D l T l O N A L
M L L 1 I N G 1 l L I C L
. re.ovrce for brea/ivg tbe ice ritb artver..
\e had neer had a macaron in our lies, but we will say the endor
Bookie Macarons, one o the many I.C.L. endors we got a chance to
spend time and hang out with, were AMAZING! \e returned to their
booths in shits just to smell the aroma o handmade, deliciousness. 1hey
were extremely nice and in the idea to get better acquainted with our two
neighbors ,Crats and Loe, and ,Lip Glosserie,, we bought a ew to
share. Bookie Macaroon actually gae us a giant bag to share with the entire
row o neighbors, boosting a riendly enironment or our entire section
and we absolutely loe them or that.
\e beliee that claiming your space and making it your own ,See leng Shi
tool, helps to create an artistic retreat. \ou are building your own
enironment that induces creatiity based on a personal commitment and
consistency: an initing enironment wherein positie energy bridges
connection. 1his is a great way o melting the ice and tensions between you
and other endors to create a positie, riendly and open working

C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K : E D l T l O N A L
1 A C 1 l U L L \ A N D G R A C I O U S
Q U I C K A N D L A S \ G U I D L
1 O B R L A K I N G A N D M L L 1 I N G 1 l L I C L
1alk to eeryone
Gie positie energy
Ask or help
Gie help
Don't oerstay your welcome
Keep in touch
1hank your riends

C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K : E D l T l O N A L
1 R L A D I N G \ A 1 L R
!bat re tearvea frov ovr ver fovva frieva.. e..ov. after rea/ivg tbe ce, Mettivg tbe
ce ava vor 1reaaivg !ater...
1he other two endors we had the pleasure o sitting with, Jinny Suh
,LipGlosserie, and Courtney and Christain ,Crats and Loe, were equally
as nice. \ith I.C.L. being our irst crat show we had no idea what to
expect. 1hey gae us a ew tips and adice or uture endeaors that we
will share with you:
lollow your own agenda, but be open to ideas that could
potentially improe your concept.
1he building lights went out oer our booth and it started
raining dimming our sections. lortunately our booth was set
up to hae a glowing display. Unortunately we didn't hae
\hile it started to rain, the window leaked on our items. As a
nice gesture, Lip Glosserie olunteered a white bag to tape on
the back o our display, but with our intent to keep the
integrity o our booth we spent hours designing, we had to
think on our eet. \e took some o our packaging and hacked
it into a make-shit coer that the attendants neer saw, but
still kept our product dry.

C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K : E D l T l O N A L
\e learned ery quickly to alter our strategy i something wasn't
working. It proed to be beneicial when we decided to switch
rom haing a background display o product with a clean
counter to opened product scattered across the counter.
Also... standing ersus sitting in larger crowds, haing two
people man a booth as opposed to one, how much you pitch a
product ersus letting the product stand by itsel... these were
all other lessons learned through lexibility and thinking on your
As social as you should be with your booth neighbors, respect
when they hae a customer. \e learned not to take oense in
the midst o a deep conersation when one o us quickly
stopped to help a customer or point out to the endor that
they had a potential customer waiting.
\ou must remember to think about your neighbors, as energy is
ery cyclical. \e noticed that our neighbor couldn't get lunch
because she was the only one running her booth. \e oered
to grab her a bite so that she had the energy to keep going.
Later she returned the aor by actually sending a ew o her
customers our way. \hich reminds us...
1here were a ew occasions where a customer was toggling
between our booth and the edge o our neighbors. Do not
steal customers as excited as you may be while they may hae
many customers as the next booth oer may hae.

C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K : E D l T l O N A L
Be extremely happy about your opportunity to be at an eent
with so many like minded and talented people. 1hank the curators
in whateer way that you can, be it promoting the eent
beorehand, sharing their aderts and links or een mentioning the
opportunity to other artist or uture eents.
\our energy absolutely comes across to the customer no matter
what you think. 1ired, bored, sleepy: it shows and either creates a
boundary or builds a bridge. \e try to keep positie energy
around our booth at all times to create a welcoming enironment
or customers to approach

C R E A T l V E A l D H A N D B O O K : E D l T l O N A L
1 R L A D I N G 1 l L \ A 1 L R S
O l S P L C I A L L V L N 1 S
A Q U I C K A N D L A S \ G U I D L
1rust your artistic instinct: too much adice can be a bad thing.
Be prepared. 1hink about the unexpected. Design on the go.
Respect both your booth neighbors and your customers.
Be air. Competition is good, but do not show o.
Be social and get to know eeryone.
Lxpect dierences.
Know your story, share it clearly, with what you are selling.
lae a tactile ersion o what you are selling.
Reatie tbat it. vot 100 abovt tbe vove,, bvt abovt tbe covtact. ava frieva..

