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Joshua Gonzalez
Scene I
(Jam and Sofia walk on stage arm in arm quietly. Cold New York night in the streets with
fog in the air and steam coming out of manholes. Filfth evident on stage)
hy is it you!re always acting this way"
hat do you mean" hat way"
#his$ Your not wanting to talk% & never know what
you!re feeling$ Sometimes & don!t even know what
your o'inion is on anything$
#hat!s so not true. & e('ress my feelings all the time.
&t!s )ust & really don!t feel like talking right now.
*ere% try me+ ill give you my o'inion on
,lright then. You never told me what you thought
of my going to ,frica.
ell% what do you want me to say" &t!s a choice
you made.
(Sofia shows a visi-ly u'set and agry look when Jam!s cell'hone rings.)
.ne sec.
*ey Jam$ hats goin on -uddy"$
Not much cu/+ how you doin"$
Chillin man% listen0 you never confirmed if you
wanted those tickets or not man$ & think it!d -e
kickass if you could -e there.
Yeah0 & forgot to call dude0 &!d love to go% You
guys are 'layin tonight right"$
#hat!s right. .k so listen0 ill have the -ouncer 'ut
you on the 1&2 list so you don!t have to 'ick the
tickets u'. e start 'layin at 3.
,lright -ro0 thanks a million.
,nything for you man0 you know & love you.
*aha0 whatever man% see you there.
(hangs u' the 'hone)
So% where were we"
See"$"$ #hat!s e(actly what & mean$ &m going to
,frica and you have no o'inion whatsoever$ &!m
going to -e doing volunteer work and it really will
mean a lot to me. & ho'e to have some sort of life
changing e('erience% and all you can say is that
it!s a choice & made"$
Chiiiillll .4$"$ 5ela($ #ruth is & don!t want you to
go 6cause &!ll miss you. 7ike% & reali/e it will -e
great for you and everything% it!s something
you!ve always wanted to do
#hen why arent you coming with me$" #hat would
solve a lot of things0 and you know we need to work
on this relationshi'.
&!m sorry0 you know that & can!t% ive got stuff to
do here and & don!t have time
You never do anything% & don!t know what you!re
talking a-out.
You know what"$ hatever.
(lets go of his arm)
&!m gonna go home. &!ll talk to you tommorow.
(Sofia walks off stage and we see Jam sit on the cur-. Close curtains.)
Scene II
(e hear a car crash -ehind courtains and then they o'en once again. Sofia is on the floor
face down on stage0 there is a car wreck near-y. Jam walks on stage acting like nothing
Jam (to himself)
hmm% & wonder what ha''ened here"$ #here!s no
one in the car so & guess they!re ok% ho!s this" &
wonder if she has any money on her.
(gets on his knees and starts checking her for money and fli's her over to search in
her front 'ockets)
.h 9Y :.;$ Sofia$$ ,re you ok"$ .'en your eyes
sweety0 cmon0 let me know you!re there%. .h :od0
'lease -e ok%
(starts to s'eak with a grotesquely tremulous voice)
ake u'$$ Sofia$$ & can!t live without you$$ .h
god% her face is turning -lack and -lue$ She!s
dead$$ 9y Sofia is dead$$$
(Jam 'icks u' a cell'hone and calls for an am-ulance)
*ello" #here has -een an accident on third and
seventh0 'lease come right away0 &% &%.
someone!s dead.
(he gets u' and walks off stage very slowly0 kindof tri''ing over himself as he goes0 as if
he has lost his -alance. Close curtains)
Scene III
(we see a rece'tionist desk on one side of the stage and waiting room style chairs set
a-out in the room0 'ossi-ly some e(tras could -e sitting around0 Yam :oodman and ,/a/
are hastly coming in)
Yam :oodman (running in)
here is my daughter$$ & need to know where she
Calm down 'lease0 what is your daughter!s name"
Sofia% Sofia 2andit
You -etter sit down while & go look for the ;octor
that saw her.
#hank you. Come sweety0 let!s sit down. &t!s alright.
(#he 5ece'tionist walks off stage. #hey sit down and the doctor comes in with the
rece'tionist. She 'oints at the cou'le and sits down. #he doctor a''roaches)
9r and 9rs 2andit"
,/a/ (half getting out of his seat)
Yes0 that!s us
2lease have a seat.
