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Song Beneath the Song Led Zeppelins

Stairway to Heaven as Tarot Card

Greg Olear
Monday, March 3, 2014!eneaththesongstairwayto
$%&'() O* $&O$%&, and most m+sic critics, regard ,-tairway to .ea"en/ as a childish
indiscretion, a song we en0oyed in o+r shame1+l adolescence !eca+se we didn2t yet know
how to change the road we were on. %ester 3angs is one o1 those people. &rik 4a"is, who
wrote the 5s+per!6 33 1/3 !ook on %ed 7eppelin2s +ntitled 1o+rth al!+m
, is one o1 those
people. .eck, 8o!ert $lant is one o1 those people. 9n inter"iews with him on the s+!0ect,
he comes o11 a !it like :illiam -hatner in that great SNL sketch where he addresses the
gathering o1 ;+lcaneared (rekkies: ,)o+ t+rned an en0oya!le 0o! 9 did as a lark 1or a 1ew
years into a colossal waste o1 time</
9 do not hold with the haters. 9 think ,-tairway to .ea"en/ is an +ne=+i"ocal masterpiece,
and 9 lo"e it witho+t irony or =+ali1ication. 9 lo"e the ha+ntingly !ea+ti1+l opening g+itar
part> that it was s+pposedly li1ted 1rom -pirit2s ,(a+r+s/ doesn2t !other me any more than
the plot o1 Romeo and Juliet !eing appropriated 1rom a cheesy ?rth+r 3rooke play.
lo"e the way the song !+ilds and doesn2t hew to the +s+al "ersechor+s"ersechor+s
1orm+la. 9 lo"e the way 3on#o2s dr+ms come in when they do. 9 lo"e the !+stle in the
hedgerow. ?nd 9 lo"e that it con0+res +p memories o1 high school dances and 3attles o1
the 3ands and adolescent wanting and the glory o1 teenage night.
(he song, and %ed 7eppelin in general, represents, along with @harlie @haplin, Michael
Aordan, Breaking Bad, and !eignets 1rom @a1B d+ Monde, one o1 those rare instances
where largerthanli1e hype is completely and totally deser"ed. %ike the !eignets,
,-tairway/ is a g+ilty, decadent pleas+re. %ike @haplin, it2s +ni"ersally pop+larC!+t
more so in ?merica than in 3ritain, where it was !orn. %ike Aordan, it ne"er loses.
:hene"er classic rock stations trot o+t their ,Most 8e=+ested -ongs/ gimmick,
,-tairway/ is always, always, always n+m!er one. (he only s+spense, once the top 1i"e is
!reached, is whether the second track will !e ,-atis1action/ or ,.ey A+de./ ?s 4a"is
arg+es in his !ook:
,-tairway to .ea"en/ isn2t the greatest rock song o1 the 1DE0s> it is the greatest spell o1
the 1DE0s. (hink a!o+t it: we are all sick o1 the thing, !+t in some primordial way it is
still number one. &"eryone knows itF &"en o+r dislike and mockery is rit+alistic. (he
d+m! parodies> the Waynes Worldinspired 1olklore a!o+t g+itar shops demanding
c+stomers not play it> e"en 8o!ert $lant2s p+!lic disa"owal o1 the songCall o1 these 0+st
pro"e the r+le. ,-tairway to .ea"en/ is not 0+st n+m!er one. 9t is the One, the
=+intessence, the closest Gal!+moriented rockH will e"er get yo+ to the a!sol+te.
?nd like Breaking Bad, it presents !oth the "ery !est and the "ery worst o1 the h+man
condition. 91 there is light in ,-tairway,/ there is also darkness. -peci1ically, the $rince o1
4arkness, my sweet -atan. *or we cannot write a!o+t ,-tairway to .ea"en/ witho+t
disc+ssing its alleged dia!olical +ndertones. :hile the 4e"il r+mors are silly, they are
also sticky, so we may as well address them +p 1ront.
O##y Os!o+rne played in 3lack -a!!ath, a !and named 1or the -atanic mass. .e
allegedly !it the head o11 a li"e !at, and otherwise !eha"ed as tho+gh he was in 1act
possessed !y daemons. ?s a solo artist, he wrote a song called ,Mr. @rowley,/ as in
?leister @rowley, the notorio+s occ+ltist and !lack magician. %ater, he starred in a reality
show with his 1amily, ele"ating his talentless da+ghter Ielly to the stat+s o1 @list
cele!rityCwhich co+ld only ha"e happened in some sort o1 so+l swap with O+r 4ark
%ord. (he d+de2s !asically spent the last 40 years 0+mping +p and down sho+ting, ,.ey,
g+ys< 9 worship %+ci1er< %ook< -ee how 92m making de"il horns with my handsJ</ ?nd
