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at 5s.

Anthony & Philip Porish

29 - 30 - 31
6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Come to SonWorld Adventure Pork f or the Adventure of a Lif etime! As you porticipote in
fun-filled octivities, you will discover importont choices eve?yone must moke: Choose to
BETIEVE thof Jesus is 6od's promised Sovior, Choose to ACT ond care for others, Choose
FOROIVENESS from Jesus, Choose to OBEY Jesus even when it's hard ond Choose
JESUS os our guide
source of wisdom!. We will hove a great time with lively songs,
crealive crofts, exciting games, Bible stories ond tosfy snocks. We expect o greot
response, so enroll your child today.
Opento students of
foiths entering 5K thru 5+h grade. Cost is FREE
welcome). For more information contoct Delores Eggers
( or
929-7701- office or 574-8661 - call).
To moke surewe hqve enough supplies pleose register by JULY
?0, ?Ot4:
Vacation Bible
Or e-mail the informotion tol
deggrers@ centu rvl i n
Fill out the form below ond moil or drop off :
Delores Eggers
Ss. Anthony & PhiliP Porish
PO Box 306,7?6 Moin 5t.
Highlond, WI 53543
We oreolso lookin g f or Middle or High School students
qnd qdults
to help with this
progrom. Contact Delores if ore interested in helping out. All arewelcorne to help.
Child's name
Grade entering in fall
Home Phone
Parent's Names
Cell Phone
Emergency Contact Person
Food allergies:
Allergic to Latex? Yes - No
Medical conditions:
People who may pick up my child:
ln the event of an emergency, I give my permission to transport my child to a hospital for
emergency treatment.
Family Health Care Plan Carrier
ParenUGuardian Signature
Policy #

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