! # $ % & ' ( $ % ' ) * % + ) , - - . / $ ) ' & ' - + % 0


N E W Y O R K 2 0 1 3 :


The s ound of t he Gre at Ci t y.

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If youve set the tone before reading on, then this is how I

! # $ % & ' ( $ % ' ) * % + ) , - - . / $ ) ' & ' - + % 0

N E W Y O R K 2 0 1 3:

R H A P S O D Y I N B L A C K & W H I T E


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S U N D A Y 4 : 0 0 A M

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George Gershwin - Rhapsody in Blue

I N S P I R A T I O N T A K E S Y O U...

Here is the one place in the world where everything stands
upside down, yet right side up. Buildings bolt down from
the clouds and smash into the concrete of the wet
sidewalks. They shatter the pavement with aging strength.
Stars fastened in the sky have fallen onto the roads. Some
are broken, others only dimmed. They travel to and from,
shimmering red and white in a hazy morning mist.

The oceans ebb and flow above us all, stirred by the wind.
Its chilly breath drags carrying away the citys smog, dust
and the smell of sulfur on its tongue. In a few minutes that
ocean, with its dark, dusty grey-blue color, will ignite into a
deep orange fire. The rays of warm red sunlight will pour
out of its mouth and over the city washing it for the next

Im standing on the rooftop of our Neapolitan hotel. Its
4:00 AM in New York on Sunday. This is our last day here.
I realize, I adore this place or, that I adore the scene that
exists in black and white. With sunrise approaching, this is
the quietest time youll find here. The easiest time to think.
Black-white, dusty-blue transitions into color.
I put on my headphones. I listen.
! # $ % & ' ( $ % ' ) * % + ) , - - . / $ ) ' & ' - + % 0

S U N D A Y 1 : 1 5 P M

This is One Hell of an Inspiring Place to be!

Im never surprised by the sheer amount of talent and
imagination exhibited by the artists of the city. It's amazing
to visit a place where experimentation, various arts, values
and ideas are not only widely accepted, but very much
encouraged to merge. This is why we make an annual visit.
While demanding in spirit and at times overly stimulating,
draining, and ego-saturated, New York is a mental
overload of culture, knowledge and for the artist of any
sort, a true connecting point of the views and freedoms of
the many like-minded talent.

Where we live, it's common to have your best creative
ideas rejected for the lack of adhering to some existing
standard of consumerist need. Culturally enhancing,
technologically mind-shattering, or philosophically eye-
opening concepts have no place here... if they don't sell. A
changing, but still very much prevalent reality that exists in
far too many places. In New York, there were amazing
artists that challenged that overly prevalent pattern of
thought and we were happy to see a few of our own ideas
floating among the scene!
! # $ % & ' ( $ % ' ) * % + ) , - - . / $ ) ' & ' - + % 0

This is why, to us, it is so important to travel and to see
things outside what your typical art medium would be. At
times, it can be difficult and exhausting to get people to
trust, try, back, support or even just to hear your ideas. So
it's invigorating to see various artists you've never heard of
share the same conceptual observations, practices and
theories. It's what I imagine it feels like to make a
connection with someone from across the globe.

With more cities to come and a wider array of countries to
visit, New York for now, undoubtedly feels like our home,
albeit an expensive place to live and a home that we
cannot afford. Truly, an annual visit quite simply isn't
enough for us, so here's our checklist to help you get the
most out of your stay.

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S U N D A Y 2 : 0 3 P M

A Little Bird Told Me
This is the place that youre looking for: The New
Museum. Despite what we'd expect, the most
inspirational part of the trip wasnt actually the New
Museum itself (which was amazing), but its joining show
Open Structures. Neither of which, did we specifically
look for, but stumbling upon it made it all the more
exciting of a find. In the New Museum window we had an
art piece literally speak out to us from giant white letters
reading : "PUT A BIRD ON IT!" With an art piece by
Juan Fontanive that was almost exactly like one of our
own ideas we had been trying to figure out the mechanics

This piece was massively inspirational to us, not because
we saw our same exact idea in the window, but because we
understood the idea beyond its atheistic. To see the
physical representation of a piece by way of a shared
thought process from another human mind was
astounding. This piece was what brought us into the New
Modern Museums show initially

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S U N D A Y 2 : 4 5 P M

The New Museum

Usually we would opt out of joining a tour group, but in
the spirit of the day (and in the spirit of hearing someone
else speak for a change) we decided to squeeze into a
group and listen to the tour guide speak on Llyn Foulkes'
work in New York's New Museum. This may be a normal
routine for some people, but it can be difficult for
creative's' who'd rather take in an exhibition independent
of other people's opinions.

