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Latino News, Entertainment, Style and Culture

I am a senior MIT, a materials engineer, an honors student, and a woman. I also have been told
hundreds of times that I don't deserve to be where I am. The idea that there was some sort of quota
for women would be repeated to me over and over in the coming months, and it only got worse when
I went to MIT.
The success of the political landscape of the Philippines is contigent upon how we can move the
populace out of poverty and bring them to the educated middle class with power and decision
When we use imagery that makes an entire community feel excluded and diminished, exactly what
tradition are we celebrating?
While some households and neighborhoods have recovered from the recession, most black and
Latino households and neighborhoods are still waiting to recover.
Mechele Dickerson
Law professor at UT-Austin and author of 'Homeownership and America's Financial Underclass'
As a young girl, I used to pray in my bed every night that God would miraculously give me blonde
hair, blue eyes, and creamy white skin. After that didn't work, I had another plan: hydrogen peroxide
and lemon juice.
What mainstream Americans have failed to realize is that Hispanics have played and will continue to
play a crucial role in our nation. Hispanics have contributed to every avenue of American life since
the inception of this country.
To some, making education more efficient is simply a matter of better budget management and
improved allocation of resources. But to many others, speaking in these terms at all when talking
about a child's right to learn seems inappropriate.
Whatever the debates might be, both political parties cannot afford to play with the Hispanic vote.
Immigration reform is a key tool to courting America's greatest political asset. How both political
parties resolve the immigration debacle can be an important gauge on the future of American
political process.
Until now, consumers have been able to use any device and access any content on the Internet on an
equal basis. Those protections could all go away, depending on what the FCC decides. What the
companies want, it turns out, is no rules at all -- or at least rules so weak and vague that they can't
be enforced in any meaningful way.
Preeti Vissa
Chief Operating Officer, The Greenlining Institute
While what we at Gamaliel fight on are depressing issues, right now, at least, I'm kind of giddy. It's
not often that a two-time Pulitzer-winning journalist basically endorses everything we are doing.
Minority students typically do not have the opportunity to study a language much less study abroad.
They face financial barriers, to be sure, but also cultural ones. For a young person who has never
left his or her zip code, much less flown on a plane, going overseas is a daunting consideration.
Why such different regard from the government between these children and their parents when
poverty, just like wealth, knows no age, but is rather inherited?
Polling shows that Latino voters vote on issues, not on personalities. Polling also shows that Latinos
are paying close attention to the immigration issue, and that they consider immigration reform -- and
executive action by the president on immigration -- to be extremely important and urgently needed.
NCLR Action Fund
The NCLR Action Fund works to empower the Latino community nationwide.
Today, in our ongoing "Hanging in the Balance" series, we bring you the second part of Gaby
Gomez's story.
She won her Oscar for playing Anita in West Side Story, which boasts some of the finest dancing
ever put on film. But her Oscar didn't open doors to better movie roles. In fact, it took another seven
years before she made another movie. She turned down roles which stereotyped her as -- in her
words -- "Conchita/Lolitas."
Tavis Smiley
PBS talk show host, PRI radio host, NYT bestselling author
"When Our Troops Serve, Their Families are Serving, Too." So says the slogan of Joining Forces,
First Lady Michelle Obama's national initiative to bring attention to the needs of military families.
But what happens if a family member is undocumented? Does this mean that they are serving their
country any less?
This isn't just the fight of indigenous peoples. It's the fight of everyone, because the air we all
breathe doesn't have borders. Water doesn't have borders. While we humans place political borders,
the Earth is a unified entity. And the consequences of pollution are affecting everyone.
Patricia Gualinga
International Relations Director for the Kichwa First People of Sarayaku in the Ecuadorian Amazon
I used to be one of those people who didn't understand
the threat of climate change. I wondered, "Why should global warming matter to me?" When I
learned what a warmer world would look like -- especially for people of color and low-income
communities -- I was terrified.

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