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Jaime Stout

Intro Paragraph for Research Paper

Born in 1899, Mordecai Gorelik was one of the most renowned scenic designers of the
century. Of the numerous productions his work was seen in, he is most famous for his scenic
design for the play All My Sons. His style with scenic design was extremely recognizable,
mainly for its simple, yet impactful minimalism, as can be seen in his work on Golden Boy,
and his main expertise in set design was a very realistic indoor, quite often a standard household,
setting. Although he was most renowned for his work as a theatrical designer, Mordecai Gorelik
was a man who wore several different hats. In addition to being a scenic designer, and a lighting
designer, Gorelik was also an author and a playwright. In his lifetime Mordecai Gorelik was
published twice. Their titles being, New Theatres for Old and Toward a Larger Theatre, the
latter of which was a collection of the seven plays Gorelik had written, and the former of which
is a book that theatre professors still use in their classrooms to this day.

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