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Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC.

All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
As I look back on the last decade of my life I attribute the largest single
personal, professional and peace of mind gains to Matthew and his coaching/
mentoring. Tru Matthews guidance I have been able to build a life that
I love living. Sure, he was there when I bought my frst Rolex, BMW, and
made the frst million but those things really pale in comparison with the real
gifts such as learning how to be grateful and accepting myself and other people
unconditionally. Matthew is one of the rarest people on the planet because of
the intensity in which he projects his energy in fulflling other peoples dreams.
Whether you are seeking fame, fortune, joy, acceptance or just pure bliss, the
teacher is ready when you are and his name is Matthew Ferry.
Matthews coaching programs DELIVER. His processes truly do lead
to power, proft and peace of mind. My experience through the 6 month
mastermind program exceeded my expectations. I had unbelievable moments
of clarity, unlike any in 20+ years and worth any price. My marriage has
opened to a new level, and my wife deeply appreciates the shift. Unexpected,
unexplainable good fortune has become a regular experience for me. Oh, and
without doing anything diferently, my net worth grew by more than my
current annual income in 6 months. Whether youre in sales like many of his
clients, or like me with a technology background, once you allow Matthews
coaching and processes to work, your business, your life and your experiences
will be deeply, positively and permanently transformed.
After participating in Matthews classes and applying his teachings on
a daily basis, every aspect of my life has transformed into a celebration of
joy. Experiencing enthusiasm and a renewed zest for life, I wake up every
morning with a feeling of eagerness and positive anticipation for what this
day is going to bring. Not only has my business expanded beyond belief, I also
have drawn to me my soul mate and life partner. Matthews teachings, fueled
with his strong passion and humor, have inspired me to live a life, better and
brighter than I ever could have imagined. Matthew has shown me to dream
big, to have the courage to go for the realizations of my dreams. To trust myself,
living with awareness and clarity are his greatest gifts to me.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Matthew Ferry
Matthew Ferry is a revealer, illuminator & awakener whose point
of view creates instant transformation in peoples lives. Since 1993
he has personally coached more then 8000 people, including
leaders in business at esteemed companies like Goldman Sachs
to cutting-edge entrepreneurs and sales people, who were all
seeking to breakthrough what had been stopping them from
achieving happiness. With tens of thousands of hours invested in
the understanding of what causes a person to take the actions that
will lead to success, Matthew has discovered a shocking truth; that
happiness is the vital ingredient for creating success and NOT the
result of achieving success.
If you are ready for a breakthrough, then Matthew Ferrys provocative, left feld approach
will inspire and empower you to take action on your most cherished dreams NOW.
As a global thought leader in personal transformation, Matthew Ferry has penned
many powerful books and life-changing seminars including Transforming Fear into
Action, Creating Sales Velocity and the infamous Inspired Action Coaching Program.
In addition to his ground breaking Inspired Action Weekly Coaching Program,
Matthews latest ofering Ridiculous Bliss based on his most powerful work as a coach
and trainer. Discover that your mind is not your friend, your opinion is the source of
your sufering, and that nothing has to change to make you happy.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Instant Inspiration
Copyright Matthew Ferry 2008 - 2012
All rights reserved. Tis book, or parts thereof, may not be
reproduced in any form without written permission of the Author.
Published and distributed by:
Elevate Te Vibe LLC
PO Box 9232
Seattle, WA 98109
Cover art and graphics by Vektorial Design
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................................................... 7
Strategy One - Your Prophecy Letter ...............................10
Strategy Two - Te 10/10 Visualization .......................... 13
Strategy Tree - Daily Gratitude List ..............................17
Strategy Four - Daily Intentions ......................................19
Strategy Five - Attracting the Perfect People .................. 21
Strategy Six - Your Victories and Miracles ...................... 26
Strategy Seven - Create a Dream Board .......................... 27
Strategy Eight - Te Power of Meditation .......................31
Strategy Nine - Te Power of Visualization .................... 34
Strategy Ten - Power Daydreaming ................................ 35
Strategy Eleven - Te Power of Afrmations .................. 39
Strategy Twelve - Empowering Questions .......................41
Strategy Tirteen - Te Power of Forgiveness ................. 44
Strategy Fourteen - Trevors Visualizing Game ............... 47
Strategy Fifteen - Te Perfect Game ................................52
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Instant Inspiration
15 Bulletproof Strategies to Get You Inspired
and in Action on Your Dreams Now
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
A young man approached the manager of a lumber mill and told him I can
chop wood three times faster then any of your men, you should hire me.
Te manager said, I dont have any positions available right now, young
man. And my guys are the best in the business. So there is no way your
claim is true. To which the young man rebutted, If your guys are that
good, then give me a shot and prove me wrong. Te manager agreed to the
challenge. After the contest was done, the young man had chopped three
times as much wood in the same amount of time as his competitor. Te
young man was hired.
After three weeks the manager noticed the young man was chopping wood
at the same rate as everyone else. He approached the young man after work
one day and declared, Im going to have to let you go! You arent keeping
your end of the bargain. You have slowed down and you are now chopping
at the same speed as everyone else.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Te young man looked defeated and replied, Ive been so busy chopping
wood that I havent had time to sharpen my ax.
Why are success and happiness out of reach for most people? Because most
people are not inspired and consequently in action on their dreams. In this
book, you will receive 15 bulletproof strategies to get inspired today. Tere
is no someday. Tese strategies will give you the tools you need to short-
circuit the steps to your own success.
