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Brain Teaser No : 4

Somebody marked the six faces of a die with the numbers 1, 2 and 3 - each number twice. The die was
put on a table. Four people - Abu, Babu, Calu and Dabu - sat around the table so that each one was able
to see only three sides of the die at a glance.
• Abu sees the number 1 and two even numbers.
• Babu and Calu can see three different numbers each.
• Dabu sees number 2 twice and he can't remember the third number.
What number is face down on the table?


Number 3 is face down on the table.

If Abu can see two even numbers i.e. number 2 twice, and if Dabu can see number 2 twice, then
number 2 must be facing up.

Now everything else is simple. (see the following diagram)

Dabu Abu

3 2 2

Calu Babu
Thus, the number hidden from the view is number 3 and hence the answer

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