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Name:___________________________________ Date:_______________________

US History Unit 1 Test Review: Chapters 11 & 12
1. What did the Thirteenth Amendment do?
2. What did the Fourteenth Amendment do?
3. What did the Fifteenth Amendment do?
4. Before the war ended, the nion !o"ernment #et u$ the Freedmen%#
Bureau to do what?
&. What main idea did the 'adi(a) 'e$u*)i(an# #u$$ort after the +i"i)
,. Wh- wa# .re#ident Andrew /ohn#on not remo"ed from o0(e when he
wa# im$ea(hed in 11,2?
2. What were /im +row )aw#?
1. Wh- wa# the 3u$reme +ourt de(i#ion in .)e##- ". Fer!u#on im$ortant?
4. Whi(h of the fo))owin! *rou!ht an end to 'e(on#tru(tion?
15. What were the !oa)# of the .o$u)i#t#?
11. What wa# the Home#tead A(t?
12. Wh- did (ow*o-# dri"e their (att)e north from Te6a# a)on! the
+hi#ho)m Trai)?
13. The Nationa) 7ran!e wa# an or!ani8ation made u$ main)- of
14. 9an- $eo$)e (ame to +a)ifornia in the mid:1155# in #ear(h of
1&. Wh- did the .3. !o"ernment #et u$ #(hoo)# for the Ameri(an
1,. What did mem*er# of the .o$u)i#t .art- #u$$ort in the )ate

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