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What is the issue of concern? Provide a description that includes the 5 Ws.

The issue is the outbreak of Ebola Virus in Liberia right now. The United Nations made a statement
saying that they will continue to support the country and its neighbors fighting the outbreak. This is a
deadly disease and the United Nations and other relief funds are trying to maintain it as close as
possible so it doesnt spread throughout the world.
Why is the United Nations concerned? In other words, why is this global issue?
This is a global issue because over 2,200 people have died and also for the major blow it has dealt the
already-fragile health care systems of West Africa. They dont want this disease spreading any more
than it has already.
What steps has the U.N. taken (or plans to take) to address this issue?
They have continued to support the countries that have been hard hit by the virus and are funding
research and cures to help stop the virus.

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