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The real problem in USA is the bipartidism.

USA has a bipartidist system, where

you can choose option A or option B.
But the worst of this, is that there are not many real differences between option A
or option B. The bipartidist system is near a dictatorship, only with small
I opine that the solution to the problems of USA is more democracy, even if it is
representative. It is that is necessary that the senate and congress be formed by
more members of different parties. Where more ideas are more represented.
Also there should be less necessary to be etremely rich to arrive to the
government, a wor!er should be able to run for presidency, thing that today in
USA is impossible, and it creates a great problem, only a elite, that are wealth, so
that are totally disconnected from the real problems of the people are governing.
I thin! that USA needs a reform of the form of elections that other parties be able
to form part of the senate and congress, for eample the libertarian party or the
green party. Third and fourth forces in USA that don"t do anything, because is a
clear bipartidist system, where for most of the people or you"re #emocrat or
$epublican, no more options, and it is bad. And more when in the reality
#emocrat and $epublican are the same party, only different factions of it.

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