For us, it was more inspiring in this instance to not just
take in our own opinions on someone's art, but to hear
someone else's interpretation. It was an inspiring change of
pace to hear details about the art we would not have
noticed and to hear not only the history of the piece, but
also the history of the interpretations of the pieces over
many years.

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S U N D A Y 3 : 0 0 P M

Llyn Foulkes
At least for one of us, the aesthetics of Llyn Foulkes'
Whos on Third? and his similar paintings, would not be
the type of art I would normally be interested in. If I saw
his work outside the museum, I wouldn't go in. If I saw an
article or a website dedicated to his paintings, I wouldn't
care to read about it.

It turned out that he had much more similar opinions to us
then I would have guessed and the technique in which he
painted Sleeping Rock (1969) via the usage of dry rags to
apply and wipe away paint was astounding. This isn't like
"don't judge a book by its cover" but more like "don't
judge a portrait by the blood dripping over its face."

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S U N D A Y 5 : 0 0 P M

Open Structures

Next door to the New Museum was Open Structures, by
far the most inspiring experience during our visit.

Open Structures was a contemporary show/movement
featuring 3D printed objects, DIY manuals, self
empowering, educational and visionary projects in a room
of collective thoughts right in line with our current vision.
These artists were trying to change aspects of the world
through important observations and clever artistic project

It was moving to see what a much larger impact you can
have by simply gathering similar initiatives into the same
room. The whole is absolutely greater than the sum of its
parts, and a powerful collection of independent projects
make a much larger impact than one standing alone.

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S U N D A Y 6 : 3 5 P M

The Edge of a new movement. The edge of Culture

Seek the Edge of a new movement. In culture, if you aren't
constantly seeking out the edges, then youll continue to
believe that the world is still flat. Live there. Study it.

Dont round the sharp edges, they are meant to hurt. The
first initial emotion walking into Open Structures, was not
awe, but Awww with a heavy wave of disappointment.
Seeing already finished projects standing in front of us,
with the ideas we had worked countless hours trying to
perfect, was immediately a shattering, yet jolting
experience. It was only, just a month before visiting New
York that with great confidence and clarity we knew the
direction our next project should take and we knew it
would be impactful.

We had a grand idea, but figured it would take years to
complete, years to even start, and it would be a long while
before people would even be receptive enough to care for
the ideas. But HERE it was - the same idea, in physical
form, done and already having sat there, finished for
months, and WE cared! We learned 2 lessons from this

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With the world speeding up exponentially
whatever you're ideas are they can be done. In fact,
you're already a few years behind, if you think
The worlds not ready.

You c annot see the details of the edge of culture
through a computer screen.

We assumed in our modern society, keeping on
the edge of culture and the waves of inspiration
comes easily to everyone with a connection to the
internet and a social media account. Ironically, the
day you make this assumption, you see less of the

Simply put, you cannot see, feel, or comprehend
the details of the world through a screen. Years to
come when tactile sensory information and avatars
provide you with that possibility, you must realize
that still, it will never make up for physically
entering a new world, for physically traveling, for
physically getting up off your ass and going!

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M I N D, B O D Y, S P I R I T,
S U N D A Y 9 : 0 0 P M

A Date Night

Date night!? Yes, its important. Ill spare you the details of
the full evening, but needless to say New York has some
of the liveliest places to visit for a night out on the town
with your significant other.

We would normally choose to mellow out after a wiry fast
paced day of running around the city by slowing down our
tempo and zoning out to smooth contemporary styling's of
NYC Grooves best Jazz musicians. Our second option, as
back up, to change the hue of the evening with tunes from
the legendary Blue Note composers.

But, this evening we would decided to try something a bit
more spontaneous and off the grid. Two spots that did not

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Peels: This was a great place to pick up brunch after
visiting the New Modern museum complete with hard
hitting cocktails, breakfast and Frenchesque, semi-hip
atmosphere the equivalent to Atlantas own Flying Biscuit.
The waitress were attentive, food was healthy and great,
and the location was perfect for the two of us to chat on
what to do next.