Every strategy is about lining up your energy, getting your mind focused
and removing the obstacles to joy, inspiration, happiness and excitement.
When you feel those things, you are on fre, loving life and totally in action.
No external motivation sources are necessary.
After personally coaching over 8,000 people one-on-one to achieve success
and happiness, I realized that what set apart the people who achieved
success from those who struggled to achieve was one simple concept.
Te discipline of sharpening your mental AX! It is so easy to avoid the
disciplines that bring about long-term prosperity, happiness and peace. We
gravitate to those things that blot out the sufering of the mind. It is so
tempting to fll the mind with entertainment and bubble gum.
Every discipline in this book will help you create a life flled with
anticipation, excitement, joy and outstanding results.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Its all about sharpening your ax. And what is your ax? Your mind, your
thoughts, your energy, your focus! Are you ready to get into that place of
joy, happiness, excitement and enthusiasm NOW?
Tese feelings make way for inspiration. When you are inspired you will
go the extra mile, do what is necessary to get the results you want. When
you are inspired, there is no need for motivational pep talks. When you
are inspired, you take action because you want to. You do hard things that
other people may not do, with pleasure.
Any one of the 15 strategies that follow could be the ONE idea, tool,
discipline or technique that accelerates your success and happiness into the
stratosphere this year.
Warning: Dont make yourself wrong and beat yourself up if you dont do
every single thing these strategies tell you to do. Just do the most you can
do. Dont get stuck, dont get stopped by what you are feeling or thinking
when you read the lesson. If you cant get yourself to do it, move on to the
next one. One of my strategies is going to get you inspired and in action on
your dreams. Just keep pushing forward!
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Strategy One
- Your Prophecy Letter
Te frst thing you want to do is get out of the past, stop trying to fx
yourself, stop fretting over what you are going to do to have more success
and happiness. Stop looking at what didnt work and start prophesizing
about your future.
In this lesson, you will write a letter as though you had achieved
everything you wanted to achieve, dated one year from today.
As background, I want you to understand that your mind, which I lovingly
call Te Drunk Monkey, is not an efective tool for achieving your goals
and dreams. Your minds job is to keep you alive and one of the tools it uses
to keep you safe is to prophesize about negative futures and then try to
avoid them.
Hello! Tis is a problem. You get what you focus on. If you allow Te
Drunk Monkey to focus on negative futures and try to avoid them, it
actually attracts them straight to you.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
So whats the solution? Create your own one-year prophecy letter. Tat is
your frst strategy. Write a letter as if it is one year from now. Look back
over the last year, and describe how amazing your life has been since you
started sharpening your ax. Write the letter in present tense.
Write about everything and everyone that is important to you:
Primary relationship (spouse or partner)
Physical health
Write it today! Write it right now! Dont hesitate. Your letter doesnt have
to be long. It can be two paragraphs. As long as you start thinking as
though you were already in the future you wish to create.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
By the way, when I coach people through this process I usually ask them
to do one new thing every day. To help you achieve that accountability
structure I created a free 15-day version of these strategies spoon-fed to
you with audio and examples. Check it out at
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Strategy Two
- The 10/10 Visualization
In this lesson, you will receive a powerful visualization tool.
Are you ready for the bottom line? Discipline creates freedom.
Tis is a paradox because most people live like it is the other way around.
People say to me, How can I be free if I am disciplined? Some of my
clients say to me, If I am doing things in a regimented way, then I am not
giving myself the freedom and fexibility I need to be happy.
Te opposite is actually true. If you are not disciplining yourself, you are not
likely to experience the freedom to be happy. Discipline gives
you the skills, mindset, and power to create the circumstances in your life
that will light you up, and make you happy.
Tink about Olympic fgure skaters. Tey display an amazing freedom
on the ice. How did they get this freedom? In most cases, that freedom
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
of movement on the ice was preceded by a decade or more of rigid daily
True freedom happens through discipline. Te following discipline will
increase the magic in your life. My students experience amazing results as a
result of doing this exercise every day
10/10 Visualization
Are you ready to create some wild results in your life? Big dreams and big
manifestations will spring forth from the daily use of this technique.
Counting your blessings each day is essential for explosive growth. Te
more you study my material, the more you naturally become grateful and
inspired. Tats what it takes to transform your life, to create the maximum
power to manifest your dreams. Te universe is happy to provide for you, as
long as you are happy about what you already have. If you are dissatisfed
with your current situation, that energy muddlesup your intentions. Te
more dissatisfed you are, the more you receive that which dissatisfes you.
Remember, this is an attraction-based universe.
From gratefulness, powerful manifesting becomes possible. Heres what you
are going to do to become more grateful and put this power to work for
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Make a list of 10 things you love about your life, your family, your job, your
product, the opportunities you have, and your customers. Include anything
that works well in your life, anything you like, and all the people you are
happy about having in your life. Ten add things you are thankful for.
Make a list of 10 things you want to accomplish: your goals, dreams,
visions, and aspirations in life.
Once you have the lists, you can begin this discipline. Every morning, fnd
a comfortable place to sit with your back straight and feet on the ground.
Before you start, take a moment to review both lists. Ten, close your eyes
and take 10 deep breaths. Hold each breath as long as you can. Ten blow
it out slowly.
Now, that you are in a very powerful, conscious state, mentally review your
list of everything that is good, that you are happy about. Dwell on each
item. Get really connected with how great it is to have this in your life. Let
the emotions of gratitude well up inside of you and overfow. Its okay to
cry tears of joy. In fact, thats the objective.
