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"My Recommendations for Political Science

Frds I havent read more. But I did read better. As you all know I am a working person in business
with heavy hobbies so I had little time for preperation. I have read only a few books which I am
mentioning here. However a disclaimer- I have a view of almost all book available for all subjects and
I have a significant library. As I havent done coaching I found it wise to invest in books. However
most books I havent read even 1 page.

Political Theory
1. IGNOU MA notes- Base material
2. OP Gauba- for selected topics
3. Internet for some topics which were not there in books

Indian Government and Politics
1. I had Law where we read Constitutional Law in details so no basic material required.
2. Oxford Companion for India Politics. (Its Rs. 3500 book. Great book, now shorter version available
in students companion for Rs. 500)
3. IGNOU MA notes for selected topics

International Relations
1. Globalisation of World Politics by Baylis and Smith
2. Global Politics by Andrew Haywood
3. IGNOU notes for Theory portion

India and The World
1. Does the Elephant Dance? by David Malone in Oxford (Great great book)
2. Indian Foreign Policy: retrospect and Prospects by Sumit Ganguly (The dealing of subject matter is
very good)
3. Rethinking Indian Foreign Policy: Challanges and Strategies by Rajeev Sikri (Good but few chapters
on US/Iran etc. are biased)"

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