Veloce: For an evening out and quality time with your
spouse this is a wine bar that we undoubtedly will be back
to. The Appetizers were awesome and the wine specialist
very knowledgeable, while the atmosphere was a bit rowdy
it was still pleasantly alluring and relaxing enough to
change the pace of a whirlwind day of exploration.

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Additional Places

For us, Sunday (our last day in NYC) was the most
inspiring day to find and visit places. If you wanted to
know what we did the first half of the weekend, weve
compiled a list.
There are multiple galleries to check out in the Meat
Packing District, Between 10th and 11th Ave,
Perpendicular to 11th Ave And following Lincoln
Highway. Many shops to visit with refreshingly robust and
finely crafted items in Flatiron and downright good food
on the Lower East Side.
We spent most of our Saturday running between them all
and crafting a list for you to use. So here is a compilation
of places to visit, with photos on our Facebook and
Pinterest pages to coincide. Check them out and let us
know what you think.
(In addition, here is a link to our Google maps for all the places we
visited, listed bellow and highly recommend checking out.)
! # $ % & ' ( $ % ' ) * % + ) , - - . / $ ) ' & ' - + % 0

Chambers Fine Art

David Zwirner Gallery

Jim Kempner Fine Art

ET Modern

Charles Bank Gallery

Garis & Hahn

ABC carpet factory

Eli Klein Fine Art

DTR Modern Galleries


Drunken Horse (Bar)

Bar Veloce
! # $ % & ' ( $ % ' ) * % + ) , - - . / $ ) ' & ' - + % 0


Cooper Union

Muji (Creative Home goods)


New Modern Museum & Open Structures

Peels Food

Papabubble (Handmade Candy)

Pylones (Art Toys)

Opera Gallery

MOMA Design Store

The Evolution Store

C k L A 1 I V L A I D n A N D 8 C C k : L D I 1 I C N A L

G I l 1 O l A R A N D O M D A \

I N O U R O B S L R V A 1 I O N A L S 1 U D \

O N 1 l L B U R D L N O l B L I N G l U M A N

. fire oivt e..a,


C k L A 1 I V L A I D n A N D 8 C C k : L D I 1 I C N A L

P R L S L N 1 S I N P R L S L N C L

v ovr ob.erratiovat .tva, ov tbe bvraev of beivg bvvav...

1o be, as opposed to simply existing, is no doubt a
commonality we all share, but oten times orget to
acknowledge and discern. Our busy schedules rie with
responsibility would hae us orget the principle
discrepancies between the two ideas: existing presently and
being prooundly present. \ith this in mind, the git o a
random day became an idea we elt necessary to share.

In this idea, the git itsel is vot the music ,you could easily
ind such music online,, but rather the medium to delier an
eocatie eeling. 1he git we are suggesting is the present
isolation o time: here and now, while reading. 1he total
acceptance o personal thought, eeling, or relection within
those leeting moments in the music is akin to "1he loly
Moment," in cinema, a phrase associated with Andre Bazin,
suggesting a record o the diine spirit present at all times
on screen.

In this case the music is its auditory equialent. A similar

C k L A 1 I V L A I D n A N D 8 C C k : L D I 1 I C N A L
recording, carrying with it the ability to express the
unique sentiment o being human and what it really
means to lie through the senses in all o their grandeur.

lor us, working independently, sitting at our own
respectie computers with our own indiidual music loud
and blaring, one song in both o our libraries jolted us
into a moment o common awareness. A moment o
unspoken recognition o our mutual emotions or this
particular song, made us stop, shut o our computers,
question and interact, pondering indiidual and uniersal
questions, we hae all somehow orgotten to ask along
our busy routines.

\hat ollowed was a period o subdued thoughts,
acknowledged and suspended in the tranquil sound o
the great ocal human aptitude and recognition or such
a holy moment. \e stumbled upon the notion that an
unknown commonality, a sudden sense o genuine
connection, could actually become a git to punctuate the
proound present.

lrom cognition to cessation, connection, enjoyment,
memory, pain, and the ability to eel and be deeply moed
are reminders o the great human aptitude: to be. 1his
was a git on a random day, which bore no particular
signiicance according to the calendar. \et we were gien
one o those rare and special moments that would
remind us, what it is to be human. It was a momentary
experience that encouraged us along a collectie path o
rethinking the git-giing experience itsel...