Once you have spent some time truly appreciating your life mentally,
shift to your list of things you want to accomplish. But keep the feeling of
gratitude. First think about how amazing your life is that you have these
kinds of objectives. Ten start being thankful for each item as if it had
already come true, or was already happening or occurring right now. Tink
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
about it the same way you thought about the frst list. Let your imagination
run away with you.
One of the key elements to this visualization is getting emotional. By
goosing up the desire, you turbo-boost the results you achieve. During each
10/10 Visualization exercise, work to charge your emotions with gratitude
and get as excited as you can about how great your life is. Ten transfer
that same excitement to your desired outcomes and dreams. Get excited as
if your dreams are coming true right now. You have hit maximum power
when you are moved to tears of joy for the opportunities the universe has
provided you.
Note that you wont always be able to create the feelings you want, so dont
make yourself wrong when it is not as intense as it was before. Keep doing
the 10/10 Visualization and your emotions will eventually ramp up.
Do it now! Dont wait. Make your list of 10 things you love about your
life and 10 goals and dreams. Do it now. Get in action. Open up a Word
Document, get out a scratch pad, send it in an e-mail to yourself, do it now.
If you are in breakdown, this is your ticket out. If you are on a roll in your
life, this will keep you rolling.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Strategy Three
- Daily Gratitude List
In this lesson, you write what you feel gratitude about every day.
Its all about gratitude! Your life rocks. Te Drunk Monkey (remember, this
is what I call the mind) wont let you acknowledge it. Why? Te mind is
focused on survival. Its goal is to keep you safe, and it does this by trying
to prevent your negative future. As a result you ruminate about potential
negative futures and set into motion a pathway to create more of what you
dont want in your life.
Te Drunk Monkey and Te Law of Attraction are defnitely not friends!
You may be interested in these highlights from a research project on
gratitude and thankfulness from UC Davis and University of Miami. Here
is the synopsis. Gratitude is the forgotten factor in happiness research.
Tis is a long-term research project designed to create and disseminate a
large body of novel scientifc data on the nature of gratitude, its causes, and
its potential consequences for human health and well-being.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
In an experimental comparison, those who kept gratitude journals on a
weekly basis exercised more regularly, reported fewer negative physical
symptoms, felt better about their lives as a whole, and were more optimistic
about the upcoming week compared to those who recorded hassles or
neutral life events (Emmons & McCullough, 2003).
A related beneft was observed in the realm of personal goal attainment.
Participants who kept gratitude lists were more likely to have made
progress toward important personal goals compared to subjects in the other
experimental conditions.
A daily gratitude intervention (self-guided exercise) with young adults
resulted in higher reported levels of the positive states of alertness,
enthusiasm, determination, attentiveness and energy compared to a focus
on hassles or a downward social comparison (ways in which participants
thought they were better of than others). Tere was no diference in levels
of unpleasant emotions reported in the groups.
Today start a gratitude list, journal, book, word doc, however you will most
easily integrate the practice of feeling grateful into your life.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Strategy Four
- Daily Intentions
In this lesson, you will write your intentions every day.
Do you know how amazing you are? Te very fact that you are reading
the Instant Inspiration is totally amazing! Just take a moment and think
about how committed you are. Take a deep breath, put your shoulders back,
shake your head yes and think, You are right, Matthew Ferry, I am totally
committed to having the best year of my life.
Remember the young man with the ax? He could cut trees three times
faster then anyone else when he spent time sharpening his ax. You are
going to start experiencing some miracles here. I defne miracles as good,
unexpected experiences that occur in your life.
To experience unbelievable good fortune in your life simply write down
your intentions every day. What do you want? What would you like to have
show up at your doorstep? What are you creating? Are you living your life
by default or by design? What do you want in your life?
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
More money Better relationships
More business Happiness
Kids to thrive Te perfect mate
Te perfect job Opportunities
To be creative
Many people want what they feel will make them look good or ft in. Most
people are just tolerating their lives. It takes courage to ask for what you
really want.
When you declare your manifestation, it becomes 90 percent complete.
You are declaring all the time. Most people dont declare intentionally.
Complaints are intentions. Gossip is an intention. Describing what
happened is an intention. Describing what you dont want is an intention.
Analyzing is an intention. What you intend will happen so begin to listen
to yourself today.
Write down three things you want in your life now. Dont wait. Im your
coach! Im your trainer! Do it now. My job is to push you to go beyond the
Drunk Monkey. Go beyond the resistance. Lets go. Write something down
now. If you want to really amplify your power, declare what you want to a
community of people who will support you.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Strategy Five
- Attracting the Perfect People
In this lesson, you will get perfect clarity around what you want to attract
into your life.
In my training course Awakening Sales Velocity I systematically
train people to become magnetic to opportunities. I call it opportunity
consciousness. Te action of being aware of what you want brings it to you.
Now heres the interesting twist. Opportunities come in the form of people.
Te people you meet hold the opportunities. Te questions are: Will you
know them when you see them?
Imagine attending a gathering and people feel compelled to walk up to you
and start a conversation. How many more opportunities would come your
way if people were interested in you? Te millionaires Ive coached over the
years are people magnets.
Are you ready for that? Are you ready to become a people magnet and
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
attract the opportunities you have always desired? Te trick will totally blow
you away. Listen to this one word. Clarity! Clarity is powerful. Clarity is
attractive. Clarity is totally free. Anyone can have it. Here is how it works.
