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Everyday your cells divide

They grow, they stretch, and multiply

It can occur in hours or in days
But the first stage is always interphase
Though you may be unaware
In this stage, DNA is copied everywhere
When division is prepared, the DNA is
That completes the stage

Mitosis begin after this
There is not one stage the cell can miss
There are four parts to the stage,
Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and
In prophase chromatin condense
They create chromosomes, hence
The nuclear envelope breaks down
So the newly made chromosomes are

Metaphase can be seen very well
As the chromosomes line up in the center
of the cell
Spindle fibers latch on the centromere
Dont worry, its part of division, do not

Next the chromosomes are torn apart
This means that anaphase will start
As they run to opposite side
The cell starts to divide
And finally, during telophase,
The cell changes in many ways

Within this stage as the two new nuclei
You can tell a new cell will be born

In cytokinesis, cytoplasm is pinched and
After dividing at the middle, the cell feels
at ease
Now two new daughter cells have been
We surely hoped that you are informed

And then it begins again
Everyday your cells divide
They grow, they stretch, and multiply
It can occur in hours or in days
But the first stage is always interphase
Though you may be unaware
In this stage, DNA is copied everywhere
When division is prepared, the DNA is
That completes the stage

Mitosis begin after this
There is not one stage the cell can miss
There are four parts to the stage,
Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and
In prophase chromatin condense
They create chromosomes, hence
The nuclear envelope breaks down
So the newly made chromosomes are

Metaphase can be seen very well
As the chromosomes line up in the center
of the cell
Spindle fibers latch on the centromere
Dont worry, its part of division, do not

Next the chromosomes are torn apart
This means that anaphase will start
As they run to opposite side
The cell starts to divide
And finally, during telophase,
The cell changes in many ways

Within this stage as the two new nuclei
You can tell a new cell will be born

In cytokinesis, cytoplasm is pinched and
After dividing at the middle, the cell feels
at ease
Now two new daughter cells have been
We surely hoped that you are informed

And then it begins again

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