C k L A 1 I V L A I D n A N D 8 C C k : L D I 1 I C N A L

So on a random day in the week, to break a monotonous
routine o only just existing, a git to help you become
more prooundly present as i to put things in a slow
motion, isolate time and stretch that moment extensiely
in honor o your own personal awareness. Below is the
aorementioned song in hopes that this reminds you
what it means to be human in whateer way it helps you
realize your own aptitude to be`

.re Maria rav cbvbert


C k L A 1 I V L A I D n A N D 8 C C k : L D I 1 I C N A L

G I l 1 S \ O R 1 l G I V I N G

v ovr er.ovat tire.

\e`e oten ound ourseles unsatisied with the idea o
buying gits to commemorate a calendar reminder as i it
were a decree. A month to go beore Christmas, we
instead took time to relect on our alues and purpose.

Relection has helped us clear our minds, muster more
creatie solutions and grow in our own creatie agenda.
On our return, we realized just how incredibly
intoxicated the holiday could make you eel. 1hree years
without celebrating a Christmas was a hard sobriety that
made stepping o the wagon a whisky too hard to
swallow. Instead, we peered oer the edge as we couldn`t
stop noticing the bitter taste we had in our mouths

1be 1 vo.t v.vttivg 11 .a. ,ov .ee erer, Cbri.tva.


C k L A 1 I V L A I D n A N D 8 C C k : L D I 1 I C N A L
\ L L C O M L B A C K

\e support all things good or the collectie and united
heart in order to seek an oerall perspectie o a
healthier, intellectually expansie human condition.

A purchased git, cannot possibly capture the sentiment
o lie's momentary actuality or hold a true signiicance in
the oerall reality o conscious awareness. Christmas or
us, een with gits gien out o the pure and eager intent
to see the other person happy, was still mostly empty
gestures. lor us, nothing could contain the essence o
joy in celebrating an accomplishment made possible by
riends and amily. lor that we also thank you.

l I N D I N G S

1he market`s current selection is comprised o
supposedly targeted` products that do not contain a
complete thought or any inherent meaning all made or
the purpose o sering a manuactured and generic need.
\ith the industry, stuck in the repetitie cycle o
manuacturing processed goods and ideas or general
consumption, buying any o it would demean the
integrity o a git worth giing.


C k L A 1 I V L A I D n A N D 8 C C k : L D I 1 I C N A L
Stee Leitt`s, Proessor o Lconomics at the Uniersity
o Chicago and co-author o the lreakonomic`s genuine
concept on what it really means to gie someone a git

1be rer, be.t gift. vot ovt, .bor .oveove tbat ,ov /vor abovt tbev
ava care abovt tbev. vt tbe, actvatt, aevov.trate tbat ,ov /vor
vore abovt tbev tbav tbe, /vor abovt tbev.etre..

Cbri.tva.: . ^er Mar/ettace Poaca.t

A 1 R U L - I S l A L 1 R U I S M

1he long-standing debate as to the possibility o "true"
altruism is a tangled argument weaing through arious
cultural iewpoints, doctrine, and philosophies. \here
some maintain that altruism is motiated by sel-interest
in the orm o personal or beneicial sel-gratiication,
many see it as an indiidual moral obligation to beneit
others sellessly or the welare o all.

In this way, een the best gits were still a search or
gratiication in the expression o your loed one,
reinorcing your own happiness through a purchased
good. 1o us, gits worth giing should be sentiments
that go ar beyond just a product that you buy with a
shiny red bow. I this was to be the irst Christmas in
years that we would actually get a chance to do things
right, it would also be the best time to try a creatie and


C k L A 1 I V L A I D n A N D 8 C C k : L D I 1 I C N A L
much more meaningul alternatie.

In conclusion, our unconentional approach we chose
hinged on the basis that a holiday, such as Christmas,
should not be deined by consumerist dictation and
instead ocus on some orm o a pure non-commercial


C k L A 1 I V L A I D n A N D 8 C C k : L D I 1 I C N A L

A N L \ 1 R A D I 1 I O N

1 l L L U N A R R L S O L U 1 I O N


C k L A 1 I V L A I D n A N D 8 C C k : L D I 1 I C N A L

1 l I N G S O L D , M A D L N L \

1be !itt to Cbavge

\hat prompted the desire to change was the weight o
our determination to do our best. \e were extremely
stressed. \e were not adancing. \e were not growing
and we were stuck trying to achiee a result with the same
basic ideas. \e were tangled in the traditional mindset o
thinking and doing based on a habitual ramework o
reoccurring people, places, actiities, and ideas.