Have you ever been in the market to buy a new car? Remember when you
made the decision on the car you were going to buy? Suddenly, you started
seeing that particular model everywhere! It was as if everyone decided
to buy the same car you were going to buy. Is that true? No. People were
driving those cars the whole time, long before you got in the market to buy
one. You just werent aware of it.
Science tells us that we are exposed to more than one billion bits of
information every second and our brain cannot process it. In fact, our brain
can only deal with seven (plus or minus two) things at any given time. As
it turns out, the world is flled with what you want, and all you have to do
is become clear about what is wanted and it will mysteriously appear. Isnt
that crazy?
If you are anything like me, you probably have felt like youve had to
work hard to make things happen in life. It didnt seem like anything was
mysteriously appearing for me, early in my life. But as soon as a millionaire
friend if mine taught me this concept everything changed. Are you ready
for things to get a lot easier?
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Te moment you get clear about the people you want to attract into your
life, the perfect people appear. Now, take a minute to think about that.
Te moment you put your attention on something like dream clients, angel
investors, the perfect mate, or your champion or advocate, they start to
appear everywhere. Isnt that exciting?
You are about to discover that you are surrounded by people who would
love to send business your way, or give you that opportunity you have been
seeking. You are too busy focusing on their absence to see them. OUCH!
And by the way, its not magic. Its brain science. But I dont want to bore
you with those details now. Lets get focused on attracting the perfect
people with the perfect opportunities now.
Clarity is the answer. So lets get clear, right now. You can use this exercise
to determine the qualities and characteristics of the perfect clients, the
perfect customer, the perfect business partner, the perfect bringer of
opportunity, the perfect employee. Whoever you wish to attract into your
life now can be attracted, if you will get clarity. Lets use the example of the
perfect client. Remember we could just as easily substitute perfect client for
perfect mate, investor, employee or collaborator.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Dream Client Exercise:
Open a Word Document or pull out a note pad and get ready to write.
Answer this question: have you ever worked with a client that was truly a
pleasure to work with?
If not, can you imagine what they would be like? For example, what would
it be like to do a deal with your most trusting and easy going friend? With
that person in mind, make a list of qualities, characteristics and attributes
of your dream client. Expand your list by answering questions to help you
discover your Dream Client.
What is their attitude?
What kind of positive behaviors do they display around you?
How do you feel around them?
How do they treat you?
What is your communication like with them?
How do they speak to others about you?
What are they committed to in your relationship?
How many referrals do they send you?
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Now type that list up and keep a copy in your car to review before
appointments. Put a copy up on the fridge at home so you see it every day.
Keep a copy in your ofce and review it in the morning before you start
the day. Keep a folded up copy in your wallet or purse. Tis way you see it
often, and even if you dont read it, the fact that it is there will make you
think about it again. Keep a copy next to your bed and each night, and say
to yourself, Tank you for sending me Dream Clients and then review
your list before you close your eyes.
Now, you can use this process for anyone you want to attract.
Consider this. You are reading this because I made my perfect client list
and you showed up! Ive also got a list for my perfect Joint Venture Partner,
my perfect employee, my perfect creative partner, my perfect mate, and
even for my perfect child.
Remember, if you want me to spoon feed these lessons to you everyday
check out
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Strategy Six
- Your Victories and Miracles
In this lesson you will discover you are what you think about.
You must learn to focus on your wins, not your losses. You get what you
focus on. You become what you think about. Your thoughts are powerful
magnets. So what are you focusing on?
Great stuf happens to you. You have wins, victories, you overcome
obstacles, you do the right thing, and you do something extraordinary all
the time. Do you know that about yourself ?
Of course not! Te Drunk Monkey (your mind) doesnt have time for
acknowledgement. Plus, the Drunk Monkey will tell you its silly to
acknowledge yourself. Te Drunk Monkey and the Law of Attraction are
defnitely not allies.
You get what you focus on. Te Drunk Monkey focuses on whats wrong,
what needs to be fxed, whats broken, and what might happen that needs
to be avoided.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
So how do you get yourself out of the self-fulflling prophecy of negativity
and downward spirals? Focus your energy on the positive wins. Journal your
wins, victories and miracles every single day.
Do you ever have a down day where you feel glum, feel of, not quite on the
ball? You can open up your victory journal and revisit how magical your life
has been.
Do it now. Write down all the wins, victories and miracles youve
experienced over the last few days. Get in the habit. Take time to sharpen
your ax every day.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Strategy Seven
- Create a Dream Board
In this lesson, you will focus on what happens when life is as good as it gets.
What has happened to you since you began reading Instant Inspiration?
Are you reading this all in one sitting, or have you paused with days in
between to integrate the material? If you are reading this over the course
of a week or several days, you are probably already experiencing some
miraculous things in your life. Are you feeling more optimism, more joy
and more inspiration? Share those feelings with others and watch it grow.
Would you like to share a testimonial with me? If you would like to share
a testimonial about how great your life is becoming send me an email at
Tank you in advance! Your testimony will help you expand your good
feelings and it will help me to change the world and bring billions of
people in to a state of happiness and peace!
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Now, it is time to sharpen your ax!
If life was as good as it gets, what would it look like?
What are your dreams?
What do you want?
What kind of house do you want?
What kind of car do you want to drive?
Do you want a spouse? Do you want a revitalized relationship with
your spouse?
What are the ultimate vacation spots for you?
Do you want a boat, a yacht or several yachts?
Te world is your oyster! You can have anything you want.
