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The top 5 trading partners with Thailand are Hong

Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Netherlands.

The recourses in Thailand are tin witch is like metal but
thinner, rubber is for ties and other things, natural gas is
fuel for your car, tungsten is a hard steel-grey metal,
tantalum is a hard silver-grey metal, timber is wood
prepared for use in building and carpentry, lead is a
some type of rope, fish is something that swims in the
sea, gypsum is a soft white or grey mineral consisting of
hydrated calcium sulphate and arable land is land that
can be used for growing crops.

Health and security

Dirty water is caused by diseases such as:

1. Amoebisis
It infects the large intestines and the people who have
poor hygiene. This is caused by sewage and non treated
drinking water.

2. Hepatitis
Hepatitis is prevented by using safe water proper
disposal of sewage and good hygiene.

3. Malaria
Prevents mosquito bites, cleaning the garbage and not
letting the still water out side the houses or in water
coolers can help prevent Malaria.

Thailand has been taken control of the government.
Visiting one of Asia's most popular tourist destinations.

However, the military said air passengers with arrival and
departure flights scheduled during the curfew are permitted to
travel to and from the airports at any time, and are advised to
carry a printout of their flight itinerary.
All airports in Thailand remain open and flights are still
operating as scheduled.

1. wat arun
There are more than 31,200 temples all around Thailand. In Thailand
these temples are called wat. Wat arun is the biggest temple {wat} in

2. Grand palace
The King of Thailand forms an important ritual in the Buddhist calendar.
Thai Kings stopped living in the palace around the turn of the twentieth

3. Railay beach
Railay Beach also frequently referred to as Rai Leh or Rai Lay is a small
peninsula just south of the town of Ao Nang, Krabi. Its attached to
Krabis mainland, but cut off by towering limestone cliffs from all the
roads and towns.

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