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y is mr fabia vry eager 2 kn0w if d' flpn0 w0men r stll d' same lke dey wre 2o yrs
ag0?wat was d' anser of der visi2r?

2.w0ul u agre dat 0ur flpina r stll 'G0dfearing,faithful,m0dest,&nice' as dscrbed by

fabias visi2r?h0w d0 u dscribe 0ur flpina w0men as of 2day in terms of d0s criteria
cted by da gntleman.

3.wat can u say ab0ut d' new breEd of flipna 2day such as keanna reeves,kris
aquin0,p0ps fernandez?0r smply d' japayuki,bruneiyuki etc..?if rizal is still alve dis
day, d0 u thnk he will accept d' changes and rew0rd his p0em entitled '2 d' w0men
of mal0l0s' 2 c0nf0rm wid d' pace of time?

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