Heres the assignment:
1. Go buy a ton of magazines. Buy a journal I like a spiral pad.
2. Cut out all the pictures that remind you of the life you are creating.
3. Paste them in the book in a meaningful way. Keep the book by
your bed and review it daily
4. Daydream, fantasize and feel what it would be like to have
everything you want in your life.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Do it today! Create a dream book that visually represents what your life
would look like at its peak. Te best life you can think of.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Strategy Eight
- The Power of Meditation
In this lesson you will discover the power of meditation.
Nothing has made a bigger diference in my life then meditation.
Isnt that an odd thing to think about? Te practice of sitting silently and
not doing anything has made the biggest diference in my life. Meditation
is the process of self-mastery. It is mastery of the mind. Meditation gets
you connected with who you really are. Meditation frees you from the grip
of Te Drunk Monkey who can be belligerent, nasty, and judgmental and
mean to you.
In meditation, you realize that your mind is not your friend. You realize
that your mind is just biology. It is energy moving through felds of
neurons in your brain. Your mind does not listen to you. It may or may not
like you. It isnt interested in you being inspired. Meditation is the process
of observing your mind and noticing how funny it is. Once you can see
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
your mind for what it really is, it starts to shut up and not be so dominant
in your consciousness.
As you see your mind for what it is (just biology), your confdence soars.
You begin to feel like you are on the right path. Even when the future is
unclear, you trust that you are going to be taken care of. Its awesome. You
will love it. Confdence, certainty and trust become yours for no reason, just
because you are alive.
Doesnt that sound crazy? Te Drunk Monkey is exactly the opposite. Te
Drunk Monkey is about fear, anger, distrust, skepticism, and hesitance.
Tere is nothing wrong with that; it is just that you get what you focus on.
So let me lead you in a very simple meditation right now.
Close your eyes.
Take a deep full breath.
Keep taking deep full breaths all the way down to your belly.
Even push your belly out with the breaths.
Nice and slow, begin to allow yourself to feel totally relaxed.
Relax your efort.
Relax your shoulders.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Now I want you to breathe in and say to yourself I wonder what my next
thought will be? and hold your breath until it comes. Te next time you
breathe in, say it again I wonder what my next thought will be? and hold
your breath until a thought comes. When a thought comes, exhale, and as
you are breathing in say I wonder what my next thought will be? and keep
going for about 30 seconds.
Every day, maybe while you are driving, or maybe in the shower, spend a
couple minutes saying to yourself I wonder what my next thought will be?
Just notice.
Get out of judgment. Its not bad that you have to poop. Pooping isnt
wonderful, its stinky and inconvenient, but you dont make it wrong, you
just accept it as a part of your experience. Te same thing could be said
about thinking. It is not wrong; it is just a part of your experience. You have
just accidentally made it important when it is not.
Inspiration fows in moments of no thought. Sharpen your ax.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Strategy Nine
- The Power of Visualization
Tis lesson shows the power of visualizing outcomes every day, all day long.
In my powerful teleseminar Awakening Sales Velocity I share how to
utilize the power of visualization to attract sales efortlessly. Tese people
want to attract more prosperity, abundance and good fortune into their
lives. Te class has gotten bigger and bigger over the years because of word
of mouth. Everyone who takes it says the same thing I had no idea that
my life could accelerate that fast, just by getting control over my mind.
Visualization is one of the most powerful tools for taking control of
the mind, and you are going to start doing it today. I learned it from
professional athletes, who pioneered the process and brought it into the
mainstream in the early 1970s.
So how do you do it?
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
First of all, remember that your mind is not your friend and your
mind is not interested in your goals and dreams. Your mind, aka The
Drunk Monkey, is interested in survival and keeping you alive. Its like
the CIA for the body, so it is not going to cooperate most of the time
and it will quickly lapse into a sea of crazy thoughts that are totally
random and completely off track. Dont make The Drunk Monkey
wrong, just gently point The Drunk Monkey back to the images you
want to be focused on. With practice you will be able to hold images
for several minutes.
What should you visualize? What do you want? What is the
outcome? How do you want to behave? What results do you want to
When should you visualize?
Before anything important
Before a meeting
Before you perform
Before you drive your car
Before you create something
Before you get to a parking lot
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
My kids visualize before they take tests, before they play soccer, before
taking a golf swing. You become what you think about. You thoughts
become things. Where your attention goes, energy fows.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Strategy Ten
- Power Daydreaming
I think I can, I think I can, I think I canI know I can! You are two-thirds
of the way through Instant Inspiration
In this lesson, you will discover power daydreaming. Tis tool will rock
your world.
You are working on being able to chop three times more wood in the same
time as everyone else. How? By keeping your ax sharp! Most people make
the mistake of getting in action too soon. Tey dont take the time to line
their energy up, get their mind clear and focus on what they want. We are
going to get that negative self-talking nasty Drunk Monkey in your head
sober and in shape to make this the best year of your life.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Power Daydreaming
Every day you spend countless hours chewing on thoughts like a cow
chewing on cud. Round and round your mind goes like a hamster on a
wheel, lots of thinking with no particular results in mind.
As a student of Matthew Ferry International, you are now going to utilize
that mindless time for power daydreaming. Catch it when your mind is
wandering and bring it back into focus. How do you want your days to
look? What outcome do you want to produce with this next sales call?
How will your life be 10 years from now? Who is your perfect client and
what makes them so perfect? By spending your time daydreaming about
these things, you keep the Law of Attraction working for you all day. Next
thing you know, youre living your dreams.
Power daydreaming. Catch your mind wandering and visualize something
you want. Play with it all day today.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Strategy Eleven
- The Power of Armations
In todays lesson you will re-discover the power of afrmations.