\e needed a newound perspectie built on increased
positiity that would require us to think and do
dierently. \e decided to gie gits that would break
traditional habit and introduce newness into our lies.
Instead o buying goods to make you whole,` we
decided to gie gits that would make us new.

As a result we merged Christmas and New \ear`s and
would now celebrate an entirely new tradition in respect
to both holidays. 1he obious and consistent resolution
would come about: a goal to always naturally continue
orward with new, thoughtul challenges rather than to
let each year ade out on old broken promises, made the
ee beore.


C k L A 1 I V L A I D n A N D 8 C C k : L D I 1 I C N A L

Our gits would adance our personal and collectie
aspirations in happiness, growth, and newness in
whateer orm we belieed would help support the other
or aid us both in traersing a personal and,or collectie
path. 1his eliminated the idea o \AN1ING or
NLLDING or Christmas and made us sincerely ocus
whole-heartedly on each other`s uture wellbeing, as well
as acknowledgement or the others goals, dreams, and


C k L A 1 I V L A I D n A N D 8 C C k : L D I 1 I C N A L

O N A S I N G L L D A \ O l C l R I S 1 M A S
K O O R O O K O O R O O G A V L 1 O M L

Creatire gift. vot fovva ov 11

Opportunity: One o most inspiring gits that
was exchanged or Christmas was not a physical
git at all, but an opportunity. lew people think
in this regards as to a git worth giing, but I will
say in all my years o exchanging presents, this
has been the greatest.

Completely in line with our loe o ilm, we were
gien the opportunity to juror in the 2014
Atlanta independent lilm lestial. I attending
the estial and awarding the prize to a
hardworking talented ilmmaker or their
inspirational and creatie contributions were not
exciting enough, we were gien the opportunity
to preiew and screen some o the brightest
works this side o the indie ield o ilm.
Complete with the chance to chat-up and


C k L A 1 I V L A I D n A N D 8 C C k : L D I 1 I C N A L
question a ew o the isionaries behind the

\hile we can`t share all the actual works as o yet,
i you loe ilms like we do, here is a pd o
trailers and shorts in hopes o inspiring you to
pass on the git o opportunity, and one short
that we really enjoyed

Mataria frov a.ov Oaa.

Ability: 1he second git, the ability to ly was a
great one too. More than just the ability to ly a
plane it was an appreciation or extending one`s
capacity to learn and capability to do. Going ar
beyond the business or school related approach
o learning what`s expected because you lAVL
to do so, and into something that can ultimately
be personally satisying, stress relieing, and
ininitely expansie. lor me it`s not the idea o
learning to ly a plane that motiates me, but the
idea o an ability` in itsel or a skill to do
something, that you preiously could not. Leel

Lxperience: 1he third git gien was the
experience o trael. It was only a year ago that
we had the pleasure to reisit New \ork, now on
this New New \ear`s -we would trael to a
place that would actually sere as a tremendous
source o inspiration or 2014.


C k L A 1 I V L A I D n A N D 8 C C k : L D I 1 I C N A L

D O \ N 1 l L
V I R 1 U A L B R I C K R O A D


C k L A 1 I V L A I D n A N D 8 C C k : L D I 1 I C N A L

S L L N 1 l R O U G l 1 L A C U P L \ L S

1hrough the eyes o our uture seles we could see a
great mythical creature and its cub emerge rom the sea
and rest on a crest o waes. Standing oer 8 meters tall,
it had the head o a lion and the body o a ish and as it
opened its mouth wide, something like a waterall a
continuous cascading stream poured rom its jowls with
a multitude o colorully ibrant ish rom the east and

Both ears o this giant had been burned rom the sky.
\hile the right still ablaze more deaened was the let.
It's scales made o porcelain plates shimmered and its
head made o concrete, ixed high its expression o
conidence or all time and eeryone to see. Its eyes were
small red teacups illed with the drink o rediscoery.

Its acoustical roar was a great one. Its cry reerberated
deep in the belly o the ocean and borrowed through the
heaiest weight o the paciic. Its insides were not always
mechanical. A tectonic ribcage encased an old heart. 1he


C k L A 1 I V L A I D n A N D 8 C C k : L D I 1 I C N A L
majesty o this creature was diinity and its purr was

As it stared o the horizon o the Ancient city o the sea
and oer the zenith o a land o progression, its roar, by
great distance, drowned under the ocean a low
requency echo, nearly silent, a rumbling seiche would call
out to all who loe art, and harmony "eat with my cub,
drink rom my eyes and come to be inspired by all that is
uniquely this great city."