(sits down near them looking at them with o'en hands. #he cou'le is holding
&!m so sorry to -e the one who says this -ut your
daughter!s heart didn!t 'ull through after the
Yam (yells in agony)
(Cryes into her hands0 sulking)
(curtains close)
Scene IV
(e see Jam coming in in the same way he walked out in his last scene. *e sits against a
wall and falls aslee'. #wo teenage ganster lookalikes walk in with s'ray'aint cans. .ne
of the two has a 'iece of 'a'er in his hands)
#eenager <=
*ere!s the wall man what do you think"
#eenager <>
Yeah dude0 & like it0 it!s 'erfect. 7et!s hurry u' and
do this -efore the 'olice come -ack.
#eenager <=
,lright0 ill do the stainin0 you read it out to me.
#eenager <>
.m ,satoma%
(*ere the ?,satoma@ goes from the actor!s voice to a voice that 'ermeates the stage with
s'eakers. 7ighting will change to 'lace focus on slee'ing Jam. *is dou-le comes in
looking da/ed dressed in the same clothes)
1oice (in a chanting mantra form)
;reaming Jam
& know those words% Sofia!s family used to chant
them at dusk. here am i" & cant see anything -ut
desert out here% here is that voice coming from"
%. #amasoma Jyothirgamaya%..
;reaming Jam
hat did they mean%. ,satoma Sadgamaya0
#amasoma Jyothirgamaya%. from darkness to
light%.. from ignorance to truth% what was the last
'art of it"
% 9rithyorma ,mrutangamaya%..
;reaming Jam
from% from% death to% to % eternity$$
(#he two teenagers are a-out finished s'ray'ainting the chant on the wall)
;reaming Jam
&!m soo thirsty% & wish & wasn!t in the this desert%
& wish Sofia was here with me% She!d know what
to do% Aut its all desert% No one is here%
ithout her & have nothing to live for. &m going to
die in this desert. & wish & had some water... (voice
gets ras'y for lack of water) % & wish% &% had
some water% (faints)
(5eal Jam wakes u' with a start and screaming and the two teenagers run off when they
hear him scream. Jam gets u' quickly seemingly u'set and then calms down 'utting his
'ockets in his hands and walks off stage in the same way as he came in)
(curtains close)
Act II
Scene I
(.ne one side of the stage there is an entrance to a clu- with #ool and ,B== adverti/ing
(kindof like #ool$$ #onight$$ .'ening AandC ,B==$$) Jam walks in from the o''osite side
of the stage where he walked out. ,t the entrance to the clu- there is a -ouncer with a
chain not letting any-ody get -y. *e has a cli'-oard in his hand. #here is also a guy in the
croud with a #ool tshirt handing out flyers.)
& had no idea they were o'ening for #ool$ #his is so
Flyer 2erson
*ey -uddy0 you goin to the concert tonight"
Yeah & am$
*ere take one of these. &t!s a free su-scri'tion to
#ool!s official Fan Clu-C #ool,rmy.
4ickass thanks$
(F2 walks away to start talking to another grou' of 'eo'le. Jam alks u' to the -ouncer
after 'utting the free su-scri'tion in his 'ocket.)
Your ticket"
& don!t have one
ell then get out of the way.
& think &!m on the listC Jammal 4en/ie
Aouncer (reading down the list)
Ye'0 there you are
(#he Aouncer o'ens the chain for him and he walks in. Curtains Close)
Scene II
(curtains o'en and we have 9rs 2andit a-out to )um' off a ledge with her arms away
from her -ody on her sides. She is in her 2i)amas. 9r. 2andit wanders on stage seemingly
looking for her.)
Sweety"$ ,re you out here"$...
(sees her and starts walking towards her)
.h thank :Bd$ & found you$ &!ve -een looking
everywhere for you.
(sees what she!s u' to)
.h my :Bd sweety$ Come -ack away from that
ledge you might fall down.
(getting more and more u'set)
Sweety" #alk to me% 'lease% let me know whats
going on.
