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Basha 1

19 September 2014

Dr. Rebecca Baker
Benjamin Franklin Charter Schools
Gilbert, AZ

Dear Dr. Rebecca Baker,

It was a pleasure meeting you last week, and I appreciate the time you spent discussing
Benjamin Franklin Charter Schools with me. Per our discussion, I am writing you to
apply for the history teacher position at your new high school. I am currently in my
senior year at Arizona State University, completing a bachelors degree in
Interdisciplinary Studies with a focus on History and Political Science.

My main focus in history has been particularly tailored to a history of the United States of
America. Much of my research and background focuses especially on:
The American Revolution
The Western Migration of the United States
Arizona History
I chose to couple History and Political Science together into one major because as I have
noticed that central to any historical period is a governing body. A thorough
understanding of Politics and the founding of governments is key to a true understanding
of how we came to be here.

I admire your school and the importance you place on American History, in particular the
founding of our country. Your schools namesake, Benjamin Franklin is very apropos,
especially at a time when fundamental rites such as the Pledge of Allegiance is being
challenged as unconstitutional. Todays students not only have a right to know the
history of the world, but the history of their heritage. From my understanding following
our discussion, the high school history curriculum is mainly geared toward the United

I know with my background in history and political science, I will bring to your students
an understanding of The United States of America like no one else. History is not just a
study of the past, but a journey into our identity. I know that I will inspire in all of your
students, not only a love of history, but a patriotism for this country. I want to thank you
for your consideration and time, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Brandon Basha

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