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Type of Money:
Renminbi is the currency of China but it is also
known as Yuan. The sign for Renminbi looks
like this

There is another type of money and it is called Jiao. It is
worth approximately one tenth of 1Yuan.

About 1 Renminbi is equal to $0.18 AUD

There are 6 different types of notes. There is a 1 yuan note, 5 yuan note, 10 Yuan
note, 20 Yuan note, 50 Yuan note and a 100 Yuan note. There are also two types of
Jiao notes. There is a 1 Jiao note and a 5 Jiao note. There are also 3 types of coins, a 1
Jiao coin, a 5 Jiao coin and a 1 Yuan coin.

Chinas economy is ranked 2
in the world.

Chinas GDP is 8.227 trillion USD. Chinas top 5 trading partners are: 1. The United
States of America, 2. Hong Kong, 3. Japan, 4. The Republic of Korea/South Korea, 5.
Taiwan. Australia currently sits in 7
place of top trading partners.

China exports mainly machines, computers, textiles and metals. China imports
machines, crude petroleum, iron ore and chemical products

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