&!m going to do it ,/a/% & can!t stand any of this
anymore% & cant live without her% She was all &
(starts crying and cu's her face with her hands)
#his isnt going to fi( any of that sweety% &t!s not
going to -ring Sofia -ack and you know that... &
know you!re looking for some sort of relief from
this 'ain% -ut you have to -e alive to feel that
relief% 2lease ste' -ack away from that ledge% let
us talk a-out it.
Yam (#rem-ling and ste''ing -ack)
&% & want my Sofia -ack (she starts ste''ing -ack
faster) .$
(,/a/ runs u' to her and she falls -ack fainting into his arms. *e lays her down on the
floor and caresses her face with a com'assionate look on his face. Curtains Close)
Scene III
(Dnter a grou' of friends all carrying some sort of instrument. ,ll are still )um'y and
e(cited. Jam is amongst them.)
You guys were awsome
*ell yeah we were$ & still can!t -elieve we o'ened
for #ool$
Aandmem-er =
;id you notice that 9aynard was using the same
guitar & have"$
Aandmem-er >
as he really"$ & didn!t notice anything% once
their music started% & )ust fell into a trance and
didn!t wake u' from it until 9J4 said good-ye. &t
ha''ens everytime & hear their music.
('utting his arm around one of the Aandmem-ers)
e need to cele-rate0 how a-out we go to my
Aandmem-er =
Yeah alright0 lets do that. Still got that 'ool ta-le"
JohnC & sure do. Jam" You commin"
Sorry guys & cant. You have a cou'le -eers for me0 &
gotta go home.
#hat sucks man. ell alright0 we!ll see ya on
Yeah0 cya guys.
(#he -and kee's walking and goes off stage)
(Singing the lyrics to ,enima0 not too loud)
Some say the end is near... Some say weEll see
armageddon soon% & certainly ho'e we will%.&
sure could use a vacation from this%.Aull%.shit%.
three%. 5ing% circus%. Sideshow% of Freaks..
(Jam 'uts his hand in his 'ockets sometime while
singing and 'ulls out the free su-scri'tion from his
#ool, Join the collective unconscious%
Sounds cool
('uts it in his 'ocket. Curtains close)
Scene I
(Curtains o'en with a -reakfast ta-le in the middle of the stage. Cereal -o(es and -owls
are on the ta-le. Aoth of Jam!s 'arents and himself are at the ta-le eating quietly.)
So how was your day yesterday"
You didn!t get -ack till like > in the morning. here
were you"
hatever. You!re still going to take me to church
Jam (whinning)
why do & have to take you" hy cant you )ust take
the car or go with one of your friends"
You!ll )ust dro' me off0 then you can do whatever
you want.
fine (gets u' and walks off angrily)
(curtains close)
Scene II
(#here are two com'uter desks with com'uters on stage. .ne is unlit for now with the
Flyer 2erson sitting at it0 the other is Jam!s and he is sitting at it. Justin Chancellor!s (-ase
'layer for tool) voice comes on as if coming from the com'uter)
#here!s no turning -ack now% elcome to
,wsome% & wonder what & can do on here. .h
look0 a chatroom.
(light illuminates F2 on stage at the other com'uter. #he ne(t lines are said out loud
while the two actors ty'e away)
*ey0 welcome Jam
*ey whats going on"
Not much. You new to #ool,rmy" &ve never seen
you -efore
Ye'0 sure am. hat can & do on this 'age"
ell.. at this time so early on a Sunday there!s
hardly any-ody here.. you can check out the
message -oards though.
& think ill do that thanks.
(F2 is no longer illuminated)
Jam(kindof mufled voice using his mouse)
.k.. hmm% message -oard% 2ost your messages
here0 'ick a to'ic% ok uhm%. Creative writing%
that sounds good.
