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The food nowadays

We eat daily almost to two kilograms, between vegetables, meat,

fish, milk and other kind of food .Nevertheless also we consume a
lot of junk food .it is very harmless in very adequate portions ,but if
we exceed this ,it is probably that we could get in some healthy
Firstable we must remember that our body needs an adequate care
every day and junk food is excess can causes diseases like diabetes,
high blood pressure and do not allow to take a perfect running of
the heart. For this reason we should do some advices that I give to
you: A balance diet is necessary because your organism needs to
assimilate and some aliments like fish, milk ,cheese and a lot of
water can make that. Moreover everyday we have to do regular
exercise, it is only ten minutes and your body and mind will help
you. Taking about our mind, having 8 hours of sleep we have to the
energy necessary to face our day to day and the mind wake up very
I am sure that follow all this your mood of life will change, maybe to
begin with this you doubt, but you must be persistent and you
notice some changes in two to three weeks.

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