yet no one seems to o!0ect, pro!a!ly !eca+se O##y is not, and sho+ld not !e, taken
serio+sly. Aimmy $age, meanwhile, e"inces a scholarly interest in the occ+lt, !+ys
@rowley2s lakeside estate, may!e sneaks in some "ag+e -atanic messages on an al!+m,
!+t otherwise keeps whate"er sinister religio+s !elie1s he may ha"e to himsel1Fand he2s
somehow the antichrist. .ow does that comp+teJ
@ertainly $age c+lti"ated an air o1 mystery, which his alleged de"il worship ser"ed to
enhance, !+t his allegiance to %+ci1er is o"er!lown. (hat2s not 0+st my opinion. $amela
des 3arres, his companion aro+nd the time the 1o+rth al!+m came o+t, had this to say
a!o+t the 7eppelinas-atanists r+mor: ,?!sol+tely not tr+e. (he only !and mem!er into
anything occ+lt was Aimmy, and he was intrig+ed with ?leister @rowley and his Kdo what
tho+ wilt2 messageF.Aimmy de1initely tiptoed along the edge o1 darkness and danger, !+t
ne"er once did 9 hear any mention o1 -atan</ 91 $age was into the de"il, he certainly
wasn2t proselyti#ing.
3+t then, it may !e that the sneaky way in which 7ep2s -atanism 5s+pposedly6 re"eals
itsel1 is what gi"es the r+mors legs. Lnlike -a!!ath, whose "ery name anno+nces its
daemonic a11iliations, %ed 7eppelin2s alleged allegiance to the 4e"il is !ackmasked on
,-tairway to .ea"en/Ca song that insists that ,words ha"e two meanings/ !+t that ,i1
yo+ listen "ery hard, the t+ne will come to yo+ at last./ *or con1irmation, we m+st play
the record !ackwards, in 0+st the right spot, and all is re"ealed. -ort o1.
:hat2s interesting a!o+t this, to me, is not that !ackmasked appeals to ,my sweet -atan/
can !e heardCthey canC!+t that this was disco"ered in the 1irst place. :ho the hell was
the originator o1 this allegation, the prime mo"er who pres+ma!ly sat aro+nd playing
rock records !ackwards, seeking o+t -atan in his h+mming headJ 9n 2014, this sort o1
thing wo+ld !e tracked !ack to some !log post on some o!sc+re we!site, or perhaps a
stray tweet, written perhaps !y this g+y. 3e1ore social media, news tra"eled more slowly
Cit, ahem, winded on down the road. %ike occ+lt secrets, it was distri!+ted solely !y
word o1 mo+th. 4a"is traces the !ackmasking r+mors as 1ar !ack as 1DM1, to a Michigan
minister, Michael Mills, who anno+nced the 1indings on @hristian radio, ten 1+ll years
a1ter the al!+m2s release. :hile Mills was certainly the one who !ro+ght the in1ernal
!ro+haha into the mainstream, 9 ha"e di11ic+lty !elie"ing that he st+m!led +pon this
himsel1. 9 asked des 3arres a!o+t it
, and she con1irmed my s+spicions. ,(he r+mors
started way !e1ore 2M1,/ she said, ,when 8o!ert2s son died +neNpectedly and 8o!ert was
in"ol"ed in a terri!le car accident,/ in 1DEE and 1DEO, respecti"ely. (his !it o1 arcan+m
was known to 7ep cognoscenti 1or years, then, perhaps leaked to a select 1ew !y the
!and2s mad geni+s manager, $eter Grant, a !ig !elie"er in :ord o1 Mo+th. :hat !etter
way to compel tho+sands o1 people to !+y a tenyearold record than a hidden
endorsement 1rom -atan .imsel1J .ow many copies did Mills personally !+y, only to
destroy them !y playing them !ackwardsJ 4id this idea originate with $ageJ GrantJ
$rod+cer ?ndy AohnsJ :as it a complete coincidenceJ :e2ll ne"er know, and in the end,
it doesn2t matter.
,(he 1act is that, within two min+tes o1 singing, K-tairway to .ea"en2 contains at least
se"en re"ersed phrases o1 a s+ggesti"ely de"ilish nat+re,/ 4a"is writes, ,F!+ried in a
t+ne a!o+t pipers and whispers and listening really hard, a t+ne that, 1or a spell, r+led the
world. 92m not saying s+pernat+ral 1orces are a1oot. 92m 0+st saying it makes yo+
?ll o1 which wo+ld !e more rele"ant to the task at handCdeciphering the meaning o1 the
songCi1 the lyrics were written !y the g+y des 3arres says was the only mem!er o1 the
!and into the occ+lt.
3+t Aimmy $age didn2t write the words to ,-tairway to .ea"en./ 8o!ert $lant did.