Are you even using afrmations in your life today? I dont have to tell you
that your life is created from the thoughts you think repetitively. Your
life today is the sum total of what you were thinking previously. And
your future will be what you think about today. Im going to say it again:
Tis is an attraction-based universe, and your thoughts are like powerful
Afrmations are pre-written thoughts. Toughts are magnets for
Use this process to create your afrmations.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
1. Identify what you want: your goals, dreams, visions, and
2. Identify what behaviors cause those results. For example, in my
book Creating Sales Velocity we talk about the Conscious
Salesperson. To become a Conscious Salesperson, one of the
goals is to accept people exactly the way they are. To achieve this,
you look for what you like about each person you meet.
3. Identify how thoughts cause your behaviors. For example: If
you were going to fnd something you liked about everybody, a
thought that might cause you to do that would be something like,
People are interesting.
4. Turn those thoughts into afrmations.
Afrmations should be frst person I am
Afrmations should be present tense
Afrmations should be action-oriented: I fnd people interesting.
I look for what I love about everyone I meet.
As you get more excited about your own afrmations, lets talk about ways
to use them. Some of my clients like writing them down every day. Others
have found that reading them each day is a powerful mental programming
tool. A lot of my clients have found someone else who is equally interested
in using afrmations and have arranged a time each day to call each other
and say their afrmations out loud to each other.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Strategy Twelve
- Empowering Questions
Are you inspired? Have you done everything Ive asked you to do? Of course
not! Dont make yourself the bad guy! You are doing the best you can!
In this lesson, you will begin to ask yourself empowering questions.
Remember I said at the beginning, do what you can. Do what is
comfortable. One shift has the power to change your life forever. But let me
tell you a little secret.
Its done. You are cooked. Your life has already changed. Exposure to
Instant Inspiration is all it takes. Even if you didnt do a single thing I
asked, exposure to this material is inescapable in its power to change your
life forever.
Now, ask yourself empowering questions. Here is a sample of the questions
I like to ask myself
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Which feelings will make my life enjoyable today?
Why is today perfect?
What is perfect about my family?
Whats perfect in my life?
What do I love about my job?
What do I love about my products and services?
What do I want the universe to line up for me today?
How do I want my day to look?
Now its your turn. Write down two questions that will empower you today.
What are they? Write, right now. Read my questions again and see if any of
them inspire you.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Te Drunk Monkey loves to ask questions like Why me? What if it
doesnt work? How come everyone else? Wheres mine? How come I didnt
get it?
Te Drunk Monkey learned about life by the time you were two or three
years old and if you really got honest, it hasnt changed. Your mind is not
a grown up. Its a toddler stuck in the Terrible Twos forever. Today, take
conscious control over Te Drunk Monkey and ask it questions that will
get it moving in the direction that you want.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Strategy Thirteen
- The Power of Forgiveness
In this powerful lesson, you release yourself from anger, frustration and pain.
Tis is the time to lift the curse of Te Drunk Monkey! Te Drunk
Monkeys job is to keep you alive. Your minds job is to keep you alive. How
does it do it? It generalizes! You walk over you pet a dog the dog bites
you.Ouch! Next time you see a dog, what does Te Drunk Monkey tell
you to do? Stay away! Te Drunk Monkey generalizes that all dogs bite,
but they dont!
Te Drunk Monkey has been a very powerful survival mechanism over the
centuries and because of it, we have such a wonderful standard of living
But it has gone too far. Tere are people in your life who did something to
you and it hurt you, or it almost hurt you, or they broke your trust, broke your
expectations. Now Te Drunk Monkey is trying to keep you safe from them.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Tis is one of the most destructive side efects of Te Drunk Monkey.
Consider this: Most people are trying to keep themselves safe from their
parents. Hello, your parents only want the best for you, no matter what you
Tere are some people who are trying to protect themselves from their
spouses, lovers, partners and signifcant others. Tat person did something a
while back, and now Te Monkey tells us not to trust them! Are we crazy?
We let Te Drunk Monkey kill of our loved ones.
Who do you need to forgive in your life today? Release yourself from the
destructive focus of protection, anger, frustration, fear, anxiety and hate. Te
more you try to hold the people you know or have known accountable for
some wrong doing of the past, the more you bring it upon yourself again
and again.
In my private coaching practice, one of our frst initiatives is to assist you
in becoming free from the hallucination that you are a victim. I coach my
clients to let go of the past, forgive all who have done them wrong, and step
into their power as the creator of their experience. Lets begin the process
now, shall we?
Tere are no victims. Victim is code for Im not responsible for where
I put my thoughts. Victim means I am unwilling to be responsible for
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
my perception and my reaction. Victim means powerless. Is that you?
Powerless? I dont think so.
Terefore, its time to release the victim mindset and forgive someone
important. Who is it going to be? Who are you making wrong? Who are
you blaming? Who are you holding accountable that doesnt even know it?
Write down the name, right now! Who are you going to forgive in your life?
To take this to the next level, make a list and systematically forgive every
single person in your life all the way back to when you were a toddler.
Inspiration is your natural state! Inspiration occurs when you remove the
toxic irresponsible thinking of the victim. Inspiration happens when you
admit that you are the creator of your experience and you are no longer the
victim of your circumstances.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Strategy Fourteen
- Trevors Visualizing Game
You are on fre! You are unstoppable! Your intention to get inspired and
in action on your dreams now is happening! Yes! I honor you! I appreciate
you! What a blessing to have someone like you in my life.