C k L A 1 I V L A I D n A N D 8 C C k : L D I 1 I C N A L

S I N G A P O R L 2 0 1 4 :
A N L \ N L \ \ L A R
I N A N L \ N L \ P L A C L

1he irst question we oten get when speaking about our
eastern trael is why`


C k L A 1 I V L A I D n A N D 8 C C k : L D I 1 I C N A L

1 l L G R L A 1 1 I N C I 1 \

!b, ivgaore.

1ruth be told, Singapore was among a list o much more
popular destinations such as China, 1okyo, long Kong,
and a ew others. As mentioned beore, we were interested
in the idea o a NL\NLSS. \hat better way to ind and
experience shiny newness then starting out a new year in a
completely dierent place, at a completely dierent time.

Lunar New \ear, would be a great place to start on our
quest or the new. \e would get the opportunity to
experience a new culture and join in celebrating a
completely dierent year, in a completely dierent manner
,other than our own, all on a completely dierent
continent. 1his could be said or many o the listed places
we could choose rom, so the question still begs to be
asked, why Singapore


C k L A 1 I V L A I D n A N D 8 C C k : L D I 1 I C N A L
l A V L \ O U S L L N P I C 1 U R L S

A quick image search o Singapore's architecture will put
you into a split second o disbelie. \ou might een begin
to question i such a place could actually een exist. 1here is
another deep-rooted question we oten personally seek
answers to: the idea o possibility and potential in relation
to an exponentially expansie digital culture. Seeing these
images brought about new and arious concerns, questions
and theories regarding the same area o thought.

\e spent some more time crating yet another great map
or you to use. So here is a compilation o places to isit
with photos on our Pivtere.t pages to coincide. Check them
out and let us know what you think on aceboo/

,v aaaitiov, bere i. a tiv/ to ovr Coogte va. for att tbe tace. re
ri.itea, ava bigbt, recovveva cbec/ivg ovt.)

So, while all these places oered many o the things we
were looking or, Singapore stood out to us as a uniquely
indiidual experience. lere was a place with a completely
dierent isual cityscape. luturistic is not the right word,
nor a proper description. \es, there were super modern
shiny buildings, but these stood alongside rustic colonial
buildings nearly worn away by time a ery itting sentiment
that would sere as a isual representation o its people and
stand as an allusion to its history and multicultural


C k L A 1 I V L A I D n A N D 8 C C k : L D I 1 I C N A L
Singapore oered a seemingly contradictory and
oppositional architectural sense that balanced itsel
extremely well. Past and present would come together
seamlessly to build something new or the uture. low

1his was the oering o newness we were looking or with
the promise o something that we connected with on a
deeper leel. 1he artistic merit o Moshe Salie's architecture
alone was enough to get our bags packed, but the mere
act that a unitary state would allow such wildly open orms
o architecture was conusing. 1hese were massiely
constructed super buildings and they entrapped our
curiosity, enticing us to urther ind out more behind the art
and philosophies o such a contrasting place.


C k L A 1 I V L A I D n A N D 8 C C k : L D I 1 I C N A L

R L C O L L L C 1 I O N
A N D 1 l L R O O M O l L O N G I N G
1be .rt c .rti.t of ivgaore

\hen we recall our trip to Singapore, there are a ew artists
that spring to our minds. 1hese are special artists that hae
ound a place in our creatie hearts as like-minded,
thought-prooking masters.

Jeremy Sharma and his exploration into the
electromagnetic pulse o a collapsed star gae us a
new leel o awareness within our own projects
and ideas.

1oni Kanwa's iew into the Cosmology o Lie
showed us the possibility and potential o human
tenacity down to the tiniest detail.

Suzann Victors' Rainbow Circle reminded us o
the organic occurrences within nature we oten


C k L A 1 I V L A I D n A N D 8 C C k : L D I 1 I C N A L
times oerlook.

Nguyen Huy An and the simplicity o 1he Great
Puddle managed to coney the murky dark weight
o its message relected as one simple essential

Vu Hong Ninh and the Little Soap Boys scattered
around the Singapore museums, let us join in the
work and interact with our own youthul rebellious

Ang Sookoon appositionally, gae us a poetic
glimpse into the darker angst and unease o teenage

;.. ,ov /vor, re tore ti.t. ;v.t a. vvcb a. gift., .o betor
are a fer of tbe arti.t ritb attacbea riaeo ivterrier.)

