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The MPHS Script: 2014-2015

The MPHS Script Membership Form

Youre one step closer to being a
member of The MPHS Script! Fill out the
following information to get started.

Personal Information:

First Name:

Last Name:

Grade: ________

Contact Information:

Cell Phone Number: _____________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Any other contacts? List them here. The more the better: well be able to
get in touch with you quicker!

When do you have lunch (just in case we need to find you)?

Lunch on A-Days: ___________
Lunch on B-Days: ___________

By completing this form, you accept the responsibilities that come with
being a member of The MPHS Script. You are expected to participate and
be a part of the team.

By signing here, you acknowledge your role and responsibilities at The
MPHS Script:

(Student Signature) (Parent Signature)

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