$lant was !orn in ?+g+st o1 1D4M in the 3lack @o+ntry o1 the :est Midlands. .is 1ather was a ci"il engineer. .is
mother was o1 8omany descentCthe people known pop+larly as gypsies. .e le1t home at 1P, immersed
himsel1 in the !l+es, and 1o+r years later had hooked +p with Aimmy $age to 1orm %ed
7eppelin. .e was twenty> $age was almost 1i"e 1+ll years olderCan important 1act to
remem!er, when considering the dynamic !etween the g+itarist and the 1ront man.
?s a teenager, $lant st+died stamp collecting and the history o1 8oman 3ritain. .is well
doc+mented immersion into the !l+es meant that he h+ng aro+nd with a lot o1 g+ys like
-te"e 3+schemi2s character in Ghost World. .e read poetry and mythology and (olkien.
91 4+ngeons Q 4ragons had eNisted, he wo+ld ha"e played it o!sessi"ely. -imply p+t, the
g+y was a nerd, al!eit one packaged in the !ody o1 a sel1styled ,golden god./ A+st as he
wore lowrise 0eans 30 years !e1ore they !ecame pop+lar, he was the prototype o1 the
cool geek.
(he lyrics 1or ,-tairway/ were written at an old stone castle called .eadley Grange,
4a"is reports, a dismal place that $lant did not like !+t $age tho+ght was !oss, late in the
year 1DE0. (he two o1 them were sitting !y the 1ire one night, perhaps high on something
perhaps not, and $lant scri!!led down the 1irst words to the song. .e wo+ld later report
that they came to him as i1 written a+tomatically.
-o: ,-tairway/ was composed !y a 22yearold closet geek, a Lord of the Rings 1an!oy
who knew all a!o+t ;espasian2s r+n as go"ernor o1 3ritannia, while his de 1acto older
!rother, who may or may not ha"e worshiped the de"il !+t certainly liked to da!!le in the
occ+lt, was !eside him, in a 200yearold stone !+ilding that was once a poorho+se, in the
middle o1 nowhere, in the middle o1 the night. (his sort o1 in1ormation is rele"ant to o+r
reading o1 the lyrics.
*ew songs ha"e o11ered s+ch a wide range o1 interpretations as ,-tairway to .ea"en./
(he comment !oard at -ong1acts contains any n+m!er o1 them, many interesting, many
insane. -ome 1ind -atanic messages l+rking> others read it as a @hristian para!le.
8apGeni+s is all o"er the 3i!lical all+sions. $lant himsel1 remarked that his own
interpretation changes all the time, and he wrote the 1reaking thing. ?s 4a"is descri!es
the lyrics: ,9t2s a #oo in there./
3+t go !ack to the 1ireside, where $lant sat with his pen and paper, $age ho"ering
demonically near!y. 9s it possi!le that there was a deck o1 (arot cards on that ta!leJ 91
$age owned rare @rowley man+scripts and 1irst editions, he was certainly 1amiliar with
the Oswald :irth !ook on (arot. 9t2s inconcei"a!le that he did not own a 8ider:aite
deck, gi"en that e"erything a!o+t the design o1 the 1o+rth %$ deri"es 1rom the (arot.
(he co"er o1 the al!+m is a styli#ed "ersion o1 the ninth ma0or arcana card, (he .ermit, while the inside co"erC
that is, the poster that yo+r roommate had on yo+r wall 1reshman year in collegeCis almost identical to the 8ider
4eck image:

?lso, the 1o+r ,r+nes/ that comprise the al!+m2s title represent the 1o+r tarot s+itsF
F-words, @+ps, $entacles, and :ands/-ta"es, respecti"ely.
.ere2s 4a"is on the r+nes:
(he 1irst thing that m+st !e said is that there are 1o+r o1 them, and that they appear on the
1o+rth record released !y a =+artet, a record that 1eat+res 1o+r songs on each sideFall
these 1o+rs s+ggest the most 1+ndamental o1 occ+lt =+aternities: &arth, ?ir, *ire, and
:ater, the 1o+r elements once !elie"ed to make +p the whole o1 material realityF
decisi"ely linked to the 1o+r s+its o1 the (arot deck !y the *rench mag+s &liphas
%e"iF.%e"i eNpanded magic2s network o1 correspondences !y correlating &arth, ?ir,
*ire, and :ater to, respecti"ely, G$entaclesH, -words, :ands, and @+ps.
(he !and 1amo+sly insisted that there !e no writing on the co"er at all, no !and name or
al!+m title. (his in"ites +s to read the lyrics as sym!ols, or rather as interpretations o1
"ario+s sym!ols. My theory is that ,-tairway to .ea"en/ is a (arot reading, a draw o1 the
13 cards that comprise one "ersion o1 the @eltic @ross. $lant and $age may ha"e laid the
cards on the ta!le as they were working o+t the wordsFwho knowsJ ?s in act+al (arot
readings, the story o1 the cards doesn2t cohere eNactly, and lends itsel1 to m+ltiple
,-tairway/ as (arot card reading wo+ld go like this:

1. The Empress
(here2s a lady who2s s+re all that glitters is gold, and she2s !+ying a stairway to hea"en.
(he &mpress r+les the empire, holds sceptered sway o"er all material things. 'ote the
golden or! on her sta11. (he stars on her tiara s+ggest an otherwordly =+est.

2. ive o! "enta#les
:hen she gets there she knows, i1 the stores are all closed, with a word she can get what
she came 1or.
(his card is a!o+t lack, a!o+t not ha"ing. .ere, !eggars !ra"e the elements o+tside a
warm ch+rch, +na!le to go inside and en0oy the !o+nty.
9n (arot readings, the 1irst two cards drawn 1orm the =+erent2s central con1lict: in this
case, that o1 ha"ing great riches, and ha"ing nothing. (he reading, and the song, is a!o+t
resol"ing the con1lict !etween material and spirit+al gain.

$. %ine o! Swords
(here2s a sign on the wall, !+t she wants to !e s+re, G!eHca+se yo+ know sometimes
words ha"e two meanings.
(he card o1 despair. (he ,sign on the wall/ are those swords, more swords than anyone
co+ld +se, nine swords o1 4amocles ready to 1all and ca+se in0+ry.
(he third card in the se=+ence is the root ca+se o1 the pro!lems. 9n this case, a 1eeling o1
dread that likely has deeper meaning than a lack o1 material reso+rces. ?ll the glittering
gold in hea"en2s "a+lt cannot !+y the c+re 1or the =+erent2s ailment.