Jam(starting to ty'e away on the com'uter)
ell.. &!m new to #.,. and & don!t know where to
start. &!m =F% live in 7.,.. &!ve -een having lots of
trou-le lately at school and with friends. #he last
time & saw my -est friend we had a fight% then &
don!t remem-er what ha''ened% She.. She.. got
run over -y a car%.h my :Bd% She!s dead% ill
never get to see her ever again$... & ho'e & don!t die
soon.. .9: & could die any minute too$ hat
ha''ens when you die" ,ny-ody know" ;o & )ust
sto' e(isting" & don!t want to sto' e(isting% & need
to not die% .h :Bd &!m afriad%
(*e gets u' from his chair and 'aces for a -it then sits in fetal 'osition agains the desk on
the floor. #hen there is a -ee' from the com'uter. ithout moving from his s'ot he saysC)
Jam (trem-ling)
&s that a message" & need to read it% -ut no$ & don!t
want to. Sofia is still ok0 she is alive0 & will see her
tommorow at school. (gets u' regardless) -ut may-e
he has answers%
(F2 is illuminated again)
Gnfortunately & know how it feels all too well0 & lost
one of my -lood-rothers in a horrific car accident
two years and three days ago. & havenEt -een a-le to
esca'e the nightmares no matter how much & try. &
have lost hundreds0 if not thousands of hours slee'
-ecause of it. &Eve tried talking to him and his friend
in the dream time and time again -ut to no avail. &
have to get over the crash0 someway0 somehow &
)ust have to0 if & donEt find a way soon0 & wonEt -e
a-le to function normally like most others ever
again. &tEs almost like a massive hole was -lown
into my soul the day he died. ,t the wake & was
una-le to shed a tear although & wanted to more than
anything0 & fealt like & was heartless. No 'ills or
cigaretts or slee' aids can take it away0 & wished
more than anything in the entire world0 that there is
someone out there who can relate to me somehow
a-out all of this0 so that may-e & can find a way of
digging myself out of this dismal tunnel that has
seemingly colla'sed all around me.
& must -e heartless as well$ & havent cried a-out her
yet.. & )ust% & )ust.. &!m afraid of myself dying% &s
that wrong"
(4nock off stage.)
,re you ready" 7ets go
Ae right there mom
Jam(ty'ing again)
& have to go% thank you% and &!m sorry.
(he turns off his com'uter and gets his keys0 walking offstage kindof hastly)
Scene III
(e have several rows of 'ews on stage and a coffessional in the -ack. #here is a
congregation sitting down0 minding their own -usiness. 9om and Jam walk on stage near
the confessional.)
#hank you Jam. &!ll get a ride home0 you don!t have
to worry a-out it. &!ll see you later.
(walks off and sits in one of the 'ews. #he lighting dims on the 'ews and
focuses on Jam walking into the cofessional)
elcome my son. hat can & do for you"
& have a few questions.
,lright0 whats trou-ling you son.
& am 'etrified of death% & was wondering iff% if
:Bd delays death for certain reasons% if &.. &f & can
do something to avoid it.
&!m sorry son.. :Bd!s 'lan cannot -e messed with.
e all are destined for certain things in life and we
cannot question *im.
Aut% -ut.. hat if & -ehave and do things for *im"
2riestC &!m not saying you shouldn!t0 -ut it really
wont hel' you to stay alive longer% we all have our
time alright decided for us.
Jam(gets u')
#hank you.. good-ye
(alks off stage kindof angrily. Curtains Close.)
Scene IV
(#here is an entrance to a #arrot 5eader on the o''osite side of the stage where Jam
comes in from. *e comes in walking with his head down and hands in his 'ockets)
& don!t know what to do% & wonder if &!ll die
soon% #he oui)i -oard said & wouldn!t% -ut &
don!t know if that was my su-concious telling me
or if it was true% & need something more%
something (looks u' and sees the tarot reader!s
sign) hmmm% & wonder%. (starts walking in)
(close curtains)
Scene V
(Jam!s dad walks on stage into Jam!s room where there is a -ed0 com'uter and closet.)
,lright0 &!m going to settle this once and forall% if
& had drugs where would & hide them"
(Searches in the closet and in the drawer of the
com'uter desk)
*mm% & know he has to have drugs in here0 theres
got to -e some sort of e('lanation as to why he is
acting the way he is% -ut what"$
(Searches under the -ed and 'ulls out the oui)ii
-oard slowly)
so that!s it% he!s turning Satanic%.
(curtains close)
Scene VI
(Jam is sitting at a round ta-le with a crystal -all on it when the #arrot reader comes in
dressed as a fortune teller from the movies)
You!re Jam & 'ressume%.
