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HRD Definition
According to T.V.Rao:
HRD is a continuous planned process by which employees are helped
To acquire and sharpen capabilities required to perform various
functions associated with their present/ expected future roles
Develop their general capabilities as individuals and discover and
exploit their own inner potential for their own and / or
organizational development processes
Develop organizational culture in which supervisor-subordinate
relationships, teamwork and collaboration among subunits are
strong and contribute to the professional well-being, motivation
and the pride of the employees
Development of people by providing the right environment where
each individual may grow to the fullest extent.
Human Resource Strategies at the
Corporate Level
Communication Strategy
Accountability, Ownership and Commitment
Quality Strategies
Introducing Quality and customer-orientation
throughout the company
Cost Reduction
Developing an entrepreneurial spirit among all
Culture-building exercises

Myths about HRD
HRD Means
fat salaries
planning the careers of people
having a good time

HRD depends on the top management
HRD is the job of the HRD department alone

Old Myths affecting HR
People join the HR function because they like people
Anyone can do the HR function
HR deals with the soft side of business and hence is not
HR function focuses on costs that must be controlled
HR is the policy-police and the health & happiness
HR means a lot of fad
HR is performed by nice people
HR is only for HR professionals

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