Royston 1an . Kumari Nahappan . Sookoon Ang
Anon Pairot . Khvay Samnang . Shieko Reto


C k L A 1 I V L A I D n A N D 8 C C k : L D I 1 I C N A L

A R 1 \ I 1 l A B R A I N

A multitude o work and a tremendous array o talented
Singaporean artists, not just rom SAM, 8Q, or the
National Museums, but RedDot and arious other galleries
resonated with us simply ar too many to list here.
loweer, one o my personal aorites was Royston 1an`s
Ghost o Capitol 1heatre, a mesmerizing ideo
perormance that reminded us o the beauty within the
desire to keep a memory like that o our Singapore trael

Lxtracted rom the Original Singapore Biennale
Lducational Kits and Art lolios o oer 80 eatured artists,
we`e compiled a pd o just a ew o the work we had a
chance to see.
Singapore Biennale ,CU1,

\ou can ind more Creatie Artolios here:
Original Singapore Biennales ,UNCU1,


C k L A 1 I V L A I D n A N D 8 C C k : L D I 1 I C N A L

N O P L A C L L I K L l O M L

\es, some o what you may hae heard is actually true. Are
you chewing gum while reading this \ell, Singapore
retains both corporal punishment ,in the orm o caning,
and capital punishment ,by hanging, or serious oenses.
So kick o your ruby red slippers, and get acquainted with
a ew o the unlawul customs here to aoid

lailing to lush
Smoking indoors
Littering with chewing gum
Bringing durians in banned areas
Making a gesture intended to insult the
modesty o a woman

lor all the penalties and bans on what some people would
consider common courtesy, Singapore has a lot to oer i
you are open and willing to seeing new things.

\e are NO1 adocating acceptance o the laws, nor are
we demeaning or een suggesting that the laws are not a bit
ridiculous. But this is meant or the art loer and to express


C k L A 1 I V L A I D n A N D 8 C C k : L D I 1 I C N A L
our appreciation or the creatie re-charge and oerall
enlightening experience made possible by Singapore.

,Although, honestly, i you hae eer smelled durian in
close proximity then you`ll understand the decision to deem
it criminally oensie,.


C k L A 1 I V L A I D n A N D 8 C C k : L D I 1 I C N A L
N O P L A C L L I K L l O M L

; Covtivvea )

It`s diicult to speak about Singapore without mentioning
the politics. Artists we`e seen, seem to show a genuine and
concentrated eort to disclose how they eel about the
city-state and make their concerns elt. 1his is lAR more
apparent in the independent areas than in any major
museum or galleries we isited. On one end, we see
amazing artists backing and supporting the rich history o
Singapore and its multicultural, multi-religious,
design-drien, technological uture that zips along the wire
ull stream ahead o itsel.

On the other end we see, nestled into back alleyways, bold
courageous artists oicing their concerns along an urban
railroad held together with strings and tin cans at all ends.
Views that relect major issues such as capitalism, restricted
reedoms, priacy, and general welare are all here, but
tucked neatly away. 1he idea o suppression here, has
indeed spurred a grand melee o expressie artwork
reminding us that we are still on the outside looking in with
interconnected, global world issues we all ace. \e`re just
not sure how eectie or how politically isible this side o
the scene is.

\e were reluctant to isit Singapore ater researching the
policies and principles, but it does stand to reason that
while Singapore does in act hae some o the strictest laws
we`e encountered thus ar, it remains one o the saest


C k L A 1 I V L A I D n A N D 8 C C k : L D I 1 I C N A L
places we`e eer isited with ery ew o the laws actually
strictly enorced.

N O P L A C L I S L I K L l O M L

As we`e stated many times beore, trael is essential to
personal and creatie growth. Oten times, places are not as
they seem, or or that matter, how others would like them
to be portrayed. 1raeling helps to educate and broaden
the scope o your own personal perspectie or a more
well rounded and educated personal opinion.

In 2009 it was number one place to lie or what CNN
absurdly stated was the llimsiest excuse to gather
thousands o people and play with lanterns.`

As o 2013 lorbes list suggest Singapore as one o the top
10 places in the world to be born.

As o 2014, CNN titles Singapore the most expensie
place in the world to lie.`

,ere i. a tiv/ to ovr Coogte va. for att tbe tace. re ri.itea, ti.tea
ava bigbt, recovveva cbec/ivg ovt.)

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