&. %ine o! "enta#les
In the tree by the brook theres a songbird who sings sometimes all of our thoughts are
misgi!en" #nd it makes me wonder"
$entacles are a!o+t material things, generally, and this card is one o1 mastery. (he
1alconer controls the 1alcon. (his is someone at the height o1 his powers. 3+t the 1o+rth
position is the past, an in1l+ence that is receding. (his loss o1 control, too, plag+es the
=+erent. (he 1alcon cannot hear the 1alconer> things 1all apart> the centre cannot hold.

'. Three o! (ands
$heres a feeling I get when I look to the West and my s%irit is &rying for lea!ing"
(his card is pretty m+ch a!o+t the spirit crying 1or lea"ing. :hich happens to !e the
attit+de told !y the card in the 1i1th position. (he =+erent is ready to mo"e on.

). ive o! Swords
In my thoughts I ha!e seen rights of smoke through the trees and the !oi&es of those who
stand looking"
(he scene on this gloomy card appears to !e the a1termath o1 a !attle 5,the pain o1 war
cannot eNceed / the woe o1 a1termath/6. 9t indicates hope and learning 1rom negati"e
(he siNth position indicates the 1+t+re, the coming in1l+ence. -o, to recap, the mastery o1
the past has !een lost, the present is all gloom, !+t the 1+t+re s+ggests hope.

*. +,dgement -si#.
#nd its whis%ered that soon if we all &all the tune then the %i%er will lead us to reason"
3y making the correct choicesCand ,-tairway/ is all a!o+t choicesCwe can enter the
Iingdom o1 .ea"en. 3y stairway, perhaps.
(he se"enth position concerns sel1re1lectionChow the =+erent sees hersel1. .ere, she
seeks sal"ation, and hopes, !+t is not s+re, that she is worthy.

/. Ten o! C,ps
#nd a new day will dawn for those who stand long" #nd the forests will e&ho in laughter"
(he !est card in the deck, perhaps, the (en o1 @+ps is the wish 1+l1illment card. ?ll is
right with the world. $eace and prosperity are here<
Ln1ort+nately 1or the =+erent, this is ill+sory. (he eighth card indicates how others "iew
her, not as she "iews hersel1. -he does not really ha"e it all, e"en i1 she seems to. ?ll that
glitters is not gold<

0. 1,een o! (ands
If theres a bustle in your hedgerow dont be alarmed now" Its 'ust a s%ring &lean for the
(ay )ueen"
:ands/sta"es/rods correlate to the earth, to the "ernal renewal process. (he R+een o1
:ands r+les the spring, which makes her, yes, the May R+een. .er cheer1+lness
permeates e"erything. 5,3+stle in the hedgerow,/ incidentally, means literally that a piece
o1 a ;ictorian woman2s dress has !een discarded in the gardenCthe remains o1 last
night2s orgy6.
(he ninth card indicates a 1actor that the =+erent has o"erlooked. 9n this case, her
!+oyancy o1 spirit.

12. The High "riestess
*es there are two %aths you &an go down but in the long run theres still time to &hange
the road youre on"
(he .igh $riestess stands 1or mystery, the occ+lt, hidden knowledgeCall the st+11 Aimmy
$age is into. (he ,3/ and ,A/ on the pillars !ehind her stand 1or 3eel#e!+! and Aeho"ah
C-atan or God, the !inary choice.
(he card in the tenth position indicates the o+tcome o1 the con1lict, in this case the clash
!etween material wealth and spirit+al lack. 3+t the .igh $riestess is 1+##y. (here is no
clear o+tcome. ?ll is "ag+e. %ike the song.

11. The ool
*our head is humming and it wont go+in &ase you dont know the %i%ers &alling you to
'oin him"
(he *ool is not one in the modern sense o1 the word, !+t is more o1 an innocent, a naS1.
.e goes where his imp+lses take him, witho+t a tho+ght to the conse=+ences, or to the

12. The 3oon
#nd as we wind on down the road our shadows taller than our soul"
(he Moon sym!oli#es things that go !+mp in the night: o+r deepest 1ears, terri1ying
ill+sions that t+rn o+t, in the light o1 day, to !e nothing !+t shadows.