Jam (shocked)
uh% yes% & mean% how did you know"
&t!s my )o-. *ere0 let me see your hands%
(Jam gives her his hands and she ins'ects them carefully inserting words like ?hmm%.
Yes%. 9hm% ok@)
7et me get the cards out
(she takes a deck of cards out0 shuffles them and then starts fli''ing them over one -y
.k% it says here you are unha''y now. Your
'arents sus'ect you to -e a traitor. You have a lot on
your mind right now regarding a certain girl. ,nd%
(chokes) oh no%
hat"$ #ell me$
&t!s uh% uh% the death card.
*uh"$ hat does that mean$"
F# (quickly and shakily)
&t means you will die soon and0 and% it!s
inevita-le% & am so sorry... you know that these
cards never work... let me shuffle them again and
start over.
Jam (eyes o'en wide)
&!m going to die"$ .h no$$$
(Jam runs off stage. Curtains close)
Scene I
(Jam comes on stage walking. Same setting as o'ening scene)
&!m going to die% what can & do" *ow will & die"
(sits on the cur- thinking)
(#he two teenagers from &.&1 walk in wearing long -lack cloaks with hoodies and their
same haircuts from the &.&1. #hey are each carrying some sort of leatherB-ound -ook.)
#eenager =
&!m so 'syched. & don!t think ive ever seen anything
like this.
#eenager >
& know$ & cant -elieve we!re actually going to sign a
collective 'act in -lood$
#eenager =
7ets hurry u'0 its a-out to start.
Jam(looking u')
;o & know you guys"
#eenager =
& don!t think so man. Aut hey0 you wanna come with
here are you off to"
#eenager >
e!re 'art of the Cult of 7illith0 we!re always
welcoming new mem-ers.
hat do & have to lose" Sure.
(Jam gets u' and follows them off stage)
Scene II
(e have 9r. and 9rs. 2andit talking on the 'hone. ,/a/ 2andit has the 'hone-ook in his
hands and Yagmur 2andit is talking into the 'hone)
9rs 2andit
*ello"$ Yes. *i this is Yam 2andit0 Sofia!s mother.
&s Jammal around".... .h0 im sorry to -other you
then%. ell% listen% & was calling to see if he
wanted to come to Sofia!s mourning% e will
have her ashes dis'layed tonight and are inviting
any-ody who knew her... (on the verge of tears)
Yes%She!s dead (,/a/ holds her hand tight)%.
2lease do% and do come as well if you like% it
would -e nice to see a friendly face.
Scene III
(e have the same 'ews we had at the church -ut organi/ed differently0 more in a
circular or star figure. 2eo'le are all huddled around a 'entagram on the ground in the
middle of the ground. Jam walks in with the #eenagers and is given a -lack cloak )ust like
theirs u'on coming in. #he 'eo'le on the ground huddled are chanting ?9oderam%
Suderam%. 9oderam%. Suderam%@ nonsto')
#his is scary
#eenager >
Nah man0 don!t worry a-out it0 its cool. ,nd it wont
last long.
#eenager =
*ere0 )ust re'eat after every-ody else and let!s go
sign the 'act.
(#hey walk over to the 'entagram)
#eenager =
5e'eat after me dude% &% and say your name
& Jammal 4en/ie..
#eenager =
Sign this 'act in -lood so that & may..
Sign this 'act in -lood so that & may...
#eenager =
7ive my life in service of 7illith%
7ive my life in service of 7illith%
#eenager =
&n e(change for 'rotection against harm and death.
&n e(change for 'rotection against harm and death.
(Jam follows them in chanting along with every-ody else. #hey cut their thum-s one -y
one and sign their name on the 'entagram in the middle of the floor. 8sidenoteC if the
'entagram cannot -e seen% elevate it on a 'edestal and tilt it towards the audience8 once
he signs the 'act curtains close.)
Scene IV
(Aack to the original setting out on the street. Jam is walking with the two #eenagers.)
#hanks dudes% & needed something like that. hy
don!t you come over to my 'lace" e!ll have some
-eers and chillout.