But there is no secret behind why you are here. I wrote down my qualities
and characteristics of my perfect clients and here you are! So are you ready
for your second to last strategy to get you inspired and in action on your
dreams now?
In todays lesson, you will learn Trevors Visualizing Game.
When my son Trevor was fve years old, I decided he was mentally ready to
start acknowledging himself as the creator of his experience. I wanted to teach
Trevor that work and efort were not required to produce results. I wanted to
teach Trevor that his life was nothing more than a result of what his dominant
thoughts were. But how do you teach that concept to a fve-year-old?
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
After thinking about this for a while, I decided to invent a game, knowing
full well that lecturing him as if he were my student would produce
laughable results at best, and turn him of to the concept. I told Trevor that
he had the ability to produce magical results, if he would just practice. I
told him that whatever he visualized would come true and I proposed the
game. After discussing it, Trevor decided to call it the Visualizing Game.
Heres how it worked. Every night before he went to bed, I asked Trevor
to choose something he wanted to experience. We started of simple. I
asked, What would you like to see in your life? and Trevor responded,
I want to see a blue butterfy! I said, Okay! A blue butterfy. Lets see it
in our minds and show the universe what we want. We both visualized it
and then I said to him, Now, remember that the universe is very excited
to show you a blue butterfy, so lets start looking for one the moment we
wake up. Trevor was always enthusiastic.
At frst it took us a couple of days or even weeks to manifest the result, but
sure enough, we would see what we visualized. Over and over, we played
this game, never choosing something new until our current visualization
had manifested. When the universe delivered what we had visualized, we
always got excited. Sometimes, Trevor would choose things that would
cause me to doubt. One time he said, I want to visualize a golden eagle!
Now I live in California, by the beach, and there are no eagles here, and
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
defnitely no golden eagles. So I worried that this would be the end of the
game, we would never see a golden eagle and he would begin to disbelieve
in his power.
What I didnt acknowledge was the power of my own doubt. Clearly my
doubt was sending the opposite message because three, then four, and
then fve weeks went by and we had not seen a golden eagle. Tis was the
longest it had ever taken to manifest something. It had been so much time
that I had forgotten we were even looking. Tat was the trick! I let go of
my doubt and resistance; in the sixth week Trevor and I were sitting in a
bagel shop. Next-door was a bank whose emblem was a giant golden eagle.
Trevor jumped out of his chair and said, Look, Daddy! A golden eagle!
Te universe did it again!
Now its your turn. Te discipline of being the creator of your experience
becomes proactive with the Trevors Visualizing Game.
Each day, choose something small and unique that you want to manifest.
Dont choose something new until it has manifested. Dont get crazy and
say, Im going to visualize a million dollars showing up on my doorstep.
Your doubt will kill that of in a heartbeat. Start simple. Build your belief
and confdence that you really are the creator of your experience. Tis is a
discipline, like getting up early in the morning. You arent going to one day
start getting up at 4:45 a.m. to work out if for years youve been getting up
at 8:30 a.m. You need to start slow and build some momentum.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Dont get attached to the result or how it looks. Remember, the universe
will always deliver the essence of what you want. For example: Trevor and
I were on a trip to visit his grandparents in Oregon. We hadnt been there
for a couple of years. On our drive from the airport I said, Lets visualize
something! Trevor, always game, said, I want to visualize horses with
hearts on them. Okay, I said, horses with hearts, lets visualize. Well,
about an hour later we drove through this incredibly huge horse farm with
thousands of horses everywhere. But no hearts! So we brushed it of and
said, Te universe only got the message for horses and wow, did it deliver!
Tanks, universe!
About an hour later, we arrived at the house. Trevors grandparents showed
us to our room, which was flled with hearts printed on everything. Tere
were little hearts everywhere! We asked for horses with hearts on them, and
we got horses, and then we got the hearts.
Trevor received a valuable lesson: Te universe will always provide. Just
dont be attached to how it looks. If you visualize a green pencil, you might
see green everywhere all day long and a pencil at the end of the evening.
Mission accomplished.
Te purpose of this game is to continue to build your belief that you are the
creator of your experience of life. So whats it going to be? What will you
manifest today with the power of your thought?
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Remember, the less you care about seeing it, the faster it will come. Te
more attached you are, the slower it comes. Tis is why it takes so long to
manifest your big dreams. Dont get me wrong, your big dreams are coming.
It is just that you send mixed signals. I want a million dollarswhy does
my life suck so badI need a million dollars to fx itbecause my life
sucks so badwont it be great when I get a million dollarsbecause right
now it sucks so bad.
God, source, universeis listening and wants to deliver on intentions you
are setting. Your job is to be in gleeful anticipation.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Strategy Fifteen
- The Perfect Game
In this lesson, you learn Te Perfect Game.
Which of the strategies have you completed? Here are the previous
strategies, in review:
1. One Year Prophecy Letter
2. 10/10 Visualization
3. Gratitude list
4. Setting intentions
5. Your Perfect Customer Attraction List, Your Perfect Mate List,
6. Win book
7. Dream book
8. Meditation
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
9. Visualization
10. Power daydreaming
11. Afrmations
12. Empowering questions
13. Forgiveness
14. Trevors Visualizing Game
And that leads us to our fnal strategy for sharpening your ax, Te Perfect
Te Perfect Game is a discipline. It acknowledges fully that you are the
creator of your experience. It acknowledges that nothing comes to you that
your thoughts and vibrations havent attracted. Your dominant thoughts are
bringing you exactly what you desire. You just have to get out of the way.