1$. The Hanged 3an
When all are one and One is #ll" $o be a ro&k and not to roll"
(he .anged Man is still. .e s+rrenders to his 1ate, and in his s+rrender, 1inds
@ards 1113 comprise a s+mmary o1 the reading. .ere: the *ool is ready 1or his 0o+rney,
enco+nters his deepest 1ears which gi"e him pa+se, and winds +p hanging 1rom the tree o1
(he 1inal mo"ement o1 ,-tairway/ achie"es the same p+rpose, s+mmari#ing the =+erent2s
con1lict. (he *ool winds on down the road, the ,shadows taller than o+r so+ls/ the 1ears
that paraly#e him. 3+t he 1inds enlightenment. (he key phrase is: ,the t+ne will come to
yo+ at last./ (his is a %assi!e o+tcome. (he =+erent does not come to the ,t+ne,/ !+t the
other way aro+nd. &nlightenment is only achie"ed !y stillness, =+iet contemplation, and
s+rrendering to the nat+re o1 thingsC/to !e a rock and not to roll./
(he reading determines that the sol+tion to the con1lict !etween material a!+ndance and
spirit+al sal"ation is the yogic pose o1 stillness. Or something like that. %ike all (arot
readings, the lyrics only cohere to a certain point. :hich is, +ltimately, what $lant was
going 1or with the words: that they ha"e two 5at least6 meanings.

