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Integrated Science Part A

Mr. Cardinale Mrs. Rhault

Integrated Science is an introduction to high-school level science. This course will involve several topics
from many different realms of science, including geology, astronomy, cosmology, chemistry, and physics. It
will be broken down into two separate semesters which are completely separate courses. This semesters
topics will be:

Scientific Reasoning
Plate Tectonics
The Rock Cycle
The Universe

Grading Policies
You will receive two separate grades for Part A and Part B, as if they are completely different courses.
The breakdown of your grade for each semester is as follows:

35% Tests and Quizzes
35% Performance Assessments (Labs, Projects, and Essays)
10% Common Course Assessment (CCA)
15% Daily Class Activities
5% Homework

Classroom Rules & Consequences
Arrive on time and prepared to work
Get your materials out and begin your Warm-Up immediately
Cell phones stay out of sight unless specifically permitted
No food or drink other than water
Respect our group norms

Failing to follow the classroom rules will result in a 10-minute detention with Mr. Cardinale that day
after school in room 326. Repeated infractions will add time to your detention. Failure to show up for
detention will result in an office referral.

You are required to have every day:
Binder (1.5 inch or larger) with dividers for Warm-Ups, Notes, Vocabulary, Class Activities, and
Pen or pencil
Calculator (at least four-function)
Your textbook, Physical Science: Concepts in Action, will be kept in the classroom

Attendance and Make-Up Work
It is important that you be in class and on time every day so you can learn as much as you can. If you
miss a day, you are responsible for making up any work from that day. All make-up work will be
recorded as Missing (a zero) until it is made up. You can find your make-up work in your personal
folder in the crate in the classroom.

I, _______________________________, have read and understand the classroom policies.

___________________________ ____________________________ ___________
Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature Date

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