Here are the rules:
Whatever is ofered, take it.
Tis is such an important rule. First of all, it allows the whole world of
people to whom you contribute, to contribute back to you. Nothing gives
people more satisfaction than being able to contribute. When you allow
people to contribute to you, they allow you to contribute to them. Its the
Law of Reciprocity. Te people in your life, including your clients, would
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
love nothing more than to tell everyone they know about what you do. You
must use the Law of Reciprocity to your advantage. Allow others to give
to you, and they will allow you to give to them. Tats one reason to accept
what is ofered.
Second, when you simply accept whatever is ofered to you, the excitement
in your life accelerates massively. Suddenly you are receiving all sorts of
magical gifts that you never would have dreamed would come your way.
And because you are going to follow the third rule of
Te Perfect Game, you will fnd yourself enjoying all sorts of new things
and experiences that will make you feel more alive than you have ever been.
All that you have been thinking about is on its way to you, the moment you
think of it. Te problem for most of us is that we stop the universe dead
in its tracks with our doubts. Tis discipline of accepting what is ofered
acknowledges that the universe will deliver whatever we are focused on.
Keep remembering that you must detach yourself from the way your visions
are supposed to look and turn out.
Heres an example. A couple years back I got it in my head that I wanted
a Ferrari for free. I told my wife that I was going to play a game with the
universe. I was going to begin thanking the universe, in advance, for a free
Ferrari. About two months latter, my father called me out of the blue and
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
ofered to give me his new wifes Lexus sport sedan. He already had three
amazing cars and she was going to drive one of them now that they were
Of course, because I play Te Perfect Game, I accepted the car on the spot.
A week after driving the car it occurred to me in a meditation that the
Lexus had the essence of what a Ferrari represented to me. It was fast, slick
looking, and luxurious. It wasnt the Ferrari by any means, yet everything I
thought the Ferrari would be was represented in the car. And best of all, it
was free. Start accepting what ever is ofered today and get ready for your
dreams to start rushing into your life.
Whatever is suggested, do it.
Wow! Can you feel the adventure your life is becoming by taking on this
discipline? You will now begin experiencing the things you have always
wanted to experience but have never had the courage to really ask for. Te
universe cant wait to deliver on your every desire.
Te discipline of doing whatever is suggested continues your quest for
fexibility. It assists you in appreciating all that life has to ofer. It opens
up the possibilities of what you feel is acceptable. Te more you open up
to diferences, the more power you have. You truly amplify the energy of
attraction when you fnd joy in all that is suggested to you.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Whatever happens, declare it perfect.
Tis is the culmination of everything we have been talking about. Go
with the fow. Release your opinion of how things are supposed to be and
instead enjoy what they are. Give up all your rules about how things have
to be in order for you to enjoy them. Give up all the restrictions around
what must happen for life to be right. Give up the constant comparing:
Tis is good, this is bad. Tese are all just arbitrary points of view.
Looking at it from a diferent perspective gives you a diferent judgment.
You become the calming person in every situation, which means you are a
leader. People follow leaders, and mastering the techniques my company
teaches ultimately means you become a great leader. People trust you when
you can make anything and everything okay. Playing the Perfect Game
does just that.
Playing Te Perfect Game for one month means you will have the most
amazing, tantalizing, extraordinary month of your life! Miracles occur
as you accept whatever is happening and declare everything perfect!
Youll fnd yourself lit up, alive, and invigorated while playing this game.
Tat feeling is the most attractive feeling a human being can have. You are
sending out the message of abundance. Abundance is fying at you right
this very second; Just thinking about the game and the possibilities causes
it to happen.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
I challenge you to play this game for the next 30 days. It will blow your
mind how much luck, synchronicity and good fortune will come your way.
So now its time to fgure out whats next. Lets play some more together.
I would love to support you in taking your life to the next level. I know
what we have done here has absolutely started the ball rolling. Now what?
You cant just quit sharpening your ax. Remember the young man at the
lumber mill? After three weeks of chopping and no sharpening he was as
ordinary as everyone else. Head on over to to keep
this inspiration going. Ive got a bunch of free stuf to keep you inspired.
Tank you for giving yourself the gift of Inspired Action! Te world is a
better place because of people like you.
We hope you enjoyed this Matthew Ferry Book. For more info go to and
Creating Sales Velocity, Book by Matthew Ferry published by Spirit
Publishing House.
Awaken Your Power to Attract Sales Efortlessly: A Pocket Guide to
Becoming a Conscious Salesperson
NRG Afrmations, audio CD by Matthew Ferry Super fun high energy
dance music, embedded with powerful afrmations.
Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008-2012 Matthew Ferry. Published and distributed by Elevate The Vibe LLC. All Rights Reserved
Inspired Action Workshop, audio CD by Matthew Ferry In this action
packed workshop, no matter where youre starting from, youll leave with a
clear understanding of what it is you truly want most in the ten key areas
of your lifein your career, your business, your fnances, your body, or your
relationships and fve additional, less talked about areas.
Creating Sales Velocity, audio Book by Matthew Ferry Awaken Your Power
to Attract Sales Efortlessly: A Pocket Guide to Becoming a Conscious
Amplifying Your Money Magnetism: Daily Mental-Conditioning, audio
CD by Matthew Ferry Tis CD includes three separate exercises designed
to focus your mind on making sales, clarify your daily sales goals, amplify
your money magnetism.
If Not Now When, book by Kevin Loberg and Danielle Lenard-
Brunengraber. Learn how to break your patterns and get inspired to get
your life n sync.

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