1. (echnically, the title o1 the al!+m is the 1o+r glyphs, which means the title o1 his
!ook is the 1o+r glyphs as well, !+t itali&i,ed. :e don2t ha"e the !+dget 1or that,
so 9 shall re1er to it here as %ed 7eppelin 9;.
2. (ho+gh it does gi"e new meaning to ,My -pirit is crying 1or lea"ing./
3. ;ia o+r :eeklings m+sic editor Aoe 4aly, who inter"iewed her on these pages.
Related "osts4
$ower (rio: (hree -ongs that :ere @ynically 8ipped O11,F
8ock Q 8oll @o11ee: (he (ao o1 Iaraoke with 8ollingF
-ong 3eneath the -ong: Tmas &dition
&le"ator -tories and the -ecret o1 Groo"ing: (he 8et+rn o1F
-ong 3eneath the -ong: ?merican $ie, 3ohemian 8hapsody,F
56o,t 7reg 8lear
Greg Olear 5Ugregolear6 is a 1o+nding editor o1 (he :eeklings and the a+thor o1 the
no"els $otally -iller and .athermu&ker, an L"#" $imes !estseller. .e li"es in 'ew $alt#,
;iew all posts !y Greg Olear V
(his entry was posted in -at+rday M+sic, -ong 3eneath the -ong and tagged PPP, !+stle
in yo+r hedgerow, 0immy page, %ed 7eppelin, my sweet -atan, 8o!ert $lant, -atan, song
meaning -tairway to .ea"en, -tairway to .ea"en, (arot. 3ookmark the permalink.
W -+nday -ermon X -treets and -ilho+ettes
4eath in the R+iet 8oom Y
22 Responses to Song Beneath the Song: Led Zeppelins Stairway to
Heaven as Tarot Card Reading
1. Sean (ur%hy says:
March 4, 2014 at 3:0O pm
92ll keep my comments !rie1 and to the point: (.& .&8M9(.
Game, set, match: Olear.
o $he /ditors says:
March 1P, 2014 at 10:30 am
(hanks, -ean<
2. barabas"mor%heus says:
March O, 2014 at E:O4 am
interesting work, !+t where does the re"ersed 5or ,!ack masked,/ i1 yo+ want to
remain ignorant o1 &;$6 lyrical content coalesce hereJ this is a little piece 92"e
!een working on, and i2"e taken the eNact opposite approach here in the in
progress piece that o1 ignoring the lyrics in the ,1orward/ or ,temporal reg+lar/
9 respect yo+r pro!a!ly hope1+lly pandering to yo+r a+dience, whoe"er they are 5i
ha"en2t looked o"er yo+r site yet6, !+t i am ass+ming yo+ ha"e an act+al interest
in this in a !roader sense and i1 not, perchance take a gander at the p+!lish dates
on !oth o+r essays and note the synchronicity. happy ash wednesday. 592m in
o $he /ditors says:
March 10, 2014 at 10:2M pm
)o+r a!ility to generate an entire lyrical poem o+t o1 listening !ackwards
is remarka!le. (hanks 1or sharing. ?ltho+gh 9 don2t know that a care1+l
analysis o1 rock lyrics is ,pandering to GmyH a+dience/ 0+st !eca+se 9
analy#e the lyrics that are act+ally s+ng, and also printed on the slee"e o1
the %$.
3. Ri&hard -lin says:
March D, 2014 at D:0E pm
%ed 7eppelin is long, long o"erd+e 1or a critical reappraisal. One o1 the more
interesting takes on their m+sicXk+dos.
o $he /ditors says:
March 10, 2014 at 10:2M pm
(hanks, man. ?lso o"erd+e: !eers. 9t2s !een way too long.
Ri&hard -lin says:
March 12, 2014 at M:40 pm
3eersJ ? social li1eJ .ow do those things workJ
$he /ditors says:
March 1P, 2014 at 10:31 am
9 can2t remem!er. 92"e spent too m+ch time with my (arot
4. 'ana says:
March 10, 2014 at D:2P pm
that yo+ p+t this in the canon with !eignets 1rom @a1e d+ Monde is s+ch a
delicio+s point. 3+t 9 wo+ld arg+e that those !eignets are as m+ch s+!lime as they
are decadent, and as elements o1 the s+!lime C in the most classic sense o1 the
word C are somewhat transcendent, and th+s, as s+ch, also implying the d+ality
o1 darkness on the other side o1 the light. 92d ne"er tho+ght o1 !eignets this way
!e1ore, !+t they act+ally may well !e the -tairway to .ea"en o1 1ried do+gh.
o $he /ditors says:
March 10, 2014 at 10:31 pm
?n eNcellent point, AanaFand a tasty one. (he !l+e plate special sho+ld
incl+de !eignets 1or dessert.
?nd i1 they are not the ,-tairway to .ea"en/ o1 1ried do+gh, they are
certainly the ,Iashmir./
O. 'a&kon and boa, %illars says:
March 13, 2014 at O:0O pm
nice try ,c+te !+t not correct, as yo+ are streching and searching 1or yo+r own 1it ,
!+t the 1act is the song is a!o+t a real woman who once +pon atime had a real
eNperience with the man who penned it . tr+th .
o Ri&hard -lin says:
March 14, 2014 at D:4D am
-o ,-tairway to .ea"en/ doesn2t lend itsel1 to metaphorJ 9t all really
happenedJ :as there an act+al piperJ
$he /ditors says:
March 1P, 2014 at 10:2D am
(here was, 8ich. ?nd what was in his pipe was some really strong
P. dark souls 0 serial key says:
March 14, 2014 at M:4E am
