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8/12/2014 Test :: Jobs in Pakistan, Careers in Pakistan, Jobs, Employment, Careers | ROZEE.

PK 1/1
Content Writing & Proofreading
Read these Instructions Carefully and note down it on a Paper because these instructions will not Pop up once the test is started
Note: You have 70 minutes to complete this test, we adhere to the American style of English
1. You have been given four products for which you have to develop content and you have to write:
a. Headline #1
b. Headline #2
c. Product description
2. The headline should:
a. Have an adjective describing the product
b. Should be concise and the reader should understand what the product is about
c. Headline 1 and headline 2 have to be different from each other
3. Product description (PD):
a. Should not exceed 3 lines.
b. The PD should be a summary of the product with all the specifications you deem necessary for a potential customer to be aware of
4. All work should be original and free of plagiarism
5. You have been provided with the links for the products. These links are a resource for you but are not the only resource at your disposal. You are
to conduct your research on the product to be able to develop content for it
6. Since excellent written English is a requirement for the position, please ensure that your writing is free from any grammatical, punctuation, and
writing style errors.
Note: Youre supposed to copy paste the same paragraph to your answer section and mark all the mistakes by writing your comments in the
bracket, wherever necessary. Example mention below:
For e.g: Hello my name John (Copy Past this whole line / paragraph to your answer section and write as)
Hello my name ( is ) John
Test Status: Pending Remaining Time: 70 min 00 sec Total Duration: 70 min 00 sec
Test Sections:
Content Writing & Proofreading Test

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