#eenager >(looking at #=)
Yeah & think thatd -e cool. e goin"
#eenager =
Yeah sure why not0 lets go.
(Jam!s cell'hone rings and he 'icks it u')
*ello" 9om" *ey0 Yeah% hats u'"... uhm0 yeah
& guess% you guys going"... alright% can & take a
few friends with me"... ok.. see you at the 2andit!s
(closes his cell'hone)
You guys want to go to a small 'arty" &t!s a
mourning for a friend of mine% -ut & think there!ll
-e -oo/e.
#eenager =
,nywhere!s good man.. lets )ust go.
(#hey walk off stage. Curtains close)
Scene I
(e are in a living room where every-ody is mourning Sofia!s death. #here is an Grn in
the middle of the room. #he -and mem-ers are all there talking to eachother in a corner.
9r. and 9rs. 2andit are there+ So are 9r. and 9rs. 4en/ie. 9ay-e some 'eo'le from the
congregation. #here is a door-ell ring and ,/a/ goes to answer it. Jam walks in )ust
nodding at ,/a/ and motions for his friends to follow. Jam looks at his 'arents and kee's
walking0 doesn!t say anything to them. *e does the same with the -and mem-ers after
sto''ing to look at the urn real quick. Jam then walks off stage on the o''osite side0
leading the two teenagers.)
9r. 4en/ie (with his arm around his wife)
*e!s ok & ho'e.
9rs. 4en/ie
Yeah0 same here% & think he!s going u' to her
(2eo'le take turns mourning infront of the urn and the curtains close)
Scene II
(Jam and the two #eenagers are walking into a -edroom. #he -ed has a 'ink -eds'read
with a closet near-y and there is a -athtu- somewhere with a ta-le near-y that has a hair
dryer on it and other -eauty necessities.)
#his is her room you guys% & think this is the only
'art of the house without 'eo'le in it. (goes to the
closet near the -ed) #here!s a secret stash of -oo/e
here (takes out a -ottle of alcohol and one of coke
with three 'lastic cu's and sets them on the -ed)
#eenager >
*ere0 let me get that (starts to serve the drinks and
hand them out while Jam saysC)
& wish & would know for sure if & was safe from
dying. .r at least some way to make sure the 'act
#eenager =
*aha% the only one that knows for sure would -e
the devil himself.
#eenager > (laughing)
Yeah haha% no way of talkin to him.
&s there anyway & could die and come -ack" You
know" 7ike those stories of 'eo'le that go to the
other side and come -ack with cra/y stories"... &
would go straight to hell right" Aecause of the 'act
with 7illith"
#eenager > (still laughing)
& don!t know man% according to -oth -i-les
though the only way to go straight to hell is to
commit suicide.
#eenager =
Yeah0 havent you ever seen that movie% what was
it called% ?Constantine@$. You know" #he one
where the twin wants to see if her sister is in hell
and goes there to make sure with the hel' of
;o you remem-er how they did it"
#eenager >
& do% they used water% Constantine said it
?smooths the transition@ -ecause it!s a universal
conduit. e need to have you commit suicide in
7ets use the -athtu- and the hair dryer$ #hat should
work right"
(Jam gets u' quickly and turns on the water getting in with all his clothes.)
hy don!t you guys chant something to make sure &
come -ack"
#eenager =
(-oth teenagers get down infront of the tu- chantingC ?moderam% suderam%
moderam% suderam%@)
here we go%
(turns on the hair dryer and closes his eyes dunking his head. *e then dro's the hair dryer
in the tu-. #he 'ower goes out after some electric noises signifying electroshock and a
few off stage screams)
#eenager >
7ets get the hell out of here man$
#eenager =
5ight -ehind you hoss.
Scene III
(John walks in carrying a candle. *e goes over to the side and fli's a -reaker switch. *e
turns around and sees Jam in the tu- with smoke eminating from it. hile running
towards the tu- he saysC)
.h my :Bd$$ Jam$$$ S.9DA.;Y$$$ *el' *im$$$$
(John 'icks u' a cell'hone and calls for an am-ulance)
*ello" #here has -een an accident on HIJ K
'lease come right away0 &% &%. someone!s dead.
(John gets u' and staggers off stage. Curtains Close)

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