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Windrixville, Oklahoma Monday, September 12, 1965


Hell on the Loose?

Windrixville, Oklahoma -- On
September 8th, 1967,, three
heroic souls go through the
depths of hell in the holy mans
place! The three heros, Ponyboy
Curtis, Johnny Cade, and Dally
Curtis, had recently saved
trapped kids from a burning
church. The fire had started
somewhere in the mid-afternoon
when the kids had been playing
in the church which may be
assumed, dropped a candle
which ignited the fire and

The Windrixville Church during

the extinguishing of the fire.
However the three heros went


The Start
Apparently the teacher of the
children came to the three boys,
screaming for their help and
pointed them to the scene.The
three teenagers, after finally
saving all five kids, barged out
the window to safety, almost
unharmed. However one boy,
Ponyboy, had inhaled too much
of the smoke, causing him to not
breath as well afterwards. The
citizens of Windrixville are
grateful for the three heros and
will praise them for a long
period of time. However, some
people are still skeptical about
the three boys innocence, as
they had been accused as
suspects in a recent murder case
of Bob Sheldon. Bob was
apparently an enemy of the the
three boys, and was found dead
with numerous witnesses saying
that they had seen at least one of
the three boys at the park in
which Bob was found dead. The
three boys had apparently been
living rather poor lives. The
oldest boy, Dally, had been
trying to help both Johnny and


Ponyboy flee from their town,

Tulsa. The other hero, Johnny,
had a rather rough life with both
parents having to fight almost
constantly and not being able to
do much about it. The youngest
boy, Ponyboy, had two other
brothers that he had left after a
disagreement between Ponyboy

out of the frying pan into the fire,

as they were suspects of a case
of a previous death of teenage
boy, Bob Sheldon. The three
brothers went in the burning

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