4o yo+ mind i1 9 =+ote a co+ple o1 yo+r posts as long as 9 pro"ide
credit and so+rces !ack to yo+r we!siteJ My we!site is in the "ery same area o1
interest as yo+rs and my "isitors wo+ld de1initely
!ene1it 1rom some o1 the in1ormation yo+ pro"ide here.
$lease let me know i1 this ok with yo+. @heers<
*eel 1ree to s+r1 to my we!site dark so+ls 2 serial key
E. barabas"mor%heus says:
March 1O, 2014 at 10:4D pm
yo+ said with a slight 5ironic6 condescension: ,)o+r a!ility to generate an entire
lyrical poem o+t o1 listening !ackwards is remarka!le. (hanks 1or sharing.
?ltho+gh 9 don2t know that a care1+l analysis o1 rock lyrics is ,pandering to GmyH
a+dience/ 0+st !eca+se 9 analy#e the lyrics that are act+ally s+ng, and also printed
on the slee"e o1 the %$./
1irstly, the song itsel1 asks yo+ to listen !ackwards, the lyrics are =+ite heara!le
with "ery small "ariation 1rom eartoear with a small amo+nt o1 patience, and the
lyrics themsel"es are logical and straight1orward.
(his is scary, i1 yo+ want it to !e, !+t act+al and o!0ecti"elyo!taina!le with little
e11ort, and "eri1ia!le thro+gh ?%% media and m+t+al eNperience o1 the listener.
)o+r eNplication a!o"e is spec+lation, nothing more, howe"er the lyrics
themsel"es are not. (he 1orward ,0acket/ lyrics are printed, s+re, !+t in them they
literally tell yo+ to listen to re"ersed song too. 9gnorance o1 this sho+ld !e !elow
yo+r mental a!ility 1or skepticism, and that it is not sho+ld ca+se some sort pa+se
in yo+r intellect+al ego.
-emiotics: yo+ can ignore a sign> yo+ can !e ignorant or +naware o1 the meaning
o1 a sign it does not change the meaning> does not lesson or diminish it at all. (he
sign will always mean what it means.
(he !ea+ty o1 -(?98:?) (O .&?;&' is in the mysteryF or lack thereo1. )o+
can choose to listen to what is there or yo+ can make it +p as yo+ go 5like this
essay, as opposed to mine.6.
o $he /ditors says:
March 1P, 2014 at 10:2P am
:e are told that words ha"e two meanings, and that i1 we listen "ery hard
the t+ne will come to +s at last, and that there2s still time to change the
road we2re on, !+t we are ne"er eNplicitly instr+cted to listen !ackwards.
.a"e 9 missed somethingJ $lease show me where in the lyrics it says this.
M. barabas"mor%heus says:
March 1P, 2014 at M:3O pm
it2s =+ite interesting that yo+ can !e so typical and reactionary despite yo+r
pro1essed willingness to !e open to ideas not eNpressed originally !y yo+rsel1. 9
ha"e gleaned this 1rom reading a 1ew o1 yo+r articles a1ter 1inding yo+
-(?98:?) piece "ia some similar message !oard thread, and i stand !y that
notion despite yo+r re1+sal to take the step 1orward past !elie1 in this matter here
5perhaps and i hope solely !eca+se o1 the p+!lic nat+re o1 this threading.6. 91 s+ch
is the case, i2m not opposed to yo+r contacting me thro+gh less p+!lic 1or+m
where yo+ can !e +na1raid o1 dialectic conteNt. 8egardless, the re"ersed lyrics o1
the song are =+ite disting+isha!le to any +ntrained ear, logical in progression
5!eca+se, as the song itsel1 intones, it2s all math6, and a simple "ideo search ne"er
mind any 3ing will !ring +p "eri1ication o1 l+natics and ed+cated alike all
,disco"ering/ "ery "ery sameness with deli!erate m+chit+de. (o answer yo+r
=+estion, the lyrics, re"ersed 5and 1or third party "eri1ication:
http://yo+t+.!e/43k:8?LZpO06 literally open with ,$lay 5it6 !ackwards/.ear
why 2tis s+ng here, oppositionerF/ so there yo+ go.
o $he /ditors says:
March 1D, 2014 at M:40 pm
91 the !ackwards lyric says to play it !ackwards, doesn2t that mean it
sho+ld !e played 1orwardsJ
D. barabas"mor%heus says:
March 1D, 2014 at M:22 pm
hey g+y check yo+r sec+rity. my 20 year old email address has !een accessed, and
yo+ are the only new player in my mail town. yo+ ha"e !een made "+lnera!le. 1iN
that !e1ore it gets !ad.
o $he /ditors says:
March 1D, 2014 at M:41 pm
92m sorry to hear that.
10. www"sok,aloesu"'u%e01"%l says:
May 1E, 2014 at 3:O3 pm
(his teNt is in"al+a!le. .ow can 9 1ind o+t moreJ
?lso "isit my homepage :: aloe "era>,
11. inbo2 blue %rint says:
?+g+st 10, 2014 at 10:11 pm
(hey also gi"e yo+ premade templates 1or newsletters.
4awson is a part o1 %acartes X an online gro+p where companions can impart
photographs, 1eat+res, s+r"eys and that2s 0+st the !eginning. (hink o1 a +ni=+e
angle a!o+t yo+r !+siness to write +p in a press release.

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